Business sustainability practices of Qantas Airlines and United Airlines PDF

Title Business sustainability practices of Qantas Airlines and United Airlines
Author Tawsif Shafayet Ali
Course Environmental Sustainability
Institution Australian Catholic University
Pages 9
File Size 202.6 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 65
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This is a comparative study between two airlines about their sustainable practices for the future. This assignment assesses their mission, vision and strategy towards sustainability by aligning social development goals laid out by the United Nations....




Contents I.

CORE BUSINESS ACTIVITIES.....................................................................................................2 UNITED AIRLINE................................................................................................................................2 QANTAS AIRLINE...............................................................................................................................3


DIFFERENCES IS SOCIAL REPORTS.....................................................................................3

ANALYSIS OF SOCIAL REPORTS....................................................................................................3 THE DIFFERENCE..............................................................................................................................4 III.

SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS...............................................................................4

UNITED AIRLINE SDG.......................................................................................................................5 QANTAS AIRLINE SDG......................................................................................................................5 IV.

SUSTAINABILITY PHASE/S (Dunphy, Griffiths & Benn).......................................................6

UNITED AIRLINE SUSTAINABILITY PHASE...............................................................................6 QANTAS AIRLINE SUSTAINABILITY PHASE...............................................................................7 V.

REFLECTION OF STATED VALUES............................................................................................7 UNITED AIRLINE VALUES REFLECTION....................................................................................7 QUANTAS AIRLINE VALUES REFLECTION.................................................................................8





UNITED AIRLINE The first company that has been researched for the purpose of this paper was United Airline. As the name suggests, it is an airline that originated in the United States and is often referred to as ‘United’. Their headquarters is situated in Chicago Illinois[ CITATION Uni21 \l 1033 ]. United Airlines operate both domestically and internationally and their network spans across all of United States and around the six continents [ CITATION Uni21 \l 1033 ]. United Airline is considered to be the third largest airline in the entire world based on the number of fleets and routes they cover[ CITATION Uni21 \l 1033 ].

QANTAS AIRLINE The second company that has been researched for this paper is Qantas Airline. Originally it was known as the Queensland and Northern Territory Aerial Services Limited which translates to Qantas Airline [ CITATION Qan21 \l 1033 ]. They are one of the largest international airline in the world which originated in Australia and it is considered as one of the largest brands in the country [ CITATION Qan21 \l 1033 ]. There are two airlines operating under Qantas Groups and they are Qantas and Jetstar. Both the airlines operate domestically and internationally [ CITATION Qan21 \l 1033 ].



ANALYSIS OF SOCIAL REPORTS As per the message of Scott Kirby, the CEO of United Airline, the Covid 19 pandemic has brought about tremendous impact on every part of United Airline [ CITATION Uni21 \l 1033 ]. However, he stated that the company still strives to be the best in the industry. He pointed out two areas of social responsibility which are ‘diversity’ and ‘100 % green by 2050 [ CITATION Uni21 \l 1033 ]. The social report points out how they are currently attempting to diversify their workforce by including people from all cultures to serve the communities in which they operate. The second part of the report states how United Airline will become 100% green by 2050 by adapting new technologies and avoid the fossil based fuel technology in the future [ CITATION Uni21 \l 1033 ]. Both of these social messages are direct from the CEO which gives it a personal touch. After the direct message, there are various tabs which audiences could click on to reveal detailed information about each project. It seemed like United Airline is emphasized on going green as it has a lot of detailed information regarding that. 3

On the other hand, the social report by Qantas airline is focused on ‘the environment’ and going green. They specifically mentioned that their emission management plan is to measure, reduce and offset [ CITATION Qan21 \l 1033 ]. In contrast of reports produced by United Airline, Qantas points out how their journey to reduce emissions started back in 2012 by joining the Sustainable Aviation Fuel initiative. They have also mentioned in bullet points about their fuel efficiency program and flying carbon neutral program. In the latter part of the report, Qantas Airline pointed out their contribution towards the environment that focuses on utilities reduction, campus redevelopment, a green team and waste recycling. Their report also points out areas in which they have already made impacts such as reducing electricity, water and waste-to-landfill. Their report was a downloadable pdf which did not have long literature to read from, but rather bullet points to highlight key areas.

THE DIFFERENCE United Airline’s Social report points out diversity and reducing carbon emission whereas Qantas Airline points out about the environment and reducing carbon emission. Both have the reduction of carbon emission as a common contribution in sustainable development. United Airline’s information is presented as a message directly from the CEO which has more of a direct impact on the reader whereas the report produced by Qantas Airline follows a formal report structure with accurate bullet points. United Airline’s report may be harder to read as there are much detailed information which could seem clustered to the ordinary reader. The report produced by Qantas on the other hand is more specific as they used short summaries and bullet points to bring their points across. United Airline generally discusses adapting to new technologies to become 100% green by 2050, whereas Qantas talks about historical achievements to prove how they will become green by 2050 unlike no other.




Sustainable Development Goals or SDGs were set up by the United Nations in 2015 to build a sustainable future for the world which could be practically implemented by 2030 through 17 interlinked global goals [ CITATION sdg15 \l 1033 ]. In this part of the chapter, certain SDGs have been identified which is either explicitly or implicitly relatable to the social reports by United Airlines and Qantas Airlines.

UNITED AIRLINE SDG The social/sustainable report by United Airline points out about diversity & equality and reduction of carbon emission. Their first goal can be closely linked to SDG number 10, which is ‘Reducing Inequality’. This SDG states that by 2030 income inequality, inclusion of all ethnicities, equal opportunities and ending discrimination should be achieved [ CITATION sdg15 \l 1033 ]. United Airline have clearly stated in their report that they have hired Jessica Kimbrough as their diversity, equity and inclusion officer to further their vision of diversifying their workforce [ CITATION Uni21 \l 1033 ]. They have stated that they are creating equal opportunities to hire employees from all cultures and communities, different sexes and backgrounds. They have also stated that they view the LGBTQ community as equal and would provide them with equal opportunities [ CITATION Uni21 \l 1033 ]. Their diversity plans mentioned in their social report is in alignment with SDG 10 to reduce inequality. Their second mission to go 100% green by 2050 is consistent with SDG goal number 12 which is associated with ‘Sustainable consumption and production patterns’. The SGD mostly has to do with making efficient use of natural resources by reducing food waste, chemical waste and recycling [ CITATION sdg15 \l 1033 ]. This is not directly implicative of the goals set by United Airlines but however, their going green ideology by switching technology from fossil based fuel consumption to newer technologies is explicitly related to this SDG.

QANTAS AIRLINE SDG Qantas Airline pointed out in their social report about caring for environment and reducing carbon emission [ CITATION Qan21 \l 1033 ]. Qantas have mentioned that their contribution towards the environment focuses on utilities reduction, campus redevelopment, a green team and waste recycling. This is associated with SDG number 12 which is ‘Sustainable consumption and production patterns’.


Since waste and recycling is a big part of this SDG, there is direct implication in the social report of Qantas Airline where they have specifically mentioned about green teams and waste recycling. At the same time, Qantas Airline spoke about reducing carbon footprint unlike no others, is also associated with SDG 12. Even though SDG 12 does not directly implicate reduction of carbon footprint, overall general reduction of chemical waste could be contributed to this social goal.


SUSTAINABILITY PHASE/S (Dunphy, Griffiths & Benn)

Image source: Benn, Dunphy and Griffiths, 3rd edition, in press.

The sustainable phase model by Benn Dunphy and Griffiths is given above which ranges like a matrix [ CITATION Ben14 \l 1033 ]. It starts from rejection and goes all the way up to sustaining an organization. In this part of the paper, assessment of where United Airline and Qantas Airline stand in context to the social report that they have created.


UNITED AIRLINE SUSTAINABILITY PHASE From the social report of United Airline it is evident that they are focusing on diversifying and reducing carbon emission. United Airline is the third largest airline in the entire world based on fleet size and area covered. They also have a good brand image across the globe. When they are taking a stance for diversification and reduction of carbon emission, they are on the ‘Proactive phase’ of sustainable adaption. The reason why this phase has been chosen for United Airline is because they are still working to diversify their staff as their CEO mentioned about hiring new personnel to excel in this matter. At the same time the CEO admitted to still using fossil fuel technology which emits carbon dioxide and they are looking to change this technology. This is indicative of the ‘Proactive Phase’.


Qantas Airline is more focused towards carbon emission reduction and the environment according to their social report. They have taken a different approach to their report in contrast to United Airline because they have focused on what they have achived so far and how they are already on their path to change. In terms of environmental contributions, they have pointed out how they have an entire team of volunteers to help with recycling and reducing cost of water, gas etc. This too sits on the ‘Proactive phase’ as they are still developing towards these goals especially while mentioning about reducing carbon emissions which they plan to achieve by 2030.




UNITED AIRLINE VALUES REFLECTION United Airline stated that their values lie in inclusion & diversity along with togetherness and value adding customer experience[ CITATION Uni21 \l 1033 ]. In their social report, they have pointed out two things which are diversification and reduction of carbon emission. Since their core value is surrounded with diversification and inclusion, their report about giving equal opportunities of employment across various communities is a direct reflection of that [ CITATION Uni21 \l 1033 ]. However, the carbon reduction strategy is not a part of their core value, but still adds value to their company.

QUANTAS AIRLINE VALUES REFLECTION Qantas’ values support the vision ‘to be a great airline that champion’s the Spirit of Australia’ and are: − Together; − Genuine; − Inventive; − Optimistic; and – Experienced [ CITATION Qan21 \l 1033 ]. In their social report they focused on saving the environment and reducing carbon emission. Even though their values do not directly implicate on their social report, their optimism of bringing the Australian spirit along with being inventive and genuine, is a reflection of how they wish to save the environment and reduce carbon emission.


REFERENCES Benn, S., Dunphy, D., & Griffiths, A. (2014). Organizational change for corporate sustainability. Abingdon; New York: Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group. (2021). Retrieved from Qantas: (2015). Retrieved from . (2021). Retrieved from


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