HWS 211-03, Spring, 2022 PDF

Title HWS 211-03, Spring, 2022
Course Wellness through Weight Training
Institution Binghamton University
Pages 5
File Size 148.6 KB
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Binghamton University Health & Wellness Studies Physical Fitness & Wellness HWS 211-03 CRN: 22453 M, W, & F (12pm-1pm) West Gym #69 North STUDENTS ARE REQUIRED TO WEAR FACE COVERING (MASK) FOR THIS CLASS AT ALL TIMES UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE FROM BINGHAMTON UNIVERSITY. Instructor: Cary Swartz Teaching Assistants: Kaylie Nolan, Reilly Sutter and Ceili Williams Phone #: (607) 777-3548, (607) 743-3528 (Cell) Email: [email protected] or [email protected] Office: West Gym #135B or West Gym Issue Room Office Hours: Tues. & Thurs. 9am-10am, either in West Gym Office #135B or West Gym Issue Room during office hours. Grading: 2 Credits (letter grade) Physical Fitness and Wellness General Education Requirement. Students do have the option of taking this course Pass/Fail, but in order to fulfill the General Education requirement you must take the course for a letter grade. General Education Requirement: Physical Activity/Wellness: Physical Activity component will include building muscular strength, muscular endurance, cardiovascular endurance and flexibility. There will be a combination of classroom lectures and discussions on fitness and wellness. Wellness requirements will cover proper nutrition, physical development, substance abuse, human sexuality, physical, emotional & mental fitness, stress management, protein supplements and wellness domain. Students can expect to put in 45 hours of class time in the span of 15 weeks, which includes daily workouts (strength, cardio, flexibility and core exercises followed by class discussions. Students will put in up to 4-5 hours of work outside of class weekly. Text Book: Get Fit & Stay Fit, Seventh Edition, Students DO NOT need to purchase book. PDF file attachment posted on Brightspace (click on content.) Course Description: This course is designed to help students understand the dynamics of a healthy life-style both physically and mentally. Students will learn and perform strength training techniques such as: muscular endurance, circuit training, building muscular strength, building muscle mass, cardiovascular workouts, improving flexibility and abdominal core workouts. Students will enjoy team building activities all a part of Survivor Fitness Challenge. Activities will be based around fitness challenges, team building activities and team trivia.

Course Responsibilities: NO CELL PHONES ARE NOT PERMITTED IN CLASS! STUDENTS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO USE CELL PHONES DURING CLASS TIME. THIS COURSE IS IN-PERSON ONLY AND STUDENTS ARE NOT PERMITTED TO TAKE REMOTE. 1. Exercise attire: wear shorts, warm-up pants, t-shirts, supportive sneakers (comfortable clothes.) Locker and Towel service will be provided for each student. Students are encouraged to bring a water bottle to class. Students should be prepared to dress for the outdoors for some class days. Students should also do their best to eat a well-balanced meal or meals before all classes. 2. No Jeans, boots or sandals allowed, if you are not dressed and prepared you will not work-out and you will be marked late (Tardy or take an Absence.) 3. All assignments must be turned in on time otherwise you will be penalized. 15 points off each class day an assignment is late. If an assignment is more than 3 class days late, automatic ‘0’ or ‘F’. 4. You are expected to be on time (otherwise will be penalized with a tardy) and expected to stay entire class time. Students must participate in at least half of class time in order to be credited with partial credit for that day. Otherwise will be given an absence. Project #1: (Exercise Journals, Due Dates TBA: (25 points each, 8 Total Journal Entries) All Journal entry topics will be posted on Brightspace on Course Announcements, Dates TBD. Students are required to complete Journal Entries. Journal topics will be posted on Brightspace (Dates to be Determined.) All Journal Entries must be typed double space at least 1-2 pages (8 total Journal Entries.) Students should expect to express themselves physically and mentally. Students should not share anything confidential or personal. Each Journal Entry should be detailed and descriptive. All journal entry topics must submitted on Due Dates (TBD.) Late Journal entries submitted will be penalized -5 points off each class day submitted late. Take Home Exam #1, (DUE: March 4, 2022): Physical & Mental benefits of Physical Activity, Cardiovascular Fitness, Muscular Strength & Endurance, Flexibility and Creating a Workout Plan. (Chapters 1-6 & 9 & Class Discussions.) Take Home Exam #2 & Journals Due: (DUE: April 29th, 2022: Proper Nutrition, Fueling Your Body, Healthy Body Image, Safe Fitness, Stress Management, Protein Supplements, Anabolic Steroids and Substance Abuse (multiple choice.)

Attendance Grading: Students are expected to attend class and if you miss 3 classes or more automatic failure of course! (Follow chart below)! Attendance Grading: (Documented Attendance officially begins on first day of class (January 25th , 2022 through last day of class, May 11th, 2022.) 0= 100% 4 or more= FAILURE OF COURSE, AUTOMATIC ‘F’ 1=100% 2=100% 3=100% ***NO MAKE UP CLASSES PERMTTED FOR THIS COURSE! ***Only Exceptions for a student permitted to make up a class(s) are listed below on next page. Student’s are required to submit written documentation to verify reason for missing class. Otherwise will not be permitted to make up the class or classes missed. All absences at the end of the semester will be penalized against a student’s final course grade.*** (1) Medical illness/injury, must have official medical documentation signed by physician stating you are unable to participate in any form of physical activity. Student must have signed written official medical documentation stating student is permitted to continue participating in workouts (if there any limitations with workouts.) (2) Religious Holiday (a student must submit written documentation explaining whether or not the student can attend class or will need to modify workouts if religious holiday requires ‘Fasting.’) (3) Job Interview: If a student is going to be out due to a job interview written documentation must be submitted to the HWS Instructor stating the number of missed classes. Continued: (4) Family Emergency: If there is a family emergency and a student misses class, HWS Instructor must be notified by email, text or phone within 24 hours. Students are required to submit written documentation for missing class(s) (otherwise absence(s) will stand and students will not be permitted to make up the class. ***All depending on the number of classes (absences) missed the instructor will make a decision whether or not a student will be permitted to make up the class(s) or take an incomplete and make up class(s) at a later date. ***A student must schedule a make-up class(s) with Instructor if make-up class is granted. Please make note without written documentation verifying absence(s), students will not be permitted to make up the class or classes missed and absence(s) will stand.

Grading Format: Overall Grading: Attendance and Participation= 20%= 100 points A=465-500 C+=390-404 Exam #1 =20% 100 points A-=450-464 C=375-389 Exam #2= 20% 100 points B+=435-449 C-= 360-374 Journals= 40 % 200 points B=420-434 D= 345-359 B-= 405-419 F= Below 345 NO CLASSES THE FOLLOWING DATES: NO CLASSES: MARCH 12TH-20TH, 2022 (SPRING BREAK) NO CLASSES: APRIL 15TH-18TH, 2022 (EASTER & PASSOVER) LAST DAY OF CLASSES, MAY 11TH, 2022 Dean of Students Office: “Diminished mental health, including significant stress, mood changes, excessive worry, or problems with eating and/or sleeping can interfere with optimal academic performance. The source of symptoms might be largely related to your course work; if so, I invite you to speak with me (or your other professors) directly. However, problems with relationships, family worries, loss, or a personal struggle or crisis can also contribute to decreased academic performance, and may require additional professional support. Binghamton University provides a variety of support resources: The Dean of Students Office and University Counseling Center offer coaching on ways to reduce the impact to your grades. Both of these resources can help you manage personal challenges that impact your well-being or ability to thrive at Binghamton University. Accessing them, especially early on, as symptoms develop, can help support your academic success as a University student”. In the event I feel you could benefit from such support, I will express my concerns (and the reasons for them) to you and remind you of our resources. While I do not need to know the details of what is going on for you, your ability to share some of your situation with me will help me connect you with the appropriate support. 1. Dean of Students Office: 607-777-2804 2. Decker Student Health Services Center: 607-777-2221 3. University Police: On campus emergency, 911 4. University Counseling Center: 607-777-2772 5. Interpersonal Violence Prevention: 607-777-3062 6. Harpur Advising: 607-777-6305 7. Office of International Student & Scholar Services: 607-7772510 2. Disability-related Equal Access Accommodations – Students needing accommodations to ensure their equitable access and participation in this course should notify the instructor with an

Academic Accommodation Authorization from Binghamton University's Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) office as soon as they're aware of their need for such arrangements. Please visit the SSD website (www.binghamton.edu/ssd) for more detailed information. The office is located in University Union, 119....

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