Bio test correction with the anatomy system PDF

Title Bio test correction with the anatomy system
Author Brandon Matos
Course Biology I
Institution Borough of Manhattan Community College
Pages 13
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This is a test of all the anatomy system including the bodies and the intestines including what is involved in your body....


Brandon Matos Prof. Lauren Goodwyn BIO 425-112L 10/20/19

Test Correction 1a. Define percussion My error: When I wrote the word percussion on a test in a definition I made a mistake that I wrote a different kind of meaning of percussion. I should have done was I have be able to give more descriptive to the word not just one or two sentences. I have to stop guessing with writing down the definition be more formative. I shouldn't done was underline the word and provide the examples what I have so far. Another thing was I have to be able to stop second guessing myself and read the directions carefully also do not rush. I was also going off topic in percussion I have to stick with the medical terms.

My new answer: Percussion is a diagnostic procedure designed to determine the density of a body part by the sound produced. Found in Major Themes of Anatomy and Physiology Handout

2. Place the letter of each statement into themes correct column: A placebo does not contain medicine it is a poor experimental design because it does not form that does not contain an active drug ingredient. A large sample size is part of the good

experimental design because it can contain the size that can be detected. Relies on patient stories about how they feel is a poor experimental design because patients can get bad stories about their experiences in life. Nurses know about who gets placebo is because they can be able to identify who kind of placebo they are using in life.

3a. In your own words, what is homeostasis? Use the term “set point” in your answer.

My error: I did not underline the directions of what the question is about. I randomly wrote down what homeostasis really down. I shouldn't have done that. I should have use my knowledge and think about what the questions is asking. I should been able to stop and think about what I have to say about what are the questions are asking and how am I going to write.

My new answer: The prefix of homeo mean constant, unchanging. The suffix stasis mean put, remain. In my own words, homeostasis is keeping your body constant. Homeostasis are organisms regulate their internal environment. Found in Major Themes of Anatomy and Physiology

4a. Put these in order from least organized to most organized. Urinary system, peroxidase, simple squamous epithelium, Golgi body, calcium, adipocyte, brain

My error: My mistake was I did not put which one is the least to the greatest of these organisms. I have to be more careful of where Im choosing the answer from.

My new answer: Least: Peroxidase, Golgi body, Simple squamous epithelium. Greatest: Calcium, urinary system adipocyte, brain

5b. Define: i.

Gross anatomy i.

My error: I did not correctly give the exact definition of what gross anatomy really is. I do not really know what gross anatomy really is I had to make an educated guess which I really screwed up upon. I didn't really catch up on that definition.

ii. Found in Major Themes of Anatomy and Physiology Handout

My new answer: When I looked up the word gross anatomy I was really nervous because I had a test anxiety which I had in my entire life. It really bothers me a lot it made feel like I wasn't smart enough in the class. I felt like I’m letting myself down . I was really trying my best to answer the question on the test. I should be able to take my time not rushing circle the key medical terms i don't really know. I think this is my main focus I should try better on the test.

Explain which molecule would provide the most ATP for a cell: A glucose molecule or a starch molecule?

My error: It was my mistake I didn't really fully explain myself to the question on test. I should have pick one answer on the test and fully explain of why I chose those answer. I think my struggle on the test is the timing in real it was really hard question to come up with.

My new answer: I didn't fully explain the question I shouldn’t give more details of why I chose those answer for a reason. This is my main problem why do I rush while explaining the answer to the question, another thing I shouldn't done is I should have ask the professor a question about the test. This really annoys me because I was really embarrassed of what my professor was going to say about me. Found in Cellular Processes Handout

6b. Describe or draw and label the structure of a phospholipid. Use the terms hydrophobic and hydrophilic in your answer.

My error: My mistake is that I didn't correctly draw the correct structure a phospholipid. I tried out my best to draw the structure, I think I put down the wrong label of which phospholipid goes. I also didn't able to get the word description it was very difficult to explain in my own words.

My new answer: I should be able to define the two new terms hydrophobic and hydrophilic explain what it means. what is the difference of hydrophobic and hydrophilic which I did not put on the test. I gotta be more aware of answering the question.

7b. Discuss whether this statement is correct. “When a cell has reached saturation for glucose transport, it cannot transport any more glucose into the cell.”

My error: I wrote down false but I didn't really explain why I chose the word false in the statement I didn't really have time to explain the situation it was hard. I was really struggling of answering the question.

My new answer: I should be able to give enough details explaining why I chose that answer. This is one of the very challenging question I have ever seen. It is not that easy in life.

8b. Explain why the model of the plasma membrane is called “fluid” and “mosaic”?

My error: I didn't really follow the direction correctly, I didn't really explain the details of fluid and mosaic, I was taking an educated guess. I ignored the bold word that is explaining the directions on the test which really frustrates me

My new answer: I didn't think that I didn't know the meaning of fluid and mosaic. It was very hard to explain it. I wanted to try my best and give the answer that I have so far.

9b. Are proteins alive? Explain your answer.

My error: I mixed up with following the directions. I put down the different types of proteins that can we use for our body to stay alive.

My new answer: In proteins, we use it for keeping our bodies safe and healthy. Provide for brain and the stomach. Also, proteins are made of cells which we need to keep the body function. If we don't body the function of the proteins we wont be able to move, keep the blood moving and there are so many things that are happening into your body. The body makes a lot of ribosomes to keep reproduce. Found in Important Molecules Handout

11b. A cell specialized to produce many enzymes that work in the extracellular matrix would have more of which two organelles that would aid this process?

My error: I mixed up with which of the two organelles that would aid in this process of a cell specialized to produce many enzymes.

My new answer: I should be able to identify what are the two organelles that are in the following directions.

12a. Think about glycolysis. My error: I mixed up with the number of CO2, FADH2, NADH and where in the cell does this process takes place.

My new answer: In glycolysis, glucose is being broken into two molecules. There are 2 ATP that are being produced, 1 NADH are being reproduced, 1 FADH2 are being produced including glycolysis which is also the cell that are being taken into place.

13b. Give three differences between DNA and RNA.

My error: I messed up with explaining the differences between DNA and RNA that I didn't provide the correct answer.

My new answer: The differences between DNA and RNA is that they both have different types of structure. DNA can make a copy of itself, RNA has three types messenger, transfer and ribosomal RNA. DNA can also duplicate to make a new piece of DNA. Found in Cellular Processes Handout

14. Place the letter of each choice into the most correct column. Spaces provided in column are not indicative of the number of letters for each column. Enzymes are proteins that speed up reactions by reducing the activation energy without being consumed in the reaction. RNA stands for ribonucleic acid. Nucleic acid that helps put the genetic code in DNA into acid. In the starting molecule for glycolysis it is the 1st part of cellular respiration where sugar is split, occurs in cytoplasm. Hexose is any of the class of simple sugars whose molecules contain six carbon atoms, such as glucose and fructose. They generally have

the chemical formula C6H12O6. Maltose is a sugar produced by the breakdown of starch. DNase is produced in cell then secreted outside cell wall produced by bacteria. The main component of plasma membrane are phospholipids, Glycoproteins, Carbohydrates and Cholesterol. Thymine pairs with Adenine. In Alpha helix, are a common structure protein characterized by single spiral chains of amino acids stabilized by hydrogen bonds. Polypeptides contain greater than 50 amino acid residues. The things that contains nitrogenous bases are adenine, guanine, thymine and cytosine. Cholesterol can be a compound in most of the body tissues.

15. Place the letter of each statement into the correct column. Letters may be used in more than one column: H+ stand for hydron. Oil is any of the group of natural esters of glycerol and various fatty acids. Steroid is an organic compounds with a characteristic molecular structure containing four rings of carbon atoms. C4H10O is a molecular compound. H2N-C-COOH is an amino acid structure. Nucleic acid is an organic compounds in living organisms that are responsible for passing on hereditary information. Glucose is a simple sugar which is an important energy source in living organisms and is a component of many carbohydrates. Phospholipid is a lipid containing a phosphate group in its molecule. C9H18O2N7 contains in hydrophilic molecule.

16. A DNA molecule contains 23% thymine. What percentage of the cell was Cytosine?

My error: I mixed up with the percentages which I used 23 divided by a 100 which is = 23%. I didn't show a complete work of this equation which I made a mistake.

My new answer: I have to be able to show work which I have to be able to add both percentages = 46%. Then I have to be able to subtract 100%-46%= 54% which is the final answer.

17. Place the letter of each choice into the correct column. Letters may be used in more that one column: Simple diffusion goes with the passive transport. It is also a passive movement from high to low concentration. Uses a vesicle goes with the active transport . Found in Cellular Process handout

18. Consider cellular respiration. a. What is the role of oxygen in the electron transport chain?

My error: I didn't fully explain the role of oxygen in the electron transport chain it doesn't make sense.

My new answer: Oxygen is an electron acceptor. So it waits at the end of the electron transport chain to accept the electrons and forms water, which is released from the cell. Electron Transport chain takes place in mitochondria.

Found in Cellular Processes Handout

b. What does the oxygen become?

My error: I forgot to put the symbol for oxygen which is the chemical element including with the symbol O and atomic number is 8. My new answer: Oxygen can become a part of water at the end of the electron transport chain.

c. What is the source of the CO2 your body produces?

My error: I mixed up with Carbon dioxide which is the body produce but I didn't fully explain why it is being produced.

My new answer: My body produces with oxygen without oxygen I won’t be able to breathe in the air.

19. The following is a nucleotide strand. TTTACGGTACCTGAACTAA

a. Explain how u decided if this is DNA or RNA.

My error: I didn't fully explain why it was DNA it was hard to explain it.

My new answer: I saw the answer on the board the letter keep continuing the letter of the DNA.

b. Create the products of transcription using the above strand.

My error: I did put the product of transcription using the strand but i didn't explain How did I get this answer? I didn't also explain what transcription is.

My new answer: Transcription is the open piece of DNA.

c. Using the code supplied, create the primary structure.

My error: I didn't create the primary structure i did not understand the question. I wrote down the letter of transcription. I also didn't put the letters of the primary structure.

My new answer: AUGAAUCAUGAUUAG Met-Asn-His-Asp-STOP

d. How many tRNAs would you need to make the protein coded for by the above strand?

My error: I put down the wrong number which is incorrect for the tRNAs.

My new answer: The tRNAs need to have 2 to make the protein.

How did you determine that number? My error: I didn't explain it clearly it was too hard to understand the question. My new answer: I have to be able to explain it clearly so I can get the answer correct. Found in Important Molecules Handout

20. Place the letter of each of these terms into the correct category:

Anticodons is attach to codons which goes to the translation. It can attach to oxygen and hydrogen atoms. mRNA stand for messenger RNA is the form of RNA in which genetic information transcribed from DNA as a sequence of bases is transferred to a ribosome. The things that occurs in the nucleus is to make products for manufacturing ribosomes. It consists of protein and DNA. The things that occur in the RER which goes to the translation also RER can function ribosome attachment site and transports and modifies proteins.

21. Place each statement about epichelial tissues in the correct column. Spaces provided in column are not indicative of the number of letters for each column:

Epithelial tissues doesn't have a good blood supply. They get their nutrition through diffusion from the basement membrane, where blood vessels are abundant. It does get lines free surfaces because it does connect to the epithelial tissues. Epithelial tissues does not have a lot of

extracellular matrix because it belongs to the connective tissue. Squamous tissues have pseudo stratified because it is the type of epithelial tissue that contains a single layer of flattened cells with disc shaped central nuclei. Cuboidal cells often function as structural elements in organs because it is the type of epithelial tissue that has a single layer of cube like cells with large spherical central nuclei....

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