Candium lab materials, used for fun class learning experience. PDF

Title Candium lab materials, used for fun class learning experience.
Course Chemistry
Institution University of California Los Angeles
Pages 3
File Size 66.4 KB
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This will help you with the canadium work chemistry class. Be sure to carefully be descriptive, this will help you....


Name_______________________________Hr. __________ Date_______________________

The Atomic Mass of Candium Activity I s ot opesar eat omsoft hes ameel ementwi t ht hesameat omi cnumber( numberof pr ot ons )butdi ffer entmas s esduet odi ffer entnumber sofneut r onsi nt henuc l ei .The at omi cmas sofanel ementi st hewei ght edaver ageoft hemas s esoft hedi ffer ent i s ot opes .Thewei ght edav er aget ak esi nt oacc ountbot ht hemass esoft hei s ot opesand t hei rr el at i v e( per c ent )abundanc eofeac hi s ot opeasi tocc ur si nnat ur e;t her ef or et he mos tabundanti s ot opec ont r i but est hemos tt ot heov er al lat omi cmas soft heel ement . I nt hel abor at or y ,Ani ns t r umentc al l edamas ss pect r omet erc anmeasur et hemas sof eachi s ot opeandcandet er mi net her el at i v eabundanc eofeac hi s ot opei nas ampl eof anel ement . Bec aus ewedonothav eamas ss pect r omet erandbecaus ek nowi nghowt odoa wei ght edav er agei sas ki l lt oac qui r e,t odayy ouar egoi ngt obet hemass s pect r omet er s .Dur i ngt hi sl aby ouwi l lc ar ef ul l ymeas ur eandr ec or ddat awhi chwi l l enabl ey out oper f or mert hec al c ul at i onst odet er mi net heat omi cmas soft hefi c t i t i ous el ementCandi um. Ther ear e3i s ot opesofCandi um –Sk i t t l i t ui m,M&M peanut i um andCandyCor ni um.I n t hi smodeleac hpi ec eofc andyr epr es ent sanat om.Youwi l lobt ai nas ampl eof Candi um i npr epr epar edbeak eranddet er mi net her el at i v eabundanceandmassof eachi s ot opei ny ours ampl e.Asi nr ealel ement s ,t hes ei s ot opeseac hhav edi ffer ent mas s es .Unl i k er ealel ement seac hat om ofagi v eni s ot opesdoesnothav et hesame mas sasot herat omsoft hesamei s ot ope.Ther ef or ey ouha v et odet er mi net heav er age mas sofoneat om ofeac hi s ot opeofCandi um. Note= do not eat or dispose of your Candium atoms- they will be used next hour . Problem: Gi v ent hemas sesandabundances ,howi st heAv er ageAt omi cMas sdet er mi ned? Purpose: Todet er mi net heAv er ageAt omi cMassofCandi um Materials:


Procedure: 1.Obt ai nas ampl eofCandi um i nal abel edbeak er . 2.Separ at et het hr eei s ot opes( m &m’ s ,Ski t t l es ,andCandycor n)andmeas ur et hemas s

ofeachi s ot ope.Recor di nDat aT abl e11. 3.Countt henumberofpeanutM&Ms,Ski t t l es ,andCandycor n.Recor di nDat aT abl e11.

Wr i t eyourBeaker#/l et t erher e__________________ Data Table 1-1: Average mass, Percent Abundance, Relative Abundance, and Relative mass of Candium

Ski t t l es

Peanut M&Ms

Candy Cor n

Tot al s

Tot al I sot ope Mass

Numberof pi eces Av er age I s ot opemas s

Per cent Abundanc e Rel at i ve Abundanc e Rel at i ve Mass

Av er ageCandi um

Weighted Atomic Mass (amu)

Data Analysis: ( Show all work on a bottom of paper) 1.Cal c ul at et heav er agemas sofeac hi s ot ope. average mass = Total mass of isotope Number of particles of isotope 2.Cal c ul at et heper c entabundanceofeac hi sot ope. % abundance = number of particles of isotope x 100 total number of particles 3.Cal c ul at et her el at i veabundanc eofeac hi s ot ope. relative abundance = percent abundance of each isotope 100 4.Cal c ul at et her el at i vemas sofeac hi s ot ope.

relative mass = relative abundance of isotope x average mass of isotope 5.Cal c ul at et heav er ageat omi cmas sofal lCandi um par t i c l es . average atomic mass of Candium = relative mass + relative mass + relative mass...

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