ATI System Disorder : Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease PDF

Title ATI System Disorder : Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Course Medical-Surgical Nursing Clinical Lab
Institution Miami Dade College
Pages 1
File Size 86.7 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 11
Total Views 149


Alterations in health, pathophysiology related to client problem, health promotion and disease prevention, risk factors, expected findings, lab test, diagnostic procedures, etc....



System Disorder

ST UDENT NAME _____________________________________

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder DISORDER/DISEASE PROCESS __________________________________________________________

Alterations in Health (Diagnosis)

Pathophysiology Related to Client Problem Destruction of the alveoli, which leads to decreased surface area for gas exchange, carbon dioxide retention and respiratory acidosis.

Loss of lung elasticity and hyperinflation of lung tissue. Inflammation of the bronchi and bronchioles. Increased anteroposterior diameter of the thorax.


Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Smoking cessation. Avoid second hand smoke. Use appropriate PPE while working with/around carcinogens and other harmful particles. Influenza and pneumonia vaccinations.



Risk Factors

Expected Findings

Advanced age. Cigarette smoking. Alpha1 antitrypsin (AAT) deficiency. Exposure to environmental factors (air pollution).

Laboratory Tests

Dyspnea upon exertion. Severe productive cough especially in the morning. Hypoxemia, crackles, wheezes. Rapid and shallow respirations. Use of accessory muscles. Barrel chest Irregular breathing pattern Thin extremities, enlarged neck muscles. Clubbing of fingers and toes. Pallor and cyanosis of nail beds and mucous membranes.

Diagnostic Procedures

Increased hematocrit levels. Sputum cultures and WBC counts. ABG's and blood electrolytes.

Pulmonary Function Test Chest x-ray Alpha1 antitrypsin levels


Nursing Care Position the patient to maximize ventilation (high fowlers). Encourage effective coughing or suctions to remove secretions. Administer breathing treatments and medications. Monitor skin breakdowns around the mouth and nose.

Therapeutic Procedures Chest physiotherapy Raise the foot of the bed slightly higher than the head. Humidifiers can be useful.


Tie up loose cords or wires. Replace any rugs Be mindful of the oxygen cord

Complications Medications Short acting beta2 agonist (albuterol). Cholinergic antagonist (ipratropium). Methylxanthine s.

Client Education Eat high calorie foods to promote high energy. Rest as needed. Practice hand hygiene to prevent infection. Take medications as prescribed. Use oxygen as prescribed. Ensure fluid intake of at lease 2L/daily to thin secretions.

Interprofessional Care Respiratory services (Pulmonologist) Nutritional services (nutritionist) Rehabilitation Home care services

Respiratory Infection Right sides heart failure (cor pulmonale)...

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