Auto Biography Template PDF

Title Auto Biography Template
Author John Wayne
Course University Success
Institution Grand Canyon University
Pages 2
File Size 142.8 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 92
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Welcome to Grand Canyon University! This assignment will be due on the first day of class. All you need to do is write a short biography that will introduce yourself to your classmates. It doesn’t have to be long, just between 2-4 paragraphs. You do not have to include anything too personal either, unless you would like. You will save this biography to your computer so you can post it the first day of class. Sample Biography Ideas Educational Background (2-4 sentences) • Educational history • What do you like about school? • What have you found to be challenging? ______________________________________________________________________________ Professional Background (2-4 sentences) • Job/Career history • What have you liked about your jobs? • What kind of job/career do you hope to obtain with your degree? ______________________________________________________________________________ Personal Interests (2-4 sentences) • What do you like to do with your spare time? • What kinds of books/movies do you enjoy? • Where have you travelled in your lifetime or where have you lived? • Feel free to share information about your family if you are comfortable. _____________________________________________________________________________ Finding Your Purpose (2-4 sentences) • Why are you obtaining this degree? • Why did you decide to attend Grand Canyon University? • How will obtaining this degree help you define, refine, and achieve your goals professionally, personally, and spiritually?

Again, these are just some ideas and you do not need to include all aspects listed. You should type this in a paragraph format.

I am Alton, I am a Leo who loves being loved and being the center of attraction. I am from a huge family; my parents have six children and I am the 40 years old baby. My education journey has been a long wild ride, I have started college on so many occasion then stop because of financial issues or because I hit a bump and decided that this is not what I want to study then I change my course of study then end up having a course or some credit which is now useless to the new degree path, this went on for years until I finally decided that I will become a Nurse. My journey got easier at this time because I am now a mature adult who finally got his head screwed on properly. upon completing my prerequisites for Nursing my GPA dropped to 3.4 this made my life harder as now the schools that I wanted to attend won’t take me with that low GPA and that kind of put me back to square one, now I’m lost with more scattered credits but still no bachelor’s degree. Now I find myself at the crossroad where if I want to do nursing, but I now need to find the big money for a private school. I later found out about Grand Canyon through a friend and upon submitting my many transcripts from my schools I was presented with my option and I took the shortest route to a bachelor which has nothing to do with nursing but at least it will give me a sense of accomplishment to push onward to becoming a nurse in the future. I do not believe that I love school, but I love a challenge and I need to complete my first degree so that I can be a role model to my kids and my other sibling who also finds it hard to complete school. It’s a hard road but it can be done with little harder work and dedication to your dreams. My job career path has been a rough ride, I migrated to the USA with nothing behind my name then I did my GED and that opened a door halfway for me to start making few Dollars, but I needed more than just a few Dollars. After wasting my life for my first few years in America I met a Navy recruiter who offered me a chance to change my life, at age 30 plus I joined the Navy and my life was changed forever. I now have the experience of the US Navy and that helps me to run my own business with discipline, though I do not need a bachelor’s to run my own business, I owe it to myself and my kids to finish something that I had started. In my spare time, I play Call of Duty with my son, whenever we get tired of doing that, we go to the movies and or mess up the house so that mom has some more work to do. My family and I had the opportunity of traveling a few countries to include Puerto Rico, Jamaica, Grand Cayman, and Canada, I have been many other places with the military but wish not to mention them.

Myong Covert

Grand Canyon and Ms. Is a lifesaver, she took my Scattered courses and use them to guide me into this short degree path, I now only need 48 credit to my degree, being the slow coach that I am I will use about 18 months to complete my bachelors. Completing this degree is a personal goal, it will boost my ego once I’m done....

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