Bro its not gay - HAZING PDF

Title Bro its not gay - HAZING
Course College Reading and Composition I
Institution Los Angeles Pierce College
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Mendoza 1 Mendoza, Azar Bessenbacher English 101 12 December 2016 Bro, it is not gay! Haze Him “The rule of thumb is the heavier the hazing, the stronger the bros. By doing things like forcing your pledges/rooks to eat human feces or do an elephant walk, you are basically saying, “Hey, by learning what your fellow bros’ shit tastes like you will be better bros,” If pledges/rooks ever disagree with you then you can make them do any shit you want. 9 times out of 10 they will go down on you immediately, other times they will give it up doggy and I have to say - I really respect that.” Brothers would be nowhere without hazing (Bro). It is true that hetero-masculinity is the social and cultural pressure that to conform and to reaffirm their masculinity, males must fit a certain physical and sexual mold. Even though, men are part of institutions where homosexuality is completely normalized and is not gay because heterosexuality and their masculinity are not subjective to homosexual context when it is for good cause. Given the mandatory heterosexuality of the western-overwhelmed contemporary world, our cultural understanding of men's sexuality has been way too simplistic for way too long. Today, people live in a world that is very binary; top, bottom, black, white up and down. Only the human mind invents categories and tries to force facts into separated pigeon-holes. The world is not divided into sheep and goats, anymore, and not all things are black nor all things white. Our society has reached a point where it is no longer breaking news to hear about gay subculture, but is society ready to talk about identified straight males whom engage in behaviors

Mendoza 2 that are homosexual? This places the unbearable straightness of gayness under the microscope and exposes the institutions and men who say, Bro, it is not gay, haze him! Straight men who engage in homosexual acts and call it straight. Nevertheless, one should accept homosexual contact has been a regular part of heterosexual life ever since the rhetorical concepts of homoand heteros sexuality were invented. A recent national survey revealed out of 9,000 men, 22 percent of them watch gay porn (Macmillen). 6.2 percent of them said they had engaged in same-sex sexual activity at least once in their lifetime. And of that 6.2 percent, 2.3 percent identified as straight identified males (Copen). This places homosociability; the unbearable straightness of gayness under the microscope which from a pedagogical standpoint is complicated. It stipulates that all men are part of institutions where this kind of interacting is completely normalized, it also uncovers sexuality to procedure of development, change, and shock, not a steady and comprehensible condition of being human (Garber). So, we live out our desires behind closed doors as a dirty little secret. Furthermore, if all straight men have this capacity, then it is because our society is becoming aware of the difference between sexual activity and sexual culture. Understanding that situational homosexuality is a part of our nature as our personalities. The sooner we learn this concerning human sexual behavior, the sooner we shall reach a sound understanding of the realities of sex and let go of the context of gender identity. Fraternities and military ranks engage in a series of actions which are infused with homosexuality and are “traditionary”. Most of these people will not discuss the details with making people do such things before they'll be accepted into an organization. Possibly, because how reclining it is with homosexuality. With hetero-normative and homo-normative acts between straight males it hits/affects hetero-masculinity ideologies. 9 out of 10 do not see

Mendoza 3 themselves as victims of gay hazing. These people engage in homosexual practices and acts that demoralized them of all personhood, forced to act in homosexual simulation and call it cohesion. Currently in our country this hazing ritual is clear in the United States Military. Rituals such as, crossing the line, the elephant walk, draft dodging and gay chicken. Jane Ward, professor of gender studies of University of California gave a lecture about white heteromasculinity, Anal Resilience, and the Erotic Spectacle of Repulsion. She states, “Military initiation ceremonies like crossing the line offers straight men an opportunity to endure homosexual penetration and then stand up unbroken, still a straight dude,” Ward said. “The idea being that if you endure together this kind of mortifying, humiliating and embarrassing homosexual act, then that not only toughens up your body, but it will also build and strengthen that bond around you.” She then profoundly closes with, “Hazing creates a ‘not gay’ context in which straight men can touch each other’s bodies and bolster their hetero-masculinity at the same time… we have not focused enough attention on the vast array of sexual activities that take place under the banner of male sexuality.” It is time to change the context and tell a different story (Sui). Sadly, there is a darker side to military hazing. Since the repeal of, don’t ask don’t tell, there have been a reported 14,000 man on man rapes in 2014 per a private study done. The study further states that the pentagon is underreporting the alleged male rapes. It brings to question if, hazing was tradition, is rape also part of that tradition as well? The level of those two scales that influence if they are sexually inclined towards gender is now gone. The living world is a continuum in each one of its aspects, just as culture places males in two discrete populations; heterosexual and homosexual is gone. Once again, the sooner we learn this concerning human sexual behavior, the sooner we shall reach a sound understanding of the realities of sex and let go of the context of gender identity. The topic of

Mendoza 4 whether somebody is “truly” straight or “truly” gay showcases the way people view sexuality, which is liquid, not settled, an account that progressions after some time. It uncovers sexuality to procedure of development, change, and shock, not a steady and comprehensible condition of being human (Garber). So, we live out our desires behind closed doors with outlets like pornography. Men hide behind institution’s where hazing is construed to bolster masculinity and engage in homosexual sex. It is an insult to the homosexual subculture and stipulates that all men are part of institutions where this kind of interacting is completely normalized. Heterosexuality and masculinity is not subjective to homosexuality when it is for good cause, such as to get pleasure from the female? That is when a straight man, takes one for the team! “I’m not attracted to them [men]. It’s just that there has to be something worth it. Like, this one girl said she’d fuck us if we both made out. So the ends justified the means. We call it a good cause. There has to be a good cause.” (Anderson) “Well, for the most part it would be about getting it on with her, but like we might do some stuff together too. It depends on what she wants” (Anderson). The logical person knows that sexual arousal and sexual behavior are two different things. So, it is entirely possible for both genders to take part in sexual activities without the need for arousal. That a man can have sexual desires about another man and not lose his sense of self, particularly when he is taking one for the team. However, intrigue has refocused online into the world of pornography with sites such as Haze Him and Active Duty. Inquisitively, the disproportionate rate of men in the gay porn industry distinguish themselves as not gay, but engage in homosexual acts on film. What propels a straight man to crossover and engage in explicit acts with a homosexual man and make a career out of it? There is distinct fascination about the state of flux with sexuality. Also, it challenges the viewers own condition with sexual ideologies. These gay4pay actors may be the antidote

Mendoza 5 needed to break through the labels of judgements of homosexuality. That a man can have sexual desires about another man and not lose who he is based upon what society expects. Society is the problem, not the act of. So, when speaking of sexuality, it is entirely your own and however you judge that as a person, however, you name yourself is the best thing not anyone else. Gay4pay embodies a fallacy by which it is franchised within the adult industry. With homophobic texts, such as Haze Him, places gay culture in a loop of misjudgments and falsehoods. Haze Him sends a message that says that one can confer homosexual acts through forcible machoism, however can withdraw back to heterosexuality whenever the camera stops filming. The rhetoric these actors use is subdued to strip the receiver of all masculinity with sexual pejoratives. Also, women are present within the film as a dominate persona alongside performing artists. The women stay around and mentor and applaud the men as they perform gay sexual acts with each other, additionally developing the hyper-manly focused casing important to legitimize the homoerotic activities that happen. Haze Him recreates homonormativity as the on-screen characters perform gay sex acts in private spaces. The story structure of Haze Him is predictable among scenes, and (re)produces accounts of obligatory heterosexuality, which at last impacts viewers to keep rehearsing regularizing sexuality. Rather than just teaching; potentially pleasuring individuals; the content capacities as homoerotic talk that (re)affirms unsafe heteronormative/homonormative philosophies; that lessening the health and nature of the life of the viewer by supporting hegemonic understandings of normalizing sexual rhetoric. Moreover, the distinction homophobic talk and behaviors is masochistic, particularly for the group of viewers. The Talk in Haze Him unequivocally calls for necessary heterosexuality, as performing artists overwhelmingly lecture about their heterosexuality, and the minute that the climax

Mendoza 6 happens, on-screen characters withdraw back to heterosexuality. Haze Him conveys homophobia, masochism, and an absence of self-esteem and self-worth to viewers.

It must be said that those who have so evidently proved their heterosexuality and masculinity, submit themselves to play the “bottom” role in these films. Erections are said to be “too difficult” due to there being no sexual attraction. Importantly, these actors engage in the one act many homosexuals do not like; anal intercourse. Gay men do risk assessment when it comes to anal intercourse, oddly, straight male actors do not. They just have a need for monetary gain without regard to their own health and wellbeing, where homosexuals know the risks of disease and fecal incontinence. In turn, straight men were merely carnal with no common sense.

This is when the gay actors introduced the term, “Frot” men, to the gay4pay industry. Know they are men first, thus gay included, so the homosexual actor becomes the mentor to the straight actor despite the shaming from those after filming. The homosexual actors use this space to advocate a sort of camaraderie, where Frot men promote each other’s strength and masculinity rather than try to destroy it. Frot men do not seek to depersonalize their partners nor to rob them or themselves of their human manly dignity. Frot is, therefore, not only healthy physically but, it is also healthy psychologically and spiritually. It promotes the man rather than destroys the man. It was the gay actors that tried to bring empowerment to the genre gay4pay by using folklore on gay culture in ancient times and bringing it to the modern age. With holding firm to a transparent ideal where a man’s word is his bond, in an industry that capitalizes on homosexuals and disregards the fight and struggle they have had to be treated like every other citizen. As it appears, you really cannot prove your sexuality, but you can prove that straight identified men

Mendoza 7 are more fluid than society thinks. So; masculinity has not been about sexual orientation or condition but just sex. In terms, sexual orientation is a canard with no common sense.

What seems to stand out is many gay4pay actors begin to express anti-gay sentiment and homophobic rants and behaviors over social media. It appears Haze Him conveys now internalized homophobia and masochism for their films. What it comes down to the language, the wrong language gave the industry what it has. However, the correct language could bridge the gaps to where it is comfortable for straight men to be involved within the gay community. The right language can grant the community a better chance for equal rights. The one thing to say is that the current language allows these actors to come into our community and profit for their own demise and then turn around and attack the gay community behind their backs. states, “The clear majority of gay porn viewed by millions of people every day is teaching that humiliation and violence are a normal part of what sex is supposed to be.” As politician journalist Cindy Gallop stated, “Porn, we all have watched porn; we don’t acknowledge it. Porn exists in a parallel universe, a shadowy otherworld. When we force something – anything – into the shadows and underground, we make it a lot easier for bad things to happen and a lot harder for good things to happen.” Even though Gay-For-Pay is disputable, nevertheless, moving, distinction when it needs to do with sexual joy. In the U.S, we are subdued with sex and it is constantly extraordinary to understand what the potential outcomes are. On the other hand, it is TV and the discussions that need to happen is when the television is turned off. So, what is sex? Simply put, sex is God’s joke on human beings (Davis) and is the thing that takes up the least amount of time and causes the most amount of trouble (Barrymore). Sex is as important as eating or drinking and we ought to allow the one appetite to be satisfied with as

Mendoza 8 little restraint or false modesty as the other (Sade). This is dominating throughout our society since it makes like very simple. What this proposes is that, to get past a paired division of society, it will be essential for individuals to destigmatize promiscuity. The message must be the truth and favorable position of human sexual variety (Kirkgard). The term sexuality and sex are often weaved together but are opposites. Logically, the definition of sexuality based on is: sexual desires of a person: the quality or state of being sexual: condition of sex: sexual activity: expression of sexual activity or excess of (Merriam-Webster). As stated prior, the logical person knows that sexual arousal and sexual behavior are two different things. So, it is entirely possible for both genders to take part in sexual activities without having to be aroused. So yes, there may be gay for pay in our reality. All porn ‘actors' regardless of their orientation or gender are essentially prostitutes, and that’s completely fine. It is when they forced to a political realm and disguise their platform as a market when in fact the rhetoric texts give hardships to displace gay culture. When in fact the industry should use this platform as a new realm where straight fluid actors can discuss sexual freedom and engage in the homosexual experience with honesty, making it less despondent to the past of gay culture. "Gay" only exists because of a ubiquitous social system of discrimination. Absent that, there is no "gay." It would clarify our thinking if the terms [heterosexual and homosexual] could be dropped completely out of our vocabulary (Katz). The terms desires, quality or state, condition and expression being all the same, fluidity. There is no room for fluidity in this binary world. To be fluid, or walk the grey area of what is black and white means to be a subverter to the social order. To step outside one’s own ignorance keeps that person living in that safe world they perceive as real, but it is much more complicated than that. All we have to do is to just look

Mendoza 9 at the world: war, poverty, hate, discrimination, all by products of those judgements in a binary world where the need for labels keeps that person from being a subverter. This world needs more subverters, where fluidity can be transcendent as a person will have nowhere to turn to but acceptance. Sadly, our environment stigmatizes homosexuals as perverts, and Of course, I am that most awful of perverts. I choose, I gleefully admit that, in the eyes of this culture I was once heterosexual. I had to test the waters and challenge what I was feeling, and did. I knew at that moment, yes, gay. Then I met a straight man, who happened to be the right man and chose to indulge in my homoerotic potential. Truth being, I was fluid, and open to explore my own sexual desires without bias.

The fact that straight men are comfortable with gay culture is not something new but it is something that we should embrace and come to accept. The more comfortable straight men get with gays, the better chance we must fight for equal rights. The whole gay4pay industry perpetuated the notion that homosexuality is a choice, and to think this error in perception needs to be eradicated as soon as possible. The more people consider it a choice, the more ammunition they have against us to say that they can restrict, or even remove rights because of something they think we choose. These actors are making the choice to engage, gay people did not have that luxury.

In American society, where power and sexuality are tightly bound to cultural ideals complicates the viewpoint. The evidence points to the context of gay4pay; influencing of heteronormativity; while depicting the desire of homonormativity; while engaging in homosexual sex acts without ensuring the implications experienced by the gay community. As a gay male, I want to show people that homosexuals are no different than heterosexuals and that

Mendoza 10 nothing should disrupt the intellectual cooperation regarding sex. For this reason, because you can have sex EXACTLY the way you want to, as often as you want to and it is up to the rest of us to make sure that you know that.

There is no such thing as a gay person or hetero individual. There are just homo-or hetero acts. The clear majority are a blend of driving forces if not rehearses, and what anybody does with a ready accomplice is of no social or enormous essentialness. All together for a decision class to govern, there must be discretionary denials. Of all disallowances, sexual forbidden is the most valuable since sex includes everybody. Being bi-sexual, gay person, transvestite—whatever—is a type of "progressive" advancement in this patriarchal society. The characterization of sexual conduct as masturbatory, hetero, or gay person, is, in this manner, tragic if it proposes that lone distinctive sorts of people search out or acknowledge every sexual movement. (Vidal)

Living in a society that denigrates sex, it is sometimes difficult to remember that sexuality is as wide as the sea. Understand that your morality is not law. Understand that we are you. Understand that if we decide to have sex whether safe, safer, or unsafe, it is our decision and you have no rights in sex, just be honest with yourself and join the conversation. To those who haze, it is ok to come out and speak about your homoerotic fantasies, there is no need to hide behind your institutions. Homosexuals have the courage to come out, and as homosexuals know, straight men who engage in homosexual acts are not gay. They are straight because to be gay, one must invest in homosexual subculture and straight men have no desire to be part of that subculture. They just have a desire to have sex with other men and in that there is no bias on identity but understand the perversions that elude by hazing, take one for the team and gay4pay

Mendoza 11 stigmatizes the gay subculture. Mainly, because we are all connected and looked at by the way we express ourselves through sex. As we know, you’re not straight, you’re not gay, you’...

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