Spring 2022 BUS 9601 Final Syllabus Schedule PDF

Title Spring 2022 BUS 9601 Final Syllabus Schedule
Author ishak degaichia
Course Consumer Behavior
Institution Baruch College CUNY
Pages 19
File Size 693.2 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 65
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Narendra Paul Loomba Department of Management

Office Hours:

Available anytime via email

Contact Information:

ARTHUR CHIVVIS Office: (203) 966-7192 Cell: (203) 856-3875 [email protected] Please do not contact Professor Chivvis using the Baruch email system.

ANTHONY FARINA Cell: (917) 207-9170 [email protected] TATIANA RIVERA Executive Assistant Cell: (917) 822-3159 [email protected] [email protected]

COURSE MATERIALS Required The McKinsey Way; Ethan M. Raisel, McGraw-Hill, 1999. HBR Guide to Project Management, Harvard Business Review Press, 978-1-4221-8729-6. How to Manage Successful Teams, Adam Bryant: https://www.nytimes.com/guides/ business/manage.a.successful.team Highly Recommended but not Required Matassoni, Bill (2019), Marketing Saves the World, Firms Consulting, LLC, 2nd edition. Woodridge and Greenspan, Capitalism in America, Penguin Press, 2018.

COURSE DESCRIPTION The course will train students in applying theories and models from various fields of business, such as finance, microeconomics, human resource management, operations manageBUS 9601  1

ment, and marketing, to solve business problems and capture business opportunities, thereby creating economic value (i.e., positive cash flow) or societal well-being. It will provide students with a number of essential consulting and business management skills, including analytical, leadership, teamwork, and professional communication. The course will consider the nature and purpose of management consulting; range and scope of consulting services; the consultant-client relationship; consulting and organizational change; consulting and culture; and professionalism and ethics in consulting. It also examines various aspects of the business consulting process, including: problem/opportunity diagnosis; project planning and management; teamwork; data collection and analysis; client relationship management; presentation of conclusions, recommendations; and, implementation planning. This course develops management consulting skills through a combination of formal classroom training and the completion of a real team consulting assignment for a client organization. Skills learned are essential to a successful career, whether in consulting, business management, or the private sector. The BUS 9601 Course follows three sequential phases (please refer to Attachment 3): Phase I: Startup (elapsed time: 3 weeks). Team and projects will have been assigned at the first class. Following that, teams will decide who will be the team leader(s), meet the team Adviser, write a letter of proposal (LOP), get Client agreement to the LOP, write the project plan (including individuals’ responsibilities and end products), and launch the problem solving. Phase II: Problem solving (5 weeks). Teams will follow the basic problem-solving process (analysis → findings → conclusions → recommendations). Preliminary conclusions will be presented to Client in a mid-semester progress review, with final presentation at semester end. Phase III: Results Communication (7 weeks). Teams will firm up conclusion discussed with Client in the mid-semester progress review, draw out recommendations for the Client to act on, and figure out what next steps the Client needs to take to implement the recommendations. These topics will be reviewed with the Client during the last week of the term in a visual presentation that has been dry-run with the professors prior to presentation to the Client. It is important for students taking this course to understand that s/he must be committed to working on a semester-long project as part of a team and that time requirements can be substantial. If current responsibilities and obligations will impair a student’s ability to successfully complete the consulting project, s/he should defer enrolling in it until the student can devote the time required.

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Executive students will develop an analytical and entrepreneurial mindset that prepares them to function effectively in teams and guide their organizations in the face of innovation and disruptive changes in the business and social environments.

Executive Knowledge and Competencies

Executive students will build on their prior business and organizational experience through carefully-tailored coursework to further develop and integrate their knowledge of the functional areas of business and strengthen their competencies as executive leaders.

Executive Communication

Executive students will demonstrate the effective, persuasive (1) oral and (2) written communication skills needed to articulate and convey shared meaning that leads to commitment and successful action.

Global Awareness

Executive students will gain knowledge of differences in perspectives, institutions, and practices from businesses and non-profit organizations around the world and understand how to build international strategies that benefit their organizations.

Ethical and Social Awareness

Executive students will develop clear understandings of the impact of their behavior; their responsibilities as business leaders to uphold ethical principles in their dealings; and the impact of their business practices on multiple stakeholders, including economic, social and natural environments, as well as inclusion and diversity.

COURSE LEARNING GOALS As an outcome of completing this course, students will be able to:  Understand the role management consulting plays in improving client performance.  Conduct a consulting engagement from end-to-end for a client; gain full comprehension of each phase of an assignment.  Integrate and manage technical and human resources to deliver value-added solutions.  Diagnose issues related to interactions among a firm’s multiple functional areas.  Apply strategic management and organizational techniques to problem solving.  Synthesize and present recommendations in persuasive oral and written communications.

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Assessment and problem diagnosis; scope  Ethical and Social awareness of work and pricing; project management;  Global awareness  Executive Knowledge and teamwork; data collection and analysis; Competencies client relationship management; presentation and implementation of solutions; evaluation of work completed for the client.

Lectures/Discussions/ Exercises

Assessment and problem diagnosis; scope of work and pricing; project management; teamwork; data collection and analysis; client relationship management; presentation and implementation of solutions; evaluation of work completed for the client.

Executive communication Ethical and Social awareness Global awareness Executive Leadership and Teamwork  Executive Knowledge and Competencies

Case Issue Statements

Assessment and problem diagnosis; scope of work and pricing; project management; teamwork; data collection and analysis; client relationship management; presentation and implementation of solutions; evaluation of work completed for the client.

   


Assessment and problem diagnosis; scope of work and pricing; project management; teamwork; data collection and analysis; client relationship management; presentation and implementation of solutions; evaluation of work completed for the client.

   


 Executive communication To ascertain how well students have learned the fundamentals of business con-  Ethical and Social awareness  Global awareness sulting.  Executive Knowledge and Competencies


   

Executive communication Ethical and Social awareness Global awareness Executive Knowledge and Competencies

Executive communication Ethical and Social awareness Global awareness Executive Leadership and Teamwork  Executive Knowledge and Competencies

BUS 9601  4


Learning Goals

Significant Moderate Part Part of Course of Course

Oral Communication


Written Communication


Technology Ethical Awareness

Minimal Part of Course

Not Part of Course



Global Awareness Quantitative Analysis


Teamwork and Leadership


Knowledge Integration


ACADEMIC INTEGRITY I fully support Baruch College's policy on Academic Honesty, which states, in part: “Academic dishonesty is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. Cheating, forgery, plagiarism, and collusion in dishonest acts undermine the college’s educational mission and the students' personal and intellectual growth. Baruch students are expected to bear individual responsibility for their work and to uphold the ideal of academic integrity. Any student who attempts to compromise or devalue the academic process will be sanctioned.” Academic sanctions in this class will range from an F on the assignment to an F in this course. A report of suspected academic dishonesty will be sent to the Office of the Dean of Students. Additional information can be found at: http://www.baruch.cuny.edu/academic/academic_honesty.html

CLASS ATTENDANCE Since much of what will be discussed in class is teaching and developing basic consulting skills, attendance is required at all sessions whether virtual or in person. If students have a valid reason to miss a class, they must advise the instructor ahead of time. Repeated absences without prior approval will result in a drop of one level in the final grade.

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ACCOMMODATIONS FOR STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES Baruch College provides reasonable accommodations and modifications for students with disabilities to ensure that no student with a disability is denied the benefits of, is excluded from participation in, or otherwise is subjected to discrimination under the education program or activity operated by the College because of the absence of educational auxiliary aids for students with disabilities. Arrangements for adapting class procedures without compromising course content and standards may take time. Therefore, students who require accommodations or modifications should communicate with me as soon as possible. To receive services, you must register with the Office of Services for Students with Disabilities. Documentation is necessary for every disability. For more information concerning services for students with disabilities, please contact Patricia Fleming, Director of the Office of Services for Students with Disabilities, Vertical Campus Building, One Bernard Baruch Way, 2nd floor, Room 2-270, phone number (646) 312-4590.

GRADES Engagement performance will be evaluated based on four sources of subjective feedback, as follows:

Consulting Team Leader Feedback: 35% A significant part of the evaluation will come from Team Leader's feedback. The Team Leader's role is crucial in this course and his/her observation is seriously taken into consideration. You and the Team Leader will work closely together and he/she will grade your performance based on the following: effort and engagement you put into a project, your attude and cooperativeness towards the process and your colleague(s), your level of professionalism when it comes to client relations, and how consistent you are with your contribution towards the overall objectives of the project (see Attachment 1).

Team Adviser Feedback: 35% Every student will receive feedback from the team Adviser. He/she will spend important time with you and your team helping you stay on the right track with every part of your project, including communications. Advisers will base their feedback on these main criteria: level of involvement and engagement in the project, effectiveness of teamwork, quality of relationship with your client, contribution of consistent high-quality work. Your adviser will also use Attachment 1 for feedback on team members’ performance.

Client Feedback: 15% It is necessary and important to start building a professional relationship with your Client from the very first meeting. Clients will assess your performance based on how well you are prepared for each meeting, the quality of your contribution to the discussion, and your level of professionalism during your work together. Very importantly, clients want to see how well you are able to understand their business and the challenges confronting their firm (see Attachment 2). Strong, productive client relation are essential to the success o an engagement, and to follow-on assignments. BUS 9601  6

Professor Feedback: 15% The professor(s) will assess the quality of your work and contribution throughout the semester. Professor will look at all of the factors mentioned above and more, with special attention to your communication (verbal and written) skills. During the semester together there will be many opportunities to polish these skills, so everyone has a fair chance of becoming skilled by the time of the final presentation. PLEASE NOTE: All communication will be in English and if English is a challenge, you are strongly encouraged to avail yourself of the written and verbal coaching opportunities offered by the College, by your team, and by outside experts you enlist to help you train.

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IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT CONSULTING PROJECTS ADVISER Regular and frequent communication between team and Adviser is required and essential; ie., weekly. The Adviser can make a significant contribution to your teams’ success and has a major input into your final grade. LISTING AND ASSIGNING OF CONSULTING PROJECTS A list of consulting projects will be circulated to the class on or about the beginning of the semester and you will be asked to state your performance. We do our best to assign students to their preferred project but we do not guarantee it. Our focus is on our clients and we ensure all projects are adequately staffed. FORMAT OF FINAL REPORT TO THE CLIENT The format of the final report (written, visual, both) will depend on the work done and the needs of the Client. As far as possible, the structure should follow the standard consultant report format posted on Blackboard (“The Pyramid Principle” and “Basic Structure for Presentations”) and discussed and practiced in class.

PRACTICE SESSIONS PLEASE NOTE: All final reports will be vetted by the professors and the Adviser prior to being presented to the client. INSTRUCTOR AVAILABILITY DURING THE CONSULTING PROJECT As this is a critical time for students and clients alike, in addition to your team Advisers, professors will be available as needed to consult, supervise, field questions, and resolve issues that arise.

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BUS 9601 1. Attends group meetings regularly and arrives on time 2. Contributes meaningfully to group discussions 3. Completes tasks on time or makes alternative arrangements 4. Prepares high quality work (accurate and complete) 5. Demonstrates a cooperative and supportive attude 6. Contributes significantly to the success of the project 7. Demonstrates excellent client relation skills

A A– B+ B B–

>4.75 4.5–4.75 4.0–4.49 3.5–3.9...

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