CCNA 4 Chapter 6 Exam Answers 2020 (v5.0.3 + v6.0) – Full 100% PDF

Title CCNA 4 Chapter 6 Exam Answers 2020 (v5.0.3 + v6.0) – Full 100%
Author Amuel Wilson
Course Cisco Certificate Network Associate
Institution Algonquin College
Pages 9
File Size 213.9 KB
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CCNA 4 Chapter 6 Exam Answers 2020 (v5.0.3 + v6.0) - Full 100%...


1. When QoS is implemented in a converged network, which two factors can be controlled to improve network performance for real-time traffic? (Choose two.)  pac ketaddr es si ng  delay*  jitter*  packe tr out i ng l i nks peed Del ayi st hel at encybet weenas endi ngandr ecei v i ngdev i ce.Ji t t eri st hevar i at i oni nt hedel ayoft he r ec ei v edpack et s .Bot hdel ayandj i t t erneedt obecont r ol l edi nor dert osuppor tr eal t i mev oi ceandvi deo t r affic. 2. A network engineer performs a ping test and receives a value that shows the time it takes for a packet to travel from a source to a destination device and return. Which term describes the value?  bandwi dt h  latency*  pr i or i t y j i t t er Lat encyr ef er st ot het i mei tt ak esf orapackett ot r av el f r om asour c edev i cet oadest i nat i ondevi c e.Ji t t er i st hev ar i at i oni nt hel at enc yval uesofr ec ei vedpacket s.Bandwi dt hi st hemeas ur ementofhowmuch t r affici st r ansmi t t edi nasi ngl esec ond.Pr i or i t yi st hepr ef er ent i alt r eat mentofspeci ficcl as sesoft r affic. 3. What are two characteristics of voice traffic? (Choose two.)  Dropped voice packets are not retransmitted.*  Voi c et r afficr equi r esatl eas t384kbsofbandwi dt h.  Voice traffic latency should not exceed 150 ms.*  Voi c et r affici sunpr edi ct abl eandi nconsi st ent .  Voi c et r afficcons umesl ot sofnet wor kr esour ces. Voi c et r afficdoesnotc onsumeal otofnet wor kr esour ces,suc hasbandwi dt h.However ,i ti sv er y s ens i t i vet odel ayanddr oppedpac ket sc annotber et r ansmi t t ed.Forgoodv oi cequal i t y ,t heamountof l at encyshoul dal waysbel esst han150mi l l i seconds. 4. How does a Cisco router using tail drop handle congestion when a traffic queue becomes full?  Ther out erwi l lr emovet hepac keti nt hef r ontoft hequeue,moveal lot herpack et sf or war d,and i ns er tt hej us tar r i vedpack etatt heend.  The router will drop any packet that arrives at the end of the queue.*  Ther out erwi l lr emovet hemostr ecentdat apl acedi nt hequeuet omak es pac ef oranar r i vi ng packet .  Ther out erwi l lonl ydr opnondel ay sensi t i vedat at hati scl oset ot heendoft hequeue. T ai ldr opi sal sok nownaspac ketdr opandi susedbyar out ert odi s car danypac kett hatar r i vesatt het ai l endofaqueue.Tai ldr opt r eat sal lt r afficequal l yanddoesnotdi ffer ent i at ebet weendel ay s ens i t i vedat a andot hert r affic . 5. For classifying packets into classes with CBWFQ, what is the purpose of configuring a maximum packet limit for a class? t oc ont r ol t hemaxi mum numberofpacket st hatcanber ecei vedeachsecondonani ngr ess i nt er f ace  to control the maximum number of packets allowed in a single queue* t oc ont r ol t hemaxi mum numberofpacket st hatcanbef or war dedeachsecondonanegr ess i nt er f ace t oc ont r ol t hemaxi mum numberofpacket sal l owedt obedi sc ar ded Themax i mum pack etl i mi tchar act er i s t i ci st hemaxi mum numberofpac ket sal l owedt oacc umul at ei nt he queuef oras pec i ficcl as st hati sdefinedus i ngCBWFQ.

6. A network engineer is selecting a QoS method to control congestion on a VPN tunnel link between the headquarters site and a branch office. Which queuing method cannot be used to classify and control VPN traffic?  FI FO  LLQ  CBWFQ  WFQ* Wei ght edf ai rqueui ng( WFQ)doesnots uppor tt unnel i ngandencr ypt i onbecauset hes ef eat ur esmodi f y t hepack etc ont enti nf or mat i onr equi r edbyWFQ f orc l assi ficat i on. 7. An administrator has mastered the use of access control lists (ACLs) and wants to deploy QoS by defining different traffic classes through the use of ACLs. Which queuing method provides this functionality?  CBWFQ*  WFQ  FCFS  FI FO Cl assbasedwei ght edf ai rqueui ng( CBWFQ)pr ov i dessuppor tf oruser definedt r afficcl asses .CBWFQ al l owsanadmi ni s t r at ort odefinet r afficc l ass esbasedonmat chcr i t er i asuc haspr ot ocol s,acces scont r ol l i st s( ACLs ) ,andi nputi nt er f aces. 8. Which queuing algorithm has only a single queue and treats all packets equally?  LLQ  FIFO*  WFQ  CBWFQ FI FO queui ngs endspac ket soutani nt er f acei nt heor dert hatt heyhadar r i vedanddoesnotmakea deci si onaboutpac ketpr i or i t y .Al lpack et sar et r eat edequal l y . 9. A network administrator is deploying QoS with the ability to provide a special queue for voice traffic so that voice traffic is forwarded before network traffic in other queues. Which queuing method would be the best choice?  FI FO  WFQ  LLQ*  CBWFQ Lowl at enc yqueui ng( LLQ)al l owsdel ay sens i t i v edat a,suchasv oi c et r affic,t obedefinedi nast r i ct pr i or i t yqueue( PQ)andt oal way sbesentfir s tbef or eanypac k et si nanyot herqueuear ef or war ded. 10. What are two characteristics of DiffServ QoS model? (Choose two.)  can divide network traffic into classes based on business requirements* t heeasi es tQoSmodelt odepl oy  del i ver sendt oendQoS  us est heResour ceReser v at i onPr ot oc ol( RSVP)t osi gnal QoSr equi r ement s  groups all TCP flows into a single class* TheDi ffSer vQoSmodel i scommonl yusedi nmoder nnet wor ksandi st heeasi es tQoSmodelt odepl oy . TCPfl owsar egr oupedi nt oasi ngl ec l ass.Net wor kdevi c esar es et upt os er vi c emul t i pl ec l assesoft r affic wher eeac hc l assoft r affichasdi ffer entQoSr equi r ement s . 11. What are two characteristics of the best-effort QoS model? (Choose two.)  It treats all network packets in the same way.* I tal l owsendhos t st osi gnalt hei rQoSneedst ot henet wor k. I tusesac onnec t i onor i ent edappr oachwi t hQoS. I tpr ov i despr ef er ent i alt r eat mentf orv oi cepack et s .  It does not provide a delivery guarantee for packets.*

Thebest effor tQoSmodelpr ov i desnoguar ant eesandi ti scommonl yus edont heI nt er net .Thebest effor tQoSmodel t r eat sal lnet wor kpack et si nt hesameway . 12. What role do network devices play in the IntServ QoS model?  Net wor kdevi c esuseQoSonahopby hopbas i st opr ov i deex cel l entscal abi l i t y .  Network devices ensure that resources are available before traffic is allowed to be sent by a host through the network.*  Net wor kdevi c esar ec onfigur edt oser vi c emul t i pl ecl ass esoft r afficandhandl et r afficasi tmay ar r i ve.  Net wor kdevi c espr ov i deabes t effor tappr oac ht of or war di ngt r affic. TheI nt Ser vQoSmodelusesr esour cer es er v at i ont oguar ant eebandwi dt handpacket l ossr at esf r om endt oend.I nt Ser vusesaconnect i onor i ent edappr oacht oensur et hatav ai l abl er esour cesar es uffici ent i nt henet wor kf ort het r affict ohav eas pec i ficl ev elofQoS. 13. Which QoS model is very resource intensive and provides the highest guarantee of QoS?  IntServ*  Di ffSer v s of tQoS  bes t effor t TheI nt Ser vQoSmodelusesr esour cer es er v at i onandadmi ssi oncont r olmechani smst osc hedul e net wor kr es our ces. 14. In QoS models, which type of traffic is commonly provided the most preferential treatment over all other application traffic?  voice traffic*  webt r affic  emai l  fi l et r ansf er s Voi c et r afficf r om I Pphonesi scommonl ypr ovi dedpr ef er ent i alt r eat mentov eral l ot herappl i cat i ont r affic s uc hasemai l ,webt r affic ,andfi l et r ansf er s. 15. What are two approaches to prevent packet loss due to congestion on an interface? (Choose two.)  Decr easebuffers pac e.  Di sabl equeui ngmechani sms .  Increase link capacity.*  Drop lower-priority packets.*  Pr eventbur s t soft r affic. Ther ear et hr eeappr oac hest opr ev entsensi t i v et r afficf r om bei ngdr opped: I nc r easel i nkcapaci t yt oeaseorpr eventcongest i on. Guar ant eeenoughbandwi dt handi nc r eas ebuffers pac et oaccommodat ebur s t soft r afficf r om f r agi l e fl ows. Pr eventconges t i onbydr oppi ngl ower pr i or i t ypac k et sbef or econges t i onoccur s . 16. What two fields are available in IPv4 and IPv6 headers to mark packets for QoS? (Choose two.)  Type of Service*  Pr i or i t y  Traffic Class*  VLANI D  Cl assofSer vi ce I Pv 4usesan8bi tTypeofSer vi c efiel dt omar kpack et satLay er3andI Pv 6usesan8bi tTr afficCl ass fi el dt omar kpac k et satLayer3.Thefiel dsar eus edbyr ecei v i ngdev i cest of or war dt hepack et sbasedon t heappr opr i at eas si gnedQoSpol i c y .

17. What is the benefit of deploying Layer 3 QoS marking across an enterprise network?  Lay er3mar k i ngcanbecar r i edi nt he802. 1Q fiel ds .  Layer 3 marking can carry the QoS information end-to-end.*  Lay er3mar k i ngcanbeusedt oc ar r ynonI Pt r affic .  Lay er3mar k i ngcancar r yQoSi nf or mat i onons wi t chest hatar enotI Pawar e. Mar ki ngt r afficatLay er2orLay er3i sv er yi mpor t antandwi l laffecthowt r affici st r eat edi nanet wor k us i ngQoS. Lay er2mar k i ngoff r amescanbeper f or medf ornonI Pt r affic . Lay er2mar k i ngoff r amesi st heonl yQoSopt i onav ai l abl ef orswi t chest hatar enot“ I Pawar e. ” Lay er3mar k i ngwi l lcar r yt heQoSi nf or mat i onendt oend. 18. Which QoS technology provides congestion avoidance by allowing TCP traffic to be throttled before buffers become full and tail drops occur? t r afficpol i ci ng  bes t effor t  fi r s t i n,fir s t out  weighted random early detection* Thewei ght edr andom ear l ydet ect i on( WRED)al gor i t hm pr ovi desconges t i onav oi danceonnet wor k i nt er f acesbyal l owi ngTCPt r affict obet hr ot t l edbef or ebuffer sar eex haus t ed.Thi smaxi mi z esnet wor k us eandTCPbas edappl i c at i onper f or mancewhi l emi ni mi z i ngt ai ldr op. 19. Refer to the exhibit. As traffic is forwarded out an egress interface with QoS treatment, which congestion avoidance technique is used?

t r afficshapi ng  wei ght edr andom ear l ydet ec t i on c l ass i ficat i onandmar ki ng  traffic policing* T r affics hapi ngbuffer sex ces spack et si naqueueandt henf or war dst het r afficov eri ncr ement soft i me, whi chcr eat esasmoot hedpac k etout putr at e.Tr afficpol i ci ngdr opst r afficwhent heamountoft r affic r eac hesaconfigur edmax i mum r at e,whi chc r eat esanout putr at et hatappear sasas awt oot hwi t hc r es t s andt r oughs . 20. Which QoS model uses the DSCP bits to mark packets and provides 64 possible classes of service?  bes t effor t I nt Ser v  DiffServ*  FI FO TheDi ffSer vmodelus es6bi t sknownast heDi ffSer vCodePoi nt( DSCP)bi t st omar kt r afficandoffer sa maxi mum of64poss i bl ecl ass esofs er vi c e.Di ffser v awar er out er scant heni mpl ementper hopbehavi or s ( PHBs )t hatcanc ont r ol packetf or war di ngbas edont hespeci fiedcl assofs er vi ce. 21. Which QoS technique retains excess packets in a separate queue for later transmission?

c l ass i f y i ng  shaping*  queui ng  mar ki ng Asnet wor kt r afficexi t sani nt er f ac ei ti squeuedandt henshapedt osmoot houtt hepac k etout putr at e. Cl assi ficat i onandmar ki ngs houl doc curear l yont oi dent i f yt r afficandc l ass i f yhowt het r affics houl dbe t r eat ed. Older Version 22. What are two disadvantages of employing teleworkers in an organization? (Choose two.) i nc r eas edus ageofs i ckorv acat i onday s  increased difficulty of tracking task progress* s l owerc us t omerser vi cer esponset i mes  the need to implement a new management style* i nc r eas ei nofficeexpenses 23. Which technology provides a secure connection between a SOHO and the headquarters office?  VPN*  Wi Max  QoS  PPPoE 24. What functionality is required on routers to provide remote workers with VoIP and videoconferencing capabilities? I Ps ec  QoS*  VPN  PPPoE 25. Which networking technology will ensure reliable and secure remote access when a teleworker connects to a corporate network?  an encrypted VPN tunnel* r out er swi t hQoScapabi l i t y  aVoI Pandv i deoc onf er enc i ngcapabl econnect i on  br oadband( c abl eorDSL)acces st ot hecor por at enet wor k 26. In which layer of the TCP/IP protocol model does IPsec apply security to network data?  appl i cat i on t r ans por t  internet*  net wor kacces s 27. What are two Layer 2 WAN technologies that can provide secure remote connections between corporate branch offices? (Choose two.) L TE  Frame Relay*  leased lines*  QoS I Ps ec 28. Which two network components does a teleworker require to connect remotely and securely from home to the corporate network? (Choose two.)  VPN client software or VPN-enabled router*  mul t i f unct i ons ecur i t yappl i ance  broadband Internet connection*  VPNser v erorconcent r at or  aut hent i cat i onser v er

29. Which two OSI Layer 1 specifications does DOCSIS define for a cable Internet connection? (Choose two.)  adet er mi ni s t i cmedi aac cessmet hod  channel bandwidth *  modulation technique*  VPNt unnel i ngr equi r ement s t hesepar at i onoft hev oi ceanddat at r ansmi s si ons 30. Which cable network communication technology is secure, extremely resistant to noise, and employs spread-spectrum technology?  FDMA  CDMA  TDMA  S-CDMA* 31. Which standard specifies the channel frequencies and the deterministic access method of cable networks?  DOCSIS* L TE  Wi MAX  802. 16 32. What advantage does DSL have compared to cable technology?  DSLupl oadanddownl oadspeedsar eal wayst hes ame.  DSLi sf ast er .  DSLhasnodi st ancel i mi t at i ons .  DSL is not a shared medium.* 33. Which medium is used for delivering data via DSL technology through PSTN?  fi ber  copper* r adi of r equenc y  wi r el es s 34. How is voice traffic affected when the customer uses ADSL technology?  Nospeci alequi pmenti sneededt osepar at ev oi ceanddat as i gnal s.  Voi c et r affici si nt er r upt edi ft heADSLser vi cef ai l s .  ADSL signals can distort voice transmissions.*  Voi c es i gnal sar eonasepar at ewi r epai rf r om ADSLsi gnal s. 35. Which DSL technology provides higher downstream bandwidth to the user than upstream bandwidth?  ADSL*  SDSL  CDMA  TDMA 36. Which broadband wireless technology is based on the 802.11 standard?  municipal Wi-Fi*  Wi MAX  CDMA  UMTS 37. Which type of long distance telecommunication technology provides point-topoint connections and cellular access?  WiMax*  muni ci palWi Fi s at el l i t e  mobi l ebr oadband 38. A company is looking for the least expensive broadband solution that provides at least 10 Mb/s download speed. The company is located 5 miles from the nearest provider. Which broadband solution would be appropriate?

s at el l i t e  DSL  Wi Max  cable* 39. Which broadband technology would be best for a user that needs remote access when traveling in mountains and at sea?  Wi FiMesh  mobi l ebr oadband  Wi Max  satellite* 40. Why is the MTU for a PPPoE DSL configuration reduced from 1500 bytes to 1492? t oenabl eCHAPaut hent i cat i on t or educ econgest i onont heDSLl i nk  to accommodate the PPPoE headers* t oest abl i shasec ur et unnel wi t hl es sov er head 41. What are two characteristics of a PPPoE configuration on a Cisco customer router? (Choose two.)  The PPP configuration is on the dialer interface.*  AnMTUs i z eof1492byt esi sconfigur edont heEt her neti nt er f ace.  The Ethernet interface does not have an IP address.*  Thecus t omerr out erCHAPus er nameandpass wor dar ei ndependentofwhati sconfigur edont he I SPr out er .  Thedi al erpoolcommandi sappl i edt ot heEt her neti nt er f ac et ol i nki tt ot hedi al eri nt er f ac e. 42. Fill in the blank. DOCSI Ss pec i fiest heMAC s ubl ay erasaLay er2r equi r ementt hatdefinesei t heradet er mi ni s t i cacc ess met hod,TDMA,orSCDMA. 43. Fill in the blank. Use only an acronym. PPPoE c r eat esaPPPt unnelt hr ought heDSLconnect i onf ort hepur poseofsendi ngPPPf r ames . 44. What are twcharacteristics of a PPPoE configuration on a Cisccustomer router? (Choose two.)  The PPP configuration is on the dialer interface.*  AnMTUs i z eof1492byt esi sconfigur edont heEt her neti nt er f ace.  The Ethernet interface does not have an IP address.*  Thecus t omerr out erCHAPus er nameandpass wor dar ei ndependentofwhati sconfigur edont he I SPr out er .  Thedi al erpoolcommandi sappl i edt t heEt her neti nt er f ac et l i nki tt t hedi al eri nt er f ace. 45. What functionality is required on routers tprovide remote workers with VoIP and videoconferencing capabilities?  PPPoE  QoS*  VPN I Ps ec 46. What technology provides service providers the capability to use authentication, accounting, and link management features to customers over Ethernet networks?  QoS  PPPoE* I SDN  DSL 47. Match each type of broadband wireless technology with the correct description. (Not all options are used.)

Place the options in the following order: definebyt heI EEE802. 16st andar d>WiMax v ar i ant si ncl ude2G,3G,and4G >Cellular/Mobile i deals ol ut i onwhennoot herwi r el l essacces si sav ai l abl e>Satellite – not scored – 48. What are two features of wavelengths in the electromagnetic spectrum? (Choose two.)  Theyar et her at eatwhi chc ur r entorv ol t agec yc l esocc ur .  They are calculated by the speed of propagation of the electromagnetic signal divided by its frequency in cycles per second.*  They are the distance from the peak of one radio wave to the peak of the next radio wave.*  Theyar et hedi s t anc ef r om t hepeakofoner adi owav et ot het r oughoft henex tr adi owav e.  Theyar ecal c ul at edbyt henumberofwav espersecond. 49. When PPPoE is configured on a customer router, which two commands must have the same value for the configuration to work? (Choose two.)  pppc haphos t name2  pppoe-client dial-pool-number 2*  pppc happas swor d2 i nt er f acedi al er2  dialer pool 2* i nt er f acegi gabi t et her net0/ 2 50. What mobile broadband communication Layer 2 technology uses a special coding scheme to assign each transmitter a specific code?  UMTS  TDMA  FDMA  CDMA* 51. What two layers of the OSI model are defined by DOCSIS? (Choose two.)  Layer 1*  Layer 2*  Lay er3  Lay er4  Lay er5  Lay er6

 Lay er7...

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