B2 comp test exs Travel Environment PDF

Title B2 comp test exs Travel Environment
Author Selene Vessichelli
Course Lingua inglese
Institution Università degli Studi di Verona
Pages 5
File Size 125.3 KB
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Computer Test Exercises on Topic Travel and Environment

afford full

no the

then Army

besides exciting

later permit

used very

school soon

sleepy not

than did

Holidays with friends I always 1 _______________ to go to Porchester for my summer holidays. It is a quiet little town, 2 ______________ of old and interesting buildings. 3 ___________ few visitors ever go there, so there are 4______________ crowds. I enjoyed its 5 ______________ atmosphere. I work in a big city, so a holiday in Porchester was a complete change from my usual life. 6 ______________, I found out about the history of the place. I wanted to learn how life used to be in Porchester - the stories of its people and buildings. I 7_____________ notes on all these things during my holidays and I 8______________ knew more about the history of Porchester 9 ________________ most of the people who lived there. I am not a rich man and I cannot 10 _____________ to stay in hotels. When Jack Thompson heard that I wanted to spend my holidays in Porchester again all these years 11 ____________, he invited me to stay with him. Jack and I were in the 12___________________ together and we were good friends.

Lift From reached

past face risen

extra some exciting

one by thrilled

improved ultimate

key allow

addition enabling

since definitive 8 distractors

The Roman City of Verulamium Verulamium has established itself as 1 ________________ of the most popular museums of Roman Life in the country. 2 ______________ it was redisplayed in 1991 the number of visitors has 3 ____________ to 90,000 a year. The redisplay was the first phase of a strategy to ensure that the Museum was in a fit state to 4_____________ the challenges of the new century. 5____________ to this was the provision of the facilities which our visitors deserve; namely a new entrance with cloakrooms, a larger shop, a baby changing room, toilets, disabile facilities and a 6______________. In 7______________ , the Museum wants to develop new ways of 8 ______________ visitors to access the collections through new displays and computer technology. For the 9______________ four years, Museum staff have worked with architects and engineers to produce a solution. The result is the Verulamium Project; an 10___________ new plan to extend the Museum, providing a new entrance, 11________________ displays and facilities. An Artist’s impression of the new entrance can be viewed 12____________ all visitors.

Abisko When I step out onto the deck there’s no mistaking the intensity of the Arctic chill. That’s not surprising. I’m a good hundrd miles inside the Arctic Circle; in fact you can’t get much farther north and still be in Sweden. This is Abisko Mountain Station, perhaps the crown jewel of the Swedish mountain lodges. I’m back for a second time to this remote, scenic spot under the Landmark Lapporten mountain, the gateway into the wilds of Lapland. When an early, heavy snowstorm last autumn pinned me down in my tent for days and eventually chased me from the backcountry back to the station and its comforts, I was to discover a different side to Abisko. People come here for many reasons - some to hike, some to climb, some to bird-watch, some to crosscountry ski in the winter. But there’s yet another entirely different attraction here. For proof, all I have to do is look up from the station’s expansive deck into the night sky above the huge lake called the Tornetrask. Bright, undulating waves of light, tinged with subtle shades of green and red, ripple across the sky. The Northern Lights display tonight varies from subdued flashes to outrageously intense surges of ghostly lights rolling across the dark expanse of night sky. A new moon accentuates the mind-blowing show. The Aurora may be old hat to those who live this far north, but for the rest of us it is an unforgettable experience. For travellers from afar it’s a spectacle that has us shivering on the deck, bundled up in all the cold-weather gear we’ve brought. The lights here are so mesmerizing we quickly forget the discomfort of the cold. One of the factors that makes Abisko a prime location for viewing the Aurora is the Tornetrask itself. The huge lake, which sprawls more than 70 kilometres long just north of the station, creates an unusual weather phenomenon that keeps the skies above the station clear even when fog or clouds blanket most of northern Sweden. This is the famed “blue hole of Abisko”, a perennial patch of sky kept mostly clear by the climatological effects of this inland sea and its valley. When this quirk of weather is combined with the comforts of the station, the package adds up to one of the best options anywhere for viewing the Aurora. Much more elaborate than many wilderness huts, the Abisko mountain stations feature restaurants, hot showers and other comforts. Abisko is the only one of these stations located on a highway, so the range of accommodations and level of service here is in a class by itself. In addition to the lodge itself, however, it’s Abisko’s remote location and its unique infrastructure that make it such a prime vantage point to view a heavenly phenomenon. It is dark; Abisko is far from any city lights that might dim the show. The station operates a ski lift to the top of Nuolja Peak, more than 3000 feet high. For the first time this year, a cafe at the top of the mountain has been turned into a viewing platform for the Northern Lights, called the Aurora Station. Also, the station posts “forecasts” each night of expected Aurora activity, gleaned from scientific observations arriving via computer, so visitors may choose the best viewing time.


What is true of the author’s first visit to the lodge? A) He went there in search of the Aurora. B) He was camping there. C) He was forced there by the weather. D) He was not very impressed with the experience.

2. What is meant by the phrase “old hat” in the first line of paragraph 3? A) Poor B) Strange and shocking C) Familiar and unexciting D) In very bad taste 3. The travellers viewing the Aurora A) are distracted by the cold. B) are in awe of what they see. C) needn’t dress warmly. D) can only see it before midnight. 4. What does “quirk” mean in paragraph 5, line 1? A) An unusual feature B) A flaw C) A very pleasant surprise D) A fast change 5. Which of the following advantages of Abisko mentioned is not relevant to a good viewing of the Aurora? A) There is a mountain viewing platform. B) Weather forecasts are available. C) There are no city lights nearby. D) It is located near a highway. 6. The author’s overall opinion of Abisko is that A) the primitive conditions are made worthwhile by the experience. B) it is not as popular as it deserves to be. C) it could be improved. D) it’s an exceptional place.

Holidays are meant to be a time of ___________________ and fun but unfortunately this isn’t always the case. There are some ___________________ problems such as delayed flights and the unusual __________________ of waiting at airports.

relax predict frustrate

However, the ________________ of spending two or three _______________ Weeks in the sun on an __________________ Island is enough to make most people think the delays are worth it. It’s best to make a reservation at a hotel so that you can leave home _________________, knowing that at least your _________________ is secure. Finally, it’s best to travel with a friend to avoid _________________ and loneliness.

anticipate/wonder spoil

An accurate __________________ of the weather used to _________________ be a case of intelligent estimates that consistently turned out to be wrong. Now the __________________ of weather forecasters has improved and there is a _________________ for them to be taken more seriously. _________________ in the weather caused by pollution and global warming have worrying ________________ though. The weather has become ___________________ with cold days in the summer and hot days in winter. These _________________ in the temperature act as a __________________ from other world problems such as war but this makes them no less of concern.


A project to save Brazil’s caymans from __________________ has brought protests from river-dwellers, who say they are terrorised by the creatures. Cayman ________________ was banned in 1970 and the Brazilian ________________ placed the animal on the at-risk list in the 1980s. This Led to an ___________________ in their numbers. Some believe several million now share the state of Amazonas with 2.8 million Brazilians. Now ____________ say efforts to protect two species - the black cayman and spectacled cayman have been overly __________________ . Ronis da Silveira, a researcher from the National Institute of Amazon Research, is in favour of ________________ the ban. “If we overload the listo f animals at risk, we will lose _______________ of the species that genuinely need _________________ protection. Not even the Brazilian army could manage to wipe out the cayman population”, he said. Yet in ____________________ of the policy, officials argue that its _____________________ are merely looking to profit from the overseas trade in alligator skin.


confidence accomodate homesick

repute tend disturb Implicate Predict vary/distract

hunt govern esplode criticise success relax see effect defend oppose

Answer Key Holiday with friends 1. used

2. full

9. than

10. afford

3. very

4. no

11. later

5. sleepy

6. besides

7. made

8. soon

12. Army

The Roman City of …… 1.


9. past

2. since

3. risen

4. face

10. exciting

11. improved

5. key

6. lift

7. addition

8. enabling

12. by

Abisko 1C,






Wordformation Exercises Relaxation, unpredictable, frustration(s), anticipation, wonderful, unspoilt/unspoiled, confidently, accommodation, homesickness Prediction, primarily, reputation, tendency, disturbances, implications, unpredictable, variations, distraction Extinction, hunting, government, explosion, critics, successful, relaxing, sight, effective, defence, opposers...

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