CCNA 4 Chapter 1 Exam Answers 2020 (v5.0.3 + v6.0) – Full 100% PDF

Title CCNA 4 Chapter 1 Exam Answers 2020 (v5.0.3 + v6.0) – Full 100%
Author Amuel Wilson
Course Cisco Certificate Network Associate
Institution Algonquin College
Pages 17
File Size 639.3 KB
File Type PDF
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CCNA 4 Chapter 1 Exam Answers 2020 (v5.0.3 + v6.0) - Full 100%...


1. A small company with 10 employees uses a single LAN to share information between computers. Which type of connection to the Internet would be appropriate for this company? pr i v at ededi c at edl i nest hr ought hei rl oc al ser v i cepr ov i der adi al upc onnect i ont hati ss uppl i edbyt hei rl ocal t el ephones er v i cepr ovi der Vi r t ual Pr i v at eNet wor kst hatwoul denabl et hecompanyt oc onnecteasi l yand s ecur el ywi t hempl oy ees a broadband service, such as DSL, through their local service provider Fort hi ss mal loffice,anappr opr i at ec onnect i ont ot heI nt er netwoul dbet hr ougha commonbr oadbands er v i cec al l edDi gi t alSubscr i berLi ne( DSL) ,av ai l abl ef r om t hei r l oc alt el ephones er v i cepr ovi der .Wi t hs of ewempl oy ees,bandwi dt hi snotas i gni ficant pr obl em.I ft hecompanywer ebi gger ,wi t hbr anchofficesi nr emot es i t es ,pr i v at el i nes woul dbemor eappr opr i at e.Vi r t ual Pr i v at eNet wor k swoul dbeusedi ft hecompanyhad empl oy eeswhoneededt oc onnectt ot hecompanyv i aI nt er net . 2. Which network scenario will require the use of a WAN? Employees need to connect to the corporate email server through a VPN while traveling. Empl oy eesi nt hebr anchofficeneedt os har efi l eswi t ht heheadquar t er soffic e t hati sl ocat edi nasepar at ebui l di ngont hes amec ampusnet wor k . Empl oy eesneedt oacces swebpagest hatar ehost edont hec or por at eweb s er v er si nt heDMZwi t hi nt hei rbui l di ng. Empl oy eewor kst at i onsneedt oobt ai ndy nami cal l yassi gnedI Paddr ess es. Whent r av el i ngempl oy eesneedt oconnectt oac or por at eemai ls er v ert hr oughaWAN connect i on,t heVPNwi l lc r eat eas ecur et unnelbet weenanempl oy eel apt opandt he cor por at enet wor kov ert heWANc onnect i on.Obt ai ni ngdy nami cI Paddr essest hr ough DHCPi saf unct i onofLAN c ommuni cat i on.Shar i ngfi l esamongs epar at ebui l di ngsona cor por at ec ampusi saccompl i shedt hr ought heLANi nf r ast r uct ur e.ADMZi sapr ot ect ed net wor ki nsi det hec or por at eLANi nf r ast r uct ur e. 3. Which statement describes a characteristic of a WAN? AWANoper at eswi t hi nt hes amegeogr aphi cs copeofaLAN,buthasser i all i nks . AWANpr ov i desendusernet wor kconnect i v i t yt ot hec ampusbackbone. WAN networks are owned by service providers. Al ls er i all i nksar econsi der edWANc onnect i ons . WANsar eus edt oi nt er connectt heent er pr i s eLANt or emot ebr anchsi t eLANsand t el ec ommut ers i t es .AWANi sownedbyas er vi c epr ovi der .Al t houghWANc onnect i ons ar et ypi cal l ymadet hr oughs er i al i nt er f aces ,notal l ser i al l i nksar econnect edt oaWAN. LANs ,notWANs ,pr ov i deendus ernet wor kc onnect i v i t yi nanor gani z at i on. 4. What are two common types of circuit-switched WAN technologies? (Choose two.) ISDN DSL PSTN

ATM Fr ameRel ay Thet womostc ommont y pesofc i r cui t swi t chedWANt echnol ogi esar et hepubl i c s wi t c hedt el ephonenet wor k( PSTN)andt hei nt egr at eds er v i cesdi gi t alnet wor k( I SDN) . Fr ameRel ayandATM ar epack et s wi t chedWANt echnol ogi es .DSLi saWAN t ec hnol ogyt hatoffer sbr oadbandI nt er netaccess . 5. Which two devices are needed when a digital leased line is used to provide a connection between the customer and the service provider? (Choose two.) di al upmodem accessser v er DSU Lay er2s wi t c h CSU Di gi t all eas edl i nesr equi r eac hannels er v i ceuni t( CSU)andadat as er v i ceuni t( DSU) . Anaccesss er v erc oncent r at esdi al upmodem di al i nanddi al outus erc ommuni cat i ons. Di al upmodemsar eusedt ot empor ar i l yenabl et heus eofanal ogt el ephonel i nesf or di gi t aldat ac ommuni cat i ons.ALay er2s wi t chi sus edt oc onnectaLAN. 6. What is a requirement of a connectionless packet-switched network? Full addressing information must be carried in each data packet. Av i r t ual ci r c ui ti scr eat edf ort hedur at i onoft hepack etdel i v er y . Thenet wor kpr edet er mi nest her out ef orapack et . Eac hpack ethast oc ar r yonl yani dent i fier . Ac onnect i onor i ent eds y s t em pr edet er mi nest henet wor kpat h,c r eat esav i r t ualc i r c ui t f ort hedur at i onoft hepack etdel i v er y ,andr equi r est hateachpack etonl yc ar r yan i dent i fier .Ac onnect i onl esspack et s wi t c hednet wor k ,s uchast heI nt er net ,r equi r eseach dat apack ett oc ar r yaddr ess i ngi nf or mat i on. 7. What is an advantage of packet-switched technology over circuitswitched technology? Pack et s wi t c hednet wor k sdonotr equi r eanexpensi v eper manentconnect i ont o eachendpoi nt . Packet-switched networks can efficiently use multiple routes inside a service provider network. Pack et s wi t c hednet wor k sar el esss uscept i bl et oj i t t ert hanc i r cui t s wi t ched net wor ksar e. Pack et s wi t c hednet wor k susual l yex per i encel owerl at enc yt hanc i r c ui t s wi t c hed net wor ksexper i ence. Pack ets wi t c hi ngdoesnotr equi r eac i r c ui tt obees t abl i shedandi sabl et or out epack et s ac r ossas har ednet wor k.Thec ostofpack ets wi t c hi ngi sl owert hant hatofc i r cui t s wi t c hi ng.

8. A new corporation needs a data network that must meet certain requirements. The network must provide a low cost connection to sales people dispersed over a large geographical area. Which two types of WAN infrastructure would meet the requirements? (Choose two.) pr i v at ei nf r ast r uct ur e public infrastructure s at el l i t e Internet dedi cat ed VPNsov ert heI nt er netpr ovi del ow c ost ,secur ec onnect i onst or emot eus er s .VPNsar e depl oy edov ert heI nt er netpubl i ci nf r ast r uct ur e. 9. What is a long distance fiber-optic media technology that supports both SONET and SDH, and assigns incoming optical signals to specific wavelengths of light? DWDM I SDN MPLS ATM I SDN( I nt egr at edSer vi cesDi gi t alNet wor k) ,ATM ( As y nchr onousTr ansf erMode) ,and MPLS( Mul t i pr ot ocolLabelSwi t chi ng)donotdesc r i beopt i cfi bert echnol ogi es . 10. What are two common high-bandwidth fiber-optic media standards? (Choose two.) SONET SDH ANSI ATM I TU ATM ( As y nchr onousT r ans f erMode)i saLay er2t echnol ogy .ANSI( Amer i canNat i onal St andar dsI nst i t ut e)andI TU( i nt er nat i onalT el ecommuni cat i onUni on)ar es t andar ds or gani zat i ons . 11. Which WAN technology is cell-based and well suited to carry voice and video traffic? VSAT Fr ameRel ay I SDN ATM ATM i scel l basedar c hi t ect ur e.Thesmal l andfi x edcel l sar ewel l sui t edf orcar r y i ng v oi ceandv i deot r afficbecauset hi st r affici si nt ol er antofdel ay .Vi deoandv oi cet r affic donothav et owai tf orl ar gerdat apack et st obet r ansmi t t ed.I SDNi sci r c ui t s wi t ched. Fr ameRel ayandVSATar epack et s wi t ched. 12. Which two technologies use the PSTN network to provide an Internet connection? (Choose two.)

MPLS ATM dialup Fr ameRel ay ISDN Di al upandI SDNuset hePSTNnet wor kt opr ovi deWANc onnect i vi t y .ATM,MPLS,and Fr ameRel ayr equi r et hes er vi cepr ovi der st obui l das pec i ficnet wor kc l oudt os uppor t eacht ec hnol ogy . 13. A company needs to interconnect several branch offices across a metropolitan area. The network engineer is seeking a solution that provides high-speed converged traffic, including voice, video, and data on the same network infrastructure. The company also wants easy integration to their existing LAN infrastructure in their office locations. Which technology should be recommended? Fr ameRel ay I SDN VSAT Ethernet WAN Et her netWANusesmanyEt her nets t andar dsandi tc onnect seasi l yt oexi s t i ngEt her net LANs .I tpr ovi desas wi t c hed,hi ghbandwi dt hLay er2net wor kc apabl eofmanagi ng dat a,v oi ce,andv i deoal lont hes amei nf r ast r uct ur e.I SDN,whi l ec apabl eofs uppor t i ng bot hv oi ceanddat a,doesnotpr ov i dehi ghbandwi dt h.VSATusess at el l i t ec onnect i vi t y t oes t abl i s hapr i v at eWANc onnect i onbutwi t hr el at i v el yl owbandwi dt h.UseofVSAT, I SDN,andFr ameRel ayr equi r es pec i ficnet wor kdevi cesf ort heWANc onnect i onand dat aconv er s i onbet weenLANandWAN. 14. Which solution can provide Internet access to remote locations where no regular WAN services are available? Wi MAX VSAT Et her net muni ci palWi Fi VSATpr ov i desI nt er netaccesst hr oughs at el l i t es ,whi chi sas ol ut i onf orr emot ear eas. Wi MAXandmuni c i palWi Fi ar eusedt opr ov i deI nt er netconnect i onsi namet r opol i t an ar ea.Et her neti saLANt echnol ogy . 15. Which WAN technology establishes a dedicated constant pointto-point connection between two sites? ATM Fr ameRel ay I SDN leased lines Al easedl i nkest abl i shesadedi cat edc onst antpoi nt t opoi ntconnect i onbet weent wo s i t es .ATM i sc el l s wi t ched.I SDNi sci r c ui t swi t ched.Fr ameRel ayi spack et s wi t ched.

16. A customer needs a metropolitan area WAN connection that provides high-speed, dedicated bandwidth between two sites. Which type of WAN connection would best fulfill this need? MPLS Ethernet WAN c i r cui t s wi t chednet wor k pack et s wi t chednet wor k MPLScanus eav ar i et yofunder l yi ngt echnol ogi ess uc hasT-andECar r i er s,Car r i er Et her net ,ATM,Fr ameRel ay ,andDSL,al l ofwhi chs uppor tl owers peedst hanan Et her netWAN.Nei t herac i r c ui t s wi t c hednet wor k ,s uchast hepubl i cs wi t ched t el ephonenet wor k( PSTN)orI nt egr at edSer v i ceDi gi t al Net wor k( I SDN) ,norapack et s wi t c hednet wor k ,i sc onsi der edhi ghs peed. 17. Which feature is used when connecting to the Internet using DSL? DSLAM L TE CMTS I EEE802. 16 LongTer m Ev ol ut i on( L TE)i sus edwi t hc el l ul arnet wor ks.I EEE802. 16i susedby Wi MAXnet wor k swhi chpr ov i dehi ghspeedbr oadbandwi r el essser v i ce.Thec abl e modem t er mi nat i ons y st em ( CMTS)i susedbyc abl enet wor ks .ADSLaccess mul t i pl ex er( DSLAM)i susedatanI nt er netpr ovi derl ocat i ont oc onnectmul t i pl e s ubscr i berl i nest ot hepr ov i dernet wor k. 18. Which connectivity method would be best for a corporate employee who works from home two days a week, but needs secure access to internal corporate databases? Wi MAX DSL VPN cabl e VPNsar eus edbyc ompani esf ors i t et os i t ec onnect i vi t yandbyr emot euser st o connectsec ur el yi nt ot hec or por at enet wor kbyt heuseofVPNcl i ents of t war e. 19. Which wireless technology provides Internet access through cellular networks? LTE muni ci palWi Fi s at el l i t e Wi MAX L TEorLongTer m Ev ol ut i oni saf our t hgener at i onc el l ul aracces st echnol ogyt hat s uppor t sI nt er netacces s. 20. A home user lives within 10 miles (16 kilometers) of the Internet provider network. Which type of technology provides high-speed broadband service with wireless access for this home user?

muni ci palWi Fi DSL WiMAX 802. 11 Wi MAXpr ovi deshi ghs peedbr oadbands er v i cewi t hwi r el essaccessandpr ov i des br oadc ov er age.Muni ci pal Wi Fii sus edf oremer genc yser v i cessuchasfi r eandpol i ce. DSLi sawi r eds ol ut i on.802. 11i sawi r el essLANs ol ut i on. 21. What is the recommended technology to use over a public WAN infrastructure when a branch office is connected to the corporate site? VPN ATM I SDN muni ci palWi Fi I SDNandATM ar eLay er1and2t ec hnol ogi est hatar et ypi cal l yus edonpr i v at eWANs . Muni ci palWi Fii sawi r el esspubl i cWANt echnol ogy .Cor por at ec ommuni cat i onsov er publ i cWANsshoul duseVPNsf orsecur i t y . 22. What can cause a reduction in available bandwidth on a cable broadband connection? commi t t edi nf or mat i onr at e number of subscribers di st anc ef r om t hecent r aloffic eoft hepr ov i der s mal l erc el l s Becaus et hel ocals ubs cr i ber ss har et hes amecabl ebandwi dt h,asmor ec abl emodem s ubscr i ber sj oi nt hes er v i ce,av ai l abl ebandwi dt hmaydecr ease. 23. Which equipment is needed for an ISP to provide Internet connections through cable service? accessser v er CMTS CSU/ DSU DSLAM Theequi pmentl ocat edatacabl es er vi c epr ovi deroffice,t hec abl emodem t er mi nat i on s y s t em ( CMTS) ,sendsandr ecei v esdi gi t alc abl emodem s i gnal sonacabl enet wor kt o pr ov i deI nt er netser v i cest oc abl esubsc r i ber s.ADSLAM per f or msas i mi l arf unct i onf or DSLs er v i cepr ov i der s.ACSU/ DSUi sus edi nl easedl i nec onnect i ons .Accesss er v er s ar eneededt opr ocessmul t i pl esi mul t aneousdi al upc onnect i onst oaCent r alOffice ( CO) . 24. Which geographic scope requirement would be considered a distributed WAN scope? onet omany gl obal r egi onal l oc al

many-to-many onet oone I nabusi nesscont ext ,aonet oones copewoul dencompassac or por at i ont hathasa s i ngl ebr anchoffice.Aonet omanyWANs copewoul dencompassac or por at i onwi t h mul t i pl ebr anchoffices .Adi st r i but edWANwoul dhav emanybr anchoffic esconnect ed t omanyot hersi t es . 25. A corporation is looking for a solution to connect multiple, newly established remote branch offices. Which consideration is important when selecting a private WAN connection rather than a public WAN connection? hi gherdat at r ansmi ss i onr at e l owerc ost data security and confidentiality during transmission websi t eandfil eex c hanges er v i ces uppor t Apr i v at eWANs ol ut i ont hati nv ol v esdedi cat edl i nksbet weensi t esoffer st hebes t s ecur i t yandc onfi dent i al i t y .Bot hpr i v at eandpubl i cWANs ol ut i onsofferc ompar abl e connect i onbandwi dt h,dependi ngont het echnol ogychosen.Connect i ngmul t i pl es i t es wi t hpr i v at eWANconnect i onscoul dbev er yexpensi v e.Thewebsi t eandfi l eex c hange s er vi ces uppor ti snotr el ev ant . 26. Match the type of WAN device or service to the description. (Not all options are used.) CPE—>dev i cesandi nsi dewi r i ngt hatar el ocat edont heent er pr i seedgeandconnect t oacar r i erl i nk DCE—>devi cest hatpr ovi deani nt er f acef orc ust omer st oc onnectt owi t hi nt heWAN c l oud DTE—>c ust omerdev i cest hatpasst hedat af r om acust omernet wor kf ort r ansmi ss i on ov ert heWAN

l oc all oop—>aphy si calc onnect i onf r om t hec ust omert ot hes er v i cepr ov i derPOP

27. Match the connectivity type to the description. (Not all options are used.) s etupbyac i t yt opr ov i def r eeI nt er netacces s—> municipal Wi-Fi s l owaccess( upl oads peedi saboutonet ent hdownl oads peed)—> satellite Internet us est r adi t i onalphonenet wor k—> DSL us est r adi t i onalv i deonet wor k—> cable

Older Version 28. What are two structured engineering principles necessary for successful implementation of a network design? (Choose two.) qual i t yofser vi ce resiliency modularity s ecur i t y av ai l abi l i t y 29. What is an important first consideration when starting to design a network? accesssecur i t y t y peofappl i cat i ons size of the network pr ot ocol st obeused 30. Which two devices would commonly be found at the access layer of the hierarchical enterprise LAN design model? (Choose two.) access point

fi r ewal l Layer 2 switch Lay er3devi ce modul ars wi t ch 31. In which layer of the hierarchical enterprise LAN design model would PoE for VoIP phones and access points be considered? access cor e dat al i nk di st r i but i on phy s i cal 32. Refer to the exhibit. Which type of Cisco hierarchical LAN design model is used at school site 1?

3l ay er 7l ay er two-tier collapsed core t hr eet i er 33. In a hierarchical network design, which layers may be combined into a collapsed core for smaller networks? cor eandaccess core and distribution di st r i but i onandaccess cor e,di st r i but i on,andaccess 34. The network design for a college with users at five sites is being developed. Where in the campus network architecture would servers used by all users be located? access di st r i but i on data center ent er pr i s eedge s er vi ces 35. What is one advantage to designing networks in building block fashion for large companies? failure isolation i nc r easednet wor kaccesst i me mobi l i t y r edundancy

36. A network engineer wants to redesign the wireless network and make use of wireless network controllers that manage the many deployed wireless access points. In which network design module of the campus network architecture would the centralized wireless network controllers be found? access di st r i but i on dat acent er ent er pr i s eedge services 37. Which network module is the fundamental component of a campus design? access-distribution module s er vi cesmodul e dat acent er ent er pr i s eedge 38. Which approach in networking allows for network changes, upgrades, or the introduction of new services in a controlled and staged fashion? bor der l ess s t at i c modular net wor kmodul e 39. Refer to the exhibit. Which type of ISP connectivity to the service provider edge is being used by company A?

s i ngl ehomed dual homed multihomed dual mul t i homed

40. Which three network architectures have been introduced by Cisco to address the emerging technology challenges created by the evolving business models? (Choose three.) Cisco Borderless Ci sc oEnt er pr i seEdge Cisco Data Center Ci sc oEnt er pr i seCampus Cisco Collaboration Ci sc oEnt er pr i seBr anch 41. Which layer of the Cisco Collaboration Architecture contains unified communications and conference software such as Cisco WebEx Meetings, WebEx Social, Cisco Jabber, and TelePresence? applications and devices ent er pr i s eWAN s er vi cesmodul e s er vi cepr ov i deredge 42. Which Cisco technology allows diverse network devices to connect securely, reliably, and seamlessly to enterprise network resources? bui l di ngdi st r i but i on Cisco AnyConnect ent er pr i s eedge s er vi cepr ov i deredge 43. What is creating a new challenge for IT departments by changing the border of the enterprise network? company owneddeskt ops accessl ay ers wi t chi ng tablets ener gycost s 44. Which network architecture functions through a combination of technologies that include wired, wireless, security, and more? Ci sc oEnt er pr i seCampus Ci sc oEnt er pr i seBr anch Cisco Borderless Ci sc oEnt er pr i seEdge 45. Which network architecture combines individual components to provide a comprehensive solution allowing people to cooperate and contribute to the production of something? Ci sc oEnt er pr i seCampusAr chi t ect ur e Ci sc oEnt er pr i seBr anchAr chi t ect ur e Ci sc oBor der l essNet wor kAr c hi t ect ur e Cisco Collaboration Architecture 46. Fill in the blank. Reduci ngt hec ompl ex i t yofnet wor kdes i gnbydi vi di nganet wor ki nt os mal l erar easi s wor kmodel . anex ampl eofahierarchical net

47. Fill in the blank. Use the abbreviation. Undert heCi sc oEnt er pr i s eEdgemodul e,t hes ubmodul et hatpr ov i desr emot eaccess i nc l udi ngaut hent i cat i onandI PSappl i ancesi st heVPN andr emot eaccesss ubmodul e. 48. Fill in the blank. Reduci ngt hec ompl ex i t yofnet wor kdes i gnbydi vi di nganet wor ki nt os mal l er wor kmodel . ar easi sanex ampl eofa”hierarchical ”net 49. Match the layer to the corresponding device. (Not all options are used.)

Place the options in the following order: – not scored – core -> high-speed switches access -> Layer 2 switches distribution -> Layer 3 switches 50. Match the submodule to the correct Cisco Enterprise Architecture module. (Not all options are used.)

Place the options in the following order: Cisco Enterprise Campus [+] campus core [+] building distribution [+] data center Cisco Enterprise Edge [#] VPN and remote access [#] DMZ [#] e-commerce 51. What are two of the top trends that affect network architecture design? (Choose two.) I nt er netsecur i t y i nt er nals ecur i t yat t ack s s peedofI nt er netconnect i vi t y cloud computing BYOD 52. Why would a company want network engineers to adhere to structured engineering principles when designing networks? Ther esi l i enc yofanet wor kdependsonbei ngabl et omodi f ypor t i onsoft he net wor k,adds er vi ces,ori ncr easenet wor kc apaci t ywi t ...

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