Asian Diaspora Quizlet Notes PDF

Title Asian Diaspora Quizlet Notes
Author Nyha Rodriguez
Course Multi-Cultl Geographies Of US
Institution Binghamton University
Pages 4
File Size 92.7 KB
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Notes for the quiz on the Asian diaspora....


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Around the time of the great depression (1929), the White majority racialized the Filipino population due to their skin color. Which of the following happened as a result?: public opinion turned against them and they were characterized as criminals and sexual predators


What 3 things describe an ethnoburb?: suburban ethnic clusters of residential areas and businesses districts they are multiethnic communities one ethnic group has significant concentration but does not necessarily comprise the majority


Besides the 3 largest Asian immigrant groups in the U.S. what other 3 states could be added to result in more than 80% of those of Asian ancestry residing in the U.S.?: Japenese, Koreans, and vietnamese


What are Bachelor Societies?: society made up of men who were bachelors only because of the 1882 chinese exclusion act prohibiting their wives and children to enter the United States



During the first wave of the Filipino immigration to the US, in what ways did the white majority react?: They accepted Filipinos seeking advanced education as part of the "white mans Burden" and believed that after securing their educations, young Filipinos would return to their homeland.

What are characteristics of traditional chinatowns?: Bachelor societies ethnic communities focused on chinese goods and services small (except for san franscisco) Evolving cultural landscapes (tourism)



How are Rowland Heights chinese settlements class based?: -chinese living in the southern section of this suburb live in single family homes on large plots of land and have a good view and are middle and upper middle class people -the working class reside in downtown neighborhoods with apartments and high density

what are ethnoburbs?: urban ethnic clusters of residential areas and business districts in large metropolitan areas. They are multiethnic communities in which one ethnic minority group has a significant concentration but does not necessarily comprise the majority


what are heterolocal suburban settlements?: scattered in the suburb but tied to a certain place such as the eden center


What are paper sons?: Chinese people that were born in China who illegally immigrated to the United States by purchasing fraudulent documentations which stated that they were blood relatives to Chinese Americans who had citizenships in the United States.


what are sojouners?: chinese considered themselves sojouners to california meaning they planned on staying temporarily


How did new immigration acts liberalize old laws?: addressed missing skills in US economy redressed past immigration wrongs family reunification assisted refugees in finding safe havens did not eliminate quota, just gave preference


How did the 1870s economy create negative white reactions toward chinese?: a significant economic downturn resulted in capitalists hiring cheap Chinese labor. press that had praised the Chinese now questioned their existence




how did the views towards the chinese change after the construction of the TCRR?: They were seen as intruders for taking american jobs in road and dam construction for low pay. How were the chinese intitially treated when they came to america? why?: they were welcomed and praised as hard workers provided cheap labor did the hard dangerous work on the transcontinental railroad

What are the 3 drivers of diverse geographic settlement structures? processes?: Immigration migration Class differences economic opportunity, and cultural opportunity


What are the two enemies of the 1870s California labor movement?: Capitalism and the chinese


What are traditionally the 2 cultural hearths of US asian geography?: LA metro region on the west and NYC metro region on the east


What are two examples of ethnoburbs that were discussed? what is the major ethnic group that resides within them?: rowland park monterey park chinese


what are two examples of ethnoburbs? what major ethnic group resides there?: Monterey park Rowland park Chinese.


What best describes what happened to the Filipino population and its U.S. geography by the 1920s?: The flow of Filipino migrants increased and located in California and other West Coast states, and in Eastern cities

In the last 20 years, what has become the top destination of Asian migrants?: the U.S.


In the last 20 years, which country has become the top destination of Asian migrants?: the U.S.


In what 2 ways did landscape changes in the housing stock in queens occur?: the replacement of exterior faced with ornamental characteristics (arches, fences, stainless-steel railings) Purchasing homes with european-style architecture, demolishing them, and replacing them with very large homes.



True or false: The majority of Asian migrants come the U.S. with similar human capital: false, it has become bifurcated




What did monterey park evolve and transform into?: A more diverse ethnic area An area with smaller lots to accommodate more chinese immigrants What did the 1934 Tydings McDuffie act solve? what did it do?: the Filipino problem it confirmed independence for the Philippines and halted Filipino entry into the US. They were now a foreign asian country. What did the 1952 INA (McCarran-walter act ) do?: Maintained the wuota but abolished race as a factor introduced a preference system based on family relations and skills helped refugees in immediate danger


what did the 1965 INA (Hart Cellar act ) do?: Abolished the quota but kept preference system


what did the 1980 INA (refugee act ) do?: gave emergency asylum to various refugee groups diversified Asian diaspora


What did the actions of the San Fransico School Board toward the japanese lead to?: The Gentlemen's Agreement


What did the American competitiveness and workforce improvement act of 1998 do? what does this act help explain?: set the annual quota of H-1B the drastic increases in the population of Asian migrants to the US from 1995 to 2000


what did the second wave of Filipino migrants include?: a stepwise movement to Hawaii and then the U.S.


what did the U.S. immirgation act of 1990 do?: diversity visa employment category H1B visas special skills


what does coolie labor?: bitter/unfair labor with below standard pay


what does rowland heights represent?: An emerging ethnic suburb due to the shifting SES patterns due to new chinese immigrants



What does the glass ceiling refer to?: the income disparities between americans and asians that would keep many of them from becoming successful. what does the indian-american visibility in queens include? what has this created with different ancestries?: ehtnic expression in house modification that empasized indian-ness ethnic tensions


What helps maintain unity among a scattered viatnamese population in fairfax, virginia and creates interactions that supports ethnicity?: Eden center


What is indian invisibility?: indians moving into suburbia in white areas so that they are less than 10% of the population passive, withdrawn, and want to focus on success and education


What is Santa Clara County's largest employer, including holders of H1B visas?: Apple Corporation


What is the connection between unbridled capitalsim and asian immigrants?: there were no regulations and owned workers. the cheapest labor was saught and found


What is the model minority myth?: the myth is that all asians are doing well but this ignores class. not all asians are rich educated and smart. some come by skills but other come to US by family reunification and as refugees and are not doing well. they are not a perfect "model minority" group.


What is the name given to California by the chinese?: Golden Mountain


What is the War Brides act?: it allowed American soldiers in WW@ to bring their wives and children from foreign countries to the U.S. on a non-quota basis


what is true about specific asian groups in the U.S.?: -Chinese and Vietnamese have the lowest proportions speaking english well in the US Indians-75% of these migrants hold a bachelor's degree or higher -Vietnamese have a larger share of self employed than do Filipino migrants. Koreans also have a larger share of their migrants as self employed as compared to the filipinos


What is true regarding Asian settlement patterns based on the U.S. census in 2000(3)?: just less than 50% reside in the american west 75% reside in just 10 U.S. states Among cities, NYC has the largest number of Asians and LA was second in the number of asians


What is true regarding the Filipino Population and its settlement geography in the US in 1910?: It was relatively small, numbering in the hundreds, and was distributed in california, Alaska and Louisiana, as well as other parts of the country.


What law is responsible for the growth and diversification of the asian population in the U.S.?: 1965 INA (Hart-Celler)


What law made Filipinos "American Nationals"?: The 1916 Jones act


what law made Filipinos ineligable for citizenship?: 1917 US immigration law


What law was passed to keep the Japanese from owning land and competing with white farmers?: The Alien Land Law


What led to the anti-japanese racism that was supported by politicians and business people in early 1900s California?: Their large-scale shift into self-employment in agriculture, such as truck farming


What makes the asian ethnic neighborhood, santa clara, different from queens?: the indian population is younger, wealthier, more educated, and the ownership rates are lower. in queens, housing is older and more plentifull


What place provided young Filipino men early employment opportunities in mills and on plantations prior to their migration to the U.S. mainland?: Hawaii


What terminology is used to characterize the japanese in America as a "fast-breeding and treasonous" group that intended to lead a japanese invasion of the U.S.?: yellow Peril


what was the race-place connection for the chinese?: nativism turned to racism and created a race place connection towards chinatowns chinese seen as strange immoral and satanic and chinatowns seen as a dirty evil place


What was the second gentlemens agreement act?: President Roosevelt got with the school board to discard the segregation plan. The Japanese government agreed to voluntarily restrict emigration to the US and Hawaii


What two factors contribute to the diversifying migrant profiles and suburbanization of Asian migrants?: Immigrant policies and shifting U.S. international relations



what two things are true about rowland park?: rowland park has single person homes on elevated lands with a lot of space and good views. the working class lives downtown

What was the significance of San Fransisco to Asians?: First and largest Chinatown as a result of the gold rush that occurred there



what was angel island?: Chinese immigrants were detained and interrogated at Angel Island immigration station in San Francisco Bay. U.S. officials hoped to deport as many as possible

What was the view of the chinese in the 1860s? how did this change by 1880?: welcomed because they performed difficult field work and helped the labor shortage rapid increase was the focus of anti-chinese activists


what was the workingmans party?: it was a union led by Kearney with the goal to rid the country of Chinese cheap labor. "bullets will replace ballots"


what were 2 types of chinese adjustments to discrimination and violence?: returned to traditional chinese occupation and created fishing villages migrated to east US and established new chinatowns


What was termed the "suburban chinatown"?: Monterey Park


What was the asian group that came to the U.S. as early as the mid 16th century? where did they arrive and what jobs did they do?: The filipinos louisiana woodcutters, shipbuilders, crewmen, and munitions workers


what was the asian group the came to the U.S. as early as the mid-16th century? where did they arrive? what jobs did they do?: filipinos louisiana woodcutters, shipbuilders, crewmen, and munitions workers


What were examples of chinese locational adjustments?: locke village China camp (fishing) Central California and napa valley Chinatowns in east


What was the ethnic composition of Monetery park before the 1960s?: Mostly white



what was the federal act that ended all chinese immigration to the U.S.?: The chinese exclusion act of 1882

What were geographic targets of the native-white violence against the california chinese(2)?: The steamship wharves where they arrived The chinese retail establishments, especially laundries


What was the first gentlemens agreement?: an agreement between the US and Japan where the US would not impose restrictions on Japanese immigration, and Japan would not allow further emigration to the United States


what were the 2 earliest chinese occupations in california?: mining and railroad jobs


what were the 5 restrictive immigration policies that prohibited almost all migrants from Asia to enter the U.S.: 1882 Chinese Exclusion Act The 1906 Jim Crow Laws The 1907 Gentelmens Agreement The Immigration Act of 1917 1934 Tydings McDuffie Act


What was the general change of location by the U.S. japanese after the gentlements agreement?: Urban to rural to work in farming


What was the Japanese internment camp and how was it a racial geography?: The imprisonment of Japanese during ww2 out of fear that they were loyal to their ancestral lands they weren't imprisoned for a crime, only for being Japanese


What was the locke village?: where chinese rented land from the locke family because they couldn't buy their own land. it was the first town built by chinese and operated by chinese labor

what were the changing perception of the anglos towards the chinese between the 1860s and the 1880s?: from hard working men willing to perform labor for a fair price to one of the enemies of labor


what were the chinese cultural-ethnic associations? what did they do?: District associations community associations chinese consolidated benevolent association Provided assistance to new arivals, recreation, protection, education, and celebrated ethnicity



What was the pull factor for japanese in california?: job opportunities and higher pay then their home country


What were the forms of discrimination against the chinese?: state and local laws to restrict chinese participation and success in the economy mining tax for chinese tax and restricitons on fishing nets restricted settlements chinese cant testify against white in court miscegenation laws


what were the push factors of Filipino migration to the U.S.? Pull factors?: The economic hardships that pushed them from their homeland Pull of opportunity to get an education and employment


what were the push factors that brought chinese to the U.S.?: the opium wars occurring with the british


What were the two laws that created the Filipino "curse"?: 1916 jones act 1917 US immigration law


What were trends of the Asian diaspora that went with the new immigration laws?: rapid growth diversification


where did the japanese reside prior to the gentleman's agreement? after?: Urban centers and were targets of labor unions california countryside and competed with white farmers


which act increased the number of H-1B visas?: the 1990 act


Which Asian ethnic group had the largest number of 1-year entries to the U.S. in 1970?: Filipinos


Which asian ethnic group ranked third behind the U.S. filipino and chinese populations in 2000?: Asian Indians


which asian ethnic groups have contributed to the ethnic changes in FLushing, queens since 1980?: Chinese, Koreans, and Asian Indians


Which city became the urban center of the gold rush and led to the surge in the chinese population increase in california?: San Francisco


Which city has California's highest rated school district and is located in the Silicon Valley?: Cupertino


Which country was the top destination among asian migrants?: the U.S.


Which groups was the term "Asiatic Coolie Invasion" directed at?: Chinese, Japanese, Filipinos


Which immigration acts resulted in increasing US attractiveness and increased immigration volume?: The 1990 act (INA) The 1998 American Competitiveness and workfoce improvement Act (INA)


Which immigration policies increased the number of immigrants to the US?: The 1990 immigration act and the American competitiveness and workforce improvement act of 1998


which place is reported as the most ethnically diverse place on the planet? why is it a multicultural enclave and not an ethnic enclave?: queens has overlapping ethnic patterns, not a single ethnic pattern


Whites characterized the chinese as satanic, strange people and chinatown as a moral sinkhole. This race-place connection was used to discriminate against the chinese and chinatown and represents a:: social construction


why did chinese move to china camps? what did these camps symbolize?: wanted to escape high taxes and prejudice in gold rush towns symbolized chinese traditions and hard work because they went back to old occupations such as fishing


Why did the tong wars occur in chinatown east (NYC chinatown)?: they had territorial commercial interests


Why is Rowland Heights different than Monterey Park?: Rowland Heights has houses and spaces that are much larger


why is rowland park different that monterey park?: rowland park has a higher percentage of middle class chinese families with professional occupations while monterey park has a higher a larger working class with lower income rates.


Why was Chinese labor important to the transcontinental railroad? what percentage o...

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