Assignment 1 - N/A PDF

Title Assignment 1 - N/A
Course Operations
Institution Texas A&M University-Central Texas
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Joanne Torku Assignment 1: Chapter 1

This assignment has two questions. Each question is worth 10 points adding to 20 points. The rubric is provided in page 2 of the assignment. Please answer the following questions: 1) List the trade-offs you would consider for each of the decisions (Note that exchange is a compromise. If you improve one aspect, another aspect will become worse. For example, driving a car gives us the flexibility to travel at our convenience, but we incur more cost compared to public transportation): a) Driving your car versus public transportation (at least 2 trade-offs) I took the bus one time before, and I was not too fond of it. It took me a lot longer to get home. I would rather have my car because of the flexibility. Yes, I know that it is more expensive to have a car, but it is convenient. Also, having a car is better for you if you are trying to get a job. Most jobs will not hire you if you do not have reliable transportation, and taking the bus is always faithful. b) Buying a computer now versus waiting for a new model (at least 2 trade-offs) I would instead buy a slightly use a computer now and save up for a newer model later. I like not having to borrow a family member or friend's computer and only getting to use it for a specific amount of time. It is more convenient for me if I had my computer. I know the computer will probably run slower, and some programs may not work because they would no longer be compatible, but it is worth it to me. c) Buying a new car versus a used car (at least two trade-offs) I have bought a used car before, and it was 13 years old. It was not a good investment to make because I was always getting the car fixed. In the end, I spent more money fixing the car than what is worth and what I paid for it. I got a new car and loved it because I am not always getting it fixed. Since it is a new car, my insurance is higher than what it would be with a used car, and the car will depreciate as time goes on. d) Flying versus driving to a several destinations for vacation (at least 2 trade-offs) I'm not too fond of flying at all because flying scares me, but I still fly anyway. I know that if I need to get somewhere quick and cheaper, I will fly. It is apparently safer to fly than to drive. e) Buying cheap (cost) product vs environmentally friendly product (explain with an example if needed) I would rather buy an environmentally friendly product than buying a cheap one. I know that buying an environmental product is not cheap at first, but in the long run, it is ends up being cheaper. For example, buying an engery efficient washer and dryer or buying soap that is not in plastic. 2) Discuss the term sustainability and its relevance for business organizations. In addition, provide an example of sustainability from your day to day life or community? Sustainability is a business approach to creating long-term value by considering how a given organization operates in the ecological, social and economic environment. How I am sustainable is by reducing my waste. Before everyone started doing it and the Austin put into a rule two years ago is by using reusable bags. I use them every time I go to the store.

Joanne Torku

Joanne Torku Rubric for discussion questions *Note: This rubric will be used for discussion questions in Assignments, Case studies, and Exams


No work (0%) Evidence/Content Work is not 65% submitted

Missing work (25%) The answer has several errors in both conceptual level (textbook) and communication clarity.

Writing mechanics 35%

Writing mechanics are a major issue.

Work is not submitted

Needs improvement (50%) The answer contains one or two basic facts that are correct (textbook), but may also have incorrect statements as well. Problems with length, format, grammar, spelling, originality, or citations.

Met Expectations (75%) The answer contains most (75%) of the points that needed to be included.

Exceeds expectation (100%) The answer contains the main points and provides comprehensive understanding.

Only minor problems with length, format, grammar or spelling, or citations. No issues with originality

No problems with length, format, grammar or spelling, originality, or citations if needed....

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