Buserv 1940 Syllabus Spring 2022 Korczynski PDF

Title Buserv 1940 Syllabus Spring 2022 Korczynski
Author Bryanna Snyder
Course Marketing Fundamentals
Institution University of Pittsburgh
Pages 8
File Size 211.4 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 27
Total Views 126


Syllabus for Spring 2022 BUSERV 1940 Marketing Fundamentals Course...


BUSERV 1940, Section 1040 Syllabus

Spring 2022

Professor Korczynski

BUSMKT 1940 Introduction to Marketing Spring 2022 Instructor:

Ms. Sherry Korczynski (pronounced Kor-chin-ski) (she/her) Adjunct Professor of Marketing

Contacting me:

Mobile: 412-215-4333 [email protected] Canvas Inbox Please see “How to Contact Sherry Korczynski” in Canvas (on the Home page and in the “Welcome to…” module) for more detailed information on the various ways to get in touch with me.

Student “drop-in” hours:

I am available after class on Monday evenings Outside of this day/time, I am happy to schedule appointments!

Class meets:

532 Alumni Hall: Mondays 6:30–9:00 PM

Required Text:

Marketing: The Core (9th edition) (Connect with e-book)* Author: Kerin and Hartley

*You will be billed directly to your student account for Connect and the e-book (a program called “Inclusive Access”). If you try to buy your book elsewhere, be careful since it will not include University of Pittsburgh access to Connect (which you will still be billed for through the University)! While you can opt out of inclusive access, since Connect is required for the course, you will have to pay for Connect using a different payment method. You can add a loose-leaf upgrade if you prefer a hard copy of the text (details are posted in Canvas). You must access Connect through Canvas (even if you have previously used Connect) so grades on your Connect assignments will post to the Canvas grade book. Details regarding registration and opting out of the inclusive access program are posted in Canvas announcements.

Brief Course Description: This course will provide students with a broad understanding of the marketing function in the modern world. It is designed to provide students both a theoretical and practical understanding of marketing decision-making. Topics covered in this course include marketing environment for domestic and international marketing; marketing information systems; consumer buying behavior; segmentation; target marketing; the formulation of marketing strategy involving the elements of product, distribution, promotion and pricing elements; and finally, market planning, organization, implementation, and control. Ethical considerations and a global view are incorporated into these topics, throughout the course. Me: I am passionate about helping others – I joined the pharmaceutical/biotech industry after graduating from college as I saw the direct impact my work could have on patients and their families. I am committed to helping students be the best they possibly can! If you are willing to work hard, I will work just as hard to help you accomplish your professional goals. Please let me know how I can help you! Please refer to me as Sherry or Professor Korczynski Course Expectations and Policies: 1. Review assigned readings prior to the class period in which they are covered 2. Attend each class and participate in class discussions. It is the student’s responsibility to learn what they have missed, should they miss a class.


BUSERV 1940, Section 1040 Syllabus

Spring 2022

Professor Korczynski

3. Any question as to the validity of a grade must be brought to the instructor’s attention within 2 weeks of the day the grade is posted. After 2 weeks, grades will only be changed to correct calculation or input errors. 4. Grades for Connect assignments/quizzes should appear immediately in Connect. Any missing grades must be reported to me (via email) prior to the due date/time for the assignment/quiz . As such, make sure you check your grade on all completed assignments/quizzes prior to the deadline. 5. Occasionally, changes to the schedule of the course are announced during class and/or posted to Canvas. It is the student’s responsibility to stay current on any changes or announcements made. 6. This syllabus provides a general outline of the course; deviations may be necessary during the semester. A deviation in one part of the course/syllabus does not impact the remaining portions of the syllabus. 7. You cannot use phones, cameras, PDAs, MP3 players, or any technology not previously approved by the professor during class or exams. 8. There is a 20-point deduction from your overall course grade for each guest speaker missed. There will be an alternative assignment available if you are unable to attend a guest speaker’s visit to class. Guest speaker visits will NOT be recorded. Prior notice to professor is required (unless an emergency) in order to receive the alternative assignment opportunity. 9. Work completed for a previous or current class cannot be used in this course. 10. Any work turned in cannot consist of significant portions of quoted (word-for-word) materials from other sources (even if properly cited). You must use quotations sparingly, otherwise putting the material into your own words while still properly citing the source. The professor has the final say on what constitutes “a significant portion”. 11. All assignments and exams are considered “pledged” under the University of Pittsburgh and the College of Business Administration Academic Integrity Standards. Thus, assignments are to be individually completed unless explicitly designated as a team assignment. 12. I will only consider granting a “make-up” for a missed opportunity if notified prior to your absence (except in cases of a true emergency), and only with sufficient documentation. Specific to our Covid-19 operating conditions: I know we are experiencing a global health crisis. Not only as a professional (but as a mom of a 21-year college junior). I worry about your physical and mental health and well-being during this time. You can talk to me about any challenges you face, pandemic related or not. During this pandemic, it is extremely important that you abide by the public health regulations, the University of Pittsburgh’s health standards and guidelines, and Pitt’s Health Rules. These rules have been developed to protect the health and safety of all of us. Universal face covering is required in all classrooms and in every building on campus, without exceptions, regardless of vaccination status. This means you must wear a face covering that properly covers your nose and mouth when you are in the classroom. If you do not comply, you will be asked to leave class. It is your responsibility to have the required face covering when entering a university building or classroom. For the most up-to-date information and guidance, please visit https://www.coronavirus.pitt.edu/ and check your Pitt email and course Canvas for updates before each class. If you find yourself struggling physically or mentally this semester--either because of the pandemic or another reason--please know that you are welcome to contact me or seek help using the various Pitt/Community resources (links in syllabus and in Canvas). If you are struggling, you have to talk to me about it for me to know it is an issue. Do not wait until the end of the semester to try to salvage your grade if you are struggling. Classroom/Remote Etiquette: All students are expected to be in class and prepared to begin on time. All cellular phones, electronic games, or other devices which generate sound must be turned off when you enter the classroom. Disruption of class will not be tolerated. Disruptive behaviors include but are not limited to: latecomers, leaving early, noisy devices, intoxication, or other inconsiderate behavior (i.e., sleeping, reading for pleasure, working on outside assignments, excessive talking, eating, disrespectful behavior to the professor or other students). A warning may be given for the first offense; however, repeat violators will be asked to leave the class and 2

BUSERV 1940, Section 1040 Syllabus

Spring 2022

Professor Korczynski

may be further penalized. If need be, campus police will be called to forcibly remove a student who is being disruptive. Laptops will only be permitted if used for in-class note taking and will not be allowed during guest speaker presentations. A space in the classroom will be designated as a “digital free” zone, for students who wish not to be distracted by technology from those around them. In the event of synchronous remote delivery: When you log on to a synchronous session be aware of your surroundings and your attire. It is a better experience for all if cameras are on, so experiment with virtual backgrounds with the goal of keeping your camera on. When you enter a synchronous session, your mic will be muted. Conversations during synchronous sessions will be moderated by posting in the chat stream, raising your emoji hand, or unmuting yourself to speak (either press/hold the spacebar or click on the “unmute” icon). Etiquette for participating in written and oral conversation online (“netiquette”) is important for the course community to be a safe, engaging, friendly place. Basic rules to guide participation in the chats on Zoom are to avoid sarcasm, avoid all CAPS, and to stay on point. If a student is being disruptive and/or inappropriate during a synchronous class session, they will be removed from the session. Repeat violators can be reported for a conduct violation. Tips for success: The material in introductory courses like Introduction to Marketing and Introduction to Psychology often seem very familiar (unlike subjects such as accounting or physics). Unfortunately, this familiarity can give students a false sense of security - a feeling they have mastered the material with relatively little effort. These students frequently lament “the test and lecture are just common sense but somehow I failed the exam.” Expect test questions and assignments to probe for more depth and detail than you can easily handle with a light skimming of the text and a passive listening to lectures. Attendance: Your presence in class is essential to your ability to understand and apply the material covered in this course. Treat this class as you would any professional obligation. By accepting a job, you make an implicit commitment to attend work regularly; by registering for this class, you make a similar commitment. But look – I get it… things come up (interviews, pandemics, illness, death in the family, etc…) and sometimes you have to miss. Just as you would notify your boss if you need to miss work, I expect you to notify me (prior to your absence, unless it is an emergency) should you need to miss class. Here’s the secret: I mostly just want you to tell me when and why you have to miss class. Odds are, I’ll let you make up a missed opportunity if you let me know about it PRIOR to missing class, you are honest about it, and can provide some documentation. We have multiple guest speaker scheduled to visit class during the semester. These guest speakers have taken time out of their busy schedules to share their experiences with you. Guest speaker visits are NOT recorded. Attendance is required on guest speaker days. While you do not earn points for attending a guest speaker’s visit to class, there is a 20-point penalty for missing a guest speaker’s visit. There will be an alternative assignment available if you are unable to attend a guest speaker’s visit to class. Prior notice to professor, before the guest speaker visits class, is required (unless an emergency) in order to receive the alternative assignment opportunity. Absence from synchronous class sessions does not exempt you from being responsible for all the material covered in class and being aware of any announcements made in class. If you miss class, it is your responsibility to determine what you have missed and get yourself up-to-date. When you miss class, you can catch up on what you miss in the following ways: • Consult the Panopto lecture capture posted in Canvas • Review the “full” slides and textbook chapter • Ask another student to go through what was covered in class • Check with me! Grade Components: Connect: Orientation Assignment & Syllabus Quiz Connect/Canvas: Chapter Assignments ..(top 10 of 12)

10 @ 5 points each 3

5 points 50 points

BUSERV 1940, Section 1040 Syllabus

Spring 2022

Connect: Quizzes …………………………………….. Exam 1 Exam 2 Exam 3 Canvas feedback survey

3 @ 15 points each

Professor Korczynski

45 points 150 points 150 points 150 points 5 points Total 555 points

Reminder: While you do not earn points for guest speakers, there is a 20-point penalty for missing a guest speaker’s visit to class. An alternative assignment is available, but requires prior notification to qualify. (see #8 under “Course Expectations and Policies”)

Connect: Orientation Assignment & Syllabus Quiz, Chapter Assignments & Chapter Quizzes There will be one Connect Orientation Assignment & Syllabus Quiz. This quiz is designed to ensure each student is able to access Connect prior to the first “real” assignment being due and to ensure students understand some key components of the syllabus. You have an unlimited number of attempts for this quiz. There are twelve (12) Chapter Assignments relating to thirteen (13) of the chapters we will cover during the course of the term. These assignments are housed in McGraw-Hill Connect (Connect) or occasionally directly in Canvas. You can attempt each chapter assignment up to 2 times, with your highest score being used towards your point total (Connect will show an “average” score, but Canvas will reflect your highest score). You may use your notes and book during the assignments, but are required to complete the assignments on your own. Your top ten (10) chapter assignment scores will be used in determining your final course grade. There are 3 Chapter Quizzes relating to chapters we will cover during the course of the term. These quizzes are housed in McGraw-Hill Connect. You will access Connect via Canvas. You can only attempt each quiz one (1) time. You may use your notes and book during the quizzes, but are required to complete the quizzes on your own. Each quiz must be completed in one session (i.e., you will NOT be able to start it and complete it at a later time). Make sure you have a strong and stable internet connection when you take a quiz/exam – losing your connection could lock you out of the quiz/exam. While detailed feedback on a Connect assignment/quiz will not appear until after the due date for the assignment/quiz, grades for Connect assignments/quizzes should appear immediately in Connect upon the completion of the assignment/quiz. Any missing grades must be reported to me(via email or Canvas Inbox) prior to the due date/time for the assignment/quiz. It is your responsibility to make sure your grades are posting in Connect when you complete an assignment/quiz. If grades are not transferring automatically to Canvas, this is less of an urgent issue, but still needs to be reported to me (though can be done any time during the semester). Please note: I strongly advise against leaving the Connect assignments/quizzes until the last minute. If the system goes down five minutes before the due date/time or you lose your Internet connection - that is your responsibility. If you have a scheduling conflict that occurs at the last minute and you cannot complete the assignment - that is your responsibility. If your computer dies at the last minute – that is your responsibility. The chapter assignments are open and available for you to work on for a minimum of a week prior to the due date/time and the quizzes will be available for a minimum of 4 days prior to the due date/time. Take advantage of that time and use it wisely. There are no makeups allowed for Connect assignments/quizzes--no exceptions! If you experience a technical problem while/after completing an assignment, I cannot help you. This is not because I do not want to help you, but because I do not have the capability to do so. Contact McGraw-Hill’s technical assistance at 1-800-331-5094. You may also access the Customer Experience Group online at http://mpss.mhhe.com/ . If you have a technical issue with McGraw-Hill Connect that prevents you from completing an assignment online by the due date/time, you MUST have a case number from the Customer Experience Group in order to make up the assignment. By the due date/time for that assignment/quiz, provide me your case number, via email or Canvas inbox, including an explanation of what occurred and what McGraw-Hill has informed you regarding the issue. A case number is generated any time you contact them for assistance. Note, however, this only applies to technical issues that are caused by Connect. It is your responsibility to complete the assignments/quizzes 4

BUSERV 1940, Section 1040 Syllabus

Spring 2022

Professor Korczynski

even if your computer is giving you trouble, your internet goes out, your power goes out, you become ill, or a sudden conflict occurs – this is why I recommend you complete the assignments/quizzes IN ADVANCE so you are not left scrambling at the last minute! Please ensure you are opening Connect in a supported browser. Exams Three “midterm” (non-cumulative) exams are scheduled for the semester. The third “midterm” exam will be offered during the final class period. Exams are a combination of multiple choice and true/false style questions. Exams will be conducted in-person, unless things change and Pitt determines we will be fully remote. In-person Exam rules:  No student may enter the room to begin an exam once the first person finished with the exam has left the room. (Some students may finish in as little as 20 minutes.)  No cellular phones are to be visible once you have started down the aisles of the classroom on exam days. Either prior to entering the classroom or immediately upon entering the classroom, your cell phone must be turned off and be safely stored in your bag/purse/pocket. If you do not have a place to safely store your phone for the duration of the exam, you are welcome to put your cell phone (turned off) in a Ziploc type bag, with your photo identification also in the bag, and turn it in to me before you head to your seat. If either myself or any of the proctors sees your cell phone (unless it is already turned off and in a Ziploc bag with your identification), once you have headed down the aisles of the classroom, you will not be permitted to take the exam. This is not negotiable!  No student may continue taking an exam once time has ended. Therefore, students starting an exam late will have that much less time to take the exam.  No student may leave the room during an exam unless they are finished and have handed in all materials.  You are required to take exams during your officially enrolled class time. Online Exam rules (in the event Pitt determines we will be fully remote):  You are required to take exams synchronously during your officially enrolled class time.  Exams will be completed in Connect and require use of the Chrome browser.  No student may continue taking an exam once time has ended. Therefore, students starting an exam late will have that much less time to take the exam.  Various resources will be used to help control the integrity of the exam. You will need to be on Zoom, with camera on, during each exam. If this requirement poses a challenge to you, you need to contact me at least two weeks before the exam (preferably earlier) for us to figure out a solution. Canvas feedback survey At the end of the semester I will provide an anonymous feedback survey in Canvas. This is different than the OMET survey (which I also strongly encourage you to complete). This Canvas feedback survey allows me to collect valuable feedback on the course and my teaching of the course. I consistently use this feedback to both keep things that students find valuable and to adjust things that students do not find valuable. Final Grades: Consistent with the high expectations for the College of Business Administration as well as supporting the quality of education provided by the University of Pittsburgh, average work will be scored at a “C” to “B” level. Average work includes s...

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