CCNA 3 (v5.0.3 + v6.0) Chapter 8 Exam Answers 2020 – 100% Full PDF

Title CCNA 3 (v5.0.3 + v6.0) Chapter 8 Exam Answers 2020 – 100% Full
Author Amuel Wilson
Course Cisco Certified Network Associate
Institution Algonquin College
Pages 16
File Size 1.1 MB
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CCNA 3 (v5.0.3 + v6.0) Chapter 8 Exam Answers 2020...


1. By default, what is the OSPF cost for any link with a bandwidth of 100 Mb/s or greater?  100  100000000  1*  10000 OSPFus est hef or mul a:Cos t=100, 000, 000/bandwi dt h.Bec aus eOSPFwi l lonl yus ei nt eger sascost , anybandwi dt hof100Mb/ sorgr eat erwi l l al lequalacos tof1. 2. Which command will verify that a router that is running OSPFv3 has formed an adjacency with other routers in its OSPF area? s howi pv6i nt er f ac ebr i ef  show ipv6 ospf neighbor* s howi pv6r out eos pf s howr unni ngc onfigur at i on Theshowi pv6ospfnei ghborcommandwi l lver i f ynei ghboradj acenc i esf orOSPFv3r out er s .Theot her opt i onsdonotpr ovi denei ghbori nf or mat i on. 3. Which OSPF component is identical in all routers in an OSPF area after convergence?  adj acenc ydat abas e  link-state database*  SPFt r ee r out i ngt abl e EachOSPFr out erv i ewst henet wor kdi ffer ent l yast her ootofauni queSPFt r ee.Eachr out erbui l ds adj acenci esbasedoni t sownpos i t i oni nt het opol ogy .Eachr out i ngt abl ei nt hear eai sdevel oped i ndi vi dual l yt hr ought heappl i cat i onoft heSPFal gor i t hm.Thel i nk st at edat abasef oranar ea,however , mus tr eflectt hes amei nf or mat i onf oral lr out er s . 4. Which OPSF packet contains the different types of link-state advertisements?  DBD  LSR  hel l o  LSAc k  LSU* Li nkst at eupdat e( LSU)pac ket sc ont ai ndi ffer entt ypesofl i nkst at eadv er t i s ement s( LSAs) .TheLSUsar e us edt or epl yt ol i nk st at er equest s( LSRs )andt oannounc enewi nf or mat i on. 5. Which three addresses could be used as the destination address for OSPFv3 messages? (Choose three.)  FF02: : AFF02: : 1: 2  2001: db8: c af e: : 1  FE80::1*  FF02::6*  FF02::5* OSPFv 6messagescanbesentt oei t hert heOSPFr out ermul t i castFF02: : 5,t heOSPFDR/ BDRmul t i c as t FF02: : 6,ort hel i nk l ocal addr ess. 6. Fill in the blank. OSPFus es_______asamet r i c . Correct Answer: cost* TheOSPFmet r i ci sc ost .Thel owestcos tpat ht oar emot edest i nat i oni st hepr ef er r edpat handi s i ns t al l edi nt her out i ngt abl e. 7. What are the two purposes of an OSPF router ID? (Choose two.) t oenabl et heSPFal gor i t hm t odet er mi net hel owes tcostpat ht or emot enet wor ks t of aci l i t at et hees t abl i s hmentofnet wor kconv er gence

 to uniquely identify the router within the OSPF domain*  to facilitate router participation in the election of the designated router* t of aci l i t at et het r ans i t i onoft heOSPFnei ghbors t at et oFul l OSPFr out erI Ddoesnotcont r i but et oSPFal gor i t hm cal cul at i ons,nordoesi tf aci l i t at et het r ans i t i onoft he OSPFnei ghbors t at et oFul l .Al t hought her out erI Di scont ai nedwi t hi nOSPFmes sageswhenr out er adj acenci esar ebei nges t abl i s hed,i thasnobear i ngont heact ualc onv er gencepr ocess . 8. A network administrator enters the command ipv6 router ospf 64 in global configuration mode. What is the result of this command?  Ther out erwi l l beas si gnedanaut onomoussy st em numberof64.  Ther out erwi l l beas si gnedar out erI Dof64.  Ther ef er enc ebandwi dt hwi l l bes ett o64Mb/ s .  The OSPFv3 process will be assigned an ID of 64.* Thebasi cc ommandt oi mpl ementOSPFv3onar out erus est hesamepr oc es s i dpar amet erasOSPFv 2 t oass i gnal ocal l y si gni fic antnumbert ot heOSPFpr oces s.OSPFdoesnotus eaut onomouss y st em number s .Fol l owi ngt heass i gnmentoft hepr oces sI D,apr omptwi l ldi r ectt heusert omanual l yass i gna r out erI D.Af t ert her out erI Di sassi gned,t her ef er encebandwi dt hcanbeset . 9. What happens immediately after two OSPF routers have exchanged hello packets and have formed a neighbor adjacency?  Theyex changeDBDpack et si nor dert oadv er t i separ amet er ss uc hashel l oanddeadi nt er v al s.  Theyr eques tmor ei nf or mat i onaboutt hei rdat abases .  They exchange abbreviated lists of their LSDBs.*  Theynegot i at et heel ect i onpr ocessi ft heyar eonamul t i ac ces snet wor k. Dur i ngt heex c hangeofhel l opack et s ,OSPFr out er snegot i at et heel ect i onpr oces sands ett heOSPF par amet er s .DBDpack et sar eex changedaf t ert hats t ephasbeencompl et ed.DBDpack et sc ont ai n abbr ev i at edl i s t sofl i nk s t at ei nf or mat i on.Af t ert hati nf or mat i onhasbeene x c hanged,OSPFr out er s ex c hangeTy pe3LSRpack et st or equestf ur t heri nf or mat i on. 10. Open the PT Activity. Perform the tasks in the activity instructions and then complete the task. What message is displayed on  Completion!*  Suc cess !  Conv er ged!  Fi ni s hed! Thecor r ectconfigur at i ononR1i s : r out erospf10 net wor k192. 168. 2. 00. 0. 0. 255ar ea0 net wor k10. 0. 10. 00. 0. 0. 3ar ea0 Thecor r ectconfigur at i ononR2i s : r out erospf10 net wor k10. 0. 10. 00. 0. 0. 3ar ea0 net wor k10. 0. 10. 40. 0. 0. 3ar ea0 net wor k172. 16. 5. 00. 0. 0. 255ar ea0 11. What are two reasons that will prevent two routers from forming an OSPFv2 adjacency? (Choose two.)  ami s mat chedCi scoI OSv er si ont hati sused  oner out erconnec t i ngt oaFast Et her netpor tont hes wi t chandt heot herconnec t i ngt oa Gi gabi t Et her netpor t  us eofpr i v at eI Paddr essesont hel i nki nt er f aces  mismatched OSPF Hello or Dead timers*  mismatched subnet masks on the link interfaces* Ther emaybes ev er al r eas onswhyt wor out er sr unni ngOSPFwi l lf ai lt of or m anOSPFadj ac enc y , i nc l udi ngt hese:

Thesubnetmask sdonotmat c h,c aus i ngt her out er st obeons epar at enet wor ks. OSPFHel l oorDeadTi mer sdonotmat c h. OSPFnet wor kt ypesdonotmat ch. Ther ei sami s s i ngori ncor r ectOSPFnet wor kc ommand. Mi smat c hedI OSv er si ons ,t heuseofpr i v at eI Paddr es ses,anddi ffer entt y pesofi nt er f acepor t susedon as wi t char enotcaus esf oranOSPFadj ac encyf ai l i ngt of or m bet weent wor out er s . 12. What does a Cisco router use automatically to create link-local addresses on serial interfaces when OSPFv3 is implemented? t heMACaddr essoft hes er i ali nt er f ac e,t heFE80: : / 10pr efix,andt heEUI 64pr ocess  an Ethernet interface MAC address available on the router, the FE80::/10 prefix, and the EUI-64 process* t heFE80: : / 10pr efi xandt heEUI 48pr ocess t hehi ghes tMACaddr essav ai l abl eont her out er ,t heFE80: : / 10pr efix ,andt heEUI 48pr ocess Si nces er i ali nt er f acesdonothav eMACaddr es ses,OSPFv 3aut omat i c al l yassi gnsal i nk l oc aladdr esst o t hem der i v edf r om t hefir stav ai l abl eMACaddr essf r om t hepoolofEt her neti nt er f aceaddr ess esont he r out er .AFE80: : / 10pr efixi sadded.Ther out ert henappl i est heEUI 64pr oces st ot heMACaddr es sby i ns er t i ngFFFEi nt ot hemi ddl eoft hee xi st i ng48bi taddr es sandfli ppi ngt hes event hbi t . 13. Single area OSPFv3 has been enabled on a router via the ipv6 router ospf 20 command. Which command will enable this OSPFv3 process on an interface of that router? i pv 6os pf20ar ea20 i pv 6os pf0ar ea0 i pv 6os pf0ar ea20  ipv6 ospf 20 area 0* Thecommandt oenabl eanOSPFv3pr oc es sonar out eri nt er f acei si pv 6os pfpr oces si dar eaar eai d.I n t hecas et hepr oces sI Di s20andt hear eaI Di s0. 14. Fill in the blank.Theel ec t i onofaDRandaBDRt akespl aceon_________net wor ks ,s uc has Et her netnet wor ks . Correct Answer: multiaccess* Ther ei snoneedt ohav eaDR/ BDRel ec t i ononapoi nt t opoi ntl i nk. 15. Which command will provide information specific to OSPFv3 routes in the routing table? s howi pr out eospf s howi pv 6r out e  show ipv6 route ospf* s howi pr out e Theshowi pv6r out eos pfc ommandgi v ess pec i fici nf or mat i ont hati sr el at edt oOSPFv3r out esi nt he r out i ngt abl e.Thes howi pv 6r out ec ommandwi l l s howt heent i r er out i ngt abl e.Thes howi pr out eand s howi pr out eos pfcommandsar eusedwi t hOSPFv2. 16. Which command should be used to check the OSPF process ID, the router ID, networks the router is advertising, the neighbors the router is receiving updates from, and the default administrative distance? s howi pospfnei ghbor s howi pospf  show ip protocols* s howi pospfi nt er f ac e Theshowi pospfnei ghborcommandi susedt ov er i f yt hatt her out erhasf or medanadj acenc ywi t hi t s nei ghbor i ngr out er s.Thes howi pos pfcommanddi spl ayst heOSPFpr oc essI Dandr out erI D,t heOSPF ar eai nf or mat i on,aswel l ast hel as tt i met heSPFal gor i t hm wasc al cul at ed.Thes howi pospfi nt er f ace c ommandpr ovi desdet ai l edi nf or mat i onaboutev er yOSPFenabl edi nt er f ace.

17. What is the metric that is used by OSPF?  cost*  di s t ance  hopc ount  del ay OSPFus esc ostasamet r i c .OSPFcal cul at esc os ti nv er sel yt ot hebandwi dt hofani nt er f ac e.Thehi gher t hei nt er f ac ebandwi dt h,t hel owert hecostoft hei nt er f ac e. 18. What function is performed by the OSPF designated router? s ummar i z i ngr out esbet weenar eas  dissemination of LSAs*  mai nt ai ni ngt hel i nk s t at edat abas e r edi s t r i but i onofext er nalr out esi nt oOSPF OSPFdes i gnat edr out er sar eel ect edonmul t i acc essnet wor kst odi ss emi nat eL SAst oot herOSPF r out er s .Byhavi ngas i ngl er out erdi ssemi nat eLSAs ,t heex changi ngofLSAsi smor eeffici ent . 19. What is used to create the OSPF neighbor table?  adjacency database* l i nk s t at edat abas e f or war di ngdat abase r out i ngt abl e 20. When a network engineer is configuring OSPFv3 on a router, which command would the engineer issue immediately before configuring the router ID? c l eari pv6os pfpr ocess i nt er f aces er i al0/ 0/ 1  ipv6 router ospf 10* i pv 6os pf10ar ea0 TheOSPFv3r out erI Di sconfigur edi nt heI Pv 6r out erconfigur at i onmode.Thec l eari pv6ospfpr ocess pr i vi l egedEXECcommandf or c esOSPFont her out ert or enegot i at enei ghboradj ac enci es.Thei nt er f ace s er i al 0/ 0/ 1commandc ausest her out ert oent eri nt er f aceconfigur at i onmodewher eOSPFv 3i senabl ed byi s s ui ngt hei pv6os pfpr ocess i dar eaar eai dcommand. 21. What will an OSPF router prefer to use first as a router ID? t hehi ghes tact i v ei nt er f ac et hatpar t i ci pat esi nt her out i ngpr ocessbec auseofas pec i fical l y c onfi gur ednet wor ks t at ement t hehi ghes tact i v ei nt er f ac eI Pt hati sc onfi gur edont her out er  any IP address that is configured using the router-id command*  al oopbacki nt er f ac et hati sconfigur edwi t ht hehi ghes tI Paddr es sont her out er Thefir stpr ef er encef oranOSPFr out erI Di sanex pl i ci t l yc onfigur ed32bi taddr ess .Thi saddr es si snot i nc l udedi nt her out i ngt abl eandi snotdefinedbyt henet wor kc ommand.I far out erI Dt hati sc onfigur ed t hr ought her out er i dc ommandi snotav ai l abl e,OSPFr out er snex tuset hehi ghestI Paddr essav ai l abl e onal oopbacki nt er f ac e,asl oopback susedasr out erI Dsar eal sonotr out abl eaddr es ses.Lacki ngei t her oft heseal t er nat i v es,anOSPFr out erwi l lus et hehi ghestI Paddr essf r om i t sact i v ephy si cali nt er f aces . 22. Match the OSPF state with the order in which it occurs. (Not all options are used.)

Theact i v eandpas si v es t at esar eusedbyEI GRP. 23. Match each OSPF packet type to how it is used by a router. (Not all options are used.)

24. By order of precedence, match the selection of router ID for an OSPF-enabled router to the possible router ID options. (Not all options are used.)

Ci s cor out er sdet er mi net heOSPFr out erI Dbas edont hepr ef er ent i alor derofconfigur edr out erI D,I Pv 4 addr es sesofl oopbacki nt er f aces ,andI Pv 4addr essesofac t i v ephys i cali nt er f ac es . 25. Match the information to the command that is used to obtain the information. (Not all options are used.)

Older Version 26. Refer to the exhibit. All networks are active in the same EIGRP routing domain. When the auto-summary command is issued on R3, which two summary networks will be advertised to the neighbors? (Choose two.)

 192. 168. 1. 0/ 30  192. 168. 10. 0/ 30 *  172. 16. 3. 0/ 24 * 27. Refer to the exhibit. Router R3 is receiving multiple routes through the EIGRP routing protocol. Which statement is true about the implementation of

summarization in this network?

 Aut omat i cs ummar i z at i onhasbeenenabl edonl yf ort he172. 21. 100. 0/ 24net wor k.  Automatic summarization is disabled on R3.*  Aut omat i cs ummar i z at i oni senabl edonnei ghbor i ngr out er s.  Aut omat i cs ummar i z at i oni sdi sabl edonaper i nt er f acebas i s . 28. Refer to the exhibit. Which statement is supported by the output?

 Ast at i cdef aul tr out ehasbeenmanual l yconfigur edont hi sr out er .  Summar i z at i onofr out eshasbeenmanual l yc onfigur ed.  A default route is being learned through an external process.*  Ther out et o192. 168. 1. 1r epr esent st hec onfigur at i onofal oopbacki nt er f ace . 29. Which three statements are advantages of using automatic summarization? (Choose three.) I tmax i mi z est henumberofr out esi nt her out i ngt abl e. I ti nc r easest hes i z eofr out i ngupdat es .  It reduces the frequency of routing updates. *  It ensures that traffic for multiple subnets uses one path through the internetwork.* I ti mpr ovesr eachabi l i t yi ndi scont i guousnet wor ks .  It decreases the number of entries in the routing table.*

30. Refer to the exhibit. Which two routes will be advertised to the router ISP if autosummarization is disabled? (Choose two.)

 10. 1. 0. 0/ 16 *  10. 1. 4. 0/ 24  10. 1. 4. 0/ 28 * 31. Which address best summarizes the IPv6 addresses 2001:DB8:ACAD::/48, 2001:DB8:9001::/48, and 2001:DB8:8752::/49?  2001:DB8:8000::/34*  2001: DB8: 8000: : / 36  2001: DB8: 8000: : / 47  2001: DB8: 8000: : / 48 32. What is a characteristic of manual route summarization? r equi r eshi ghbandwi dt hut i l i z at i onf ort her out i ngupdat es  reduces total number of routes in routing tables* c annoti nc l udesuper netr out es  hast obec onfigur edgl obal l yont her out er

33. Refer to the exhibit. Which statement accurately reflects the configuration of routing on the HQ router?

 A static default route was configured on this router.*  Ast at i cdef aul tr out ewasl ear nedv i aEI GRPr out i ngupdat es .  Thest at i cdef aul tr out es houl dber edi st r i but edusi ngt hedef aul t i nf or mat i onor i gi nat ecommand.  TheI Paddr essassi gnedt ot heGi gabi t Et her net 0/ 0i nt er f ac ei s172. 16. 2. 0255. 255. 255. 0. 34. Refer to the exhibit. A network administrator has attempted to implement a default route from R1 to the ISP and propagate the default route to EIGRP neighbors. Remote connectivity from the EIGRP neighbor routers to the ISP connected to R1 is failing. Based on the output from the exhibit, what is the most likely cause of the problem?

 Thecommanddef aul t i nf or mat i onor i gi nat ehasnotbeeni s s uedonR1.  Ther ear enoEI GRPnei ghborr el at i ons hi psonR1.  Thei pr out ecommandmus ts peci f yanext hopI Paddr es si nst eadofanexi ti nt er f acewhen c r eat i ngadef aul tr out e.  The command redistribute static has not been issued on R1.*  Thenet wor ks t at ementf ort heI SPc onnec t i onhasnotbeeni ssued. 35. In which IOS CLI mode must a network administrator issue the maximumpaths command to configure load balancing in EIGRP?

 gl obalconfigur at i onmode i nt er f aceconfigur at i onmode  pr i vi l egedmode  router configuration mode* 36. Two routers, R1 and R2, share a 64 kb/s link. An administrator wants to limit the bandwidth used by EIGRP between these two routers to 48 kb/s. Which command is used on both routers to configure the new bandwidth setting? i pbandwi dt hper c entei gr p10048 i pbandwi dt hper c entei gr p6448 i pbandwi dt hper c entei gr p10064  ip bandwidth-percent eigrp 100 75* i pbandwi dt hper c entei gr p75100 37. Refer to the exhibit. A network administrator has issued the shown commands. The EIGRP routing domain has completely converged and a network administrator is planning on configuring EIGRP authentication throughout the complete network. On which two interfaces should EIGRP authentication be configured between R2 and R3? (Choose two.)

s er i al 0/ 0/ 1ofR2  serial 0/1/0 of R2*  gi g0/ 0ofR3  serial 0/0/1 of R3* s er i al 0/ 1/ 0ofR4 38. Refer to the exhibit. A network administrator has configured EIGRP authentication between routers R1 and R2. After the routing tables are reviewed, it is noted that neither router is receiving EIGRP updates. What is a possible cause for this failure?  Thesamek eyc hai nnamemustbeusedoneac hr out er .  Thesamenumberofk eys t r i ngsmus tbeus edoneac hr out er .  Thek eyst r i ngs houl dbeusedi ni nt er f acemodei ns t eadoft hek eyc hai n.  The same autonomous system numbers must be used in the interface configurations of each router.*  Theaut hent i c at i onconfigur at i oni scor r ect ,i ss uet heshowi pei gr pnei ghbor sc ommandt o t r oubl eshoott hei s sue.

39. Two routers, R1 and R2, have established an EIGRP neighbor relationship, but there is still a connectivity problem. Which issue could be causing this problem?  anaut hent i cat i onmi smat c h  an access list that is blocking advertisements from other networks*  aut omat i cs ummar i z at i ont hati sdi sabl edonbot hr out er s  apr oc essI Dmi s mat ch 40. Refer to the exhibit. Remote users are experiencing connectivity problems when attempting to reach hosts in the /24 network. Using the output in the exhibit, what is the most likely cause of the connectivity problem?

 Thepassi v ei nt er f acec ommandi spr ev ent i ngnei ghborr el at i onshi psoni nt er f ac eGi gabi t Et her net 0/ 0.  Thehel l ot i merhasbeenmodi fi edoni nt er f aceGi gabi t Et her net0/ 1ofR3andnotont henei ghbor , c aus i nganei ghboradj acencynott of or m.  The GigabitEthernet 0/1 interface is not participating in the EIGRP process.*  TheGi gabi t Et her neti nt er f acesar enotl i mi t i ngt heflowofEI GRPmess agei nf or mat i onandar e bei ngfl oodedwi t hEI GRPt r affic . 41. Refer to the exhibit. After the configuration shown is applied on router R1, the exhibited status message is displayed. Router R1 is unable to form a neighbor relationship with R2 on the serial 0/1/0 interface. What is the most likely cause of

this problem?

 Thepassi v ei nt er f acec ommands houl dhav ebeeni s suedons er i al0/ 1/ 0.  Thehel l oi nt er v alhasbeenal t er edons er i al0/ 1/ 0andi spr ev ent i nganei ghborr el at i ons hi pf r om f or mi ng.  Thenet wor ks t at ementus edf orEI GRP55doesnotenabl eEI GRPoni nt er f ac es er i al0/ 1/ 0.  The IPv4 address configured on the neighbor that is connected to R1 serial 0/1/0 is incorrect.*  Thenet wor k st hatar econfigur edonser i al0/ 0/ 0ands er i al0/ 1/ 0ofr out erR1ar eov er l appi ng. 42. Refer to the exhibit. Routers R1 and R2 are directly connected via their serial interfaces and are both running the EIGRP routing protocol. R1 and R2 can ping the directly connected serial interface of their neighbor, but they cannot form an EIGRP neighbor adjacency. What action should be taken to solve this problem?

 Enabl et hes er i ali nt er f acesofbot hr out er s .

 Configur eEI GRPt osendper i odi cupdat es .  Configur et hes amehel l oi nt er val bet weent her out er s.  Configure both routers with the same EIGRP process ID.* 43. Fill in the blank. Do not use abbreviations. esanEI GRPr out ert os t ops endi nghel l opack et st hr oughan Thepassive-interface commandcaus i nt er f ace. 44. What is the purpose of a Null0 route in the routing table? t or edi s t r i but ee xt er nalr out esi nt oEI GRP  to prevent routing loops* t oactasagat ewayofl as tr es or t t opr ev entt her out erf r om s endi ngEI GRPpac ket s 45. Which administrative distance is used to advertise routes learned from other protocols that are redistributed into EIGRP?  170*  90  115 5 46. Refer to the exhibit. Which two conclusions can be drawn from the exhibited configuration? (Choose two.)

 Theconfigur at i ons up...

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