C228 Written Task 2 PDF

Title C228 Written Task 2
Author Anonymous User
Course Community Health
Institution Western Governors University
Pages 6
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C228 Task 2 Lisa Moreno Western Governors University November 9, 2020

C228 TASK 2 2 A. Communicable Disease For this task I have chosen to write my paper over Ebola. Ebola is one of many diseases that is a communicable disease that has had an outbreak across the international borders over the years.

B. Description of outbreak In this paper I will research and discuss the communicable disease, Ebola. The countries that were involved in the outbreak from 2014 – 2016 are Southeastern Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone. The initial case occurred in a small village in Guinea involving an 18-month-old boy that was infected by bats in December of 2013. Quickly five additional cases in that area occurred then an alert was issued January 24, 2014 to the district health officials. By March 13, 2014, the disease had circulated to the capital of Guinea. As the disease quickly spread it was then labeled as Ebola. On March 23, 2014, the World Health Organization declared this an outbreak of Ebola Virus Disease caused by Zaire ebolavirus. By July 2014 Ebola had quickly spread to the bordering countries of Liberia and Sierra Leone. This outbreak lasted 2 ½ years. Over this time the number of reported cases increased to more than 28,600 and 11,325 deaths. This West Africa Ebola epidemic has been labeled as the largest in history (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2019).

B1. Epidemiological Determinants and Risk Factors The enormous number of Ebola outbreaks and the substantial mortality rate that occurred in Guinea during this time are related to inadequate monitoring techniques, poor infection control, and lacking public health infrastructure (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,

C228 TASK 2 3 2019). The risk factors for Ebola in Guinea include direct exposure to an infected animal, blood or body fluids of a contagious person, or recent travel to an infected community (World Health Organization, 2020). Those people caring for others infected with Ebola were the ones with the highest risk for contracting the disease. The virus can survive in body fluids for several days at room temperature. It can also survive on dry surfaces for several hours and the proper way to clean and disinfect the areas of contamination are with a hospital-grade disinfectant (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2019). These risk factors prove true during the Ebola outbreak of 2014 – 2016. Guinea and the countries involved greatly lack the healthcare infrastructure and infection control that would be needed to control the spread of Ebola.

B2. Route of Transmission The transmission of Ebola occurs when infected animals have direct contact with the human population. It is then spread to other humans through direct contact with the blood, secretions, organs, or other bodily fluids of people infected with the virus (World Health Organization, 2020). A person in considered contagious once they develop signs and symptoms and the incubation time for the virus is 2-21 days after exposure, with an average of 8-10 days. Symptoms of Ebola include weakness, fever, unexplained bleeding, aches and pains, and gastrointestinal symptoms. Ebola is often deadly, and the survival rate depends on the individual’s immune system and the clinical care provided (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2019).

B3. Impact on Community

C228 TASK 2 4 Hypothetically speaking, if an outbreak of Ebola were to happen in our area, I truly believe that we would be able to contain the spread of the virus by following guidelines set by the CDC. The medical staff would be meticulous in wearing Personal Protective Equipment while caring for those infected with the virus. We would have the individual’s located in a containment facility and away from other patients and follow proper protocol for decontamination and disinfecting the areas exposed. The surrounding hospitals in my area are smaller; however, we do have an action plan in place for pandemic outbreaks and natural disasters. Our schools, businesses, hospitals, and local government work closely with each other so everyone is on the same page and understands their role if an outbreak were to occur. The local schools would close as the decontamination process with a medical grade disinfectant would begin immediately. The general public would be encouraged to stay at home and instructed on proper hygiene and necessary precautions to take. The local government would take appropriate actions to make sure the community is educated, and everyone stays safe and prevent the spread of the disease. We have yearly mock practices of certain events that involve the community, so everyone is prepared if these certain events were to occur.

B4. Reporting Protocol If there are any suspected or confirmed cases of Ebola in our area, then it should be immediately reported to the local Health Department and other appropriate medical staff. The local Health Department would then report the individual in question to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The patient would then be isolated and the medical team taking care of the individual would wear the appropriate personal protective equipment.

C228 TASK 2 5 B5. Prevention Strategies Hand hygiene is the most successful way to prevent the spread of the Ebola virus and the community should be educated regarding this fact (World Health Organization, 2020). The school nurses are educated on the signs and symptoms of Ebola so they can help prevent any spread of the disease within the younger population. The general public can be educated on Ebola by town meetings, flyers, newspaper articles, and radio. The medical facilities around town can work together to organize a team that would be responsible for educating the public on appropriate interventions and the directions to follow if there is presumed exposure.

C. Bentonville Score Summary Attached PDF

C228 TASK 2 6 References

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (March 2019). Ebola (Ebola Virus Disease). Retrieved from https://www.cdc.gov/vhf/ebola/history/2014-2016-outbreak/index.html World Health Organization. (2020). Ebola Virus Disease. Retrieved from https://www.who.int/health-topics/ebola/#tab=tab_3...

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