Bamboo ch3 - Notes PDF

Title Bamboo ch3 - Notes
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Bamboo cutter chapter 3

Page 033 The noble’s challenges “I'll marry the one that brings me the thing I desire.” Princess Kaguya assigned the five nobles items; all of which are the hardest to obtain. However, the five that would not give up on Princess Kaguya will try to work out a plan to obtain it one way or another. First up, the challenges of the prince of Ishitsukuri and the prince of Kuramochi. Will they grant Princess Kaguya’s wish? Prince of Ishitsukuri Zooming in on the fact that there aren’t any who has seen the real Stome Bowl of Buddha. Prince of Kuramochi Gathered his servants and workers, forming a large plan. Workers Hired by the prince of Kuramochi Hourai mountain’s inhabitants Will appear in the prince of Kuramochi’s story.

Page 034 The nobles who were tasked with the difficult problem from Princess Kaguya Thought of a way to obtain the item one way or another The prince of Ishitsukuri that was told to get the Buddha’s Stone Bowl Tenjiku’s one and only bowl How long would I have to travel, you can't expect me to obtain it right? That's it! No one has seen the real Buddha’s Stone Bowl before If that’s the case, if I get a different bowl, There wouldn’t be anyone that knows it’s a fake! Yes! It’s this [Note at the side] tenjiku is india

Page 035 Old man’s residence

From now, I'm off to Tenjiku. ...... 3 years later Oh! This is just right! For the lie, I've hidden for three whole years This is what’s called a reward

Page 036 This is from the prince of Ishitsukuri Wha!! [This part is a poem from the original story (I think?) and I can't really get the meaning across very well... ] Departed to the Tsukushi country, reached the soul of the seas and the mountains, went through hardships and obtained the bowl. [Note at the side] Tsukushi is Tsukushi province. Now it is at the side of Fukuoka Prefecture.

Page 037 [This is also another poem. I can't really express it well in english] It’s good that there was at least light from the dew of leaves. The one I want is at Tenjiku, not the one you obtained in the dark Mount Ogura. Oops...... So the real thing is said to have light. [The note at the side] Mount Ogura... a mountain in Nara prefecture, sakurai city Th..that’s it! ...... [Another poem... I'm sorry... it follows some syllable law I think which is what’s making it so weird to translate...] I think that due to the Princess’ beauty which glows like Mount Shira, the bowl’s light has completely disappeared, I threw the bowl away. I am embarrassed to this extent, but I can’t give you up.

Page 038 A terrible excuse......

Princess Was this bowl also placed in front of the door? That kind of fake, please throw it away The letter from Princess Kaguya From then on, everything stopped coming. In addition to the bowl being thrown away, from the incident where the prince of Ishitsukuri wooed Princess Kaguya This shameless attitude was called (hajiwosutsu). (This is realllly difficult to translate cause it’s both a play on words haji(shame) and hachi(bowl) and related to the storyz (the bowl was thrown away just like his shame that was thrown away). (Also, the note at the side says that 文 means 手紙 (letter), doesn’t really apply to the english version)

Page 039 Meanwhile, the one who was told to get the jewelled branch of hourai, The prince of kuramochi Imperial Palace [Side note] the imperial palace is where the emperor resides On my own accord Recently, due to my unsatisfactory physical condition I will go to the hot springs in Tsukuji country Okay With this, I should be exempt from attendance for a while [Note] attendance refers to duties in the imperial palace

Page 040 Naniwa From now, I will depart towards the mountain of hourai! Everyone, look after the house! Please Take us along too. I can’t!

It’s because I'm trying to be discreet Two or three companions are enough Prince! Please take care!

Page 041 How long has it been since our departure? No more than three days I think I see Well then, return to shore. Eh!? You mean to go back? Yes Return the boat to shore!

Page 042 Seriously It seems that nobody around has noticed our return Be discreet The prince of kuramochi who returned secretly headed to the hiding spot in the mountains

Page 043 Everyone, thanks for gathering Start working at once ...... The prince of kuramochi Gathered the best workers In a plan to make a jewelled branch I invested almost all my fortune so Pull yourselves together and make it!

Page 044 Time flowed by--The prince of kuramochi in a span of three years Obtained a precious item’s rumors Hey, have you heard? Spread in the blink of an eye

Page 045 The rumor reached Princess Kaguya’s ears ! It can’t be...... The prince of kuramochi came to the residence Truly, it was a life-risking journey Now, in this is Princess Kaguya’s Oh!

Page 046 Truly beautiful...... This surely is the real jewelled branch! The prince came to the residence straight after his journey We are very thankful! It is for the best that you marry the prince of kuramochi It is We should make early preparations!

Page 047 [Another poem....] Even in a death-like state facing dangers, unless I broke a jewelled branch off, I would not return. (This translation is realllly clunky... I don't really know how to phrase this part well...) I thought if I gave a hard problem, he would have given up, but He really brought the real thing!

But No matter what, this wedding......

Page 048 I must think of a way to avoid this! How is princess kaguya? I brought the object of her desires so she surely has no complaints right? Of course! Right now, the preparations of the marriage are progressing! Oh! By the way What sort of place was the jewelled branch in?

Page 049 The beauty of it is out of this world, that’s a very beautiful item It’s a very long story...... I left the shore of Naniwa, leaving it to the wind to advance. Before my death Maybe it was because of luck, i was able to find hourai mountain or it felt like that That time, i arrived on an unknown country

Page 050 Vuooo Oaaa Uwaaaoo The demon appeared as if it was going to kill I barely escaped with my life Another instance was when my food ran out I ate the roots of grass to survive

Page 051

You went through a lot of diffuculties... Thus While being worried about the supernatural and food problems, One way or another, I continued my journey. And then, over 500 days from the harbour, The fog has come...... Ah! Look at that!

Page 052 This is...... Let's try going up

Page 053 Beautiful......! Ah......! I have question (he is asking pretty politely) What is the name of this mountain? This is hourai mountain.

Page 054 At last! We found hourai mountain! Oh......! And then, we found the jewelled branch of her desire on the slope of the mountain. Lastly, after returning yesterday, I hurriedly came here with my wet clothes Wow! I also have had a hard time as a bamboo cutter, when I think about your hardships... [Another poem again... I'm sorry] When I compare the hardships of my bamboo cutting work in the fields and mountains to your hardships, I am very touched.

Page 055 Your suffering is also stuck in my chest, after hearing those words, it feels like my spirits have been slightly refreshed. [Another poem...] Although the seas’ waves and my tears have wet my sleeves, my happiness has completely dried them. I think I can forget about the hardships and sadness. ......... Congratulations!

Page 056 !? Y-you guys...... [Note at the side] Takumidzukasa...the government office governing the production of furniture and decor [Note at the side] abstaining from the five grains...reference at page 60 I am Takumidzukasa’s* official, ayabe no uchimaro. We made the jewelled branch, abstaining from the five grains*, over a thousand days of hard work with great difficulty. Despite that, we still have not received our pay.

Page 057 Oh my! What are these people saying? Prince? Please read this! No! Pass the letter here! P-princess Kaguya......!

Page 058

The Princess Kaguya that will become the prince’s sokujitsu*, please pay us the fee of making the jewelled branch. (Gosh this sentence sounds really odd I can’t really think of a way to phrase it without losing too much detail) Well So this jewelled branch was something made by you guys [Note at the side] sokujitsu...a wife that’s not a legal wife (whaaa...? It has something to do with Japanese traditions I think but I'm not too sure...) Well done But, since it is a fake, I can't accept it. Hey, father ......

Page 059 As per the princess’ words Let’s return the jewelled branch. .......uuu..... [Another poem] I thought it was real at first, but it was a fake jewelled branch decorated with words (there is this clever wordplay there as the kanji for word in 言の葉 is the same as leaf which again... I can't translate properly...)

Page 060 Thank you very much For your help I'll give you guys a reward See, it happened as expected Hey! You guys! p-prince! Cause of you guys, the plan was ruined!

Page 061 Take this! This!

Ah! So embarrassing! I can't let the public know! The servants tried their best and searched for the prince of kuramochi who hid in the mountains out of over-embarrassment(?)(I can’t really phrase this well either, and this sentence took the next two bubble(boxes?)) However, it seems like his whereabouts was never known. From then on, the incident which seems like the soul has been removed has been named “tamasakaru” after many incidents similar to the disappearance of the prince of kuramochi (arghhh. This part is also very weird after translation (long sentences tend to be hard to translate properly or maybe I'm not good enough :c and it also contains an ending similar to the first prince where something was coined after the incident. I really need help here :c)

Page 062 For better understanding The prince of ishitsukuri who saw through the lie The prince of ishitsukuri was told by Princess Kaguya to bring Buddha’s stone bowl. Shakamuni (the man who started Buddhism in India) who achieved enlightenment at that time, stacked the four bowls he recieved from the four heavenly kings (the four guardian deities of buddhism) into one, forming Buddha’s stone bowl. Shakamuni used them for a long time in the span of his life. After his death, everywhere in Tenjiku(India) shone with a deep blue light. The prince of ishitsukuri gave up on finding Buddha’s stone bowl early, and made plans to substitute it with another. He presented a bowl from the front of a statue of Pindola in a mountain temple as Buddha’s stone bowl to Princess Kaguya. However, because of this, Princess Kaguya saw through the lie immediately. “Pindola” is one of Shakamuni’s disciples, imparted the sutras properly with a compassionate disposition. In Japan, a sick believer who rubs his statue corresponding to the sick part of their body, will be cured. It is famously known as the “Rub Buddha” [[[okay, I know this sounds really wrong, but I can’t think of another name as in japanese it is literally rub and buddha]]] [Note at the side] it’s about the explanation of the deep blue colour which doesn’t really apply in english [Other half of page 062] The cunning prince of kuramochi The prince of kuramochi was told by princess kaguya to bring a Jewelled branch from Hourai Mountain. “Mount Hourai” is considered to be a phantom mountain that exists in the seas of the far east in Chinese legends. It is said to have beautiful flowers, fruits of immortality and immortals living there. The prince of kuramochi is depicted as a very cunning man. He convinced his servants and the masses that he was on a trip, built a hiding spot, made a jewelled branched there and before arriving

at princess kaguya’s place, wet his clothes to make it seem like he had been on a tiring journey. However, his perfect plan was exposed by the workers he hired himself. Abstaining from the five grains The five grains are rice, wheat, awa, kibi, hie etc. (The three are types of millet) that form the staple foods. The practice of making an oath not to eat these and praying for success when doing a hard job existed in the past....

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