CCNA 3 (v5.0.3 + v6.0) Chapter 1 Exam Answers 2020 – 100% Full PDF

Title CCNA 3 (v5.0.3 + v6.0) Chapter 1 Exam Answers 2020 – 100% Full
Author Amuel Wilson
Course Cisco Certified Network Associate
Institution Algonquin College
Pages 7
File Size 224.9 KB
File Type PDF
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CCNA 3 (v5.0.3 + v6.0) Chapter 1 Exam Answers 2020...


1. What are two expected features of modern enterprise networks? (Choose two.)  support for converged network traffic s uppor tf ordi s t r i but edadmi ni s t r at i vec ont r ol s uppor tf or90per centr el i abi l i t y  support for critical applications s uppor tf orl i mi t edgr owt h Al lmoder nent er pr i senet wor k sar eex pect edt osuppor tc r i t i calappl i cat i ons,conv er gednet wor kt r affic, di ver s ebusi nes sneeds ,andpr ovi decent r al i zedadmi ni st r at i vecont r ol .User sexpectent er pr i senet wor ks t obeup99. 999per centoft het i me( not90per cent . ) .Suppor tf orl i mi t edgr owt hi snotausualnet wor k desi gnc r i t er i on. 2. Which type of information is displayed by the show ip protocols command that is issued from a router command prompt? t her out edpr ot oc olt hati senabl edandt hepr ot oc olst at usofi nt er f aces  the configured routing protocols and the networks that the router is advertising i nt er f aceswi t hl i ne( pr ot oc ol )st at usandI / O st at i s t i cs i nt er f acei nf or mat i on,i ncl udi ngwhet heranACLi senabl edont hei nt er f ace Thes howi ppr ot oc ol scommanddi s pl aysi nf or mat i onaboutt her out i ngpr ot oc ol st hatar econfigur ed,t he net wor kst her out eri sadver t i si ng,andt hedef aul tadmi ni st r at i v edi s t ance.Theshowi nt er f ac escommand di spl a ysi nt er f ac eswi t hl i ne( pr ot ocol )st at us ,bandwi dt h,del ay ,r el i abi l i t y ,enc apsul at i on,dupl ex,andI / O s t at i s t i cs .Thes howi pi nt er f ac escommanddi spl aysi nt er f acei nf or mat i on,i ncl udi ngpr ot oc olst at us ,t heI P addr ess ,whet herahel peraddr essi sc onfigur ed,andwhet heranACLi senabl edont hei nt er f ac e.The s howpr ot ocol scommanddi s pl ay si nf or mat i onaboutt her out edpr ot oc olt hati senabl edandt hepr ot ocol s t at usofi nt er f ac es. 3. Which action should be taken when planning for redundancy on a hierarchical network design? i mmedi at el yr epl aceanonf unc t i oni ngmodul e,s er vi c eordevi ceonanet wor k i mpl ementSTPpor t f astbet weent hes wi t c hesont henet wor k c ont i nual l ypur c has eback upequi pmentf ort henet wor k  add alternate physical paths for data to traverse the network Onemet hodofi mpl ement i ngr edundancyi spat hr edundancy ,i ns t al l i ngal t er nat ephy si c alpat hsf ordat a t ot r av er s et henet wor k .Redundantl i nk si nas wi t c hednet wor ksuppor t shi ghav ai l abi l i t yandc anbeused f orl oadbal anc i ng,r educ i ngcongest i onont henet wor k . 4. In the Cisco Enterprise Architecture, which two functional parts of the network are combined to form a collapsed core design? (Choose two.)  distribution layer  ent er pr i seedge  acces sl ay er  core layer  pr ovi deredge 5. What are two ways to access a Cisco switch for out-of-band management? (Choose two.)  a connection that uses the AUX port  ac onnec t i ont hatusesHTTP  ac onnec t i ont hatusesTel net  a connection that uses the console port  ac onnec t i ont hatusesSSH 6. How can an enterprise network be designed to optimize bandwidth?  byi nst al l i ngdev i c eswi t hf ai l ov erc apabi l i t i es  bydepl oy i ngacol l apsedc or emodel  by organizing the network to control traffic patterns  byl i mi t i ngt hesi z eoff ai l ur edomai ns

7. Refer to the exhibit. Which devices exist in the failure domain when switch S3 loses power?

 S4andPC_2  PC_3 and AP_2  AP_2andAP_1  PC_3andPC_2  S1andS4 Af ai l ur edomai ni st hear eaofanet wor kt hati si mpac t edwhenac r i t i cal devi c esuc hass wi t c hS3hasa f ai l ur eorex per i encespr obl ems . 8. As the network administrator you have been asked to implement EtherChannel on the corporate network. What does this configuration consist of?  grouping multiple physical ports to increase bandwidth between two switches  pr ovi di ngr edundantl i nk st hatdynami c al l ybl ockorf or war dt r affic  gr oupi ngt wodev i c est oshar eav i r t ual I Paddr ess  pr ovi di ngr edundantdevi cest oal l owt r affict oflowi nt heev entofdev i c ef ai l ur e 9. What term is used to express the thickness or height of a switch?  rack unit  domai nsi z e  por tdensi t y  modul esi z e 10. What is the function of ASICs in a multilayer switch?  They streamline forwarding of IP packets in a multilayer switch by bypassing the CPU.  Theyaggr egat emul t i pl ephy si cal s wi t c hpor t si nt oasi ngl el ogi c al por t .  Theypr ev entLay er2l oopsbydi s abl i ngr edundantl i nk sbet weens wi t c hes .  Theypr ov i depowert odev i cessuchasI Pphonesandwi r el es sacc esspoi nt st hr oughEt her net por t s . 11. Which design feature will limit the size of a failure domain in an enterprise network?

t heuseofacol l aps edcor edes i gn  the use of the building switch block approach t hei ns t al l at i onofr edundantpowers uppl i es t hepur c has eofent er pr i s eequi pmentt hati sdes i gnedf orl ar get r affic v ol ume I nor dert obestl i mi tt heofaf ai l ur edomai n,r out er sormul t i l ay ers wi t chesc anbedepl oy edi npai r s .The f ai l ur eofasi ngl edev i ces houl dnotcaus et henet wor kt ogodown.I ns t al l i ngr edundantpowers uppl i es maypr ot ectasi ngl edevi cef r om apowerf ai l ur e,buti ft hatdev i c esuffer sf r om anot hert y peofpr obl em,a r edundantdev i cewoul dhav ebeenabet t ersol ut i on.Pur c has i ngent er pr i seequi pmentt hathandl esl ar ge fl owsoft r afficwi l lnotpr ov i deex t r ar el i abi l i t yi nt i mesofanout age.I facol l apsedcor edesi gni sused,t he c or eanddi s t r i but i onar ec ol l apsedi nt oas i ngl edevi ce,i ncr eas i ngt hec hanc eofadev ast at i ngout age. 12. A network administrator is planning redundant devices and cabling in a switched network to support high availability. Which benefit will implementing the Spanning Tree Protocol provide to this design?  Mul t i pl ephy si cali nt er f acesc anbecombi nedi nt oasi ngl eEt her Channeli nt er f ace.  Redundant paths can be available without causing logical Layer 2 loops.  Net wor kacc esscanbee xpandedt osuppor tbot hwi r edandwi r el es sdevi c es .  Fast erc onv er genc ei sav ai l abl ef oradv anc edr out i ngpr ot ocol s . Wi t ht hei mpl ement at i onofr edundantdev i cesandl i nks ,r edundantpat hswi l lex i sti nt henet wor k.Thi s mayc aus eaLay er2l oop,andSpanni ngTr eePr ot oc ol( STP)i sus edt oel i mi nat es wi t c hi ngl oopswhi l e mai nt ai ni ngr el i abi l i t y .STPi snotr equi r edt ocombi nemul t i pl ephy s i cali nt er f acesi nt oasi ngl e Et her Channeli nt er f ace.STPdoesnotpr ov i def ast erc onv er genceoranex pandednet wor kt hatuses wi r edorwi r el essconnect i vi t y . 13. What are two benefits of extending access layer connectivity to users through a wireless medium? (Choose two.)  increased flexibility  decr easednumberofc r i t i c al poi nt soff ai l ur e  reduced costs i nc r easedbandwi dt hav ai l abi l i t y i nc r easednet wor kmanagementopt i ons Wi r el es sconnect i vi t yatt heacc essl ay erpr ov i desi ncr eas edflex i bi l i t y ,r educedc os t s,andt heabi l i t yt o gr owandadaptt oc hangi ngbus i nessr equi r ement s .Ut i l i z i ngwi r el es sr out er sandacces spoi nt sc an pr ovi deani nc r easei nt henumberofc ent r al poi nt soff ai l ur e .Wi r el essr out er sandac ces spoi nt swi l lnot pr ovi deani nc r easei nbandwi dt hav ai l abi l i t y . 14. Which two features of enterprise class equipment assists an enterprise network in maintaining 99.999 percent up-time? (Choose two.)  failover capabilities c ol l aps edcor e  redundant power supplies f ai l ur edomai ns s er vi c esmodul e Ent er pr i sec l assequi pmenti sdesi gnedwi t hf eat ur ess uc hasr edundantpowers uppl i esandf ai l ov er c apabi l i t i es.Af ai l ur edomai ni sanar eaofanet wor kt hati si mpac t edwhenac r i t i cal devi c ef ai l s .A c ol l aps edcor ei sat wot i erhi er ar c hi cal desi gnwher et hecor eanddi st r i but i onl a y er sar ecol l apsedi nt oa s i ngl el ay er .Thi sr educesc ostandc ompl ex i t ybutdoesnotpr ov i der edundanc yandupt i me . 15. A network technician needs to connect a PC to a Cisco network device for initial configuration. What is required to perform this device configuration?  HTTPacc ess T el netacc es s  atl eastoneoper at i onalnet wor ki nt er f aceont heCi s codev i c e  terminal emulation client

Bec auset hedev i ceneedst obei ni t i al l yconfigur ed,anet wor kconnect i oni sunav ai l abl ey etont hi s dev i ce,henc et heneedf oranout of bandmanagementmet hod.Ac onfigur at i ont hatusesout of band managementr equi r esadi r ectconnect i ont oacons ol eorAUXpor t ,andat er mi nal emul at i oncl i ent . 16. What network design would contain the scope of disruptions on a network should a failure occur? t her educt i oni nt henumberofr edundantdev i cesandconnect i onsi nt henet wor kcor e t hec onfigur at i onofal lac ces sl ay erdev i cest os har easi ngl egat eway t hei ns t al l at i onofonl yent er pr i s ecl as sequi pmentt hr oughoutt henet wor k  the deployment of distribution layer switches in pairs and the division of access layer switch connections between them Onewayt oc ont ai nt hei mpactofaf ai l ur eont henet wor ki st oi mpl ementr edundancy .Onewayt hi si s accompl i shedi sbydepl oy i ngr edundantdi st r i but i onl ay ers wi t c hesanddi vi di ngt heac ces sl ay erswi t c h c onnec t i onsbet weent her edundantdi st r i but i onl ay ers wi t ches .Thi scr eat eswhati scal l edas wi t c hbl ock . Fai l ur esi nas wi t c hbl ockar ec ont ai nedt ot hatbl ockanddonotbr i ngdownt hewhol enet wor k. 17. What are three access layer switch features that are considered when designing a network? (Choose three.)? s peedofconv er gencef ai l ov erc apabi l i t y  br oadc astt r afficcont ai nment  forwarding rate  Power over Ethernet  port density Thepor tdensi t yofas wi t c h( t henumberofpor t sav ai l abl eonasi ngl eswi t ch) ,f or war di ngr at e( howmuch dat at hes wi t c hcanpr oc esspersec ond) ,andPowerov erEt her net( t heabi l i t yoft hes wi t c ht odel i v er powert oadev i ceov ert heex i s t i ngEt her netcabl i ng)ar eacc essl a yers wi t c hf eat ur est obeconsi der ed whendesi gni nganet wor k .Fai l ov erc apabi l i t y ,s peedofconv er gence,andbr oadcas tt r afficcont ai nment ar edi s t r i but i onl ay erf eat ur es . 18. What are two functions of a router? (Choose two.)  It connects multiple IP networks. I tcont r ol st heflowofdat av i at heuseofLay er2addr ess es.  It determines the best path to send packets. I tmanagest heVLANdat abas e. I ti ncr easest hes i zeoft hebr oadcastdomai n. Rout er sc onnec tmul t i pl enet wor k si nanor gani z at i ont opr ovi dei nt er connect i onsamongt hem.They per f or mt het askbyusi ngt henet wor kpor t i onoft hedes t i nat i onI Paddr es st odet er mi net hebes tpat ht o s endpac k et st ot hei rdes t i nat i on. 19. What capability is provided by the use of application-specific integrated circuits in Cisco multilayer switches?  aggr egat i ngphy si c alpor t si nt oasi ngl el ogi cali nt er f ace  pr ovi di nguseraut hent i cat i onandaut hor i z at i on  pr ot ect i ngdat at r affici nt heev entofaf ai l edci r cui t  forwarding of IP packets independent of the CPU Appl i cat i onspec i fici nt egr at edci r cui t s( ASI Cs)i nc r eas et hef or war di ngs peedofaswi t chbyal l owi ng pack et st oby pas st heCPUf orpr oces si ng. 20. Which statement describes a characteristic of Cisco Meraki switches?  Theypr omot ei nf r as t r uc t ur esc al abi l i t y ,oper at i onalc ont i nui t y ,andt r ans por tfl exi bi l i t y .  They are cloud-managed access switches that enable virtual stacking of switches.  Theyar ecampusLANs wi t c hest hatper f or mt hes amef unc t i onsasCi sco2960s wi t c hes .  Theyar eser vi cepr ov i ders wi t c hest hataggr egat et r afficatt heedgeoft henet wor k . TheCi sc oMer aki cl oudmanagedac ces ss wi t c hesenabl evi r t ual st ac ki ngofs wi t ches .Theymoni t orand c onfigur et housandsofswi t c hpor t sov ert heweb,wi t houtt hei nt er v ent i onofons i t eI Ts t aff.

21. A network engineer is reviewing a network design that uses a fixed configuration enterprise router that supports both LAN and WAN connections. However, the engineer realizes that the router does not have enough interfaces to support growth and network expansion. Which type of device should be used as a replacement?  aLay er3swi t c h  a modular router  aPoEdev i ce  anot herfi x edconfigur at i onr out er Modul arr out er spr ov i demul t i pl es l ot st hatal l owanet wor kdes i gnert oc hangeori nc r eas et hei nt er f ac es t hate xi stont her out er .ALay er3s wi t c hmayi nc r eas et henumberofpor t sav ai l abl eonar out er ,butwi l l notpr ovi deWANc onnect i v i t y .ThePoEcapabi l i t yofadevi cei snotr el at edt ot henumberofpor t si thas. Us i nganot herfi x edconfigur at i onr out erwi l l notpr ov i det heflex i bi l i t yt oadaptt of ut ur egr owt ht hatus i nga modul arr out erwi l lpr ov i de. 22. In which situation would a network administrator install a Cisco Nexus Series or Cisco Catalyst 6500 Series switch to promote infrastructure scalability? t oenabl evi r t uals t ack i ngofs wi t c hest opr ov i decl oudmanagedacces s  onaser v i cepr ov i dernet wor kt opr omot ei nt egr at edsecur i t y ,andsi mpl i fi edmanagement  on a data center network to provide expansion and transport flexibility  onacampusLANnet wor kasacc essl ay erswi t c hes Ci s coNex usSer i esswi t chesar eempl oy edondat ac ent er st opr omot ei nf r ast r uct ur es cal abi l i t y , oper at i onal cont i nui t y ,andt r ans por tfl ex i bi l i t y .Theyal s opr ov i des ec ur emul t i t enants er vi c esbyaddi ng v i r t ual i zat i oni nt el l i gencet ec hnol ogyt ot hedat ac ent ernet wor k. 23. Which statement describes a characteristic of Cisco Catalyst 2960 switches?  Theydonots uppor tanac t i v es wi t chedv i r t uali nt er f ac e( SVI )wi t hI OSv er si onspr i ort o15. x .  Theyar ebestusedasdi st r i but i onl ay ers wi t c hes .  Theyar emodul ars wi t c hes .  New Cisco Catalyst 2960-C switches support PoE pass-through. Ci s coCat al y s t2960s wi t c hess uppor toneact i v eswi t c hedvi r t uali nt er f ace( SVI )wi t hI OSv er si onspr i ort o 15. x .Theyar ecommonl yus edasacc es sl ay ers wi t chesandt heyar efix edconfigur at i onswi t ches . 24. Refer to the exhibit. Which command was issued on a Cisco switch that resulted in the exhibited output?

s howmac addr es st abl e s howvl anbr i ef s howvl ans ummar y  show port-security address Thes howpor t sec ur i t yaddr es sc ommanddi s pl ay sal lsec ur eMACaddr es sesconfigur edonal ls wi t c h i nt er f aces .Thes howmacaddr ess t abl ecommanddi s pl ay sal lMACaddr ess est hatt heswi t chhas l ear ned,howt hos eaddr es seswer el ear ned( dy nami c/ st at i c) ,t hepor tnumber ,andt heVLANassi gnedt o t hepor t .Theshowvl anbr i efcommanddi s pl ay st heav ai l abl eVLANsandt hepor t sas si gnedt oeac h VLAN.Thes howvl ansummar yc ommanddi spl ay st hecountofal l configur edVLANs.

25. What is a characteristic of in-band device management? I tusesat er mi nalemul at i oncl i ent . I ti susedf ori ni t i alc onfigur at i onorwhenanet wor kconnect i oni sunav ai l abl e. I tusesadi r ectc onnect i ont oac onsol eorAUXpor t .  It is used to monitor and make configuration changes to a network device over a network connection. I nbanddevi c emanagementi sus edt omoni t orandmak econfigur at i onc hangest oanet wor kdev i ceov er anet wor kconnect i on.Configur at i onusi ngi nbandmanagementr equi r esatl eas tonenet wor ki nt er f ace ont hedevi c et obeconnect edandt obeoper at i onal ,andi tr equi r est heus eofTel net ,SSH,orHTTPt o acces st hedevi c e. 26. Which two requirements must always be met to use in-band management to configure a network device? (Choose two.)  adi r ectc onnec t i ont ot hecons ol epor t  adi r ectc onnec t i ont ot heauxi l i ar ypor t  at er mi nalemul at i onc l i ent  at least one network interface that is connected and operational  Telnet, SSH, or HTTP access to the device Di r ectconnec t i onst ot hec onsol eandauxi l i ar ypor t sal l owf orout of bandmanagement .T er mi nal emul at i ons of t war ei snotal waysr equi r edbecaus ei nbandmanagementcanbeper f or medusi nga br ows er . 27. When a Cisco IOS device is being selected or upgraded, which option indicates the capabilities of the Cisco IOS device? r el eas enumber  pl at f or m v er si onnumber  feature set Thev er s i onnumberandr el easenumberr ef ert ot heov er al ldevi ceoper at i ngs yst em.Thepl at f or mr ef er s t ot hes pec i fi cmodelofadevi ce.Thef eat ur es etdet er mi neswhatapar t i c ul ardev i cei sc apabl eof . 28. Immediately after a router completes its boot sequence, the network administrator wants to check the routers configuration. From privileged EXEC mode, which of the following commands can the administrator use for this purpose? (Choose two.) s howflas h s howNVRAM  show startup-config  show running-config s howver s i on Thes hows t ar t upc onfigc ommandc anbeusedt odi s pl ayt heCi s codev i cec onfigur at i onst or edi n NVRAM.Theshowr unni ngconfi gcommandcanbeus edt odi s pl ayt hecur r ent l yact i v ec onfigur at i ont hat i ss t or edi nRAM.Theshowfl as hcommanddi s pl ay st hefil es( notfi l econt ent )s t or edi nt heflas hmemor y . 29. Question as presented: Mat cht hepur poset ot her el at edc onfigur at i oni t em.( Notal lopt i onsar eus ed. )

Ans wer s : *i dent i fic at i on–>hostname *sec ur i t y–>passwords *connect i vi t y–>assignment of IP address to interface *acces sr emot enet wor k s–>routing protocols 30. What is the function of PoE pass-through?  al l owsmul t i pl ephy si cals wi t c hpor t st obeaggr egat edt oget herandac tasas i ngl el ogi c all i nkt o i ncr easebandwi dt hont r unkl i nks  al l owsamul t i l ay ers wi t c ht of or war dI Ppac k et satar at ecl os et ot hatofLay er2swi t c hi ngby by passi ngt heCPU  allows switches, phones, and wireless access points to receive power over existing Ethernet cables from an upstream switch  al l owsaswi t c ht odi sabl er edundantLay er2pat hsi nt het opol ogyt opr ev entLay er2l oops...

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