Author Marielle Ragot
Course Accountancy
Institution National University Philippines
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Warning: TT: undefined function: 22The MiniwarmaManufacturing Company(Business Plan)1BAF-TABLE OF CONTENTS Executive Summary Industry Analysis Company Description Product and Services Market Description Marketing Strategy Operational Description Staffing Description Financial Description Financial P...


The Miniwarma Manufacturing Company (Business Plan)

1BAF-1 0


Executive Summary


Industry Analysis


Company Description


Product and Services


Market Description


Marketing Strategy


Operational Description


Staffing Description


Financial Description


Financial Projection


Capital Needs









Title of the study:

Business Plan of Miniwarma

Name of researchers:

Abanales, Jefferson Andutan, Maria Regina Calipay, Jacky Mae Edos, Janella Fetiza, Ahyrie Queen Jimenez, Jene Marie Marcilla, Grace Natividad, Venezuela

Name of the Professor:

Name of the firm:

Ms. Herbel Endencia

The Miniwarma Manufacturing Company

Location: Pamantasan ng Cabuyao, Katapatan Homes, Brgy. Banay-banay, City of Cabuyao Laguna

Industry Analisis: One of the good factor in the success of a business enterprise it its name. A good business name creates impact to the market and leave a mark to the customer. The Miniwarma Manufacturing Company

is the derived from the word “mini” meaning

small and “ Warma” comes from the word shawarma. The reasearcher believes that such product name will easily be mark within the mind of the consumer.


Company Description This part of the business plan aims is to present information on the mission, vission, objectives and as well as the core values of the company. The vision shows the destination of the business and the

mission shows how the business leads to its destination.

The main objective of this business plan is to make and introduce a new kind of shawarma with unique taste and to penetrate the business into local market. The business plan of Miniwarama expects to expand, increase it labor requirements, improve its technological assets, and make additional target market for the years to come.

The Miniwarma plan to increase its

volume of production that can make enough supply of the product, thereby satisfying the demand of the public.

Product and Service: The Miniwarma Manufacturing Company will establish a product named Miniwarma. made to introduce a new kind of

This is

shawarma in local market at a reasonable and fair price. It

offers good quality that will suit the consumers’ needs.

Miniwarma can be considered as

acceptable, profitable, and feasible.

Market Description:

It deals with careful analysis of the target market, focusing on the

competitors, market ability of the business and effective marketing plan. The result of the project shows that MIniwarma has a competitive edge over the existing brands of shawarma in the market.

The products satisfies the consumers demand which wit in well with today’s trends

toward eating healthy natural foods. Marketing Strategy: Marketing strategies and promotions are needed in order to capture the attention of the consumers, and give them a view that it will be beneficial and marketable. The MIniwarma used the 7 P’s in order to further elaborate its marketing strategy.

Operational Description: This discusses about the firm infrastructure, human resource management, technology development, procurement, in-bound logistics, operations, outbound logistics, marketing and sales and services of the business. 3

Staffing Decription: The duties and responsibilities of the employees will be

discuss in this

section and the significance of the people in establishing the business. The firm will operate as partnership which requires an operational manager, storekeeper, and a cook. Financial Description: based on the financial analysis, the firm will only generate financial assistance by issuing common stock and there is a need for loan to be acquired to provide for the business capital. Capital Need: In order to start operation of the business, capitalization amounting to Php343,145.75 is needed. Milestone: These are the important part of business planning. Milestone provide the business an opportunity to visualize the company's future, and then measure progress as it proceed.



INDUSTRY ANALYSIS The chapter includes the name of the industry, socioeconomic benefits of the proposed project which aim to help localities of the country and to give a healthy lifestyle to the people. Nowadays it is important that small entrepreneurs should realize the worth of innovating and starting a business that would largely contribute to the socioeconomic development of the country.

Overview of the Industry The Philippines is a food country wherein people crave for varieties on their food. Customers are mostly millennial and teenager which are most demanding ones. They favour luscious food and convenient offering an affordable price. The Miniwarma is up and rising kind of food in the market. However, there are quite a number of stalls and shops that offer the same unit line of product it is because it has a potential to be marketable especially to those who love to eat shawarma. Miniwarma is on those businesses that specialize convenient and bite size shawarma. It offers not just

the typical shawarma on the market but caters mini shawarma with variation on

it. Like any other established shops and stalls, the possible market for the company would be the new generation of individuals or what we call millennials.

THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK This study anchored by Michael Porters Five Forces of Competitive Position and sustainable Livelihood Approach. In 1980, Michael Porter proposed five forces of Competitive Position, it is a model that recommends and states that every business or corporation should analyse their competitive strength and position over the strategies pursued by rivals firms. Porter believed that by 5

understanding the level of competitive intensity, one could determine the attractiveness of that industry relevant to profitability.

Threat of New Entry

Supplier Power

Competitive Rivalry

Buyer Power

Threat of Substitution

Competitive Rivalry: It refers to the numbers and capabilities of our competitor to offer quality product and services.

The Miniwarma have intense competition with other sizes

shawarma which has commonly known shawarma in the country.

Threats of new entrants: this force examines how easy or difficult it is for competitor to join in the market place in the industry. If our business is attractive, then of course new entrants are likely to appear. Large cost will be required for advertising and creating product.


Buyer Power: it is refers to the number of buyers, number of buyers

that is loyal to us,


how easy it is for the customer to drive down price.

Supplier Power: refers to the number of suppliers especially the dealer of other shawarma that are available, and how easy it is for them to raise the price of shawarma

Threats of substitution: refers to the different product and services that can be bought in place of Miniwarma, and how it is easy for the customer to switch on other products. The five forces of competitive position can take their advantage of a situation of weakness, and avoid taking wrong step. This is used to identify whether the Miniwarma have the potential to be profitable.



COMPANY DESCRIPTION The Manufacturing of Miniwarma is a food business that serves high quality mini shawarma. Inspired by the usual shawarma in the market, miniwarma offers almost the same kind of product but the entrepreneurs thought of infusing various touch to it that resulted to delectable and palatable comfort food that people will surely love to purchase. The company leverage its competitive edge and aims to satisfy the needs of its customers and develop local and international name in the food industry in the future. Moreover, the company wants to attain and maintain a reasonable price for its customers as well as creating a brand name in the industry by serving flavourful food snack that is only offered at Miniwarma.

MISSION Our Mission is to fulfil the clients’ desires and expectations through integrity and dedication. To provide everyone with a quality food snack in exchange of reasonable price and to be knowledgeable, innovative and customer – oriented. It is also company’s mission to play an effective role in the industry of the Philippines.

VISION Our Vision is to be one of the prominent companies serving a quality food snack in the industry. Meet the expectations and demands of our customers at all times, and serving them a quality service with integrity and dedication on our profession.

OBJECTIVES 1. To create product-based retail store whose primary goal is to exceed its customers’ expectations. 2. To increase number of clients served every day by serving an unmet need and good customer service. 3. To develop our business, surviving off of its own cash flow. 8

CORE VALUES P- Passion - To be passionate about what you do. To ignites your desire to work hard. R- Respect - To show respect to your customer. A- Accountability - To be accountable for our own results, to make things better, to pursue excellence, and to do things in ways that further the goals of our business.

C- Customer Focus - To satisfy the customers, to develop a mindset dedicated to delivering outstanding service to customers.

T- Teamwork -

To uphold the belief that we work best when we work together, and to support

each other in our efforts to learn and grow. I- Innovation - To change your business model and adapting changes in your environment to deliver better products or services. C- Commitment - To commit from the beginning on having an open mind and welcoming new ideas and technology. E- Economic Sustainability - To pursue profit as a means to reinvest in a healthy, vibrant workplace and to create opportunities for further growth and development.



PRODUCT AND SERVICES Miniwarma is precisely made from excellent ingredients to satisfy the market. It is a combination of different vegetables and ingredients to make a variation to mini shawarma and not using the same ingredients of the usual food. It consists of sauté carrot, mushroom, potato, and cheese and wrap in a molo wrapper then deep-fry in a pan and served with a malunggay mayonnaise. It is a beneficial food considering those ingredients having a lot of vitamins and minerals that is good for the health. It maybe not the usual shawarma in the market, but the entrepreneurs added some twist and variation to make a new product called miniwarma in making a name in the industry. The name comes from the combination of word “Mini” means small and “Warma” from the word shawarma. The competitive advantage of this miniwarma in the market is its innovative style and its convenience with an affordable price for our beloved consumers.

Company Logo Logos are symbols made up of text and images that help the consumer to identify brands they like. The most fundamental function of a logo is giving the business a unique mark that differentiates

from other businesses. Logos also leave a visual impact that reminds the

customers. The combination of colors are one of the important aspect of the business identity. Miniwarma logo is made up of a round shape with the color orange. Circle logos


combination of yellow and

the opportunity to create a “badge” for the business and allow it

to balance colors and type in a way that can get the business identity across in a unique way. Circles are all around us: They can be found in nature with the sun, moon and stars and man-made in architecture and art. The miniwarma use the shape of circle for it is symbol for unity and eternity.

The Miniwarma choose the color yellow

the universal

for it stands for

freshness, happiness, positivity, clarity, energy, remembrance and joy. It is often associated with


food. While color orange has very high visibility and is often used to gain attention. It still gets the message noticed easily. Choosing the best color for a business logo is to contribute to the business success. The MIniwarma’s logo is probably the first thing that the customers will think of, when thinking of a brand.



MARKET DESCRIPTION Mostly teenagers and millenials are the market of miniwarma because they are more open to innovated products compared to those oldies that are more practical and choosy in choosing what to buy in the market. As the business grow, the entrepreneurs targeted all types of market in reaching the goals of making a brand name and be prominent in serving a high quality food snack in the industry



Unique taste and quality ingredients

 Extremely competitive market

Good internal communications

 Consistent supplies in terms of

Direct selling business model

Product customization

New name in the industry

Affordable pricing

Limited source of capital


Little experience




New technologies available to


improve the production

Several competitors are currently undercutting prices

Loyal costumers

Competitors a similar product


New and existing competitors

Open for expansion

Price inflation of ingredients and

Use of different marketing or


promotional technique

material used for the product

 People are becoming more choosy in purchasing a product

 Wide range of market 12



PRODUCT The Manufacturing of Miniwarma

is a

mini shawarma made with a twist because of

vegetables that contains vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. The product was named as “Miniwarma” that served as the identity of the product to the costumer. The costumers were provided food at affordable price.

PRICE Most of the consumers do not consider the quality or the goodness of the product but also the price. The consumer will find another product that can be a great substitute for the product they want if the price is too expensive or high even though it has a low quality compared to the product they want. The Miniwarma provide an affordable price which cost only 5.00 per unit.

PLACE The Miniwarma planned to establish their kiosk in front of Pamantasan ng Cabuyao, not just because it is a crowded place specially when its school days but also because it is a good place where one can establish a small business because of its good ambiance, aside from that, it is located near the market so if ever the proponents got out of stock, they can easily buy the ingredients. The Miniwarma target market are the college students studying at the Pamantasan ng Cabuyao.


PROMOTION Promotion and advertising is an element of the marketing process that can close the sale of goods or services to a potential customer by providing the incentive to make a positive purchase decision. Sales promotion, advertising, and salesmanship are the major techniques used in merchandising products to the public. The Miniwarma promotes the product flyers, tarpaulin, and Facebook page as well.

PEOPLE The population

is the term referring to the total human inhabitants of a specified area,

such as a city and country at a given time. The advantages of the increase of population in Pamantasan ng Cabuyao will have a high chances that our product will make a profit in the market. The Population inPamantasan ng Cabuyao is increasing due to the large numbers of Senior Highschool Department,

therefore it means that the demand in the market is also


PROCESS The stand layout is a strategy design that supports the smooth process of the product which is Miniwarma. The finished products will be put at the display area where it attracts the customer attention to buy. FOR THE FILLING OF MINIWARMA: 1. Boil the jackfruit. 2. Flaked the jackfruit after it boiled, set aside 3. Sauté garlic, onion, flaked jackfruit, mushroom, carrots, potato,

and bell pepper.

4. Add little amount of water. 5. Season with salt, black pepper and all in one seasoning mix. Add mayonnaise and cheese. Let the mixture cool completely.



Boil the jackfruit (30 minutes)

Flaked the jackfruit after it boiled, set aside (5 minutes)

Sauté garlic, onion, flaked jackfruit, mushroom, carrots, potato, mushroom and bell pepper. (3minutes) Add little amount of water. (2 minutes)

Season with salt, black pepper and all in one seasoning mix. Add mayonnaise. Let the mixture cool completely (3 minutes)

FOR THE MINIWARMA: 1. Dust your working area with flour. Unwrap the molo wrapper. 2. Place 1 piece of molo wrapper on the plate. 3. Spoon out half tablespoons of the cooled filling into the center of the molo wrapper. 4. Fold the molo wrapper into half shaped like a shawarma and sealed the center by putting small amount of water.. 5. In a deep frying pan, heat oil and deep fry

the miniwarma until it became golden brown.

6. Drain excess oil from the miniwarma by placing a kitchen tissue on the plate, hot.


serve while


DUST your working area with flour (1 minute)

FILL. Spoon out cooled filling into the center of the molo wrapper. (1-2 minutes)

FOLD AND SEAL. Fold the molo wrapper. (1 minute1) DEEP-FRY theminiwarma until golden brown. (3-4 minutes) DRAIN AND SERVE. (3 minutes)

PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT The Miniwarma will be establish at Pamantasan ng Cabuyao as a food stand or kiosk. The plant size is measured about 6ft. wide and 7 ft. Long. Channel of Distribution The channel of distribution assessment used the usual basis. The product service met the expectation and satisfaction of the consumer and built a good relationship with them. The channel of distribution as shown below.




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