BSN345 ADN340 Week 3 Experiential Learning Prework PDF

Title BSN345 ADN340 Week 3 Experiential Learning Prework
Course Cultural Anthropology
Institution University of Denver
Pages 2
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Concept Notebook Nightingale College: BSN345 ADN340

Concept: Gas Exchange

The focus this week will be on the concept of cognition. If you did a notebook for this concept in a previous term, you may add to the content, but you will need to date all new content and expand. Submitting the same notebook without noting the changes is considered plagiarism. This is your prework for this weeks experiential learning. Please submit to Canvas prior to attending the any schedule EL experience. This will also serve as a study aide for you as you continue through the program, study for the HESI and NCLEX exams. Your reference should be your course textbooks available via the course link, so please site per APA guidelines. Do NOT copy and paste, it must all be in your own words. Related concepts (explain) Anxiety can cause hyperventilation. Nutrition can cause low hemoglobin issues. Mobility will make it hard to breathe. Fatigue due to poor gas exchange. Acid-Base Balance due to breathing patterns. Perfusion can cause acid-base imbalances.

Related exemplars: Acute Respiratory Failure Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome Asthma Atelectasis Chronic Bronchitis Cystic Fibrosis Emphysema Pneumonia Pleural Effusion Tuberculoss

Related Assessments Breathing is quiet and effortless at a rate appropriate for age. Oxygen saturation is between 95%-100%. Skin, nail beds, and lips are appropriate colors for the patient’s race. Thorax is symmetric with equal thoracic expansion bilaterally. Anteroposterior diameter of the chest is approximately a 1:2 ratio of AP to lateral diametes. Trachea is midline, breath sounds are clear bilatteraly.

Related Lab & Diagnostic Test Arterial Blood Gas Complete Blood Count Sputum Examination Skin Test Pathologic Analysis Chest x-ray Ventilation-perfusion scans.

Related Medications Antihistamines to relieve sneeizing, rhinorrhea, and nasal

Potential Complications With mild impairment, an invidiual often experiences

Related Nursing Interventions Infection Control Smoking Cessation Immunizations Preventing postoperative pulmonary complications. Phatrmacotherapy Oxygen Therapy Breathing Support Phsysiotherapy Nutrition Therapy Positioning

Collaborative Goals Patient maintains optimal gas exchange as

itching due to allergic rhinits. Decongestants relieve congestion. Glucocorticoids exert an anti-inflammatory effect. Sympathomimetics act as a decongestants, and act as nasoconstrictors.Anticholinergics improve lung function by blocking muscarinic receptors. Mucolytics make mucus more liquid. Expectorants cause cough to be more productive. Antitusives for coughing. Oxygen Therapy. Steroids. Inhalers.

fatigue. Heart rate and respiratory also increase in an attempt to increase oxygen delivery. When gas is impaired, a reduction of oxygen at the cellular level leads to reduced mitochondrial respiration and oxidative metabolism. Carbon dioxide transport from the cells to the alveoli leads to a buildup of acid. Ventilation issues produce respiratory acidosis. Metabolic acidosis can occur if the underlying problem is perfusion. If the impairment is prolonged, cellular ischemia and necrosis can occur. A complete cessation of gas exchange occurs when breathing stops and quickly results in death.

evidenced by usual mental status, unlabored respirations at 12-20 per minute, oximetry results within normal range, blood gases within normal range, and baseline HR for patient. Patient maintains clear lung fields and remains free of signs of respiratory distress. Patient verbalizes understanding of oxygen and other therapeutic interventions. Patient participates in procedures to optimize oxygenation and in management regimen within level of capability/condition. Patient manifests resolution or absence of symptoms of respiratory distress....

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