Carpeta DE Recuperacion DE Ingles DE Tercer Grado 2021 PDF

Title Carpeta DE Recuperacion DE Ingles DE Tercer Grado 2021
Author Milagros Martinez Salazar
Course Medicina Interna
Institution Universidad San Pedro
Pages 11
File Size 1.1 MB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 34
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Download Carpeta DE Recuperacion DE Ingles DE Tercer Grado 2021 PDF



NAME : _________________LASTNAME:_______________________GRADE:________

ACTIVIDAD: Escribe un párrafo corto (minino 10 líneas) acerca de tus rutinas diaria en presente simple



Look at the picture. 1. Where are the people? __________________________________________________ 2. What are they doing? ___________________________________________________


the text

A DAY ON THE BEACH Today is Sunday and the Rodriguez families are on the beach. It is three o´clock in the afternoon. They are doing different activities. Dad is setting on the sand next to a big ball. He really likes the beach. Mom is under two palm tree. She is having a bag on her shoulder. The Rodriguez has two children Ana and Liz. Ana is carring a red pad. Liz is eating an ice cream. Ana and Liz are wearing bathing suit. Dad is wearing sun glasses. The sky is blue and everybody is relaxing. 3.

Answer the questions about the text.

1. What time is it? ___________________________________________________________ 2. Who is eating an ice cream? ________________________________________________ 3. What are Ana and Liz wearing?______________________________________________ 4. Who is wearing sun glasses? ______________________________________________ REFLEXIONA 4. True

or False

1. Is important to go to the beach in family .


2. Is not necessary to keep the beach clean.


3. If you have an emergency you can ask for help.


4. You can carry your pet to the beach.


5. If you know how to swim you can enter the water.




Match pictures and words then complete the sentences. IT





Read the sentences and complete with pronouns in (1) 1. 2. 3. 4.

_______________ are funny _______________ is very beautiful _______________ is a yellow pencil ________ py



Read this text Hell Hello, o, II´m ´m Car Carme me men nM Muji uji ujica ca Pe Perez rez rez.. I aam m ffro ro rom m Iq Iqui ui uitos. tos. I aam m fo fou urte rteen en yyear ear ears. s. I aam m a stu studen den dentt b but ut rrec ec ecentl entl entlyy I mo move ve ved d tto o Chi Chiclay clay clayo o aand nd sta starte rte rted d sstud tud tudyin yin yingg iin n a pu public blic sc schoo hoo hooll tther her here. e. TThe he hen n th the e sc scho ho hool ol rule ruless aare re dif differe fere ferent nt fro from mm myy ffar ar armer mer sch school. ool. I aam m we wear ar a un unifor ifor iform m an and d I am no nott ru run n in th the e scho school ol bu buildi ildi ilding ng bu butt lik like e EEngl ngl nglish ish an and d I am no nott ea eatt o orr d drink rink in cla class. ss. I am ve very ry h hap ap appy py iin n my ne new w sc schoo hoo hool;l; the tea teach ch chers ers are kkind ind an and d aatten tten ttentiv tiv tive. e. TThe he sch schoo oo ooll b buildi uildi uilding ng is iin n eexce xce xcellen llen llentt con conditi diti dition on onss an and dIh have ave ne new w fri friend end endss in my clas classro sro sroom om om.. M Myy b be est fr friend iend iiss Ro Rosa. sa. And af after ter sc schoo hoo hooll he help lp at ho home. me. My mo mother ther kkeep eep eepss te tellin llin llingg m me. e. e.”Ge ”Ge ”Gett up up,, d don on on’t ’t be llate ate ate,, an and d mak make e your b bed” ed” ..II lo love ve my sc schoo hoo hooll


Complete the graphic organizer



Read the sentences and write true or false 1. 2. 3. 4.

Carmen’s school is private s Her teachers are kind and a Her school is locat

The school building 5. Carmen love her sc



Classify these words.

She Are It am We is You

Verbo To Be Personal Pronouns Possessive Adjectives.


Write the meaning of these w

Verb TO BE Am___________ Is_____________ Are____________

Personal Pronouns I________ He________ She________ It________ We________ You________ They________

Possessive Adjectives My________ His________ Her________ Its________ Our________ Your________ Their________



Read the tex The Students in my English Class are very interesting .Henry Chinese. He is from Pekin.His an excellent layer.Natasha and Rebeca are sisters.They are Puerto Rican.They are from San Juan.Their father is a pilot British Airline.Nicole is French.She is from Pans.Her father is an engineer.My name is Carlos.I am from Lima.Iam a Peruvian student in a national school.My father is a Religion teacher in a private school.We are from different countries and we are friends.Our fathers have different occupations.


Activities: 1 Underline the verb to be. 2. Circle Personal PRONOUNS 3. Draw a rectangle to



Answer these questions 1.What is a verb?__________________________________

2.What is a Personal Pronouns?________________________________________________ 3.What does a Possessive adjective i


Complete 1. I _________in the school. 2.__________country is Peru 3. Juan___________ from Colombia______________is Colombian. 4. ________________mother is a nurs _________name is Claudia



Look at the pictures. Match with the expressions 1 2 3


___________Silence Please ___________Come in Please ___________Can you help me, please? ___________Read your book, please ___________Can you borrow me your dictionary, please? ANALIZA, LEE Y COMPRENDE:


Find meaning of these expres 1.Excuse me_______________ 2. Of course__________________ 3.Silence Please____________ 4.Can you open the window?__________ 5.Come in_____________ 6.Sit down__________________ 7.Can you help m ___


8.Read your book _______________ 9. Can I go to the toilet, please?____________ 10.What does “nice” means? ____________ 11. I´m sorry __________ 12.Can you borrow me your pen____________ 13. Have you finished? __________________ 14. Stand up _____

Underline the correct word or expression 1.(Excuse me / excuse) what is your full nama? 2.This problem is difficult (Can you give? / Can you help me?) 3.Good morning (go out / come in) 4.(Read your book / read your chair) please 5.(Can open the door) / Can you open the door,please?



True or False 1.”Please” is a word to express courtesy in English ______ 2.Is not important to speak with courtesy _______ 3.In class you can ask something with courtesy _______ 4.If you need to go to the bathroom you can go out without teacher’s permission ________ 5.Classroom language is a group of expressions we don’t use in class _______



Match the opposites

1. D




2. Single


) father

3. Boy


) son

4. Woman


) girl

5. Mother


) married

6. Husband


) wife

7. Sister


) grandfather

8. Grandmother

( ) man


My name is Jorge Vilchez.I¨m from Madre de Dios.I’m 40 years .I’m married to Cristina. She is my wife. She is nice and very patient. We have a daughter and a son. Our daughter’s name is Melinda. She is cheerful, funny and polite. Our son’s name is Roberto. He’s athletic,. Intelligent and outgoing. My parents are very old now. My father’s name is Jose .He’s serious. My mother’s name is Paloma. She’s very nice, friendly and patient. I love my family very much.




Find the meaning in your dictionary of the w 1.Family











Read the text and complete about Jorge’s family tree

1.Cristina is Jorge’s________________________ 2.Melinda is Cristian’s______________________ 3.Paloma is Jorge’s________________________ 4.Roberto is Cristian’s_______________________

5.Jose is Jorge’ 6.Melinda is Ro 7.Roberto is M 8.Jose is Palom

_________________ _________________ _________________ ____________

What are they doing? (1) IDENTIFICA: 1

Classify these words she are it am we is you playing writing doing Verbo To Be Personal Pronouns Present continuous


Write the meaning of these words

Verb TO BE Am___________ Is_____________ Are____________

Personal Pronouns I________ He________ She________ It________ We________ You________ They________

Present continuous Playing jugando Writing ________ doing ________ Selling ________ Buying ________ Looking ________


3 Read the text I usually go shopping on Saturdays: today is Saturday and I am with my mother and my little brother in a market this is a special market. The sellers put their products on the street. They are selling vegetables and fruit. An old woman is selling beautiful flowers. There are two young men and they are selling toys. My little brother is looking at the toys. He wants a nice brown wooden horse. My mother is buying apples and I am looking at a big green ball ACTIVITIES: 1 Underline the verb to be. 2. Circle Personal pronouns 3. Draw a rectangle to present continuous REFLEXIONA


Answer these questions 1.What is a verb?__________________________________ 2.What is a Personal Pronouns?________________________________________________ 3.What does a Present continuous indicate?________________________________________


Complete acerca del texto 1. An old woman ____________ beautiful flowers. 2. two young men __________ toys 3. My mother ___________ apples. 4. I ________________ at a big g

Endangered Animals LEAD IN Match the pictures with the names of the animals.

A B C D E F G H I Example: turtles C 1. Alpaca ____ 2. Macaws ____ 3. Jaguar _____ 4. Dolphin _____ 5. Condor ____ 6. Puma _____ 7. Monkeys _____ 8. Bear _____ LISTEN AND READ Listen to and read the articles about wildlife rescue centres in Ucayali and Cusco:

Ucayali Wildlife Rescue Centre Ricardo is a veterinarian here at the Ucayali Wildlife Rescue Centre. We asked Ricardo about some of the rescued animals.

What animals live here? Spider monkeys, Taricaya turtles and macaws live here at the rescue centre.

These are spider monkeys or maquisapas. They live in the jungle. They are black. They have long arms and long legs. They have a big tail.

This is a Taricaya turtle. His name is Carlos. He lives in the river. He is green. He has a hard shell and he has small legs. He swims very well.

This is a macaw. Her name is Luisa. She lives in the rainforest. She is blue and yellow. She has strong wings and she has colourful feathers. She flies very fast.

What message do you have for teenagers? Let’s protect these animals because they are endangered.

Cusco Wildlife Rescue Centre Melissa is a volunteer here at the Cusco Wildlife Rescue Centre. We asked Melissa about some of the rescued animals. What animals live here? Pumas and condors live here in the rescue centre. This is a puma. Her name is Naga. She lives in the highlands. She has brown fur. She has a long tail and strong legs. She jumps very high.

the mountains. They are black and white. They have big wings and a white neck. They eat a lot of meat.

What message do you have for teenagers? Wild animals are not pets. Let’s protect these animals.

UNDERSTAND- EXERCISE 1 Complete the sentences with the information from the articles. Follow the example: Example: 1. Ricardo is a veterinarian in Ucayali .

a. volunteer – Cusco b. veterinarian – Ucayali c. veterinarian – Cusco __ , ___and ______live at the Ucayali Wildlife 2. Rescue Centre

5. Luisa, the macaw has

a. A spider monkey, a puma and a macaw

a. colourful

b. Spider monkeys, a turtle and a macaw

b. yellow c. blue

c. Spider monkeys, turtles and macaws


6. Naga, the puma has strong 3. Maquisapa monkeys have


____ arms and legs. a. wings

a. long

b. arms

b. strong

c. legs

c. black 4. Carlos, the turtle has a ________shell.

7. Condors have big

and a


a. feathers - black

a. green

b. wings – White

b. small c. hard

c. legs - black

PRACTISE – EXERCISE 2 Complete the description of Mina, the jaguar. Complete the text with have or has:

Mina Mina is an otorongo or jaguar. She lives in Tambopata. She strong legs. She Jaguars


(2) a long tail. (3) brown fur with blackspots. They


large teeth. She is beautiful!

Do it yourself Describe las características de dos animales en peligro de extinción usando has, have incluyendo imágenes....

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