Biochemistry Answer Key-RED Pacop PDF

Title Biochemistry Answer Key-RED Pacop
Author Melbhon Ramos
Course Pharm
Institution University of Luzon
Pages 31
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Pharmaceutical Biochemistry 1. Isoelectric or pI is the pH midway between pKa values on either side of isoelectric species where amino acids exits as neutral species. Lysine has three pK values. pK1=2.2, pK2 = 9.2 and pK3 =10.8. What is the pI of lysine? A. 5.7 B. 6.5 C. 10 D. 11.4 E. 9.2 2. Most amino acids do not absorb visible light and thus are colorless. However, there are some that can absorb light. Which of the following groupings of amino acids contribute to the ability of most proteins to absorb high wavelength (250-290nm) ultraviolet light? A. Alanine, valine, leucine B. Tryptophan, tyrosine and phenylalanine C. Serine, cysteine, and thereonine D. Arginine, lysine and arginine E. Glutamate and aspartate 3. In protein nomenclature, if the name of the peptide is phenyllalanyl-aspartyl-lysyl-aspargine, which residue has its α-carboxyl group not involved in the peptide bond formation? A. Phe B. Asp C. Lys D. Asn E. None 4. Which of the following pairs of amino acids with the indicated side-chain is CORRECT? A. Cyteine-sulfhydryl group B. Valine-methyl group C. Tryptopan-phenol group D. Serine-guanido group E. Methionine-hydroxymethyl 5. Which of the following statement/s is/are TRUE about glutamine and asparagine? I. Their amide chains can be protonated II. They are uncharged at physiologic pH. III. They are easily differentiated from aspartate and glutamate by chemical procedures since amides closely resemble acids in the chemical properties. IV. They are structural analogs of aspartate and glutamate with their carboxylic side-chain groups aminated A. I, II, III B. I & III C. II & IV D. I, II, III & IV 6. _________ configuration of the peptide bond is more stable than the ________ configuration. A. Syn; anti B. Trans; cis C. R; S D. D; L E. Erythro; threo 7. Evaluate the following statements. 1. The alpha carbonyl to nitrogen portion of the peptide bond can rotate at physiologic temperatures. 2. The double bond character of the peptide bond makes the peptide bond planar. A. only the first statement is correct. B. only the second statement is correct. C.Both the first statements is correct. D.Both the first statements is incorrect. 8. Glutamic acid has 3pK values: . pK1=2.2, pK2 = 4.3 and pK3 =9.7. Which of the following ionic forms of glutamic acid will predominate at a pH below its isoelectric point of 3.25? A. COOHCOOH B. COO COOH C. COO COO D. COO COO E. COO COOH 9. Most _____ amino acids are buried away from water solvent that interacts with the surface of a soluble protein while most ______ side chains are on the surface of soluble globular proteins. A. Charged; hydrophobic

B. Hydrophobic; charged C. Hydrophobic; apolar









D. Charged; polar E. None of these Which amino acids is antagonized by drugs of abuse such as ketamine and phencyclidine and is implicated in schizophrenia/ A. Glycine B. Aspartate C. Tryptophan D. Glutamate E. Tyrosine Which amino acid is a major neurotransmitter in the brain? A. Tyrosine B. Glutamate C. Aspartate D. Serine E. Tryprophan A 57 year old man with a long history of alcohol abuse comes to the emergency room with symptoms of confusion and hepatomegaly on examination. The patient also has a flapping tremor at the wrist (asterixis). He is diagnosed with hepatic encephalopathy, which can be partially treated with a diet of branched-chain amino acids. Which of the following sets of amino acids would you suggest? A. Tryptophan, phenylalanine, tyrosine B. Aspartate, glutamine, asparagines C. Valine, leucine, isoleucine D. Methionine, proline, cystein E. Alanine, glycine Which of the following amino acids is inhibitory & antagonized by the rodenticide strychnine, leading to muscle twitching and spasm? A. Glycine B. Asparagines C. Lysine D. Tyrosine E. Tryptophan A man diagnosed of hartnup disease wherein his urinalysis results showed significant increase in the neutral amino acids. Whichof the following amino acidswould have been found in his urine sample? A. Histidine B. Arginine C. Phenylalanine D. Glutamate E. Lysine The presence of which characteristic distinguishes a eukaryote from prokaryote A. DNA B. Well-defined nucleus C. Cytoplasm D. Cell membrane E. Ribosome Anorganelle is the portion of the cell enclosed by a membrane. Based on this, which of the following is not strictly an organelle? A. Mitochondrion B. Lysosome C. Ribosome D. Endoplasmic reticulum E. None of these Hydrogen bonding plays s role in the behavior of water as a solvent. It is also a key to the specificity f transfer of genetic formation. Which does not properly illustrate hydrogen bonding? A. O H ---O H B. C H-----O


C. N----- H N D. N



E. None of the above 18. Which of the fllowing vitamins may cause CNS disturbances, liver and skin damage when taken in excess? A. A B. B3 C. B6

D. D

E. E 19. Which of the vitamins may cause extensive vasoconstriction and elevated blood pressure and calcinosis of soft tissueswhen taken in excess? A. Vitamin A B. Vitamin B3 C. Vitamin B6 D. Vitamin D E. Vitamin E 20. The organelle-free cell sap where many reactions and metabolic pathways such as glycolysis, glycogenesis and fatty acid synthesis occur is known as the _______. A. Mithochondrion B. Cystosol C. Nucleus D. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum E. Cell membrane 21. Part of the cell that contains the organelles that carry out functions essential t cell metabolism. A. Cell membrane B. Cytoplasm C. Nucleus D. Cytskeletn E. Nucleolus 22. Site of lipid synthesis in cells A. Smooth endopasmic reticulum B. Rough endoplasmic reticulum C. Golgi apparatus D. Mitochondrion E. Lysosomes 23. Primary reserve carbohydrate in plants A. Chitin B. Glycogen C. Starch D. Chondroitin E. Heparin 24. Water has high ______ hence it is good in minimizing temperature fluctuations. A. Polarity specific heat B. H-bond potential C. Acidity D. Nucleophilicity 25. Molecules that are part hydrophilic and par hydrophobic. A. Amphipathic B. Protophilic C. Nucleophilic D. Amphiphilic E. Protogenic 26. When c1 of monosaccharides becomes chiral, it is now known as a(an): A. Epimeric carbon B. Enantiomeric carbon C. Assymetric carbon D. Anomeric carbon E. Acetalic carbon 27. Twosugars that differ only in the configuration of ne carbon atom other than the terminal carbon atom the penultimatecarbonatom are called____. A. Anomers B. Epimers C. Enantiomers D. Erythroismers E. Threo isomers 28. The glycosidic linkage that binds glucose and glucose to form maltose. A. Beta-(1 2) B. Beta-(1 4) C. Alpha-(1 4) D. Alpha-(1 2) E. Alpha-(4 1) 29. The glycosidic linkage that binds glucose and galactose to form lactose. A. Beta- (1 2) B. Beta- (1 4) C. Alpha-(1 4) D. Alpha-(1 2) E. Alpha-(4 1) 30. The component of starch that reacts with iodine to form a deep-blue colored complex

A. Glycogen












B. Achroodextrin C. Maltotriose D. Amylose E. Amylopectin A sulfated polysaccharide found in Gelidiumcartilageniumwhich can be used as culture media for growing microorganisms. A. Chitin B. Agar C. Pectin D. Hyaluronic acid E. Dextran Amino sugar found in chondroitin A. N-acetylfructosamine B. N-acetylglucosamine C. N-acetylgalactsamine D. N-acetylmuramic acid E. N-acetylmannosamine Dextran is primarily used as a(an): A. Suspending agent B. Culture medium C. Glomerular filtration evaluation D. Plasma expander E. Sweetener An enzyme considered to be a “spreading” factor to increase the absorption of solutions administered by clysis. A. Sucrase B. Amylase C. Hyaluronidase D. Amylopectase Heparin, a mucopolysaccharide is used as an anticoagulant because: A. It inhibit platelet aggregation B. It dissolves blood clots C. It dissolves fibrin D. It activates antithrombin E. It hydrolyzesprothrombin Branching frequency of glycgen’sstucture: A. Every 4-6 glucose units B. Every 6-10 glucose units C. Every 12-14 glucose units D. Every 2-6 glucose units E. Every 25-30 glucose units The principal component of exoskeletons of arthropods, lobster & crabs A. Peptidoglycan B. Cellulose C. Chondroitin D. Chitin E. Cell wall It is the dietary precursor for arachidnic acid. A. Oleic acid B. Timnodonic acid C. Linoleic acid D. Linolenic acid E. Cervonic acid Glucose and galactose are epimers at carbon number: A. 6 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5 E. 2 Which carbohydrate would not rotate palne polarized light? A. Erythrose B. Lycerose C. Dihydroxyacetone D. Fructose E. Glucose Glucose mannose are epimers at carbn number: A. 6 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5

E. 2

42. Bonds that link fatty acids with glycerol in triglycerides. A. Ester bonds B. Amide bonds C. Ether bonds D. Aldehydic bonds E. H-bonds 43. Amylose differs from amylopectin in that amylose contains alpha-1,4 linkages while amylpectin contains ______ linkage/s: I. Alpha-(1 2) II. Alpha-(1 4) III. Alpha-(1 6)











A. I, II & III F. I & II G. II & III H. II only I. III only The alcohol contained by glycosphingolipids A. Glycerol phingosine B. Glycol C. Fatty alcohols D. Sterols Phosphatidylcholine is also known as: A. Lecithin B. Cephalin C. Plasmalogen D. Cardiolipin E. Sphingomyelin Phosphatidyletnolamine is also known as: A. Lecithin B. Cephalin C. Plasmalogen D. Cardiolipin E. Sphingomyelin It is a formula used to describe the behavior of weak acids and buffers in solution: A. Henderson-Haselbalch Equation B. Vant Hoff Equation C. Van’t Hoff Equation D. Hendersn-Hasselbalch Equation E. Henderson-Hasselbach Equation Fructose intolerance can lead to: A. Diarrhea B. Flatulence C. Hypoglycemia D. Constipation E. GIT spasm Failure to metabolize galactose cause galactosemia and further: A. Renal failure B. Liver failure C. Cataracts D. Neuropathy E. Arthropathy Eicosapentaenic acid (EPA) found in fish preparations such as Omacor® is commonly known as? A. Palmitoleic acid B. Timnodonic acid C. Lenoleic acid D. Cervonic acid Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) found in fish oil preparations such as Omacor® is commonly known as? A. Palmitoleic acid B. Timnodonic acid C. Linoleic acid D. Linoleic acid E. Cervonic acid EPAand DHA belongs to what mega superfamily f fatty acids? A. Omega-9 B. Omega-6 C. Omega-3 D. Omega-5 E. Omega-7 Which of the following monosaccharide is found in wod gums and in vivo, in several glycoproteins?

A. Arabinose












B. Xylulose C. Xylose D. Lyxose E. Erythrose A deoxy sugar found in the DNA molecule A. Fucose B. Deoxygalactose C. Deoxyribose D. Dexyglucose E. Idose DNA differs from RNA in that the OH in C2 of the monsaccharide found in the RNA is replaced by: A. Amino group B. Nitrogenous base C. Carboxyl carbon D. Hydrogen atom E. Carbonyl carbon Monosaccharide found in cases of pentosuriawhich is usually due to a genetic defiency of the reductase that reduce the monosaccharide to a non-reducing sugar alcohol: A. Arabinose B. Lyxose C. Xylulose D. Xylose E. Ribulose Molisch test is also known as: A. Alpha-naphthol reaction B. Aminoguanidine reaction C. Anthrone reaction D. Salkowski test E. Liberman-buchard test Taubers test for ketoses is also known as: A. Alpha-naphthol reaction B. Aminoguanidine reaction C. Anthrone reaction D. Salkowski test E. Liberman-buchard test What is the central nucleus to all sterls? A. Cyclopentanephenantrene B. Cycloperhydrophenanthrene C. Cyclopentanophenanthrene D. Cyclopentanoperhydrophenantrene E. Steroid Ring The acetic acid-sulfuric acid test for sterls is also known as: A. Alpha- naphthol reaction B. Aminoguanidine reaction C. Anthrone reaction D. Salkowski test E. Liberman-buchard test The sulfuric acid test for sterols is also known as: A. Alpha-naphthol reaction B. Aminoguanidine reaction C. Anthrone reaction D. Salkowski test E. Liberman-buchard test Eicosanoid that is the major mediator of pain, inflammation. A. Prostaglandin B. Arachidonic acid C. Prostacyclin D. Thromboxane E. Leukotriene The enzyme that coverts arachidnic acid to leucotriene. A. Prostagalndin B. Arachidonic acid C. Prostacyclin D. Thromboxane E. Leukotriene It is the major surfactant found in the lungs of newborn babies and neonates that prevent the adherence of inner lung surfaces together. A. Lecithin B. Dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine C. Dipalmitoylphosphatidylethanlamine

D. Cephalin

E. Phosphatidylinositol 65. These are the major liids of the mitochondria. A. Cardiolipin B. Cephalin C. Lecithin D. Inositrol E. Phosphatidylserine 66. Secondary messenger that are biosynthesized by action of phospolipase C include diacylglycerol and: A. Inositol 4,5 biphospate B. Inositol -1,4,5 triphospate C. Inositol 5-phospate D. Inositol 1,4,5,6 tetraphospate E. Inositol monophospate 67. These are molecules that resemblecephalin, and are found in the brain and muscles the nly differences is that instead of an ester goup on sn-1, an ether groupis present and the alkyl group unsaturated. A. Sphingomyelin B. Palsmalogen C. Lysophospolipid D. Ceramide E. Sphingosine 68. It is the basic unit of glycolipids. A. Glycerol B. Sphingosine C. Ceramide D. Fatty acids E. Phosphatidate 69. It isa the glycolipid found in neutral tissues. A. Neutamide B. Neurosylceramide C. Glucosylceramide D. Gluboside 70. A sample drug that inhibits cyclooxygenase A. Zilueton B. Montelukast C. Zafirlukast D. Aspirin E. Salicylic acid 71. Pro-vitamin D2 A. Ergosterol B. 7-dehydrocholesterol C. Sitosterol D. Coprosterol E. 5-dehydrocholesterol 72. Pro-vitamin D3 A. Ergsterol B. 7-dehydrocholesterol C. Sitosterol D. Coprosterol E. 5-dehydrocholesterol 73. Which of the fllowing completely inhibits choleterl absorption? A. Ergosterol B. 7-dehydrocholesterol C. Sitosterol D. Coprosterol E. 5-dehydrocholesterol 74. 5,8,11,1420:4 corresponds to what fatty acids? A. Palmitoleic acid B. Linoleic acid C. Leic D. Linoleic acid E. Arachidonic acid 75. C11H23COOHcorrespnds to what fatty acid? A. Myristic acid B. Stearic acid C. Lauric acid D. Lauric acid E. Palmitic acid 76. CH3(CH2)4CH=CHCH2=CH(CH2)7COOH correspnds to what fatty acid? A. Palmitoleic acid B. Linolenic acid

C. Arachidonic acid











D. Oleic acid E. Linoleic acid 9 16:1 correspond to what fatty acid? A. Palmitoleic acid B. Linolenic acid C. Arachidonic acid D. Oleic acid E. Linoleic acid What is the positive result for Molisch Test? A. Green color B. Violet ring at the junction two liquids C. Black pecipitate D. Sandy crystals E. Brick red precipitate Which of the following is used for determination or testing for the presence of ketoses? I. Nynlander’s test II. Tauber’s test III. Barfoed’s test IV. Seliwanoff’s test A. I, II & III B. I & III C. II & IV D. II & III E. II, III & IV What is the positive result for the aminoguanidine reaction? A. Red color B. Violet color C. Black precipitate D. Bright red purple color E. Purple color To which of the following test(s) will sucrose give a negative result? I. Fehling’s test II. Barfoed’s test III. Molisch test A. I, II & III B. I & II C. II & III D. I & III E. I only Which of the following is a drug used for hypercholesterolemia, owing to its ability of inhibiting HMG-COA reductase, the first committed step in the biosynthesis of cholesterol? A. Rosuvastin B. Cilastatin C. Nystatin D. Clindamycin E. Chloramphenicol These are lipids with glucose or galactose combined with ceramide A. Cerebrosides B. Gangliosides C. Globosides D. Cytolipins E. Cardiolipins What monosaccharide readily forms osazones? A. Galactose B. Fructose C. Glucose D. Mannose E. Ribose Which of the following is considered to be the good cholesterol? A. VLDL-C B. LDL-C C. ISL-C D. HDL-C E. TAGs Amino acids that cannot be synthesized in the organism are called_____. A. Nutrionally non-essential amino acids B. Nutrionally essential amino acids C. Alpha amino acids D. Standar amino acids E. Nutrional amino acids

87. When trysinogen is converted into trypsin, the enzyme is called?











A. Pepsin B. Zymogen C. Amylase D. Enterokinase E. Gastrin A malnutritionstate that arises from chronic defieciency of calories even in the presence if adequate protein intake. A. Marasmus B. Hemochromatosis C. Obesity D. Kwashiorkor E. Anorexia Complementary base pairs in the DNA double helix are bonded by A. H-bond B. Ester bond C. Dipole-dipole forces D. Vander waals forces E. Glycosidic bond Which nitrogen base is not found in the DNA? A. Adenine B. Guanine C. Cytosine D. Uracil E. Tymine Pepsinogen is an example of: A. Co-factor B. Co-substrate C. Zymogen D. Holoenzyme E. Apoenzyme Type of RNA which serves as template for the amino acid sequence being synthesized: A. mRNA B. tRNA C. rRNA D. dRNA E. None of the above Which of the following is true about uricase? I. Converts uric acid to water-soluble allantoin II. It is found only in higher primates III. rDNA derived uricase ate now being employed for the managementof gouty arthritis. A. I only B. II only C. I & II D. I, II & III E. III only Which of the following is/are rDNA-derived uricase? I. Pegloticase II. Febuxosat III. Rasburicase A. I & II B. II & III C. I & III D. I, II & III E. I only The amino acid groups from amino acids obtained by protein metabolism are removed in the form of: A. Urate B. Urea C. Creatinine D. Ornithine E. Ammonia Glutamine is represented by what letter in the amino acids “alphabet”? A. K B. Q C. D D. E E. Y Which of the following amino acids are uncharged and polar? I. H II. N III. S



A. I & II B. I & III C. I & I V D. II & III E. II & IV 98. Which of the following amino acids possese an indole-ring? A. D B. Q C. F D. K E. W 99. Which acid that gives a positive result for Sakaguchi reaction A. Gelatin B. Arginine C. Alanine D. Tyrosine E. Tryptophan 100. Which of the following amino acids is an important component of the activated co-enzyme involved in the methylatingcatecholamines for termination of their biological activity and in other biochemical reaction that require methyl transfer? A. Alalnine B. Cysteine C. Cystine D. Methionine E. Leucine 101. Which of the following is a purine analogue that inhibits xanthine oxidase, and is thereby useful in the management of gouty artritis? A. Colchicine B. Naproxen C. Febuxostat D. Allopurinol E. Probenecid 102. Which of the following is not a purine analogue, bur is capable of inhibiting xanthine oxidase? A. Colchicine B. Naproxen C. Febuxostat D. Allopurinol E. Probenecid 103. The amino acid that is an important precursor of hemoglobin is A. Alanine B. Proline C. Leucine D. Glycine E. Cysteine 104. This test specifically detects the presence of indole ring: A. Molisch test B. Xanthroproteic test C. Hopkins-cole test D. Buret test E. Na Nitroprusside test 105. In the secondary structure of RNA A. Adenine will always pair with thymine B. Cytosine will always pair with thymine C. Cytosine will always pair with uracil D. Adenosine will always pair with uracil E. Guanine will always pair with uracil 106. The type of RNA molecule crings amino acid to the site of protein synthesis is: A. mRNA B. rRNA C. tRNA D. dRNA E. hnRNA 107. A nucleic acid is made up of: A. sugar, nucleoside and base B. proteins, sugar and amino acid C. nitrogenous base, amino acid and sugar D. nitrogenous base, phosphate and sugar E. phosphate, proteins and nitrogenous base 108. Serotonin, a neurotransmitter is derived from the amino acid: A. Histidine

B. Serine

C. Tryptopha...

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