Battle of Dunkirk-2 - rbfjkb3ir wfnruijfcbrfjbfuguwygqygufbb. gfiugrufgbc dhqiuuhdgfg. fgiuwgfkf PDF

Title Battle of Dunkirk-2 - rbfjkb3ir wfnruijfcbrfjbfuguwygqygufbb. gfiugrufgbc dhqiuuhdgfg. fgiuwgfkf
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rbfjkb3ir wfnruijfcbrfjbfuguwygqygufbb. gfiugrufgbc dhqiuuhdgfg. fgiuwgfkf bdiuwgef...


Battle of Dunkirk By: Death

Humans are despicable creatures. Day after day I see a shred of humanity disappear before my eyes. You would think me being Death would make it easier to collect souls. I just need a vacation away from the corrupted world and death in general. To look at the sky and admire its simple beauty. It is May 29th, 1940, the day of blood shed that could fill seas called the battle of Dunkirk. It was the battle between the British and the German. The day started out like any normal day. The sun smiling down at the soldiers praising a good day. Everything always comes to an end at some point. That point was when the British were evacuating the beach to get to safety from the Germans. This protocol was called the “Operation Dynamo.” The young and old soldiers were victims to this cruel world. No matter what age, I would not show any mercy. The soldiers would have to pay the consequences. The constant question stirring inside my dark soul was how one can voluntarily sign up to take another humans life. Humanity is at a short supply. There are no pure souls and if so, they sure are hard to discover.

All the British soldiers waiting in line for the opportunity to get freedom and ensured safety. Before and during the horrific attacks, about 185,000 soldiers escaped Dunkirk. Just because they got on secure land; that does not ensure I am not on their tail. The British lost 930 planes during battle and 475 pilots included. Most of them however just ended up getting collected by me. Destruction is all I remember in that moment. Bodies scattered hopelessly waiting for the commotion to be over. The sand throwing the lifeless soldiers back and forth, bomb after bomb. The thing I always remember is the sky. The sky painted murky thick layers of smoke covering any shade of hope. Time was ticking for the soldiers, and it was ticking fast. The mole was blown up shortly after. This job was like stealing candy from a baby, too easy. The soldiers had nowhere to go, and the supply of ships were cut in half. The mole was a long dock that boats sailed off due to the shore being high in the area. The purpose of the mole was to preserve the lives of the men. The soldiers did not have to push the boats anymore, so it was an easy lifesaving solution. After the mole was bombed the soldiers were sitting like ducks on the beach, hoping, and waiting for an escape. I was knocking at the door between the living and the dead, waiting for the deed to happen. I was so close; it was as if they could feel my pulse. The sun was starting to peep through the clouds until the Germans came back for round 2. This bombing however was more impactful and made me wonder if humans will ever find peace. Ships now sinking, people drowning, bombs exploding, and destruction everywhere. It was a never-ending loop continuously churning. The deadline was coming my way soon for the injured soldiers. Soldier after soldier paying me a life ending visit that is to die for. The endless issue of ship sunk like the game battleship. The British and French soldiers encountered shelter far too late.

Minute after minute, the souls of the men being consumed into a unawakenable slumber. Humans. One of the soldiers, the captain stayed behind to honor what he created. He made sure the others got on safely and then proceeded to stay. Instead of fleeing like the others he accepted it was his time to find peace. The ditch filled with leftover corpses made me realize that I can never be like them. I can never experience death how others feel. I cannot experience what I long for, purity. The thought of humans kill other humans like themselves are mind shattering. Days went on and at the end of the battle the British and the French ended up defeated. Around 3,500 British soldiers ended up dead 13,053 were injured in the span of 9 days.

Acts like wars, battles, and mass casualties are what strip young people of their lives. They put me in a position of ending a chapter in life that was not completely written. Humans call me the “bad guy” constantly because of their wrong doings, their mistakes, and their simple decisions. I am considered the thief in the night that will never go away, and I am fine with it. The battle of Dunkirk could have been resolved in a more orderly fashioned manner that had less deaths for me to handle. I see both good and evil conquer a human with constant decisions. The decisions you make foresee which one you let take over. In the end I continue doing my job, while future generations of collected souls will be conquered eventually in my possession. Death.

Sources: 1. “Dunkirk's Darkest Day: When the Evacuation Came Close to Disaster.” The Guardian, Guardian News and Media, 16 July 2017, 2. Dunkirk - Google Search, Places to Watch Movie, 2017,

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