Pharmaceutical Chemistry Answer Key-BLUE Pacop PDF

Title Pharmaceutical Chemistry Answer Key-BLUE Pacop
Author Valiant Blue
Course Pharmacy
Institution University of Bohol
Pages 29
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QUESTIONAIRE: The water ion theory of acids and bases is attributed to: A. Lewis D. Pauling B. Bronsted E. Pearson C. Arrhenius This is radioactive particle that weights almost the same as helium atom. A. x-ray D. beta ray B. alpha ray E. ultraviolet ray C. gamma ray This is a sulfur containing ion ...


Pharmaceutical Chemistry QUESTIONAIRE: 1. A. B. C.

The water ion theory of acids and bases is attributed to: Lewis D. Pauling Bronsted E. Pearson Arrhenius

2. A. B. C. 3. A. B. C.

This is radioactive particle that weights almost the same as helium atom. x-ray D. beta ray alpha ray E. ultraviolet ray gamma ray This is a sulfur containing ion that does not react with sulfuric acid? Sulfide D. thiosulfate Sulfite E. all of the given Sulphate

4. A mole of a substance: A. Contains Avogadro’s number particles D. A and B B. Weighs the same as its atomic weight or E. All of the above molecular weight expressed in grams C. Contains the same number of particles as 12 grams of Carbon 5. Which of the following properties of matter is dependent on the quantity of matter present? A. Flammability D. reactivity B. Volume E. density C. Boiling point 6. A. B. C.

An attraction of molecule by a magnetic field doe to completely paired electrons. Diamagnetism D. ferromagnetism paramagnetism E. none of the given dia-para magnestism

7. A. B. C.

Which of the following substances is pure? 5% dextrose Table sugar Blood

D. rubbing alcohol E. salt solution

8. An atom with an atomic number of 15 and a mass number of 29 has _____neutrons A. 14 B. 15 C. 29

D. 39 E. 54

9. A. B. C.

Two electrons occupying the same orbital differ in their: Principal quantum number D. spin quantum number Azimuthal quantum number E. angular momentum quantum Magnetic quantum number number

10. A. B. C.

What particles account for most of the mass of an atom? Proton D. a and b E. a and c Electron Neutron

11. Which of the following properties of elements decreases from left to right of the periodic table. A. Atomic size D. non-metallic property

B. Electron affinity C. Electronegativity

E. ionization potential

Pharmaceutical Chemistry 12. A. B. C.

Which of the following processes is a physical change? Distillation of water D. fermentation of coconut water Digestion of food E. combustion of methane Neutralization of an acid by a base

13. A. B. C.

Which of the following statements shows an extensive property? Iron nails conduct heat D. A pinch of sugars weighs 2.3 grams Sampaguita flowers smells sweet E. Glycerin is viscous Water boils at 100 0C

14. A. B. C.

This refers to the direct transition of the solid state to the vapor state. Deposition D. condensation sublimation E. melting evaporation

15. A. B. C.

the reaction of a metal chloride dioxide produces: D. metal chlorate metal chlorite metal carbide E. metal perchlorate metal oxide

16. The amount of heat requited to raise the temperature of one gram of a substance by one degree Celsius A. Specific heat D. heat of formation B. Standard enthalpy E. calorie C. Heat capacity 17. A. B. C.

In a family, the topmost element has the smallest: D. atomic size Electronegativity Ionization potential E. a and b Electron affinity

18. In reaction , nitrogen changes from the molecular state, N2 to NO2, what happened to nitrogen was: A. Oxidation D. A and C B. Reduction E. B and C C. Neutralization 19. A. B. C.

How many moles of sodium are in a mole of sodium thiosulfate? 1 D. 4 2 E. 5 3

20. A. B. C.

What is the maximum number of electrons that can be accommodated in the p subshell? 2 D. 10 5 E. 14 6

21. A. B. C.

When a metal binds with a non-metal , the metal will most likely: Donate electron/s D. allows its electron to move in an Accept electron/s unfilled orbitals Share its electrons

22. This states that orbitals of the same energy will be singly filled first with electrons before they are paired. A. Aufbau principle D. Heisenberg Uncertainly Principle B. Hund’s rule E. n + I rule C. Pauli’s Exclusion Principle 23. The formula that gives the actual number of atoms is

Pharmaceutical Chemistry A. Structural B. Molecular formula C. Empirical formula

D. chemical formula E. none of the given

24. A. B. C.

The reaction NiCl2 + Zn -------- Ni + ZnCl2 is a _______type of reaction Combination D. single replacement Combustion E. metathesis Decomposition

25. A. B. C.

Which of the following is a characteristic of the gaseous state? The molecules move past one another D. its volume is definite Is has definite shape E. All of the given The molecules are tightly bonded

26. A. B. C.

Graphite is an allotrope of the element______. D. C Na Pb E. O Ca

27. A. B. C.

This is also known as the salt-forming group of elements Chalcogens D. halogens Alkali metals E. colnage metals Alkaline earth metals

28. A. B. C.

A substance which can act as either an acid or a base. D. amphoteric Polymorph Deliquescent E. none of the given Amorphous

29. A. B. C.

Most abundant and essential of all elements aluminum oxygen silicon

30. A. B. C.

The ion that gives the Prussian blue precipitate with potassium ferrocyanide. Ferric D. nickel Ferrous E. cobalt Zinc

D. carbon E. Hydrogen

31. Evolves gas with fruity odow when treated with ethanol and concentrated hydrochloric acid A. Acetate D. silicate B. Chlorate E. chromate C. Sulfate 32. A. B. C.

Rochelle salt which is used as a cathartic and also as sequestering agent is: KHC4H4O6 D. Na2C4H4O6 KNaC4H4O6 E. K2C4H4O6 KSbC4H4O6

33. A. B. C.

The most electronegative element in the periodic table is: S D. O Cl E. N F

34. A. B. C.

Which of the ff. scientists is/are the author/s of the periodic law? Dalton D. De Broglie Proust E. Meyer and Mendeleev Charles and Boyle

Pharmaceutical Chemistry 35. A. B. C.

The state of matter which occur only at temperatures near absolute zero. Plasma D. Liquid Solid E. Gas Bose condensa’es

36. These are atoms of the same element having the same protons but of different number of neutrons. D. isotopes A. Isobars B. Isotones E. none of the given C. Isomers 37. Produced by filling an orbital by an electron which is not removed from its atom but is held mutually or share by 2 atoms concerned. A. Ionic bond B. Van der Waal’s C. Hydrogen bond

D. metallic bond E. covalent

38. A. B D.

Salts are formed as result of the reaction between Acid and base D. non-metal oxide and water Water and metal E. D and C Metal oxide and water

39. A. B. C.

Atoms that are tightly bound together and behave as a single entity Molecule D. mixture Ion E. none of the give Element

40. This grouping of elements in the periodic table is based on the number of main energy levels filled by the electrons. A. Family B. Group C. Period

D. A and B E. B and C

41. A. B. C.

When an atom accepts an electron it forms a/an Cation D. A and B Anion E. none of the given Neutrally charged entity

42. A. B. C.

Substances that completely ionize in water are Non-electrolytes D. Molecular Weak electrolytes E. Covalent Strong electrolytes

43. A. B. C. 44. A. B. C.

This class of matter exhibits electrical property and optical property known as Tyndall effect. D. colloid Solution Suspension E. compound Emulsion The product produced from the reaction of a non-metal oxide and water. Base D. Binary acid Salt E. none of the given Oxy acid

45. A. B. C.

Metals can be coiled in wires because they are Malleable D. brittle Ductile E. good conductors Lustrous

Pharmaceutical Chemistry 46. A. B. C.

The empirical formula of diphosphorous pentoxide is: P2O5 D. PO PO2 E. P2O PO3

47. A. B. C.

Which of the following pairs of atoms will most likely form an ionic bond C and O D. C and H C and Ca E. C and S C and Cl

48. The percentage of C in sugar ( C12H22O11) if the atomic weight of C=12, H=1 and O=16 is A. 3.5% B. 8.3% C. 42.1%

D. 57.9% E. 85%

49. A. B. C.

This refers to ability of an atom to attract electrons of another atom to its side. Ionization potential D. diamagnetism Electronegativity E. paramagnetism Electron affinity

50. A. B. C.

Elements in the periodic table are arranged in order of increasing Atomic number D. atomic size Mass number E. All of the above Atomic weight

51. A. B. C.

These are electron pair donors. Bronsted Lowry acids Arrhenius bases Lewis acids

52. A. B. C.

The law stating that elements combine in a fixed ratio by mass to form compounds. Law of Definite Proportion D. Boyle’s Law Law of Multiple Proportion E. Charle’s Law Law of Thermodynamics

53. A. B. C.

Number of valence electrons of the element with atomic number 12. 8 D. 2 6 E. 1 4

54. A. B. C.

The sum of atomic masses of all the atoms in a molecule or formula unit. Atomic mass D. empirical mass Molar mass E. none of the given Molecular mass

D. Lewis Bases E. Arrhenius acids

55. The chemical reaction between an acid and a base that produces salt and water. A. Oxidation B. Reduction C. Neutralization

D. Combination E. Single replacement

56. A 10-volume hydrogen peroxide solution has a concentration of: A. 3% w/v B. 6% w/v C. 10% w/v

D. 30% w/v E. 50% w/v

57. Acts as a blood coagulant in vivo and anticoagulant in vitro:

Pharmaceutical Chemistry A. Tartrate ion B. Citrate ion C. Phosphate ion

D. Thiosulfate ion E. Sulfate ion

58. Synonym for Ammonium Carbonate, NF: A. Spirit of Hartshorn B. Sal Ammoniac C. Preston Salt

D. Spirit of Mindererus E. None of the given

59. An official gas that is used in pharmaceutically to mask the disagreeable taste of certain medicines: A. Carbon Dioxide, USP B. Nitrogen, USP C. Helium, USP

D. Oxygen, USP

60. These are substances that take/absorb sufficient water from the atmosphere forming a liquid: A. Efflorescent B. Deliquescent

C. A and B D. None of the choices

61. What is the chemical name of HCIO3? A. Hydrochloric Acid B. Hypochlorous Acid

C. Chlorous Acid D. Chloric Acid

62. Ions found in the extracellular fluid EXCEPT: A. Phosphate B. Chloride

C. Sodium D. Bicarbonate

63. Itai-itai Disease is caused by poisoning with____. A. Mercury B. Cadmium C. Lead

D. Iron E. Bismuth

64. Reagent that can differentiate carbonate form bicarbonate ion: A. 3 N Hydrochloric acid B. Phenolphthalein TS

C. Hydrogen Sulfide D. Methyl Red TS

65. The following are regarded as soft acids according to HSAB concept EXCEPT A. Ag+ C. Al+3 +2 B. Hg D. none of the above 66. Official base that is pharmaceutical necessity for preparation of Aromatic Ammonia Spirit, NF: A. Sodium Carbonate, NF B. Strong Ammonia Solution, NF

C. Potassium Hydroxide, NF D. Calcium Hydroxide Topical Solution, USP

67. Official preparations of Potassium: I. II. III. IV.

Potassium Chloride in Sodium Chloride Injection , USP Potassium Chloride Oral Solution, USP Potassium Chloride Effervescent Tablets for Oral Solution, USP Potassium Chloride in Dextrose Injection, USP

Pharmaceutical Chemistry A. I, II, and III B. II, III and IV

C. I, II, and IV D. I, II, III and IV

68. Systematic acidifiers: I.

Monabasic Sodium Phosphate, USP

II. Potassium Citrate, USP III. Ammonium Chloride, USP A. I and II B. II only

C. I and III D. II and III

69. This element is present in insulin A. Cr B. Cu C. Fe 70. A. B. C.

D. Al E. Ca

Reagent that can differentiate Potassium Alum Ammonium Alum: Aluminon reagent D. Dibasic Sodium phosphate NaOH t,s, E. Nitric acid BaCl2 t,s,

71. Plaster of Paris is chemically known as: A. CaO B. CaSO4 C. CaSo4 2H2O

D. CaSO4 ½ H2O E. CaSo4 1 ½ H2O

72. The precipitating reagent of Analytical Group I cations A. H2S B. HCI C. Na2CO3

D. H3PO4 E. Thioacetamide

73. Products of sodium chlorate decomposition. A. NaO + H2 B. Na2O + HCl

C. NaCl + O2 D. None

74. How many moles of aluminum reacts with sulfuric acid in this reaction Al + H2SO4 Al2SO4 + H2 A. 2 D. 5 B. 3 E. 6 C. 4 75. A. B. C.

Yellow brass is a combination of Cr and Ni Cu and Zn Ag and Cu

D. Au and Cu E. Zn and Ni

76. In this reaction : Al + Fe2O3 -----> Al2O3 + Fe Which of the substances from the above reaction was reduced? A. Al B. Fe2O3 77. Also known as the soluble group:

C. Al2O3 D. Fe

Pharmaceutical Chemistry A. Alkaline earth metals B. Alkali metals C. Coinage metals

D. Halogens E. Chalcogens

78. Calcium imparts a _______________color to a non-luminous flame. A. Crimson red B. Carmine red C. Bright yellow

D. green E. brick red

79. The smallest particle of matter which enters to a chemical reaction. A. Molecule B. Atom

C. compound D. element

80. Hard water does not lather in with soap. This is due to: A. K B. Al and O

C. Mg and Ca D. Zn and Pb

81. Pink appearance A. Copper B. Nickel

C. Cobalt(III) D. Chromium(III)

82. Chromate in solution is colored: A. Orange-red B. Yellow

C. blue D. yellow green

83. Stainless steel is an alloy containing the following elements EXCEPT: A. Fe B. C C. Cr

D. Ni E. Pb

84. Fergon is: A. Ferrous lactate B. Ferrous gluconate

C. ferrous sulfate D. ferrous fumarate

85. Mohr’s salt is: A. Ferrous ammonium sulfate B. Ferrous potassium sulfate

C. ferrous sulfate D. ferrous lactate

86. Chalybeate water contains: A. Lithium B. Carbon

C. salt D. iron

87. Magnesium is detected using the dyestuff_______ in alkaline solution forming a blue lake: C. p-nitrobenzene resorcinol A. Aluminum reagent B. Amaranth D. oxime reagent 88. Three Bromides Elixir contains bromides of: I. Na II.Ca III.K IV.NH4


Pharmaceutical Chemistry A. I, II and III B. II, III and IV C. III, IV and V

D. I, III and IV E. I, IV and V\

89. A. B. C.

This is chronic lung condition resembling tuberculosis in symptoms: Silicosis D. itai-itai disease Paraketosis E. Minamata Disease Ketosis

90. A. B. C.

Precipitated sulfur is used as a/an: Bactericidal Anti-viral Scabicide

91. A. B. C.

A sulfur containing compound used as an antioxidant is: Sulfur Dioxide D. Sulfur Dioxide Sulfurated Potash E. Antimony Sulfide Precipitated Sulfur

D. antioxidant E. cathartic

92. Topical Zirconium preparations have been employed: I. As antiperspirants II. For its specific action against uroshiol III. To remove warts A. I, II & III D. I & III B. I & II E.I only C. II & III 93. A. B. C.

Capsebon is used as : Anti-dandruff Keratolytic Scabicide

D. fungicide E. anticariogenic

94. Which of the following maybe seen in patients on Bismuth containing products as antacids and antibacterial? A. Rebound hyperacidity D. Neurological distubances B. Achloryhdria E. Luminous vomitus C. Black stools 95. A. B. C. 96. A. B.

Rochelle salt is used as a/an: Antacid D. antidiarrheal Saline cathartic E. astringent Electrolyte replenisher Zinc uranyl acetate, Mg uranyl acetate, cobalt uranyl acetate, forms insoluble salts with: Potassium C. Magnesium Sodium D. Calcium

97. Borates in turmeric paper is colored: A. Olive B. Green

C. White D. Reddish brown

98. The first element discovered by means of spectroscope: A. Rubidium B. Cesium

C. Technutium D. None of these

99. Laughing gas is a: A. General anesthetic B. Caustic

C. disinfectant D. local anaesthetic

Pharmaceutical Chemistry 100. Cream of tartar is: A. potassium bitartrate B. sodium bitartrate

C. potassium chloride D. sodium carbonate

101. Psom salt is synonymous to: A. Magnesium sulfate B. Calcium sulfate

C. Aluminum sulfate D. Zinc sulfate

102. Compound responsible for the pink color of Calamine USP 24: A. Talc B. Zinc oxide

C. Zinc steatate D. Ferric oxide

103. The cation/s that cause/s this group of antacid to have constipating property: A. Al+3 C. Ca+2 B. Mg+2 D. None of the given 104. Elements that are found as diatomic molecules include all except : D. Sulfur E. Hydrogen

A. Oxygen B. Nitrogen C. Flourine 105. Nessler’s reagent is used to identify: A. K+ + B. NH4

C. Na+ D. Al3+

106. Used for bone imaging. A. Technetium 99m-phytate B. Technetium 99m-heptagluconate

C. Technetium 99 HIDA D. technetium 99 Etidronate

107. A mixture containing 30% ZnS and 70% BaS: A. Copperas B. Lithopone

C. Hausemonite D. Braunite

108. Protonic concept of acidity: A. Arrhenius B. Bronsted-Lowry

C. Lewis D. none of the given

109. Which of the following is a yellow sulfide? A. PbS B. CoS

C. ZnS D. CdS

110. The oxidation state of a carbon atom is equal to the number of: I. C-X bonds II.C-H bonds III. C-N bonds A. II, III and IV B. II, IV and V C. I, II and III

IV. C-O bonds V. C-S bonds D. I, III and IV E. I, II and V

111. Phenol is soluble in: A. Oil B. Water C. Aqueous acids

D. A and B E. A, B and C

Pharmaceutical Chemistry 112. The property of a chemical agent to destroy one form of life without harming another. A. Chemotherapy B. Selective toxicity C. Antimicrobial activity

D. sterilization E. pasteurization

113. Anti-bacterial potencies of primary alcohols increase with molecular weight up to____ only. A. C3 D.C6 E. C8 B. C4 C. C5 114. What is the general formula give to alkalines? A. CnH2n C. CnH2n+2 B. CnH2n+1 D. C2H2n-2 115. What is the common name of tetrametheylmethane? A. 1o pentane C. 3opentane o D. neopentane B. 2 pentane 116. The type of carbon which is NOT present in 2, 2, 3-trimethyl butaneis: A. Primary B. Secondary

C. tertiary D. neo

117. Vinyl is a/an_________radical. A. alkyl B. alkenyl

C. talkynyl D. benzyl

118. The general formula CnH2nO can be assigned to a saturated_________. A. aldehyde C. ether B. alcohol D. carboxylic acid 119. Derivative of carboxylic acid which is formed from the removal of one molecule of water in two RCOOH. A. ester C. acid amide D. acid anhydride B. acid halide 120. Carbinol is used as ending name of _____in the derived system of naming. A. alcohols C. ethers B. phenol D. esters 121. The suffix used in IUPAC system naming of acid halide is: A. –yl B. –oyl

C. –oate D. –oxy

122. The molecular formula C7H12 can be a/an: A. alkane B. alkene

C. alkyne D. aromatic

123. Which of the following can be considered isomer of n-propanol? C. 2-propanol A. acetone B. methoxymethane D. B and C 124. The following are unsaturated hydrocarbons, EXCEPT: A. alkane C. 2-propanol B. alkene D. B and C 125. Which of the following is not true about organic compounds?

Pharmaceutical Chemistry A. they are more soluble in non-polar solvents. B. mostly covalent compounds

C. generally less stable to heat D. only produced by living organisms

126. Ethylene oxide, a gaseous s...

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