CCNA 3 (v5.0.3 + v6.0) Chapter 2 Exam Answers 2020 – 100% Full PDF

Title CCNA 3 (v5.0.3 + v6.0) Chapter 2 Exam Answers 2020 – 100% Full
Author Amuel Wilson
Course Cisco Certified Network Associate
Institution Algonquin College
Pages 16
File Size 1 MB
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CCNA 3 (v5.0.3 + v6.0) Chapter 2 Exam Answers 2020...


1. A switch is participating in a VTP domain and configured as a VTP server. The switch needs to propagate VLAN 10 (used by the Manufacturing department) throughout the VTP domain, but does not have any directly connected hosts using that particular VLAN. Which configuration would satisfy this requirement? i nt er f acef a0/ 24 swi t chpor tmodeaccess swi t chpor tacces svl an10  vlan 10 name Manufacturing exit* v t pmodes er v er v t ppas s wor dManuf ac t ur i ng i nt er f aceg0/ 1 s wi t chpor tmodet r unk s wi t chpor tt r unknat i v ev l an10 Thebes tpr ac t i cet oaddaVLANt ot heVLANdat abas ewi t hnol oc alhos t st obei nt hatVLANi st o confi gur et hatVLAN( vl an10)wi t hi t sname( nameManuf act ur i ng)andus et heexi tcommandt ocompl et e t heconfigur at i on.Donotas si gnanys wi t c hi nt er f acest ot hatVLAN. 2. Which command should the network administrator implement to prevent the transfer of DTP frames between a Cisco switch and a non-Cisco switch?  S1( configi f ) #s wi t chpor tmodet r unk  S1( configi f ) #s wi t chpor tt r unkal l owedv l annone  S1( configi f ) #s wi t chpor tmodedy nami cdesi r abl e  S1( configi f ) #s wi t chpor tmodeac cess  S1(config-if)# switchport nonegotiate* Topr ev entDTPf r amesf r om bei nggener at edbyt hei nt er f aceofaCi s cos wi t c h,us et heS1( configi f ) # s wi t chpor tnonegot i at ecommand.DTPi sCi s copr opr i et ar yandnotusabl ebyot herv endor s . 3. While configuring inter-VLAN routing on a multilayer switch, a network administrator issues the no switchport command on an interface that is connected to another switch. What is the purpose of this command? t ocr eat easwi t c hedv i r t ual i nt er f ace  to create a routed port for a single network* t opr ov i deast at i ct r unkl i nk t opr ov i deanacces sl i nkt hatt agsVLANt r affic WhenaLay er2i nt er f aceonamul t i l ay erswi t c hi sconfigur edwi t ht henos wi t chpor tcommand,i tbec omes ar out edpor t .Ar out edpor ti sconfigur edwi t hanI Paddr es sf oraspec i ficsubnet . 4. What happens to switch ports after the VLAN to which they are assigned is deleted?  Thepor t sar epl acedi nt r unkmode.  Thepor t sar eass i gnedt oVLAN1,t hedef aul tVLAN.  The ports stop communicating with the attached devices.*  Thepor t sar edi s abl ed. Theaffec t edpor t smus tber ec onfigur edf oranact i v eVLAN. 5. Given the following configuration, which two statements are true? (Choose two.) switch(vlan)# vtp version 2 switch(vlan)# vtp mode server switch(vlan)# vtp domain Cisco switch(vlan)# vtp password mypassword  Thi ss wi t c hcanadv er t i sei t sVLANc onfigur at i ont oot hers wi t chesi nt heCi scodomai nonl y ,but canr ecei v eadv er t i sement sf r om ot herdomai ns.  Thi ss wi t c hmai nt ai nsaf ul l l i stofal lVLANsandc anc r eat eVLANs ,butc annotdel et eormodi f y exi st i ngVLANs .

 This switch can send and receive advertisements from only the Cisco domain.*  This switch can create, modify, and delete all VLANs within the Cisco domain.*  Thepas swor dwi l l pr ev entunaut hor i z edr out er sf r om par t i ci pat i ngi nt heCi sc odomai n. As wi t chi nVTPs er v ermodecanc r eat e,modi f y ,anddel et eVLANsaswel last r ansmi tt hati nf or mat i on( i f t heswi t c hhast hehi ghes tVTPconfi gur at i onr ev i s i onnumber )t oot hers wi t c hesi nt hesameVTPdomai n. 6. What is a characteristic of a routed port on a Layer 3 switch?  It is not assigned to a VLAN. I ti sc ommonl yus edasaWANl i nk . I ts uppor t st r unki ng. I tc annothav eanI Paddr es sas si gnedt oi t . Ar out edpor tonaLay er3swi t c hi scommonl yusedf orconnec t i ngbet weendi s t r i but i onandcor el ay er s wi t chesorbet weenaLay er3swi t c handar out er .Thi spor tdoesnotgetVLANort r unki ngc ommands as si gnedt oi t .I ns t ead,t hepor ti spr ogr ammedwi t hanI Paddr es s .Thi si sc ommonl yus edwhens t at i c r out i ngi sc onfigur edont hes wi t c horwhenar out i ngpr ot ocol i sbei ngr unbet weent heLay er3swi t c hand t her out eroranot herLay er3swi t c h. 7. Where is the vlan.dat file stored on a switch?  ont heext er nal l yat t ac hedst or agemedi aori nt er nalhar ddr i v e i nRAM i nNVRAM  in flash memory* Nor malr angeVLANconfigur at i onsar est or edwi t hi naVLANdat abas efi l e,c al l edv l an. dat ,whi chi s l oc at edi nt hefl ashmemor yoft hes wi t ch. 8. How are IP addressing designs affected by VLAN implementations?  Each VLAN must have a different network number.*  VLANsdonotuseabr oadc astaddr es s .  VLANsdonotsuppor tVLSM.  Eac hVLANmus thav eadi ffer entsubnetmas k . Eac hVLANr equi r esi t sownnet wor knumber ,br oadc as taddr ess ,andv al i dI Paddr es s esbec aus eeac h VLANi sas epar at enet wor k .I Paddr es si ngs chemesar ef r equent l ydes i gnedwi t ht heVLANnumber sas par toft hedes i gn. 9. What is a disadvantage of using multilayer switches for inter-VLAN routing?  Mul t i l ay ers wi t c heshav ehi gherl at enc yf orLay er3r out i ng.  Spanni ngt r eemustbedi sabl edi nor dert oi mpl ementr out i ngonamul t i l ay ers wi t ch.  Multilayer switches are more expensive than router-on-a-stick implementations.*  Mul t i l ay ers wi t c hesar el i mi t edt ous i ngt r unkl i nksf orLay er3r out i ng. Themai ndi s adv ant ageoft hemul t i l ay ers wi t chesi st hei rhi ghercost .Becausebot hr out i ngands wi t chi ng ar edonei nhar dwar e,mul t i l ay ers wi t c hesar ef ast ert hanr out er onast i ck.

10. Refer to the exhibit. The switch does the routing for the hosts that connect to VLAN 5. If the PC accesses a web server from the Internet, at what point will a

VLAN number be added to the frame?  poi ntE  poi ntB  poi ntD  poi ntA  poi ntC  No VLAN number is added to the frame in this design.* Thes wi t chhasanSVIconfi gur edi nVLAN5andi sr out i ngf orVLAN5.Wi t ht hi sdes i gnnot r unk i ngi s nec ess ar y .Thes wi t chpor tt owhi cht hePCat t achesi si nVLAN5,s onot r unk i ngi sneededt her e.The connec t i onbet weent hes wi t chandt her out eri sar out edpor tont heswi t c h,s oanI Paddr es scanbe as si gnedandnot r unki ngi sneeded.Theconnect i onf r om t her out ert ot heI nt er neti sas er i al WAN connec t i ont hatr equi r esnot r unk i ng. 11. Fill in the blank. I naCi scoswi t c h,t heex t endedr angeVLANi nf or mat i oni ss t or edi nt he_____________fil e. Correct Answer: running configuration Ext endedr angeVLANi nf or mat i oni sst or edi nt her unni ngconfi gur at i on,unl i k enor malr angeVLANs whi char es t or edi nt hevl an. datfi l ei nflash.Ext endedr angeVLANshav eot herdi ffer encesf r om nor mal r angeVLANsaswel l . 12. Which three actions can cause problems with a VTP implementation? (Choose three.)  using a non-trunk link to connect switches*  using lowercase on one switch and uppercase on another switch for domain names*  notusi nganyVTPpas s wor dsonanys wi t ches  confi gur i ngal l swi t c hest obei nVTPser v ermode  using non-Cisco switches*  havi ngaVTPt r ans par ents wi t c hi nbet weenaVTPs er v ers wi t chandaVTPc l i entswi t c h( al l s wi t chesi nt hes ameVTPdomai n) Bes i desdomai nname,ot heri ss uest ochec kar eVTPv er si ons ,VTPpass wor d,andr ev i s i onnumber bef or ei ns er t i ngas wi t c hi nt oanynet wor kwher eVTPi sact i v e. 13. Which two events will cause the VTP revision number on a VTP server to change? (Choose two.) c hangi ngt hes wi t cht oaVTPc l i ent

r eboot i ngt hes wi t ch c hangi ngi nt er f aceVLANdes i gnat i ons  adding VLANs*  changing the VTP domain name* Changi ngt heVTPdomai nnameal way sr es et st heVTPr ev i s i onnumbert o0.Thi si sani mpor t ants t epi n addi ngs wi t chest oanexi st i ngVTPdomai nnomat t erwhatVTPmodet heswi t c hus es . 14. On a Cisco switch, where is extended range VLAN information stored?  running configuration file*  NVRAM s t ar t upc onfigur at i onfi l e  fl ash Ext endedr angeVLANs ,1006t hr ough4094,ar enotwr i t t ent ot hev l an. datfil ebutar esav edi nt he r unni ngconfigur at i onfil e. 15. Refer to the exhibit. PC1 is unable to communicate with server 1. The network administrator issues the show interfaces trunk command to begin troubleshooting. What conclusion can be made based on the output of this command?

 Interface G0/2 is not configured as a trunk.*  Theenc apsul at i ononi nt er f ac eG0/ 1i si ncor r ect .  VLAN20hasnotbeencr eat ed.  TheDTPmodei si nc or r ec t l ysett ody nami caut ooni nt er f ac eG0/ 1. 16. Refer to the exhibit. Communication between the VLANs is not occurring. What could be the issue?

 Adupl exi ss ueexi st sbet weent hes wi t chandt her out er .

 Def aul tgat eway shav enotbeenc onfigur edf oreac hVLAN.  Thewr ongpor tont her out erhasbeenused.  The Gi1/1 switch port is not in trunking mode.* Thes ubi nt er f acescoul dnothav eanI Paddr es sunl es st heencaps ul at i onmodehadbeenc onfigur ed. Whenadupl exi ss ueexi s t s ,c ommuni cat i oncans t i l l occ ur ,buti ti satas l owert hanopt i mum r at e. 17. Which two VTP parameters must be identical on all switches in the network in order to participate in the same VTP domain? (Choose two.)  VTPt r ans par entmodeVTPs er v ermode  VTP domain password*  VTPc l i entmode  VTP domain name*  VTPr ev i si onnumber VTPupdat esar es entt oot hers wi t chesi nt hes amedomai nwi t ht hesamepas s wor d.Thec onfigur at i on r ev i si onnumberi susedt odet er mi newhet heraswi t c hk eepsi t sex i s t i ngVLANdat abas eorupdat esi t wi t ht henewi nf or mat i on. 18. What is a characteristic of VTP?  Swi t chesi nVTPt r ans par entmoder ev er tbac kt oVTPser v ermodeaf t erar eboot .  Swi t chesi nVTPser v ermodecannotbeupdat edbyswi t c hesi nVTPc l i entmode.  Switches in VTP transparent mode forward VTP advertisements.*  Swi t chesi nVTPcl i entmodest or eVLANi nf or mat i oni nNVRAM. Al ls wi t chesi nt hes ameVTPdomai nf or war dadv er t i s ement st oot hers wi t ches . 19. Under which two occasions should an administrator disable DTP while managing a local area network? (Choose two.)  onl i nkst hats houl ddynami cal l yat t emptt r unk i ng  when connecting a Cisco switch to a non-Cisco switch*  whenanei ghborswi t c hus esaDTPmodeofdy nami caut o  whenanei ghborswi t c hus esaDTPmodeofdy nami cdesi r abl e  on links that should not be trunking* Ci scobes tpr act i cer ec ommendsdi sabl i ngDTPonl i nkswher et r unk i ngi snoti nt endedandwhenaCi s co s wi t chi sconnec t edt oanonCi scoswi t c h.DTPi sr equi r edf ordy nami ct r unknegot i at i on. 20. Refer to the exhibit. A network administrator is configuring inter-VLAN routing. However, the communication between VLAN 10 and VLAN 20 fails. Based

on the output of the show vlan command, what is the cause of the problem?

 Gi 1/ 1andGi 1/ 2ar enotconfi gur edast r unkmode.  TheI Paddr es s esonGi 0/ 0andGi 0/ 1ar es wi t c hedbymi s t ak e.  TheI Paddr es s esonGi 0/ 0andGi 0/ 1ar enotont hesamenet wor k.  Gi1/1 and Gi1/2 are not assigned to their respective VLANs.* Becaus et wophy si cal i nt er f acesont her out erar econnect edt ot wophy si calpor t sonas wi t ch,t hi si sa l egac yi nt er VLANc onfigur at i on.Wi t hl egac yi nt er VLAN,t hepor t sont hes wi t cht hatar econnec t edt ot he r out erneedt obei nacces smodeandas si gnedt hei rr es pect i v eVLANs .Asshowni nt hedi s pl ay ,t hes e t wopor t sar es t i l li nVLAN1.TheI Paddr essont her out eri nt er f acecanbeconfi gur edasneeded,asl ong ast hedev i c esont hesameVLANar ei nt hes amenet wor k. 21. Open the PT Activity. Perform the tasks in the activity instructions and then answer the question. Fill in the blank. Do not use abbreviations.Which command is missing on the Layer 3 switch to restore the full connectivity between PC1 and the web server? (Note that typing no shutdown will not fix this problem.) Correct Answer: ip address Ont heLay er3swi t c h,anSVIhast obeex pl i ci t l yc r eat edf oreac hVLAN.PC1bel ongst oVLAN10,whi c h i sal r eadyc r eat edont heLay er3s wi t chandwi t hanI Paddr es sassi gned.Thewebser v erbel ongst o VLAN20.Thei nt er f ac evl an20commandwasal r eadyent er edont heLay er3s wi t c h,butwi t hnoI P addr essass i gnedt oi t .Sot hei paddr es s192. 168. 20. 1255. 255. 255. 0commandhast obeent er edi nt he i nt er f acevl an20i nt er f ac emode.Tot es tt heconnec t i v i t ybet weent hePC1andt hewebser v er ,acces s PC1,sel ec tt heDes kt opt ab,c l i ckont heWebBr owserappl i c at i onandent eront heURLbox “ www. webs er v er . com” .Amess age“ Congr at ul at i ons !You’ v egoti t ! ”wi l l bedi s pl ay ed. 22. How is traffic routed between multiple VLANs on a multilayer switch?  Tr affici sbr oadc astoutal lphy si cali nt er f aces .  Traffic is routed via internal VLAN interfaces.*  Tr affici sr out edvi asubi nt er f aces .  Tr affici sr out edvi aphy s i cali nt er f aces . Mul t i l ay ers wi t c hescanper f or mi nt er VLANr out i ngbyt heus eofi nt er nal VLANi nt er f ac es .Ex t er nal phys i cali nt er f acesc anr ec ei v et r afficbutar enotnec ess ar yf orr out i ngf unc t i ons .Whenr out i ngbet ween

VLANs ,anybr oadc as tt r affict hati sr ec ei v edonaVLANwoul dr emai nonpor t st hatar emember soft hat VLAN.Subi nt er f acesar enotus abl ef ori nt er VLANr out i ngonmul t i l ay ers wi t ches . 23. Refer to the exhibit. A network administrator is verifying the configuration of inter-VLAN routing. Users complain that PC2 cannot communicate with PC1. Based on the output, what is the possible cause of the problem?

 Thecommandi nt er f aceGi gabi t Et her net 0/ 0. 5wasent er edi ncor r ect l y .  Thenoshut downc ommandi snotent er edons ubi nt er f aces .  Ther ei snoI Paddr es sconfigur edont hei nt er f aceGi 0/ 0.  The encapsulation dot1Q 5 command contains the wrong VLAN.*  Gi 0/ 0i snotc onfigur edasat r unkpor t . I nr out er onas t i c k,t hes ubi nt er f acec onfigur at i ons houl dmat c ht heVLANnumberi nt heenc aps ul at i on command,i nt hi sc ase,t hecommandencaps ul at i ondot 1Q 10shoul dbeusedf orVLAN10.Si nc e s ubi nt er f acesar eus ed,t her ei snoneedt oc onfigur eI Pont hephy si cali nt er f ac eGi 0/ 0.Thet r unkmodei s confi gur edont heswi t c hpor tt hatconnect st ot her out er .Thes ubi nt er f acesar et ur nedonwhent heyar e added. 24. Refer to the exhibit. A router-on-a-stick configuration was implemented for VLANs 15, 30, and 45, according to the show running-config command output. PCs on VLAN 45 that are using the /24 network are having trouble

connecting to PCs on VLAN 30 in the /24 network. Which error is most

likely causing this problem?  There is an incorrect IP address configured on GigabitEthernet 0/0.30.*  TheGi gabi t Et her net0/ 0i nt er f ac ei smi ssi nganI Paddr es s .  Thewr ongVLANhasbeenc onfigur edonGi gabi t Et her net0/ 0. 45.  Thecommandnoshut downi smi ssi ngonGi gabi t Et her net0/ 0. 30. hesubi nt er f ac eGi gabi t Et her net0/ 0. 30hasanI Paddr es st hatdoesnotc or r es pondt ot heVLAN addr ess i ngsc heme.Thephy si c ali nt er f aceGi gabi t Et her net0/ 0doesnotneedanI Paddr es sf ort he s ubi nt er f acest of unct i on.Subi nt er f acesdonotr equi r et henoshut downc ommand. 25. Refer to the exhibit. After attempting to enter the configuration that is shown in router RTA, an administrator receives an error and users on VLAN 20 report that they are unable to reach users on VLAN 30. What is causing the problem?

 RTA is using the same subnet for VLAN 20 and VLAN 30.*  Ther ei snoaddr essonFa0/ 0t ous easadef aul tgat eway .  Thenoshut downc ommandshoul dhav ebeeni s suedonFa0/ 0. 20andFa0/ 0. 30.  Dot 1qdoesnotsuppor ts ubi nt er f aces . TheI P192. 168. 2. 49/ 27and192. 168. 3. 62/ 27bel ongt ot hes ames ubnetof192. 168. 3. 32/ 27.Val i dhost I Pv 4addr es sesi nc l ude192. 168. 3. 33t o192. 168. 3. 62. 26. Which command displays the encapsulation type, the voice VLAN ID, and the access mode VLAN for the Fa0/1 interface?

s howi nt er f acest r unk s howmacaddr ess t abl ei nt er f aceFa0/ 1 s howv l anbr i ef  show interfaces Fa0/1 switchport* Thes howi nt er f acesswi t c hpor tcommanddi s pl ay st hef ol l owi ngi nf or mat i onf oragi v enpor t : Swi t chpor t Admi ni st r at i v eMode Oper at i onal Mode Admi ni st r at i v eTr unki ngEnc apsul at i on Oper at i onal Tr unk i ngEnc aps ul at i on Negot i at i onofTr unki ng Acces sModeVLAN Tr unki ngNat i v eModeVLAN Admi ni st r at i v eNat i v eVLANt aggi ng Voi ceVLAN 27. Question as presented: Match the DTP mode with its function. (Not all options are used.)

Thedy nami caut omodemak est hei nt er f ac ebec omeat r unki nt er f acei ft henei ghbor i ngi nt er f acei ss ett o t r unkordes i r abl emode.Thedynami cdesi r abl emodemak est hei nt er f aceact i v el yat t emptt oconv er tt he l i nkt oat r unkl i nk.Thet r unkmodeput st hei nt er f acei nt oper manentt r unki ngmodeandnegot i at est o conv er tt henei ghbor i ngl i nki nt oat r unkl i nk.Thenonegot i at emodepr ev ent st hei nt er f acef r om gener at i ngDTPf r ames . Older version 28. Which two network design features require Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) to ensure correct network operation? (Choose two.) s t at i cdef aul tr out es i mpl ement i ngVLANst ocont ai nbr oadcas t s  redundant links between Layer 2 switches* l i nk st at edynami cr out i ngt hatpr ov i desr edundantr out es  removing single points of failure with multiple Layer 2 switches* 29. What is a characteristic of a Layer 2 loop?  Broadcast frames are forwarded back to the sending switch.*

 TheTi met oLi v eat t r i but eofaf r amei ssett oi nfini t y .  Rout er sc ont i nual l yf or war dpack et st oot herr out er s.  As wi t chi sc ont i nual l yf or war di ngt hes ameuni c as tf r ame. 30. What is the outcome of a Layer 2 broadcast storm?  Rout er swi l lt ak eov ert hef or war di ngoff r amesass wi t chesbec omeconges t ed.  New traffic is discarded by the switch because it is unable to be processed.*  CSMA/ CDwi l lcaus eeac hhos tt ocont i nuet r ansmi t t i ngf r ames .  ARPbr oadc astr eques t sar er et ur nedt ot het r ans mi t t i nghost . 31. What additional information is contained in the 12-bit extended system ID of a BPDU?  MACaddr es s  VLAN ID* I Paddr es s  por tI D 32. Which three components are combined to form a bridge ID?  por tI D I Paddr es s  extended system ID*  MAC address *  bridge priority*  cos t 33. Which STP priority configuration would ensure that a switch would always be the root switch?  spanning-tree vlan 10 priority 0* s panni ngt r eevl an10pr i or i t y61440 s panni ngt r eevl an10r ootpr i mar y s panni ngt r eevl an10pr i or i t y4096 34. Which protocol provides up to 16 instances of RSTP, combines many VLANs with the same physical and logical topology into a common RSTP instance, and provides support for PortFast, BPDU guard, BPDU filter, root guard, and loop guard?  STP  Rapi dPVST+  PVST+  MST* 35. Which two types of spanning tree protocols can cause suboptimal traffic flows because they assume only one spanning-tree instance for the entire bridged network? (Choose two.)  STP*  Rapi dPVST+  PVST+  MSTP  RSTP* 36. What is an advantage of PVST+?  PVST+r equi r esf ewerCPUc y cl esf oral l t hes wi t chesi nt henet wor k .  PVST+r educ esbandwi dt hconsumpt i oncompar edt ot r adi t i onal i mpl ement at i onsofSTPt hatus e CST .  PVST+opt i mi z esper f or manceont henet wor kt hr oughaut os el ect i onoft her ootbr i dge.  PVST+ optimizes performance on the network through load sharing.* 37. In which two port states does a switch learn MAC addresses and process BPDUs in a PVST network? (Choose two.)  bl oc ki ng  di s abl ed  forwarding *

 learning* l i s t eni ng 38. If no bridge priority is configured in PVST, which criteria is considered when electing the root bridge? l owes tI Paddr ess  lowest MAC address*  hi ghestI Paddr ess  hi ghestMACaddr es s 39. Which RSTP ports are connected to end devices? t r unkpor t s  des i gnat edpor t s r ootpor t s  edge ports* 40. A network administrator is preparing the implementation of Rapid PVST+ on a production network. How are the Rapid PVS...

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