BLS LTS LACS 4902 Syllabus (Prof. Quintero Vera) PDF

Title BLS LTS LACS 4902 Syllabus (Prof. Quintero Vera)
Course Latin America And The Caribbean: Cultures And Societies
Institution Baruch College CUNY
Pages 10
File Size 225.7 KB
File Type PDF
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Syllabus 2021 2022 for the class and you know what the class will be about...


Department of Black and Latino Studies Baruch College, CUNY BLS/LTS/LACS 4902 Latin America and the Caribbean: Cultures and Societies - Fall 2021 Instructor: Gustavo Quintero Vera, Ph.D. Meeting Times: M 2:30PM-3:45PM (via Zoom) + asynchronous work during the week (via Blackboard) Email: [email protected] Office hours: By appointment Institutional Course Description This interdisciplinary course examines cultural movements and social formations of Latin America and the Caribbean taking into consideration historical, economic and political conditions from pre-colonial times to the present. The themes and approaches may vary from semester to semester. It may focus on the major indigenous civilizations, Afro-diasporiccreole cultural and spiritual developments during and beyond slavery, as well as twentiethcentury’s modernist and avant-garde literary movements, “indigenismo,” pan-African undertakings, trans-Caribbean musical genres, “nueva canción latinoamericana,” revolutionary cinema, visual arts, publications and cultural responses to dictatorships. Current digital artforms and media and its multiple debates on free trade, “the war on drugs,” migration, gender, feminism, queer aesthetics and the environment could be also addressed. In line with the interdisciplinary nature of these topics, the course is taught by faculty from different disciplines. Course Description for this Section This interdisciplinary course will pay special attention to key moments in the development and expressions of Afro-Latinidades. The course is divided into three modules: experiences around the slave trade, 20th century cultural expressions (like poetry, film, and music), and the contemporary diasporic experience. Some of the topics covered will revolve around issues of representation, freedom practices, resistance, agency, and displaced subjectivities. Although initial materials will be literary in nature, we will supplement our analysis with historical essays, documentaries, videos, and songs that look at the political, cultural, and socioeconomic conditions of Latin America and the Caribbean from the Atlantic Slave Trade to the present day. Advisory warning: some of the readings and discussions in this course address violence and may include references to strong language, torture, rape, and the disappearance of persons. Course objectives By the end of the semester, students will be able to:  Deepen their understanding of the cultural values, traditions, and history of Afro-Latin Americans and Caribbean people.

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Demonstrate knowledge of the dynamics of colonialism, race, ethnicity, class, displacement, and diasporic formations concerning the experience of Afro-Caribbean people. Interpret the content and form of different discourses: from historical, critical, or sociological essays, to poems, short stories, documentaries, and songs. Engage in discussions and be critical of the instructor’s and other student’s positions in a respectful manner. Articulate their own arguments in various formats like written engagements (response paper/discussion boards, argumentative essay, creative project) and oral presentations.

Course Materials In response to the current state of affairs, I will post all of the reading or visual materials for this course on Blackboard. We will also use a variety of films and/or documentaries that may or may not be provided by me; if this not the case, it is your responsibility to obtain them through video on demand or streaming services like Amazon, Netflix, or Youtube. There is no textbook for this class. Grading: 97-100 = A+ 93-96 = A 90-92 =A-

87-89 = B+ 83-86 = B 80-82 = B-

77-79 = C+ 73-76 = C 70-72 = C-

67-70 = D+ 63-66 = D 60-62 = D-...

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