Basal ganglia and Parkinsons PDF

Title Basal ganglia and Parkinsons
Author Anastasia Jokinen
Course Neuroscience - Essay Paper
Institution University of Manchester
Pages 5
File Size 146 KB
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Parkinson’s disease (PD) is the second most common neurodegenerative disease, affecting 1% of individuals over age 65. Most cases are sporadic and 5–10% are inherited. Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disorder characterized by motor dysfunctions including, among others, tremor, diffic...


Parkinson’s disease (PD) is the second most common neurodegenerative disease, affecting 1.2% of individuals over age 65. Most cases are sporadic and 5–10% are inherited. Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disorder characterized by motor dysfunctions including, among others, tremor, difficulty in initiating and executing voluntary movements (akinesia/freezing/bradykinesia), muscular rigidity, impaired execution of movement sequences as well as by non-motor deficits such as behavioral and cognitive impairments. In PD patients, bradykinesia manifests as reductions in movement amplitude, movement velocity, and difficulty in initiating movement. It can impact voluntary control of many muscle groups, including eye muscles (resulting in slowed initiation of saccades), muscles of speech (resulting in softer and sometimes slurred speech), and limb muscles (resulting in reduced dexterity). Patients describe difficulties in fine motor tasks like buttoning, writing, and using utensils. PD is also characterized by multiple changes in sleep, including insomnia and alterations in sleep and wake cycles. Earliest to develop is REM sleep behavior disorder, a phenomenon in which patients physically enact their dreams, thrashing about during sleep, grabbing their bedpartner, or falling out of bed. In healthy individuals, brainstem circuitry produces paralysis during REM sleep (sleep atonia). This process goes awry in many patients with PD or other synucleinopathies and is often present many years before the onset of motor symptoms. Symptoms and measurable declines in nearly every cognitive domain have been reported in PD, but deficits can be subdivided into those that are dopamine dependent (alleviated or exacerbated by dopamine replacement therapy) and those that are not. Dopamine-dependent cognitive symptoms tend to emerge earlier and include deficits in attention, processing speed, set-switching, and verbal fluency. Dopamine-independent cognitive impairments tend to accumulate later and include deficits in episodic memory and visuospatial function. In laterstage disease, visual phenomena such as illusions and hallucinations frequently develop, which can unfortunately be worsened by dopamine replacement therapy. Cognitive deficits in PD are commonly treated with cholinesterase inhibitors, which may help compensate for profound loss of cholinergic basal forebrain neurons in PD. PD patients also experience symptoms related to dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system, including constipation, sexual dysfunction, urinary symptoms and incontinence, orthostatic hypotension, and changes in thermoregulation. These key PD symptoms are rooted in the functional anatomy of the disease. Though PD is a neurodegenerative disease, some disease symptoms can be directly linked to neuronal loss, while others appear to be caused by aberrant activity or connectivity in surviving neurons. The pathological hallmark of PD is the Lewy body, which contains the protein a-synuclein. Lewy bodies are found in different regions of the post-mortem brain, often, but not always, accompanied by neurodegenerative cell loss corresponding to symptom burden. The most wellknown site of Lewy body deposition and neurodegeneration is the midbrain, the dopaminergic neurons of the SNc, and, to a lesser degree, the adjacent VTA. The motor dysfunctions of PD are thought to result primarily from the death of dopamineproducing cells in the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNc), an area in the midbrain mainly targeting the striatum (Str), which is the input gate of basal ganglia (BG). As a consequence, PD is characterized by a consistent reduction of striatal dopamine levels. Neurodegeneration is also extensive in brainstem nuclei, including autonomic areas like the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus, motor nuclei such as the pedunculopontine nucleus, and neuromodulatory nuclei like the locus coeruleus and raphe. The timing of changes in noradrenergic and serotonergic projections versus dopaminergic projections may differ significantly. Loss of serotonergic and noradrenergic neurons might produce secondary effects on synaptic connectivity and function in its projection targets, much like the loss of dopaminergic projections profoundly alters striatal and frontal cortical connectivity and function. Less is known about clinical-pathological correlates in these areas, but positron emission tomography (PET) studies in PD patients show correlations between loss of serotonergic neurons and depression in PD or loss of serotonergic and noradrenergic signalling with sleep disturbances, mood

disorders, and cognitive deficits in PD. Neurodegeneration in limbic and neocortical areas is common in PD and correlates strongly with cognitive decline, though many older patients have concomitant Alzheimer’s disease pathology. Some of the key clinical features, including the core motor symptoms (tremor, bradykinesia, and rigidity), are suspected to arise from aberrant patterns of activity within surviving neurons. So to basal ganglia: they play an important role in the selection of behavior and are functionally organised in parallel circuits - direct, indirect and hyperdirect pathways.

The brain contains many motor pattern generators, each of which is devoted to a particular body movement, such as gaze orienting, locomotion/posture, vocalization, reaching/grasping, and eating/drinking. Triggered by particular sensory inputs or internal states, these mechanisms can work independently to generate adaptive movements (e.g. vestibulo-ocular reflex). However, the whole behaviour could become uncontrollable if these motor mechanisms are allowed to be active by simply following their own rules. How then can the brain solve the uncontrollable situation? An efficient way would be to set up a mechanism to suppress all of the motor mechanisms. The basal ganglia appear to perform this function. Their final output neurons are all GABAergic and inhibitory, are highly active continuously, and are connected to these motor mechanisms. They are located in two structures: substantia nigra pars reticulata (SNr) and globus pallidus internal segment (GPi). Indeed, humans and monkeys with basal ganglia dysfunction often show involuntary movements, which may be caused by disruption of SNr/GPi-mediated inhibition. However, the SNr/GPi-induced inhibitions must be weakened in certain contexts. Otherwise, all movements would remain suppressed, which may be a cause of akinesia in patients with Parkinson’s disease. The weakening occurs via GABAergic inhibitory connections from the striatum (direct pathway), and the net effect is a reduction of inhibition (i.e. disinhibition). In addition, SNr/GPi neurons receive indirect inputs from the striatum via the globus pallidus external segment (GPe) and possibly the subthalamic nucleus (STN) (indirect pathway). As both striatal output neurons and GPe neurons are GABAergic and inhibitory, the net effect may be an enhancement of inhibition. The combination of the direct and indirect pathways can, theoretically, make a selection among a repertoire of body movements, which may be called ‘motor action’. The hyperdirect pathway appears to act as a prominent suppressor of ongoing body movements. It is mediated by the STN, which consists of glutamatergic excitatory neurons (unlike most neurons in the basal ganglia) and transmits signals quickly from the cerebral cortex

to SNr/GPi, thereby suppressing body movements. Its major function seems to be behavioural switching, in that it suppresses quick and automatic movements so that slow and voluntary movements can be initiated. Damage of STN thus leads to severe involuntary movements (hemiballismus). A general hypothesis is that the direct pathway mainly processes reward-predicting signals thereby facilitating reward-oriented movements, whereas the indirect pathway mainly processes non-reward-predicting signals thereby suppressing unrewarded movements. These two pathways together thus constitute a reward-oriented motor action. In any reward-motivated behavior there are motor skills (also called action skills), directed by cognitive association with reward (also called object skill). The involvement of the basal ganglia in action skill learning was tested in two ways: reversible inactivation and single unit recording. The performance in the early learning phase was impaired by the inactivation of the rostral striatum (caudate head and rostral putamen), whereas the performance in the late learning phase was impaired by the inactivation of the caudal striatum (intermediate and caudal putamen). Correspondingly, neurons in the rostral striatum tended to be more active in the early learning phase, whereas neurons in the caudal striatum tended to be more active in the late learning phase. These results suggest that the rostral striatum contributes to the voluntary learning mechanism, whereas the caudal striatum contributes to the automatic learning mechanism. It is known that the rostral striatum receives inputs mainly from the associative region of the cerebral cortex and may send signals back to the association cortex through a loop circuit (SNr/GPi – thalamus – cortex). In contrast, the caudal striatum is connected mainly with the sensorimotor region of the cortex. The rostral striatum processes visuospatial, attentional, working memory, and reward signals, together with the association cortex. The automatic signals in the caudal striatum may be related to sensorimotor signals derived from joints and muscles. Human functional MRI studies have shown that different regions in the basal ganglia and other brain areas become active depending on learning phases: the association cortex (dorsolateral/dorsomedial prefrontal, parietal cortices) together with the rostral striatum is active in the early phase, while the sensorimotor cortex (M1/premotor cortex) together with the caudal striatum is active in the late phase when the performance becomes implicit. The object skill in primates is most often dependent on assessment of visual information - gaze orienting - with finding and focusing on the most 'valuable object' in space and assessing its value beforehand. The fact that the basal ganglia may be involved in object skill is hinted at by their influence on the superior colliculus (SC) whose major function is to initiate orienting responses. In monkeys, local dopamine deficiency, which is caused by injection of MPTP in the caudate head or caudate body, leads to contralateral hemineglect of gaze and attention. Before eye movements, a group of SNr neurons that project to superior colliculus pause in their tonic firing and thus cause a disinhibition of superior colliculus neurons. The cessation of SNr neuronal activity is mostly caused by phasic firing of caudate head/caudate body neurons, which project to SNr. Importantly, saccades are heavily biased toward the spatial position where reward is expected. CD-SNr-SC circuit plays a key role in finding valuable positions/objects and contribute to reward-guided gaze orienting by changing their signals flexibly. If you encounter a new object, or if the value of an object has changed, the CDt-cdlSNr-SC circuit is unable to judge their values. This weakness is compensated for by the caudate head (CDh) circuit, because neurons in the caudate head are sensitive to the immediate reward outcome and thus learn the values of new objects quickly. Novel objects would gradually become familiar if you experience them repeatedly. For experiences that are associated with rewards, the flexible CDh-rvmSNr-SC circuit would be active initially, but activity within this circuit would gradually be replaced by the activation of the stable CDt-cdlSNr-SC circuit until ‘object skill’ is established. This shift of the active site in the basal ganglia is similar to what happens during motor learning that results in ‘action skill’. In both cases, the active site shifts from the rostral to caudal part of the basal ganglia. Also common to the action and object systems is cortical inputs: the flexible-early mechanism

receives inputs mainly from the association cortex, whereas the stable-late mechanism receives inputs from the sensorimotor cortex (c.f. caudate tail mostly from the sensory cortex). Different sets of the automatic mechanisms should be activated depending on different contexts, and this has been investigated using ‘set-shifting tasks’. This procedure requires functional interactions between the automatic and voluntary mechanisms: the voluntary mechanism would be responsible for the selection of the automatic mechanisms, whereas the automatic mechanisms would provide the voluntary mechanism with long-term memory-based information (which would be helpful for the selection). Dysfunctions of the basal ganglia cause different behavioural impairments depending on which region is mainly affected: automatic behaviour by caudal dysfunctions versus voluntary behaviour by rostral dysfunctions. In Parkinson’s disease, cell degeneration tends to occur earlier and dominantly in dopamine neurons in the lateral part of SNc, which project mainly to the caudal striatum. As the caudal striatum, especially caudal putamen, primarily serves skeletal sensorimotor functions, patients with Parkinson’s disease often show skeletomotor dysfunctions, including akinesia, rigidity, and tremor. Although the patients often have difficulty in initiating a movement (akinesia), the movement could be initiated in special contexts, such as in response to abrupt sensory inputs, planned sensory cues, or emotional events. These observations imply that the basic motor mechanisms located in the brainstem or spinal cord are largely intact in Parkinson’s disease. Patients with Parkinson’s disease may perform a single movement fairly well, but often have difficulty in performing two movements simultaneously, especially movements that are normally generated subconsciously. These considerations suggest that, in Parkinson’s disease, the automatic processes do not work efficiently and this deficit is caused by the dysfunction of the caudal basal ganglia. All of the automatic processes would work in a coordinated manner, due to coordinated long-term learning. In an extreme case of Parkinson’s disease, all of these processes may be no longer automatic, but instead need to be performed voluntarily with full attention. The voluntary process would then need to deal with all the multiple processes sequentially one at a time. Such a demand could be so high in patients with Parkinson’s disease that the main goal of the voluntary process (i.e. how to drive to the store) can scarcely be processed. The whole daily routine would thus be performed sequentially, and therefore slowed down. Even if patients with Parkinson’s disease do learn action skills, their skills are not retained for a long time, suggesting that the learning and retention mechanisms in the caudal basal ganglia are compromised in Parkinson’s disease, partly due to the lack of dopamine inputs to the caudal striatum. (In Huntington’s disease, on the other hand, cell loss occurs predominantly in the striatum and patients with Huntington’s disease show deficits in learning of action skills, especially learning of sequential movements). Dysfunctions of the basal ganglia seem to disrupt object skill, in addition to action skill. The basal ganglia are also involved in sensory processing. The striatum receives inputs from sensory cortices: somatosensory, visual, and auditory. Patients with Parkinson’s disease occasionally have visual defects similar to hemi-neglect. While scanning complex visual images, patients with Parkinson’s disease make fewer saccades with smaller amplitudes. They may identify fewer landmarks and traffic signs during driving, may not benefit from the repetition of a complex visual pattern, or may be slower in detecting visual images appearing out of noise. However, these deficits are different from loss of vision; they seem related to the visual memorybased behavioural control rather than visual perception. Patients with Parkinson’s disease show deficits in visual short-term memory (especially working memory) and in performing various cognitive tasks. Working memory is often used to predict upcoming events, which allows one to prepare for the next action. Such predictive behaviour may be lost in patients with Parkinson’s disease, in which case they rely on sensory cues to trigger their behaviour. These behavioural changes may be related to the dysfunctions of the

rostral portions of the basal ganglia, which contain many neurons encoding the preparation of actions or the prediction of events (particularly reward). The mechanism(s) by which microglia participate in PD may be similar to those in AD. Microglia internalize and degrade α -synuclein, possibly to clear it. A defect in this process leads to accumulation of extracellular α -synuclein similar to Aβ. Microglia accumulate near α -synuclein deposits and become proinflammatory in a manner dependent on receptors that also bind Aβ , such as CD36 and TLR2....

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