BUS 211 Spring 2017 - Estep Syllabus PDF

Title BUS 211 Spring 2017 - Estep Syllabus
Author Zhaohan Li
Course Managerial Accounting
Institution Emory University
Pages 9
File Size 425.5 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 56
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Emory University Goizueta Business School BUS 211 – MANAGERIAL ACCOUNTING Course Syllabus, Spring 2017 Instructor information Instructor: Cassandra Estep, PhD, CPA, CISA Office: GBS 447 (in the Accounting suite) Email: [email protected] Phone: 404-727-2740 Office hours: Tuesday 10:00 – 11:00 AM Classroom schedule Section Meeting Dates/Times 000 Tu/Th 8:30 – 9:45 001 Tu/Th 11:30– 12:45 002 Tu/Th 1:00 – 2:15

Room GBS 334 GBS 334 GBS 334

Learning objectives Accountants provide information to decision-makers both inside and outside the firm. This course will focus primarily on internal decision-making. To perform effectively, accountants must understand the kinds of decisions they are facilitating and the effect of environmental attributes on those decisions. They must comprehend and manage the uncertainty and risk inherent in business decisions to be effective decision facilitators. In this course, we will use ideas from economics, statistics, psychology, and accounting to address “real-world” challenges. In addition, we will hone written and oral communication skills through interpersonal interaction and discussion. Specific course objectives include gaining an understanding of: • the decision-facilitating role and decision-influencing role of managerial accounting in organizations.  • how managers use accounting information to plan operations, control behavior, and make decisions.  • the technical and conceptual aspects of managerial accounting, including various managerial problem-solving techniques.  • the behavioral implications of managerial accounting information.  Course communication I will provide hardcopies (handouts) of session notes and selected course materials in class. If class is missed for any reason or handouts are lost, a copy will be posted to Canvas after each class session. Canvas can be accessed at: www.classes.emory.edu. I will use Canvas as the primary means of distributing material and information outside of class. Canvas will be used to post announcements, assignments, homework solutions, etc. You are responsible for ensuring that you have access to Canvas for this class. You are expected to check Canvas for announcements and deliverables on a daily basis. 1

Required materials 1. Balakrishnan, Sivaramakrishnan, and Sprinkle. 2012. Managerial Accounting. 2nd Edition. Wiley. IBSN 978-1-118-38538-8. (You will need to obtain this book as the homework and reading assignments are based on this 2nd edition. Difficulties caused by the use of a different edition are your responsibility).  2. Various Harvard Business School cases and additional readings available through www.study.net under the course name “BUS 211 Estep – Managerial Accounting” Register for access at https://www.study.net/registration/s_reg.asp. (Please note that you will have to pay for the Harvard materials required through study.net. It is Harvard after all...)  3. BUS 211 Spring 2017 Electronic Reserves • Online readings (non-Harvard case studies) are provided through the library's Reserves Direct system – http://reserves.library.emory.edu • If you have not set up a profile previously, contact [email protected] for instructions on how to set-up an account. • The e-reserves content for this class is also available through Canvas via the “Library Course Reserves” link  Homework Homework problems are an essential building block in learning accounting. To be successful, you need to make a good faith effort to solve the homework problems before class. However, you should feel free to work together in groups to complete the assignments. Homework will typically not be collected (I will announce any exceptions to this rule), but homework review (including cold-calling) will often be part of our class discussions. Even if you don’t understand every aspect of the homework, be sure to be prepared to talk about your solutions. Homework assignments are listed in the syllabus schedule distributed in class (and available on Canvas).  Grade breakdown and expectations Course grades are based on one midterm exam, professionalism, quizzes, case exercises, and a cumulative final exam. The course average will be calculated using the following percentages: Quizzes Professionalism Case Exercises Midterm Exam Comprehensive Final Exam

10% 10% 15% 30% 35%

Final course grades are mandated using the Goizueta grade distribution, which is an assignment of grades based on the relative ranking of students. As such, it is not typically possible to estimate your grade during the semester, especially since grades are determined on a curve. I will make every effort to let you know your relative performance on all graded work. There will be no opportunities for extra credit. Goizueta Business School uses grade distribution for all BBA prerequisite and core courses:


The satisfactory/unsatisfactory (S/U) grade option is not available for this course. Quizzes We will have 5 short quizzes throughout the semester, usually held the class session after a related homework assignment is discussed. The point of these quizzes is to promote long-term learning of the principles we have reviewed. A quiz will typically be based on recent homework assignments, will be closed book (unless otherwise noted), and will be graded. Quiz dates are included in the assignment schedule (any changes to the schedule will be posted in Canvas prior to the affected class). My expectation is that if you are keeping up with the readings and doing the homework, these quizzes should not require any additional preparation for class. Though questions on these quizzes will usually be easier than those you encounter on the exams, they will help you prepare for the exams (and beyond) by encouraging learning as we go, rather than a last-minute cram session before each exam. To ease some of the stress typically associated with exercises of this nature, and to allow for the rare missed class, you will be allowed to drop your lowest quiz score. That said, always hand in your quiz, even if you think it will be dropped as your low score (even if you just hand in a blank quiz with your name on it), as I may use quizzes to help track class attendance. Make-up quizzes will not be given, nor will I allow quizzes to be taken outside of class. Quizzes can only be taken during scheduled class sessions. Case exercises In several class sessions we will discuss Harvard case studies. These cases are usually a description of a text concept (e.g., Activity-Based-Management) that has been applied in a realworld business situation. In-class exercises will be based on these cases, will be graded, and may be designed in different forms (e.g., multiple choice questions, group discussion, short essays, etc.). Preparation for case day will involve a thorough reading of the case and the applicable text chapter with an attempt to understand how the concept was applied in the case study. Case exercises will be taken and graded individually, however case preparation outside of class can involve groups of your own choosing. Professionalism Success in management requires professionalism. Professionalism in the classroom implies a number of things, including turning off cell phones and laptops, being on time, not wandering in and out of class, and, in general, showing respect for others in the classroom. I will assign professionalism grades based on these aspects as well as on the quality (not necessarily the quantity) of your participation in class discussions. Academic integrity is also an aspect of 3

professionalism. Every student enrolled in a Business School class agrees to abide by all provisions of the Goizueta Business School Honor Code. Exams There will be one midterm exam and a comprehensive final exam. The final exam will be cumulative, but will be weighted toward material covered in the second half of the semester. Exams may consist of computational problems, multiple choice questions, and short essays. A simple calculator will be provided to you for use during the exams. You may not use your own calculator on the exams. The date of each exam as well as the material covered is specified in the course schedule. Exam dates are not flexible. You are expected to take the exam on the date and time they are scheduled during the course section that you are officially registered. Exams will be proctored and videotaped using existing classroom technology to help encourage the utmost in academic integrity. There are no make-up exams. Grades of zero will be recorded for unexcused exam absences. For students with an excused absence for the midterm exam, the weight of the missed midterm will be added to the final exam (i.e., the final exam will then receive 65% weight in your course grade). If a BUS 211 exam conflicts with an athletic event or you need an ADSR accommodation: you must submit written documentation to me via email no later than January 24, 2017. I will follow the BBA Program Office's policy on excused exam absences, which is as follows: “Any BBA student seeking to defer a major in-course exam or final exam due to illness or emergency must be granted formal permission by the Senior Associate Dean of the BBA Program. Such deferments will be granted only in the following circumstances, all of which must be independently documented and verified: 1) Illness requiring in-patient hospitalization during the time of the exam.  2) Death of an immediate family member (grandparent, parent, or sibling) immediately prior to or at the time of the exam.  3) Illness for which a treating physician provides independent, written documentation directly to the Program Office stating that the student is medically incapable of taking the exam because of health risk to himself/herself or others. In the event that such documentation is not available, with written consent from the student, if the BBA Program Office can verbally confirm with a physician in Student Health that the student is medically incapable of taking the exam because of health risk to himself/herself or others, then the student will be excused.  4) Other extraordinary circumstances beyond the student’s control for which documentation can be provided and for which there is absolutely no alternative.”  Except in the case of #1 or #2, such documentation must be received prior to the exam to be excused. In the case of #1 and #2, documentation must be provided no later than 24 hours after the exam and must cover the time of the exam. In the case of #3 and #4, documentation must be received prior to the exam in order to be excused. If you are a BBA student, you must provide this documentation directly to the BBA Program Office. If you are not a BBA student, you must


provide this documentation directly to the Emory Office for Undergraduate Education (OUE). They will then notify me of your situation. The date and time of the Final Exam will be scheduled by the Registrar/BBA Program office – it may be scheduled for any time during the final exam period, which lasts for approximately two weeks after regular classes end. Therefore, do not make plans to leave town at the end of the semester until the final exam date has been scheduled. I will let you know the final exam schedule as soon as the BBA Program Office announces it. Access, Disability Services, and Resources (ADSR) If you have a documented disability and have anticipated barriers related to the format or requirements of this course, or presume having a disability (e.g. mental health, attention, learning, vision, hearing, physical or systemic), and are in need of accommodations for this semester, I encourage you to contact the Office of Access, Disability Services, and Resources (ADSR) to learn more about the registration process and steps for requesting accommodations. All discussions with ADSR and faculty concerning the nature of your disability remain confidential. Please visit http://equityandinclusion.emory.edu/access/students/index.html for additional information regarding ADSR. Please reach out to me by January 24, 2017 and complete all of the following if you have ADSR accommodations in place: • Send me an email stating that you are requesting an ADSR accommodation. Include your full name (based on your registration), student identification number, course section number/time, and preferred email address in the body of the email.  • Submit a copy of your formal Spring 2017 "Notice of Accommodation" letter. If you are currently registered with ADSR and have not received a copy of your accommodation notification letter within the first week of class, please notify ADSR immediately.  • Come see me during my office hours to communicate your specific needs for the course as it relates to your approved accommodations.  The ADSR office (not I) will administer your exams if you have exam accommodations in place. It is your responsibility to follow the necessary procedures for scheduling and taking your exams. If you fail to do so, you will need to take the exam at the regularly scheduled in-class time. Exams taken in-class will not be provided ADSR exam accommodations. Please visit http://equityandinclusion.emory.edu/access/students/responsibilities/testing.html for more information about testing procedures, and the steps you must take to schedule your exams. Generally, you must schedule your exam on my scheduled exam date (listed on the course schedule), between the hours of 8:00am-5:00pm (when ADSR proctors are available). If the final exam falls on a Saturday, you will need to schedule your ADSR exam on the immediately preceding Friday (the ADSR office is closed on Saturdays).  Getting help I have engaged the services of multiple teaching assistants (names and contact information to be provided) who will assist you by answering day-to-day questions related to course material. The TAs will hold open office hours during the semester. I will post their office hour schedules on Canvas early in the semester. Also, throughout the semester, you can get in-person help with any 5

aspect of the course material by attending the Goizueta “Accounting Labs” (staffed by TAs and other accounting majors). A complete schedule for the Accounting Labs will be posted in the “Accounting Labs” Canvas site. If you have a short, specific question that can be answered online, rather than physically going to the Lab you may (anonymously) post your question in the discussion area of the Accounting Labs Canvas site, and you will receive a response as soon as possible. I am available during my regularly scheduled office hours (see page 1) if you need to discuss anything related to the course directly with me. However, please make good use of the TA office hours and Accounting Labs. Academic honesty policy I have zero tolerance for academic dishonesty. Academic dishonesty in any form is unacceptable because any breach in academic integrity, however small, strikes destructively at the University’s life and work...and frankly, it hurts you and your classmates, as well. Your participation in this course comes with my expectation that your work will be completed in full observance of the Goizueta Honor Code. For more information about our collective responsibilities under the Goizueta Honor Code, please refer to the following link: http://goizueta.emory.edu/degree/undergraduate/curriculum/standards_honors.html If I suspect a violation of the Honor Code, I will do my job and refer you to the Honor Council, and they will determine your fate. Final note This syllabus describes a tentative plan to achieve the course objectives. Keep in mind, however, that we may have to revise the syllabus during the semester to better meet those objectives.


Student Consent Form Each student must read, sign, date, and return this form by 5 pm on January 24, 2017.

I_______________________________, (ID #______________________________), do hereby agree to all the conditions for participation in this course. In addition, I swear that all work performed and submitted in this class will be my own. I understand that should ANY work performed in this class be determined to not be of my own hand and creation, I will fail the class AS A WHOLE. I may also be subject to additional disciplinary measures. I further understand that it is my responsibility to submit all work in a timely manner and that the grades on my work will suffer appreciably should my assignments not arrive on time. I agree to take all required exams at the date and time stated. Since I am enrolled and have paid all tuition and fees associated with this course I can access Canvas and all the course resources that reside there. I have read and understand the Business School Honor Code.

Signature ___________________________________________

Date ______________________________________________


BUS 211 – Estep Spring 2017 Schedule Session No. 1

Date 10-Jan

Day T

Topic Syllabus and introduction

Reading(s) Text Chapter 1










JE and T-account review Cost flows in manufacturing Cost flows, continued

Text Chapter 3

- 3.28, 3.32, 3.34 - 3.35, 3.42, 3.58 - 3.40, 3.46


Basic costing concepts Relevance

Text Chapter 2



Cost estimation Contribution margin

Text Chapter 4




Cost-volume-profit analysis (CVP)

Text Chapter 5

- 2.1, 2.27, 2.29 - 2.33, 2.39, 2.40 - 2.42, 2.45 - 4.34, 4.38, 4.44 - 4.41, 4.45 - 4.50, 4.47 - 5.30 - 5.45 - 5.41 - 5.47 - 5.42




Case: Hallstead Jewelers

HBS: Hallstead Jewelers (study.net)


2-Feb 7-Feb


CVP enhancements

NO CLASS Text Chapter 5, part II




Case: Seligram

HBS: Seligram ETO (study.net)




Variable and absorption costing

Text Chapter 9 Eagle mini-case




Catchup and review







Activity based costing (ABC)

MIDTERM EXAM Text Chapter 10




Case: City of Indianapolis

HBS: City of Indianapolis (study.net)




Decision-making in the short run

Text Chapter 6, including Appendix B








- 5.49 - 5.53 - 5.61 - 9.17, 9.35, 9.56 - 9.27, 9.46, 9.47 - 9.22, 9.23, 9.37, 9.41


Handout-Survey Survey discussion

Quiz 1

Halstead Case Exercise

Quiz 2

- 10.33, 10.35 - 10.38, 10.40 - 6.29, 6.34 - 6.44, 6.45

Indianapolis Case Exercise

BUS 211 – Estep Spring 2017 Schedule Session No. Date 16 14-Mar

Day T




Topic Decision-making in the short run, part II Budgets

Reading(s) Text Chapter 6, including Appendix B

Homework - 6.52, 6.67, 6.70

Text Chapter 7

- 7.39 - 7.49 - 7.41 - 7.42 (a and b only)




Budgets, part II




Case: HCC Industries




Variance analysis




Variance analysis, part II




Case: Berkshire Toy

Case: ...

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