BU111 All Lecture Notes PDF

Title BU111 All Lecture Notes
Course Understanding Bus. Environment
Institution Wilfrid Laurier University
Pages 46
File Size 349.1 KB
File Type PDF
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All lecture notes from BU111...


Sat ur day ,May1,y

BU111 www.laurierbiz.com SISess i ons :BA209Sunday5: 00-6: 20,6: 30-7: 50,Bonusmar ksawar ded Bonusqui z z esonPear s on-0. 25each-uset ex t bookr eadi ng BU111Li br ar ySess i on-0. 5mar k s

Lab:Monday8: 30am -Ar t1C17


Sat ur day ,May1,y Roadmap

-setupagoal -at t ackgoalwi t has t r at egy -backt hes t r at egywi t ht hevi s i on/mi s si ons t at ement -havet hes t r at egyback edbyt hei nt er nal or gani z at i on( t eam,l eader ,r esour c es ) -envi r onment -adj usts t r at egyt omat c henvi r onment :envi r onmenti saconst ant ,s t r at egyi s adapt abl e

-PEST:pol i t i cal ,economi c ,soci al ,t ec hnol ogi cal -I ndus t r yf or c es :ent r ybar r i er ,compet i t i on,i nnov at i on,et c

Cr i t i calSuccessFact or s :Why ?

-gui des t r at egyanddai l ydet ai l s -ensur eshol i st i ct hi nki ng:l ookatt hebi gpi ct ur e -busi nes si si nt er connect ed:howar et hev ar i ousact i v i t i esconnect ed? -ensur ess uccessov ert i me -notl eav i ngoutdet ai l s ,mak i ngmi s t ak es,l ongt er m successv i ew -anycompanycangai nshor tt er m pr ofit st oday ,agoodcompanygai nspr ofit sov er t hel ongert er m

Cr i t i calSuccessFact or s( numberor deri si mpor t ant ) 1.achi ev i ngfinanc i al per f or mance 1.gener at i ngpr ofit ,r ev enuegr owt h,r et ur noni nv es t ment( ROI ) 1.al l owst hebusi nesst or emai n“ i nbusi ness ” 2

Sat ur day ,May1,y 2.t hemai ngoal ofst ar t i ngacompany 2.meetcust omerneeds 1.under s t andi ngwhatt heywant ,ant i c i pat i ngwhatt heywant ,f ul fi l l i ngwhatt hey want 1.needsmus tbemetf orc ust omer st opur chasei t 2.c us t omerl oy al t yl eadst ol ongt er mr ev enuegener at i on 3.gai nempl oy eecommi t ment 1.empl oy eesbel i ev ei nt hemi s si onoft hecompany ,c r eat espas si onandl oy al t yi n t hewor kpl ace 1.pas si on=pr oduct i v i t yandhar dwor k ,t r eatt hecompanyast hei rown 2.l oy al t y=l ongt er mt eam t hatwor k swel lt oget her 4.encour agi ngi nnov at i onandcr eat i v i t y 1.cont i nuet ochangeandi nnov at e,r ewar dandencour ageempl oy eei deas ,encour aget hos ei deast obecomer eal i t y 1.hel pst hecompanymov ef or war dandc hangei nameani ngf ulway 2.i ft her ei snochange,someoneel sewi l l doi tandt hecompanywi l lbecome s t al e 5.bui l di ngqual i t ypr oduct sands er v i ces 1.cons i s t ent ,r el i abl epr oduct sands er vi cest hatpr ovi dev al uef orpr i ce 1.enabl esl ongev i t yi fpr oduct sl astandar eus abl ef ort hef or es eeabl ef ut ur e 2.bui l dsar eput at i onf orhi ghqual i t ypr oduct sorser vi ces,r epr es ent st oot her s whoy ouar easacompany 3.i nv est i ngmoneyi nt ohi ghqual i t ypr oduct sands er vi c esy i el dsabet t err et ur n oni nv es t ment 6.bui l di ngdi s t i nct i v ecompet i t i v eadv ant age 1.s t andi ngapar tf r om compet i t or si nawayt hati smeani ngf ulandcr eat esv al ue


Sat ur day ,May1,y 1.c ans t andapar ti nav ar i et yofway s:pr oduct ,l ocat i on,ser vi ce,bundl es , deal s ,c ul t ur e,mi s si on,envi r onment al benefi t s 2.compet i t i v eadv ant agecanbef oundi nanyar ea,buti scr uci al t ogener at e i nc r easedr ev enue Di amondEFr amewor k-usef oral lcases

-St r engt hsandWeaknes ses -I nt er nal :Whatcanwedo? -St r at egy ,or gani z at i on,managementpr ef er ences ,r es our ces -Oppor t uni t i esandThr eat s -Ext er nal :Whats houl dwedo? -PEST,Por t er ’ sfiv ef or ces -St r at egy -t hepl ant hebusi nessus est opur s ueoppor t uni t i esandachi ev eCSF -t hecr i t i call i nki ngv ar i abl ebet weenor gani z at i onandenvi r onment -Pr i nc i pal l ogi c:consi st enc yoral i gnment -consi s t enc yi nt er nal l yl eadsper f or mance -al i gnmentex t er nal l yensur ess t r at egyr i ghtf ort hegi v enenv i r onment -War ni ng:t heenv i r onmenti sal way schangi ng -Uses -assesscur r ents t r at egy -det er mi nei fabus i nesss t r at egyi sagoodorbadone -gener at enews t r at egi cpr oposal s -TDcase,usei nt er nal andex t er nalt ofindasol ut i on


Sat ur day ,May1,y

-eval uat est r at egi cpr opos al s -j udgei fapr opos al i sagoodi dea

Di amondEI mpl ement ed 1.Dealwi t hst r at egy envi r onmentl i nkage 2.assessf or cesatwor kandt hei ri mpl i cat i ons 3.adj us ti nt er naloradj us ts t r at egy 1.s t r at egyencompasseshowal lot heraspect sofi nt er nal ar eused 2.envi r onmentcannotbechanged,s ost r at egymuchbemodi fi edt out i l i z ei nt er nal f act or st ot hei rhi ghestpot ent i al gi v ent hecur r entbusi nessenv i r onment 7.Looki nt er nal l y 1.Managementpr ef er ences 1.v i s i on,mi s si on,pr ef er encesandbi ases 2.t ak ei nconsi der at i onwhatt hemanagementofacompanywant st odo 3.ex :buyacompanyvsf or m apar t ner s hi pwi t hacompany 4.cons er v at i v emanagementv sr i s kymanagement ,companycul t ur e 2.Or gani z at i on( capabi l i t i es) 1.c ul t ur e,capabi l i t i es ,st r uct ur e 2.whati st hecompanycul t ur el i k eandwhati st hecompanyknownf or ? 3.whatcant hecompanydobet t ert hanot hercompani es ? 5

Sat ur day ,May1,y 4.howi st hecompanys t r uct ur ed?( pr oduct ,depar t ment ,r egi on,cust omer ,et c ) 3.Res our ces 1.human,financ i al ,capi t al 2.howt hel abouri sut i l i z edi nt hecompany ? 3.howmuc hcapi t alt hecompanyhast owor kwi t h? 4.howmuc hmoneyt hecompanyhast or ei nv est ?

Ext er nal Anal y si s-“ sowhat ?”

-pr ocessofsc anni ngandev al uat i ngt heex t er nalenv i r onment -exami ni ngt r endst oi dent i f yoppor t uni t i esandt hr eat s -exchanger at eex ampl e:CADdown -companyA:i mpor t sf r om USA,sel l st oCAN -CADdownwoul dbeat hr eat ,asUSAgoodswi l l cos tmor eduet ol owerbuyi ng powerwi t hCAD

-companyB:expor t sf r om CAN,sel l st oUSA -CADdownwoul dbeanoppor t uni t y ,asgoodssol di nt heUSAwi l lbewor t h mor ei nCAD

-fir msf acemul t i pl eenv i r onment s : -gener al envi r onment-affect sal l busi nessesr egar dl es sofi ndust r y -ex:i nt er es tr at es ,wi l l affectal lbus i nes seswhom hav el oansordebt -speci fi cenv i r onment-affect sal lpar t i c i pant si nasi ngul ari ndus t r y -Benefit sofEx t er nalAnal y si s -makesmanager spr oact i v e -hel psmak esmanagementmak ebet t erdeci si onsi nant i ci pat i onofenvi r onment 6

Sat ur day ,May1,y

-pr ovi desi nf ousedi npl anni ng -whenyouunder st andbet t erwhatt heenv i r onment ,i ti seas i ert ocomeupwi t ha s t r ongpl ant ocov eral lbases

-hel psor gani z at i ongetneededr esour ces -payi ngatt hel as tmi nut eVSpayi ngi nadv ance:s av esmoneyt obepr oact i v e -hel psor gani z at i oncopewi t huncer t ai nt y -r i s kv sr ewar d:anal yz eeachuncer t ai nt yandpr epar ef ort hem adequat el y -i mpr ov esconsi s t enc yandper f or manc e -wi l l bebet t erpr epar edandmor eeffici ent ,andt her ef or eper f or m bet t er

Chal l engesofEx t er nalAnal y si s

-f or ecast si mper f ect :i mposs i bl et oper f ect l ypr edi c tt hebusi nessenvi r onment ,di mi ni shesv al ueofpr edi ct i ngt heenvi r onment

-r api dchange:pl ansc hangeconst ant l yandr api dl y ,al t er st hepl an -t i meconsumi ng:t ak esasi gni fi cantamountoft i me

Howt odoanEx t er nalAnal y si s ?

-Gener alenvi r onment -PESTmodel :i dent i fi esgener al t r endsandc hanges -Pol i t i c al ,economi c,soci al ,t echnol ogi calf or ces:“ s t ufft ot hi nkabout ” -Speci ficenvi r onment -Por t er ’ sfiv ef or ces :anal yz ecompet i t i v epr essur e;pr edi c t si ndust r ypr ofit abi l i t y -Whatt ol ookf ori next er nalanal y s i s ?


Sat ur day ,May1,y

-Pr es ent :under st andi ndust r yi ni t scur r entst at e -whatdocondi t i onsl ookl i k et oday ? -Tr ends :wat c hs l owt r ends ,pr edi ctout comes -ant i ci pat eev ol ut i onar ychangesi nt heenvi r onment -Qui c kchange:ant i ci pat epossi bi l i t i es ,us esi gnal si fpos si bl e -canbebot hpr edi ct abl eandsur pr i si ng;needt ohav econt i ngencys t r at egi es


Sat ur day ,May1,y PEST Pol i t i c al

-el ement s:l aws,r egul at i ons ,t ax es ,t r adeagr eement s ,pol i t i c als y s t em/ st abi l i t y -si gni ficance:pr ot ect i onofconsumer s ,suppor t / pr ot ect i onandr egul at i onofdomest i c bus i nes ses,oppor t uni t yc r eat i oni nf or ei gnmar k et s Economi c

-el ement s:i nflat i on( posi t i v eornegat i v e) ,i nt er es tr at es ,empl oy mentr at es ,ex c hange r at es ,bal anceoft r ade,pr oduct i vi t y

-si gni ficance:affecteconomi cst abi l i t y ,empl oy ment ,economi cgr owt h( meas ur es :aggr egat eout put ,GDP,GNP,r eal GDP) Soc i al

-el ement s:cust oms ,v al ues,at t i t udes ,demogr aphi cchar act er i s t i cs -si gni ficance:affectcust omerpr ef er encesandwor k erat t i t udesandbehav i our ,s t andar dsofbus i nes sconduct ,andcor por at esoc i alr esponsi bi l i t y Tec hnol ogi cal

-el ement s:i nt er net ,i nf or mat i ont echnol ogi es ,notl i mi t edt ocomput er sandi nf or mat i on -si gni ficance:demandsconst antscanni ngandl ear ni ng,c r eat ess i gni ficantchange andc hal l enge Quest i onst oAnswerwi t hPEST

-whatcur r entandf ut ur ef act or saffectmyi ndust r yandpr oduct ? -whatl egal pr ot ec t i ondoIhav eorl awsdoIhav et ocompl ywi t h? -whatdemogr aphi candsoci alt r endsaffectmybus i nessandhow? -whatt echf or cesar echangi ngandc anaffectmenowandi nt hef ut ur es ? -whatoppor t uni t i esort hr eat sdoest heenv i r onmentpossess ?


Sat ur day ,May1,y LO6p2324-Respondi ngt oChal l engesi nt heBusi nessEnvi r onment

-deal i ngwi t hchal l engesbyf ocus i ngoncor ecompet enci es-t hes ki l l sandr es our ces wi t hwhi cht heyc ompet ebes tandcr eat et hemostv al uef orowner s

-out sour ceot herpr ocessest osuppl i er sanddi st r i but or s ,cal l sf orunpr ecedent edcommuni c at i oni nt er nal l y ,amongt hesuppl ychai n,andgl obal l yt opar t ner s Out sour ci ng

-t hes t r at egyofpay i ngs uppl i er sanddi s t r i but or st oper f or m cer t ai npr ocess es -manyaspect sar eout sour c edt oday-payr ol l ,t r ai ni ng,r esear ch,et c -al l owsf orbus i nessest or emai ncompet i t i v ei nav ar i et yofenv i r onment sandway s Soc i alMedi aandVi r alMar k et i ng

-compani esuses oci al medi aadv er t i s i ngt oconnectwi t hconsumer s -car ef ulaboutonl i nepr esences:shoul dseem asanat ur al ex t ensi onoft hecompany -canal l owf orasmoot h,i nt egr at edcus t omerex per i enceandcus t omersuppor t -vi r almar k et i ngcamebef or es oci almedi a,fir stgai nedpr omi nencet hr uemai l s -wor dofmout ht hatspr eadsl i k eav i r us ,andr el i esont hei nt er netr at hert hanf acet of acecommuni cat i on

-messagest hatt r av el ont hei nt er netamongpot ent i alc ust omer s,whopasssai di nf or mat i onon

-usesvar i ousf or mat s ,butr el i esont heconsumert ospr eadt hemessage -medi umssuchasTwi t t ermak et hi smuchmor eeffect i v e -wor k sbecauses oci et yr el i esont hei nt er netf ori nf or mat i onsuchasnews,andwant t oshar ev ar i ousf or msofi nf or mat i onandmedi awi t honeanot her Bus i nessPr ocessManagement

-apr ocessi sdefinedasanyact i vi t yt hataddsv al uet osomei nput ,t r ansf or mi ngi tt o anout putf oracust omer


Sat ur day ,May1,y

-ex:HRdoeshi r i ngpr ocess es ,pay r ol ldoespay mentpr ocess ,et c -busi nes spr ocessmanagementr ef er st omovi ngawayf r om or gani z i ngbydepar t ment , andt owar dspr ocessor i ent edt eam s t r uct ur est hatbr eac hdepar t ment alboundar i es

-begi nbyas ki ng“ whatmustwedowel lt ost ayi nbusi nessandwi nnewor der s ?”> i dent i f ycor ecompet enci es

-i dent i f yt hemaj orpr ocess est hatmustbeper f or medwel lt oac hi ev et hesegoal s -or gani z er es our cesandsk i l l sar oundt heessent i al pr ocess es -al l owsf orf as t i ngandmor ecust omer or i ent eddeci s i onmaki ng,mat er i al sandoper at i onsar ecoor di nat ed,andpr oduct sgett ocust omerf ast er

Por t er ’ sFi v eFor ces

-t hepr ofi t abi l i t yofanyi ndust r y :wi t hani ncr easi ngnumberofcompet i t or s,pr i cesdr op -I nt ensi t yofRi v al r y-cur r entcompet i t or s -howhar dt ocompani eshav et owor kt or emai n/ i ncr easepr ofit abi l i t y? -Pot ent i al Ent r ant s-f ut ur ecompet i t or s -bar r i er st oent r y ,t echt oent r y ,economi est oscal e -mor eent r ant st oani ndust r y=mor ecompet i t i on,eas yi ndust r yt oent er=l esspr of i t abl e,di ffic ul ti ndus t r yt oent er=mor epr ofit abl e

-Subst i t ut es-“ al most ”compet i t or s -anygoodorser vi cet hatcoul dr epl acet hei ndust r yi noneway ,s hape,orf or m -mor es ubst i t ut es=l es spr ofi t abl e,l es ssubs t i t ut es=mor epr ofi t abl e -Bar gai ni ngPowerofSuppl i er s -keyi nput st owhati ti st hati sbei ngpr oduced,howr el i antani ndust r yi soni t ssuppl i er s


Sat ur day ,May1,y

-i fsuppl i er si ncr eas epr i ce,ar et heyabl et ober epl aced?howmuchdoesi tcos tt o c hangesuppl i er ?et c

-hi ghersuppl i erpower=l esspr ofi t abl e,l owers uppl i erpower=mor epr ofi t abl e -Bar gai ni ngPowerofBuy er s -det er mi net heout putpr i c eoft hei ndus t r y ;pr i ceel ast i ci t yofdemand? -hi gherbuy erpower=l esspr ofi t abl e,l owerbuy erpower=mor epr ofit abl e Check :i bi swor l d,mar k etl i ne Cav eat :powerandi nfluenceofeac hf or cewi l l v ar ybyi ndust r y 5For ces-Effect sonPr ofit abi l i t y

-Ri v al r yamongstcompet i t or s-mostpower f ul f or ce -manycompet i t or sofequals i z eorcapabi l i t y -effect :wi l l hav et owor khar dert oov er t ak esamesi z e/l ar gerr i v al s ,l esspr ofit -l owi ndust r ygr owt hr at e


Sat ur day ,May1,y

-effect :wi l l hav et ot ak ebus i nessf r om compet i t or s ,ast her ear enonewbuy er s -capaci t yofcompet i t or s -effect :i fcompet i t or sar eathi ghcapaci t yorl owcapaci t y ,hi ghercapaci t ycompet i t or swi l lbel essmot i v at edt ogai nnewcust omer sandvi cev er sa

-l owcons umers wi t chi ngcos t s -effect :i fconsumer scanswi t cht oanot hercompet i t oreasi l y ,acompanywi l l hav e t owor khar dt or et ai ncur r entcust omer s=hi gheri nt ensi t yofr i v al r y

-pr oduct sorc ommodi t i esar eper i shabl e( commodi t y=undi ffer ent i at edpr oduct ) 13

Sat ur day ,May1,y

-effect :v er yl ownegot i at i ngpower ,busi nessdi ct at edal mos tpur el yonpr i ces -exi tbar r i er s:howdi fficul ti si tt ol eav eani ndust r y -effect :i fi ti sex pens i v et ol eav eani ndust r y ,mor ecompet i t or swi l l st ayandfight -sol ut i ons -gr owt h-t ak eov ert hei ndust r y -acqui s i t i onofcompet i t or s-t ak eov erot herbusi nesses -cr eat e/ i nc r easeconsumers wi t c hi ngcost s-har dert ochanget ocompet i t or s -di ffer ent i at i on-mak ey ourpr oductdi ffer entenought os t andout -Thr eatofsubst i t ut es-pr oduct st hatdoas i mi l arj ob -manygoodsubs -effect :f or cespr i cel ow,asy ouwi l lhav et obec l osei npr i cet osubs -l ows wi t c hi ngcost s -effect :wi l l hav et ohav epr i c esl ow,asi ti seas yt ochangepr oduct -hi ghbuy erpr opens i t yt osubst i t ut e-hi ghchanceofabuy ers wi t chi ng -effect :k eeppr i cesl ow -sol ut i ons -st r ongmar k et i nganddi ffer ent i at i on-mak epr oductdi ffer ent ,mak esubs t i t ut es l es sappeal i ngwi t hast r ongpr oductors t r ongbr andi mage

-l ocki nc ust omer s-mak ei tdi fficul tf ort hem t oswi t cht oasub -Thr eatofpot ent i al ent r ant s-new/ f ut ur ecompet i t or s -bar r i er st oent r y -l ackofcapi t ali nt ensi t y :t hecheapert oent er ,t heeas i ert oent er( ecoofs cal e) -nospeci al i z edass et s :l ockupdi s t r i but or s ,speci al i z edknowl edge,pat ent s ,t ech 14

Sat ur day ,May1,y

-nor egul at i ons/ pol i c y :wi t houtr egul at i on,i ti seas i ert oent erani ndust r y -nobr andl oy al t y :eas yt owi ncust omer sov erandpr ofit -Bar gai ni ngpowerofsuppl i er s :costofk eyi nput s -f ews uppl i er s :gi v essuppl i er smor epowert odi ct at epr i ces( i nel ast i cdemand?) -effect :c r eat eshi gheri nputpr i cesacr osst hei ndust r y -f ewgoodsubst i t ut esuppl i er s / i nput s :gi v ess uppl i er sev enf ur t herpower -effect :ev enhi gheri nputpr i c esacr os si ndust r y ,mor epowert osuppl i er s -hi ghs wi t chi ngcos t s:l ock st hebus i nessi nt oonesuppl i er -effect :gi v est hesuppl i ermor epowerov ert hebusi ness( hi gheri nputpr i ces) -t hr eatoff or war di nt egr at i on:suppl i er sabl et opr oducey ourpr oduct -effect :s uppl i ert ur nedpr oducerhassi gni fi cantpr i ceadv ant age( c heaperi nput s ) -sol ut i ons -f or m st r at egi cal l i ance:onet hatbenefit sbot ht hesuppl i erandy ou -i nt er nals uppl y :becomey ourownsuppl i er ,buyasuppl i er ,et c -l ongt er m:r edes i gnpr oductt oneedl essi nput s,orchanget onewi nput s -Bar gai ni ngpowerofbuy er s :pr i cet haty oucanchar ge -f ew/ concent r at edbuy er s :poweri nnumber s( y ouneedy ourbuy er s ) -effect :l owerpr ofit sbecauseofl owerpr i cesi mpl i edwi t hbuy erpower -di s cr et i onar ypur c has e:y ourpr oducti svi ewedas“ t ak ei torl eav ei t ” -effect :buy er scanwal kawayf r om hi gherpr i ces,l ower i ngpr ofit s -st andar di z edpr oduct s:al l di ffer entpr oduct si nt hei ndust r yar et hes ame -effect :l owerpr i ces ,asbuy er swi l ls hoppur el ybas edonl owestpr i ce 15

Sat ur day ,May1,y

-l ows wi t c hi ngcost s :eas yf orbuy er st ol eav ey ouandgot oacompet i t or -effect :l owerpr i cest ok eepbuy er shappy -sol ut i ons -f or m st r at egi cal l i ance:onet hatbenefit sbot hy ouandt hebuy er -mar k et i ng/ di ffer ent i at i on:showbuy er st heydoneedy ourpr oduct ,ort hati ti sdi f f er entf r om y ourcompet i t or s

-l ocki nc ust omer s :c r eat eacostofs wi t c hi ng( cont r act s ,deal s ,et c )

Por t er ’ s5For ces-Why?

-pr edi ct st hepr ofi t abi l i t yofani ndust r y -hel psdet er mi newhet herafir m shoul dent erapar t i c ul ari ndust r y -hel psdet er mi newhet herand/ orhowfi r m cancar v eoutanat t r act i v eposi t i oni nt hat i ndust r y

Gener i cSt r at egi es

-Compet i t i v eadv ant age:l owcostordi ffer ent i at i on -Compet i t i v escope:br oadt ar getornar r owt ar get -l owcost ,br oadt ar get :Wal mar t -di ffer ent i at i on,br oadt ar get :Appl e -l owcost ,nar r owt ar get :Fr eedom Mobi l e-t ak ecompl ex ,mak ei ts i mpl eandcheaper -di ffer ent i at i on,nar r owt ar get :Fer r ar i -t ak esi mpl e,mak ei tc ompl exandmor e$

Ent r epr eneur shi p

-i dent i f yi nganoppor t uni t yandaccess i ngr esour cest ocapi t al i z eoni t 16

Sat ur day ,May1,y

-newbusi ness :anybus i nes st hathasex i s t edl es st han5y r s -smal l busi nes s:anybusi nesst hathasl esst han100empl oy ees -mostent r epr eneur shi poccur swi t hnew,smal lbusi ness es -I mpor t anceofEnt r epr eneur s hi p -98. 1% ofbus i nes sesi nCanadaar esmal l bus i nesses -+30% annual l yt oGDP -Jobs>l ar gebus i nes ses -l eadi nnewpr oduct sands er vi c es -Suppor t edbyt heGov er nment -l owert axr at es -r esour ces :adv i ce,f undi ng,et c -easeofest abl i s hment( si mpl et ocr eat easmal lbusi ness)

Ent r epr eneur i alPr ocess

-i nfluenc edbyPEST( bus i nes senvi r onment ) -successf ulonl ywhenent r epr eneur ,oppor t uni t y ,andr esour cesal l fit -begi nswi t hanent r epr eneuri dent i f y i nganoppor t uni t yt henacces si ngr esour ces -Oppor t uni t yRecogni t i on -i deagener at i on:par adi gm shi f t s ,or i gi nat ei nev ent sr el at i ngt owor k ,dai l yl i f e,hobbi es ,chancehappeni ng,et c

-scr eeni ng:weedi ngoutbadi deas ,sav est i meandmoney ,ensur esy ouhav eavi abl ei deawi t hacompet i t i...

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