Be the Master of Your Own Fate PDF

Title Be the Master of Your Own Fate
Author Anonymous User
Course Advanced English
Institution Beijing University of Technology
Pages 2
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Be the Master of Your Own Fate Near eight decades ago, in December 1941, Sir Winston Churchill (1941) delivered his famous speech ‘We are the masters of our fate’ to the U.S. Congress following the attack by the Japanese troops on Pearl Harbor. In the speech, He used the words “Now we are the masters of our fate” to inspire the Allies and inform the world that they had to decide their own destiny. He also backed this punchline by a Psalmist (112:7) quote, “He shall not be afraid of evil tidings, his heart is fixed, trusting in the Lord.” In ancient China, there is also a saying goes “Wo ming bu you tian.” (Borui Zhang, 1075) in Taoism, which can be perfectly translated to “It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves.” by William Shakespeare (1599). These quotes are to those who allow life to happen randomly. They criticize those sorts of people by saying the result of our lives is not already determined but is predicated on our actions. I chose these words because it strengthens the thought that whenever and wherever the successful man or women of our society are those who are not slaved by his own destiny and they believe that they are able to change and determine their own fate by their actions and efforts. So how can we be the master of our own fate? We need to do what we love, work harder for it, and do not give up. BBC has launched an education program called BBC Bitesize, which is a free online study support resource for K12 students. There is a sub webpage called “Do what you love, love what you do”. It said, “We are always considering others’ opinions”. There is no doubt that it is important to seek advice, it is, however, more essential to remember that the choice is ultimately ours (BBC). Love and interest can lead and benefit us. Warren Buffett (2015) also urged “Work in jobs which you love”. It is easy to find there are lots of examples in the industry. Many tech entrepreneurs do not succumb to life, they never yield to fate but master it. Some of them left college and started their own business in their bedrooms or garages with their interest and great ambitions. Mark Zuckerberg is one of them. He is the founder and CEO of Facebook, which is the most famous social media platform around the world. He dropped out of Harvard at an early age because he believed it’s a total waste of time in college, and he chose to contribute himself to the area he loves. Nowadays, the value of Facebook has already reached billions of dollars. Not only these businesspersons or public figures can do what they love and be successful. Lots of normal people like you and I are chasing for their dream, do what they love, and being happy for themselves. BBC Scotland (2017) produced a series of videos to show some normal people’s dream job and their stories. All of them had specific love and keen on some areas and became successful. Fraser Ross followed his interest and became a roller coaster designer. the love of reading led Raisah Ahmed to be a screenwriter, and she has written and directed her own films. Campbell Price was keen on ancient Egypt in his childhood. He's now a famous curator of collections of Egyptian artifacts. To be the master of our own fate, we need to work hard and work harder, because this is what we love, what we run for, and our identity which separates us from others. If we only said we love it but never take any action or effort for it, we will never complete it. Most people do not spend their lives doing their love, they yield to what they call reality. But for many want to

chase their love and interest, they must work harder than everyone else, otherwise, there is no different from the former. As an adult, life is not always easy, we all face difficult sometimes. We may hesitate and question our previous choices. But if you want to master your own fate, please, do not give up. Steve Jobs is the founder of Apple, and his entrepreneurial journey was not smooth at all. His perfectionism strained his relationship with employees, he was also fired by the board once. He experienced that the product failed to be sold, he was also surpassed by his competitors. However, he didn’t give up and try again and again. That’s what makes him so successful. All in all, what I d believe is, we need to do what we love, work harder for it, and do not give up. Therefore, we can master our fate. Just like what William Henley (1875) said in his poem, “It matters not how strait the gate. How charged with punishments the scroll. I am the master of my fate. I am the captain of my soul.”.

Reference: Churchill W. (1941). We are the masters of our fate. [Online] Available at: [Accessed: 27 May 2020] Psalm 112:7. Bible: King James Version. Cambridge University Press. Zhang B. R. (1075). Jueju. [Online] Available at: [Accessed: 27 May 2020] Shakespeare, W. (1599). The tragedy of Julius Caesar. [Online] Available at: [Accessed: 27 May 2020] Udland M. (2015). Business Insider. [Online] Available at: [Accessed: 27 May 2020] BBC. Do what you love, love what you do. [Online] Available at: [Accessed: 27 May 2020] BBC Scotland. (2017). Dream Job. [Online] Available at: [Accessed: 27 May 2020] Henley W. E. (1875). Invictus. [Online] Available at: [Accessed: 27 May 2020]...

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