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ĐỀ THI MÔN: TIẾNG ANH LỚP 10 Thời gian 180 phút (không kể thời gian giao đề) Ngày thi: 19/04/2014

A. LISTENING: (15 pts) Part 1: You will hear an interview with Angela Morgan, who has recently flown around the world in a helicopter. Listen and choose the best answer to each question. (5 pts) 1. The main reason for Angela’s trip was to A. make money for her business. B. make money for other people. C. have an exciting adventure. 2. What does Angela say about her life now? A. She feels much older. B. She likes to be active and busy. C. She is lonely without children. 3. During the trip, Angela and her teacher A. did very little sightseeing. B. carried all the water they needed. C. had engine problems several times. 4. What did Angela enjoy most about the trip? A. flying at night B. walking in the desert C. watching the changes in the scenery 5. What did Angela miss most while she was away? A. modern bathrooms B. regular exercise D. interesting entertainment Part 2: You will hear a radio announcer talking about activities at a museum called Science World. For each question, fill in the missing information. (10 pts)

Science World Next week’s Special Events EVENTS: TIME OF DAY: * Electricity workshop (1) …………………….. * Experiment with (2) ……………… Wednesday morning * Talk about space travel by well(3) ……………………. known scientists from (4) ……………………… Science World entrance fees are: £3.00 Adults (5) ……………….. Children Tickets for Special Events cost extra: (6) ……………………Adults Reduced prices for children Get tickets directly from Science World (7) ………………………………. or from (8) ………………………………. Newton Café is next to the (9) ………………………….. (snacks available all day). Phone Science World for free ticket to exhibition about (10) …………………. 1

B. PHONETICS (5 pts) Part 1: Pick out the word with the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest. (2.5 pts) 1. A. modernise B. dramatise C. expertise D. merchandise 2. A. chameleon B. enchant C. chamberlain D. bachelor 3. A. solemnity B. spectacle C. sombrero D. desolate 4. A. costume B. cosmetic C. disposal D. ostensible 5. A. cantaloupe B. catastrophe C. apostrophe D. recipe Part 2:Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from that of other words (2.5 pts) 1. A. generous B. pagoda C. address 2. A. reaction B. miserable C. knowledge 3. A. compulsory B. objective C. publication 4. A. confidence B. minimize C. complaint 5. A. pleasure B. guaranty C. optimistic

D. control D. accident D. statistical D. imitate D. sanguine

C. GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY (30ps) Part 1. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. (5ps) 1. His landlady gave him a week’s ________ to leave the flat. A. threat B. notice C. advice D. caution 2. My brother is intelligent but he _______ common sense. A. fails B. lacks C. misses D. wants 3. I am _______ tired to think about that problem at the moment. A. far too B. simply C. much more D. nearly 4. His _______ of the school regulations really can’t be ignored any longer. A. carelessness B. inattention C. unfamiliarity D. disregard 5. ______ after trying three times, he passed the examination. A. Last of all B. Lastly C. Last D. At last 6. It took me a long time to ______ what the aim of the game was. A. ponder B. consider C. grasp D. reckon 7.He _______ malaria while he was in Africa. A. infected B. contracted C. was caught D. gained 8. The question of late payment of the bills was ______again at the meeting. A. raised B. risen C. brought D. taken 9. None of us has ever ______ of cheating in class. A. declared B. persisted C. approved D. concluded 10. We have been working hard. Let’s ______ a break. A. make B. find C. do D. take 11. It’s advisable to _______ any contact with potential rabis animals. A. escape B. avoid C. prevent D. evade 12. “Would you mind helping me with these heavy boxes?” _______ A. “Yes, I would.” B. “Not at all.” C. “What a pity!” D. “My Gosh!” 13. There should be no discrimination on _______ of sex, race or religion. A. fields B. places C. areas D. grounds 14. He felt _______ when he failed the exams the second time. 2

A. discouraged B. annoyed C. undecided D. determined 15. He gave me his personal _______ that his draft would be ready by Friday. A. endurance B. insurance C. assurance D. ensurance 16. It’s high time we got going, _______? A. isn’t it B. didn’t it C. should we D. aren’t we 17. The weather forecast was for rain, but the day was fine and dry, _____ it turned out. A. When B. though C. like D. as 18. The book would have been perfect _______ the ending. A. it had not been for B. hadn’t it been for C. it hadn’t been to D. had it not been for 19. The film is ______ released at the end of next year. A. on the verge of being B. due to be C. about to be D. on the point of being 20. “Why did Laura go to town?” “_______ for was to attend an interview.” A. What she went B. That she went C. Why she went D. She w Part 2. Find and correct ten mistakes in the following passage. You should indicate in which line the mistake is. (5 pts) When we first took our children to sea with us, it was rare to come cross other family on sailing boats. Usually such meetings resulted in the children quickly making friends, while we parents discuss how we managed. At firstly, I was worried about taking children to sea and I had many questions however I would amuse them? What if they fell ill at sea? Add to such questions was the major problem of their education. When we set out on our voyage, my duaghter was seven, my son five, and we planned to sail for three years. That we only returned to england six years late with 60,000 miles behind us and children of thirteen and eleven years old, is an indicate of how my worries had been answered. One change over these years has been the increasing in the number of parents who take their children to sea on long voyages. Part 3. Complete each of the following sentences with a suitable preposition or particle. (5 points) 1. The new regulations have thrown _______ a few problems for the company. 2. The workers were rather cynical after the meeting. Most of them were _______ no illusions that the management would take their complaints seriously. 3. Jack took early retirement as he was losing his grip _______ the job. 4. He scolded her so much that she was reduced _______ tears by the end of the meeting. 5. The sudden movement of the train threw me _______ balance and I fell head-first down the steps. 6. The price of shares in the company went up _______ over 50% when they announced the discovery of the new oilfield. 7. Ron usually primes himself _______ plenty of black coffee before starting the night shift. 8. We still haven’t sold the house because the buyers went back on their word and pulled ___ ___ the deal. 9. Hi Brenda, Peter here. I’m just ringing _______ to say I’ve got two tickets for the concert on Saturday night. Fancy coming? 10. The group rounded _______ the concert with their greatest hits. So everyone went home happy. 11. As there was no official at the gate, Diana got ___ ____ not buying an entrance ticket. 3

12. His company went bankrupt, three years of hard work _______ the drain. 13. She is putting _______ a little each month for her studies in Queenstown. 14. The oral examination was difficult. The examiner tried to catch me _______ by asking some tricky questions. 15. They should be able to settle their differences without resorting _______ violence. 16. The small boat drifted helplessly _______ the mercy of the wind and waves. 17. I find it very hard to commit historical dates _______ memory. 18. If you would like to wait a moment, Sir, I will just call _______ your file on the computer screen. 19. Quick, I haven’t got a pen. Can you jot Jack’s phone number _______ for me? 20. When I was a student, I eked _______ what little money I had by buying only second-hand clothes. Part 4.Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. (5 pts) The stretch of water which (1. separate) _____________ Britain from France and the rest of mainland Europe (2. always play) _________________ a significant role in British history. Saturday, 1st December 1990 was no ordinary day in the Channel’s long history. At 11.00 a.m, two miners, one French and one English, (3. cut) ______________ through the last few centimeters of chalk (4. separate) _______________ the UK from mainland Europe. It was the first land connection since the Ice age. Work began on Europe tunnel in 1987. It (5. also know) ___________________ as the Channel Tunnel, the Chunnel or Trans Manche link. It (6. build) ___________________ by an AngloFrench engineering company, Eurotunnel, across 34 km of water from Cheriton (near Folkstones in SE England) to Coquilles (near Calais in NW France). A smaller central service tunnel (7. build) ___________________ (8. use) ___________________ by workers and engineers for maintenance work and emergencies. The two outer tunnels (9. carry) ___________________ high speed passenger and freight trains. Cars and lorries (10. also transport) ___________________ by train. The tunnel (11. expect) _______________ (12. have) _________________an effect on British industry and (13. certainly boost) the tourist industry. Journeys between Britain and Europe (14. be) ___________________ quicker and more reliable for both holiday makers and business people. Lorry drivers (15. be) ___________________ able to relax and (16. enjoy) ___________________ their shorter Channel crossing. Only one question (17. remain) ___________________. With the sea no longer (18. act) ___________________ as a natural barrier, swimmers (19. continue0 ___________________ to try to swim the Channel as they (20. do) ___________________ for years? Part 5. Write the correct form of the word given in brackets. (5 pts) WOMEN ONLY Increasingly, women are taking their holidays without men. For _____ (1. SAFE) reasons, camaraderie or just plain fun, a growing number of female tourists are singing up for women-only trips. Twenty years ago only a _____ (2. HAND) of companies offered such holidays; now there are several hundred. Travel _____ (3. CONSULT) Andre Littlewood says that the combination of higher incomes with delayed marriage, divorce, retirement and widowhood has _____ (4. ABLE) more women to travel, often on their own. They are attracted by the sense of _____ (5. FREE) that a holiday without men affords them. “Women in a group tend to feel _____ (6. INHIBIT) and speak more openly than when men are around”, she adds. “Even on energy-sapping adventure 4

holidays the atmosphere is relaxed and _____ (7. CO-OPERATE). It’s also a great deal more fun. Women laugh more _____ (8. READY) than men, probably because they don’t mind laughing at themselves.” Since her divorce Janice Cummings has been a regular traveler with Everywoman Tours, and Oxford-based Company whose very name is a _____ (9. DETER) to men. “And a good thing too,” she says. “Men simply cannot resist the _____ (10. TEMPT) to try and take control, no matter where they are. And that includes on holiday. Thankfully, there is none of that with Everywoman.” Part 6. Complete the text below by filling in each gap a conjunction or preposition given. Some conjunctions or prepositions are used more than once. (5 pts) but despite on the contrary

however whereas


nevertheless yet


THE ELGIN MARBLES The Elgin Marbles are statues which date back to the 5th century BC. Though they were created in Greece and were located there until the late 18th century, they are now exhibited in the British Museum, London. The statues used to be in Athens (1)________ they were bought in 1799 by the Englishman Lord Elgin, who wanted to bring them back to Britain as part of his personal art collection. (2)________, on the sea voyage back to England, the ship carrying them was sunk and the ‘Marbles’ were temporarily lost. It would be an incredibly expensive operation to recover them. (3)________, Elgin did so, and even though he was a very rich man, he placed himself in enormous debt. Despite his own desires, he had to sell the Marbles to the British Government to recover his losses and they were housed in the British Museum, where they have remained ever since. In recent times, (4)________, the statues have become the subject of debate between Britain and Greece and, indeed, among British historians and archaeologists. (5)________ the Greek authorities have requested the return of the Marbles on many occasions, the request has always been refused. There are arguments on both sides. Some people believe that it would be foolish to return them, valid (6)________ the Greek request may be, because of the pollution that is affecting the Parthenon and the possibility of earthquakes in Greece. Restored to the Parthenon, the Marbles could be exposed to damage, (7)________ they are safe in the British Museum. Of course, there are equally compelling arguments for their return, especially on the moral level. It cannot be denied, (8)________ the material safety the statues enjoy in Britain, that they are part of the Greek heritage. Many people also refute the argument that Athens would not be a safe place for them. (9)________, they claim that if the statues were returned to Greece, a new state-ofthe-art building would be constructed to house them, where they would be both safe and in their rightful environment. Furthermore, the British authorities have long used the argument that works of art should not be subject to ‘ownership’, but should be kept where they are accessible to most people. (10)________ in the past they have returned a number of cultural artefacts from other civilisations to their origins. The argument continues, and is likely to do so for some time in the future. D. READING: (30 pts) Part 1. Read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space. (7.5 pts) Sleeping disorders like insomnia can (1) _________ to be a worrying question for many of us. Almost anyone can easily conjure (2) ________ at least one sleepless night of (3) ________ and turning in bed awaiting the bliss of a deep dream. Most probably, a third of us (4) _______ the distressing experience at least once a week. 5

Even though it is possible for people to (5) _________ without any sleep at all for a certain period of time, such occurrences are rather few and far (6) _____ and there is no evidence to (7) _________this assumption. What is sure, however, is the fact that we do need some sleep to regenerate our strength and to (8) _____ the brain to its proper activity. No wonder, then, that the tiredness and fatigue that appear after a sleepless night (9) _______ many of us to go for chemical support in the form of sleep (10) _______ tablets or powders. However long the problem of sleeplessness has afflicted many individuals, very little has been (11) _______ in the question of its original causes. We are conscious that it usually (12) ________ those who are exposed to a great deal of stress, anxiety or depression. It may also be (13) _______ by overworking or unfavorable surroundings with scarcity of fresh air. Sleeping pills may provide some relief and can act as an alternative in this desperate situation. Yet, they do little to combat the ailment in full. Consequently, our hopes should be (14) _________ on the medical authorities to (15) ________ the root cause of insomnia before we take to being nocturnals leading our noisy lives in the dead of night. 1.

A. present

B. entail

C. realize

D. prove


A. up

B. about

C. off

D. out


A. rolling

B. wriggling

C. tossing

D. spinning


A. underpass

B. undergo

C. underlie

D. undertake


A. operate

B. process

C. function

D. perform


A. between

B. along

C. within

D. beyond


A. proclaim

B. endure

C. invalidate

D. substantiate


A. recuperate

B. restore

C. revive

D. resume


A. exert

B. affect

C. enforce

D. compel


A. inducing

B. attaining

C. exacting

D. contributing


A. disparaged

B. retrieved

C. detected

D. originated


A. betrays

B. besets

C. bemoans

D. bestows


A. engendered

B. applied

C. instigated

D. evolved


A. placed

B. ascribed

C. focused

D. attached


A. emerge

B. release

C. determine

D. confess

Part 2. Complete the following extract from a pamphlet on deafness by writing the missing words in the spaces provided. Use only one word in each space. (7.5 pts) This pamphlet is not about empty statements and false promises, rather it is concerned with the cooperation needed by deaf people from those who speak to them. Any person who is willing to give their cooperation by practising the following points will not only make conservation easier (1) …………..deaf people, but also for (2) ……….. 6

Please avoid shouting at deaf people (3) …………….possible. shouting contorts the face of the speaker (4) ………..the embarrassment of the listener, and (5) …………the conservation unnatural and strained. Speech is usually (6) ……….heard when it is given in a clear voice (7) …………..slightly louder (8) ……………normal. Clarity (9) ……………than volume is often the main requirement when speaking. Many deaf people have some ability to lip-read, (10) ………..going to lip-reading classes. Some partially deaf people (11) ……………practise this skill without realising it. They feel that they can hear a speaker (12) ……………when he is facing them. In actual fact, this probably isn’t the case, (13) …………………they are likely to understand (14) …………..accurately because what they only partially hear is assisted (15) ………………what they also see in the speaker’s expressions and lipmovements.

Part 3: You are going to read an extract from an article. Choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best according to the text. (5 pts)

Leakey’s Achievement Although he made his name with his archeological finds of early humans, Richard Leakey became famous as the conservationist who turned the tide against elephant poaching. Bringing the slaughter of Kenya's elephants under control required a military solution, and Leakey was not afraid to apply it. Many poachers were killed, giving Leakey a reputation for being a cold- blooded obsessive who put animals before people. Moreover, his efforts to eradicate corruption in Kenya's wildlife management system won him many enemies. But the birth of the Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS), the eradication of elephant poaching and the ban on the international trade in ivory are his legacy, and they form the basis of Wildlife Wars. This surprisingly personal memoir has much to tell about the fragile relationships between conservationists and governments. It is a story not only of Kenya, but of the continuing cost of trying to save the world's wildlife from extinction. Life for the average person in Africa is tough, and basic needs are far from being met. This is the background against which Leakey fought his war, and he constantly refers to the threat poverty poses to the preservation of Africa's spectacular wildlife. Leakey's argument, here and...

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