Title CASE Study ENT300
Author Aida Karim
Course Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship
Institution Universiti Teknologi MARA
Pages 16
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NO. 1.




STUDENT ID 2018294926

Contents Cover Page Table of Content Executive Summary Introduction Entrepreneur Profile Business Profile Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies SWOT Analysis Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats Conclusion References Appendices

Pages 1 2 3 4 5 7-8 9-10 11 12 13 14 15


The original purpose of this case study conducted because to expose students to real business through a case study. After taking several factors into account, I had done a basic research on the companies I had selected and identified their company background. The name of the company that I had chosen was being known as “ RAMLY”, and in accordance with the name of the company, the pioneer of this company is named “Dato Dr. Hj. Ramly Bin Mokni”. Meanwhile, for his business location, currently it can be estimated to be approximately 450 vendors and 25,000 burger stalls in its 35 branches spread across the country. But for the main office of the company is located at SME Industrial Park, Mukim Batu, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Furthermore, in tandem with the current demand from growing customers every day, the Company is drafting a major project for its company's investments for the long term, by building a RM1 Billion processing plant, at the Halal Hub Industrial Park in Pulau Indah, Klang, Selangor. This is because, it is said that the factory is capable of producing three times the production than ever before. Meanwhile, the product offered by the company focuses on its field expertise in frozen food as well as process food. The main products for this company, arguably burgers meat, and there are also many more types such as, nuggets, sausages, meatballs and more, related to the categories of processing foods. Not only that, based on websites provided by their company provide a wide variety of options and conditioning from chicken, meat, and even seafood, in each of its products.



The founder and owner of the Ramly group, named Dato’ Haji Ramly Bin Mokni , 64, was born in Tanjung Pandang, Parit Buntar, Perak. His father's job was a farmer, and he was the 8th child of 16 siblings. He migrated to Sekinchan , Selangor at his young age, due to an unstable family's financial problem factor, with a brother to work as a rough labourer to help the family. Later, he got a job as a "cutter" of meat in Kuala Lumpur. More distressingly, his original minor ambition was to become a doctor. However, due to the financial problems his parents could not accommodate funding his studies, which had taken him to a new sheet of life, seriously stuck in the field of meat processing. Initially, he only ran a small business and was assisted by his wife, Datin after a year of marriage. The initial location of the business is at his own home, namely at Jalan Haji Hussein Flat, Kampung Barua. The idea was sparked when, in 1978, the country was demolished with respect to illegal halal issues with meat processed in supermarkets whose owners were not Muslims, who were unknown to his status. The business started with only RM2,000 in deposits and did not have machinery or equipment to make a cow meat burger at that time. Therefore, the bread produced is done manually with a machine that successfully produces 200 seeds a day. Initially, burgers received overwhelming response as it was considered a Westerntype food product that is not in line with the tastes of Malaysians and is still considered foreign. At the same time, he opened a burger in Kampung Baru, Jalan Haji , Jalan Chow Kit, Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman , Jalan Raja Laut, and nearby places to market that ramly burgers as a product that has been tasted are quite different from imported burgers and even more palatable.


The company was later established in 1984 from its noble desire by the owners, Dato Haji Ramly Bin Mokni and Datin Hajjah Shala Siah Binti Abdul Manap to produce halal, clean and quality products. Ramly Food Processing SDN BHD is a well-known bumi-based food manufacturer dealing with meat-based products such as beef, chicken and seafood. The company has a processing plant located at UKM Industrial Park, Mukim Batu, Kuala Lumpur which offers job opportunities in the field of management, production to product marketing and distribution. Ramly is now the name of the household in the Malaysian and International markets.

As for now, Ramly company has grown and become a parent company which is Ramly Mokni Holdings Berhad. Throughout the career of ramly company also received several awards, including excellence of the performance of the Development Bank of the Best Project Award (1982), Client Development Award (1984) and Jaya Entrepreneur Award (1992), and many more awards that will follow should be in the future.


Among the factors that led him to succeed in becoming one of the successful entrepreneurs to this day, is influenced by the characteristics of personal entrepreneurial competencies within himself. In between, his characteristics that we can see throughout his career in the business world, are first of all, he is an 'initiative', this can be seen when acting swiftly in which to figure out how to grow his business. For example, he took the initiative to make loans with MARA bodies (Majlis Amanah Rakyat), but no stranger to challenges in the business world, when his loans were not approved for a number of factors, among which were MARA's body, not believing the credibility of the "western" food field at the time could go a long way, as it still feels alien among Malaysians at that time.

Nevertheless, he did not give up easily, but quickly figure out other ways, fit again another nature, the entrepreneurial competencies he highlighted, namely solving the problems faced, using another strategy, this can be seen, when he even risked issuing his own savings for business capital, of RM2000, to produce burger meat manually at that time, located at Jalan Haji Hussein in Kampung Baru, Kuala Lumpur, but lacking response from the local community, it was unable to break his spirit, but also sought new opportunities to market his products by opening another stall at Chow Kit. And started, since then, his business began to be known and experienced an increase in the demands of his products.

Other than that, he is also an intelligent entrepreneur in seeing and seizing existing opportunities. This is because, he is a sensitive person of the current state that happens, especially the will of the surrounding society that can be fulfilled which can provide maximum satisfaction to them, which we can make references to find ideas for dealing with from the problems they face. For instance, he was aware of increased demand for meat and frozen food as he worked as a meat cutter at a supermarket in 1970. He is thought of the status of meat sold do not really follow the procedures persecution by Islam or not, this is because the owner of the supermarket is a non-Muslim. On this problem, it emerged that his idea of opening a business that produces meat products, frozen food and others, is truly assured of its quality and most importantly incurred halal and sharia, as it is arguably the majority of Malaysians comprising Muslim communities, therefore the importance of using halal product preparation sentiments in order to attract the attention of customers.




1) Well-known brands

1) There is a high employee turn-

2) Various types of product lines.


3) Using intermediaries for product marketing 4) Its


2) Advertising strategy. 3) Unhealthy food production.


dominated the

Malaysian market 5) its





distinguishable and attractive.








2) Government regulation

2) Targeting a large market. 3) Extensive scope.

1) A lot of competition.



3) Customer awareness of healthy food.


1) Well-known brands. It is undeniable, that the biggest strength of the ‘RAMLY’ brand already has a name that is already known throughout Malaysia, when we see burger meat, the first thing that crossed our mind is already brand named ‘RAMLY’.In accordance with the motto of his company "make sure RAMLY, just buy". Furthermore, when we see burger shops that are no matter where the villages, towns or so on, we will definitely find artificial burgers from RAMLY, which is already like budget night meals for Malaysians, located in strategic locations such as near universities, residential areas, and even other places with residents. This is because, arguably selling burgers can be considered profitable businesses due to high demand anywhere.

2) Various types of product lines. Ramly's company also has a wide range of product line their products, this is due to because, their company is already well known so to manufacture products in their name, of course, will get a positive response from buyers. This is because, their brand has already recognized the status of its good, quality and halal product preparation for sure. In accordance with the meaning of "M" from its brand name "Maintaining Halal, Cleanliness, and Quality". Among the examples, the products are burger and frozen food like frankfurter, nuggets, meat balls, buns, and sauces like Chili and Mayonnaise.

3) Using intermediaries for product marketing. A marketing intermediary is a company that helps other companies to promote, sell and distribute the goods to the final buyer. Distribution channels may be direct or indirect. Clearly, Ramly Burger uses indirect distribution channels, on the other hand, using agent services to transfer products to end users. There are several advantages of using agents to channel products to customers. First of all, being able to gather various product line companies at any one time and place, this can make it easier for buyers in terms of time savings and their energy in making selection and purchase because it can buy at one place, in addition to RAMLY’s companies can also save capital because there is no need to find a place to sell its goods and labour wages to sort items on shelves to display to customers. For example, on the day of the festival we want to dine on "bakso", all necessary materials can be purchased on Mydin alone without having to go to the company's manufacturing venue 'RAMLY', and can

provide maximum satisfaction to customers, which can cause them to become regular customers. 4) Its products have dominated the Malaysians market. Ramly burger indeed dominate large frozen food markets in Malaysia. This can be proved when, their sale can reach RM 1 Billion, which resulted in the company opening its processing plant in Cheras and Mukim batu, which is capable of producing products of 150,000 tonnes of products per day. This shows that increasing demand for products is increasing every day.

5) Its product packaging is easily distinguishable and attractive. One of the important factors that this company emphasizes is, its unique and attractive product packaging design. This can be seen when, every color of the package for its product indicates the seasoning found in the frozen food. For example, blue marks the flavoring products of chickens, organic and fish, concentrated chocolate for meat, etc. This is especially important in order to attract customers' attention, especially those who have never tried a product yet, or other words "first impression" towards certain goods.


1) There is a high-employee turnover. As The Ramly Company is growing, it has grown and has also penetrated the global market. It necessarily requires a labour force to carry out operations at each of its branch premises, in addition to its employees in the processing plant sector. Leads to an increase in its workforce in tandem with the growing demand for current products. But on the other hand, the increase in workers can also bring about new problems, the quality employee turnover caused by a number of factors i.e. probably due to high work stress, or sometimes overtime to meet demand, and also assume that the wages received are not commensurate with his employment, etc. Because, already aware, jobs involve this food sector something tired. This can have a negative impact on companies, such as cost losses because it is possible to find new employees and involve many procedures, such as interviews, training, courses and so on. 2) Advertising strategy. Lack of advertising on promotion to alert customers to the new addition. Sometimes Ramly is too dependent on his already established name, sometimes they takes things for granted, so they are not too focused on advertising his products more. This can be seen, when it is rare to see these past product advertisements in our time line on digital platforms such as websites, you tube, social media, such as instagram,facebook etc., it is undeniable that they already have names, but their brands are more synonymous with burger meat products, even though they have multiple line products but less publicly known , due to the lack of advertising from them. For example, we can take the brand "ADABI", although they also already have a name in the business world, but that is not a cue for them to still advertise their products, this can be seen when they use social media platforms that are currently becoming the latest trends such as hiring public influencers in the instagram or better known as "instafamous" for reviewing new products of their company, this can indirectly help their brands stay in every age , this is because the world of social media is said to be scoreless.

3) Unhealthy food production

Undeniably, Ramly's product line release is indeed not the best food option for practicing healthy living but fast food. This is because, the content in the Ramly burgers itself is not good if taken in the long run and frequently. This is because, it contains high in sodium that can increase the quality of blood pressure, MSG that can lead to damage our body as it directly affects the immune response by damaging the nervous system, provoking a lack of urine, causing asthma, damaging the retina and can stimulate the pancreas and other substances. But perhaps this, can be improved by the Ramly company, by reducing the use of MSG and salt, instead using herbs and spices boots, and also maybe can put material that contains a variety of nutrition instead, perhaps thus able to add good value towards the brand.


1) Create new products on the market. In order to remain relevant in the business world, we need to be sensitive to the current needs of our customers as well as the latest trends. Along with technological advancements, we can now see that fast food products in cans, "ready made" begins to be better known, due to a number of factors, among which are easy to carry for travel due to its compact products, no need to be cooked etc. Looking at this potential, Ramly's company should grab this opportunities, for example, if no expertise can make joint ventures with the relevant parties with expertise in this field to produce food canned products. This is because it is still within the same scope under the Ram company, which is the production of fast food.

2) Targeting a large market. Ramly's company may expand its market globally, in addition to its already stable products already stable nationally, which could provide its support to go further. In addition, the Ram product also has a high sentimental value for Muslims due to its motto of maintaining quality and halal products. Due to this, Ram can take this opportunity to market its products globally, as the population of Muslim communities spread around the world is many, indirectly, this can provide an advantage for The Ramly Company as well as other Muslim communities.

3) Extensive product distribution scope. They export product countries such as Indonesia, Thailand and Singapore. They already have a large percentage there of about 30 percent, so Ramly's company has the opportunity to expand their production coverage because they already have some relationships there such as marketing products to major markets and ministores. In addition, they already have kiosks to market the product.


1) A lot of competition Inside the frozen food industry, arguably has a lot of competition. This is because, the scope of The Ramly company's business belongs to the free entry market in the economy, which means that there are a large number of buyers and sellers in the market. This market is no party able to monopolize naturally, which is caused by an unlimited scale of the economy. It is, a free admission that causes no company to be able to determine the price, except from the competitors themselves. For example, Ramly Company has several close competitors from commercial brands from the national market itself, such as Ayamas , FIGO, etc., which includes non-commercial products as well.

2) Government Regulation Due to the government regulation, it can sometimes affect the company's restructuring, and even these regulations also intervene in manufacturing locations, how to classify their employees and many more, and it is somehow blocking companies to generate profits. This is due to the fact that this regulation will require a company to pay for taxes, regulations and subsidies and will necessarily give an impact on the cost of production. On top of that, necessarily in each country will have its own rules, which require Ramly's company to do a previous research on the background of a country to know their rules, to penetrate the global market, which requires costs and even overtime that needs to be invested.

3) Customer awareness of healthy food. Ramly's company industry, which is frozen food and processing itself, already has a shortage in terms of providing value in terms of health for consumers, it can be considered the biggest threat to the company, in addition to late, the media begins to focus and emphasize the consumption of healthy foods, this is because of the increasing case of obesity in Malaysia, which can include threats such as health problems if not curbed and taken a balanced diet. how good it is for health. Media games have a significant impact on something that is communicated to society, which is the awareness of healthy food intake.

CONCLUSION As a conclusion, we can assume that the entrepreneurial characteristics belonging to Dato Haji Ramly, which causes him to become as successful as it is now, his incessant nature of despair can be used as an example for youths who want to be vile in the business world. He can be turned into so it as him now, that there is nothing impossible in this world if we strive. Meanwhile, for future business prospect for Ramly, I think Ramly burger are expected to widen its branches, and will focus more on its products into the global market, this is because they are also already building a processing plant that can produce 3 times the fold of existing production, sufficient to be distributed to the national and global markets.



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