CCNA 3 (v5.0.3 + v6.0) Chapter 5 Exam Answers 2020 – 100% Full PDF

Title CCNA 3 (v5.0.3 + v6.0) Chapter 5 Exam Answers 2020 – 100% Full
Author Amuel Wilson
Course Cisco Certified Network Associate
Institution Algonquin College
Pages 16
File Size 1 MB
File Type PDF
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CCNA 3 (v5.0.3 + v6.0) Chapter 5 Exam Answers 2020...


1. Which routing protocol is designed to use areas to scale large hierarchical networks?  RI P  OSPF*  EI GRP  BGP OSPFwor ksbestf oral ar gehi er ar c hi cal net wor k ,becauseOSPFsuppor t samul t i ar eades i gn,whi ch pr ov i desamuc hbet t ersc al i ngcapabi l i t ycompar edwi t hEI GRP 2. Which routing protocol uses link-state information to build a map of the topology for computing the best path to each destination network?  RI P  RI Png  OSPF*  EI GRP OSPFi sal i nk s t at er out i ngpr ot ocolandass uchi tusesal i nk st at edat abaset ocons t r uc tat opol ogymap oft henet wor kt ocal cul at et hebestpat ht odest i nat i onnet wor k s.RI P,RI Png,andEI GRPar edi st ance v ec t orr out i ngpr ot ocol s . 3. After a network topology change occurs, which distance vector routing protocol can send an update message directly to a single neighboring router without unnecessarily notifying other routers? I SI S  RI Pv 1  RI Pv 2  EIGRP*  OSPF RI Pv 2andEI GRPsuppor tupdat i ngnei ghbor i ngr out er svi at heuseofmul t i c ast i ng.EI GRPi st heonl y di s t ancev ec t orpr ot ocol t hatcansuppor tupdat i ngas peci ficnei ghborbyusi nguni c as t .OSPFandI SI S ar el i nkst at epr ot oc ol s. 4. Which dynamic routing protocol was developed as an exterior gateway protocol to interconnect different Internet providers?  EI GRP  RI P  OSPF  BGP * BGPi sapr ot ocoldev el opedt oi nt er connectdi ffer entl ev el sofI SPsaswel l asI SPsandsomeoft hei r l ar gerpr i vat ecl i ent s . 5. A network administrator is researching routing protocols for implementation in a critical network infrastructure. Which protocol uses the DUAL algorithm to provide almost instantaneous convergence during a route failover?  RI P  BGP  OSPF  EIGRP* EI GRPi scommonl yt hef as t estI GPt oconver gebecaus ei tmai nt ai nsal t er nat er out es .Aswi t chovert oan al t er nat er out ei si mmedi at eanddoesnoti nv ol vei nt er act i onwi t hot herr out er s . 6. Which routing protocol sends a routing update to neighboring routers every 30 seconds?  RIP*  BGP  OSPF  EI GRP

Regar dl essoft opol ogyc hanges,RI Psendsaper i odi cupdat et oal lnei ghbor i ngr out er sev er y30 s ec onds. 7. Which statement is an incorrect description of the OSPF protocol?  Mul t i ar eaOSPFhel psr educet hesi z eoft hel i nk st at edat abase.  When compared with distance vector routing protocols, OSPF utilizes less memory and less CPU processing power.*  OSPFbui l dsat opol ogi calmapoft henet wor k.  OSPFhasf as tconver gence. Li nk st at epr ot oc ol sr equi r emor ememor yt ocr eat eandmai nt ai nt hel i nk st at edat abase. 8. What happens when two link-state routers stop receiving hello packets from neighbors?  Theycr eat eadef aul tr out et ot headj acentr out er .  Theycont i nuet ooper at easnor malandar eabl et oex c hangepac k et s.  They consider the neighbor to be unreachable and the adjacency is broken.*  Theywi l l floodt hei rdat abas et abl est oeachot her . Hel l opack et ss er v eak eepal i v ef unc t i ont omoni t ort hest at eofanadj acentr out er . 9. What are two features of the OSPF routing protocol? (Choose two.)  hasanadmi ni st r at i v edi st anceof100us edpr i mar i l yasanEGP  uses Dijkstra’s algorithm to build the SPF tree*  aut omat i cal l ys ummar i z esnet wor k satt hecl as sf ul boundar i es  calculates its metric using bandwidth* Char ac t er i s t i csofOSPFi ncl udet hef ol l owi ng: I nt er i orgat ewaypr ot ocol Li nk st at e Cl ass l ess Costmet r i cbasedonbandwi dt h Di j k st r aal gor i t hm Bui l dst opol ogi c almap Ev ent dr i venupdat es Hi er ar chi cal desi gn Requi r esaddi t i onalmemor y ,CPUpr ocessi ng,andmor ei ni t i albandwi dt ht hanot herpr ot ocol s 10. What is maintained within an EIGRP topology table? t hehopcountt oal lnet wor ks  all routes received from neighbors* t hear eaI Dofal lnei ghbor s t hest at eofal ll i nk sont henet wor k TheEI GRPt opol ogyt abl emai nt ai nsal lt her out esr ec ei v edf r om nei ghbor s ,notj us tt hebestpat hs .DUAL c anuseback upr out esf r om t het opol ogyt abl et opr ovi dei nst ant aneousr out ef ai l ov eri nt heEI GRP r out i ngt abl e. 11. What is the difference between interior and exterior routing protocols? I nt er i orr out i ngpr ot oc ol sar eus edt or out eont heI nt er net .Ext er i orr out i ngpr ot oc ol sar eused i nsi deor gani zat i ons .  Ex t er i orr out i ngpr ot ocol sar eus edonl ybyl ar geI SPs .I nt er i orr out i ngpr ot ocol sar eusedbys mal l I SPs .  Ex t er i orr out i ngpr ot ocol sar eus edt oadmi ni st erasi ngl eaut onomoussy st em.I nt er i orr out i ng pr ot ocol sar eus edt oadmi ni st ersev er al domai ns .  Interior routing protocols are used to communicate within a single autonomous system. Exterior routing protocols are used to communicate between multiple autonomous systems.*

I nt er i orgat ewaypr ot ocol s( I GPs)ar eusedf orr out i ngwi t hi nanor gani zat i onhavi ngac ommon admi ni st r at i onoraut onomouss ys t em ( AS) .Ex t er i orgat ewaypr ot ocol s( EGPs)ar eus edbys er vi ce pr ov i der sandsomet i mesbyl ar gec ompani es. 12. An OSPF enabled router is processing learned routes to select best paths to reach a destination network. What is the OSPF algorithm evaluating as the metric?  Theamountoft r afficandpr obabi l i t yoff ai l ur eofl i nks.  Theamountofpac ketdel i v er yt i meands l owestbandwi dt h.  Thenumberofhopsal ongt her out i ngpat h.  The cumulative bandwidth that is used along the routing path.* TheOSPFr out i ngpr ot oc ol usest hec umul at i vebandwi dt hast hemet r i cf orr out ecomput at i ons. 13. Refer to the exhibit. A network administrator has configured RIPv2 in the given topology. Which path would a packet take to get from the LAN that is connected to R1 to the LAN that is connected to R7?

 R1–R3–R4–R5–R6–R7  R1–R4–R5–R6–R7  R1–R2–R6–R7*  R1–R3–R2–R6–R7 RI Put i l i zeshopcountt oc al cul at et hebes tpat hf r om s our cet odes t i nat i on. 14. Which two components of an LSP enable an OSPF router to determine if the LSP that is received contains newer information than what is in the current OSPF router link-state database? (Choose two.)  hel l osquer y  aging information*  sequence numbers*  acknowl edgement s I nf or mat i ons uchassequenc enumber sandagi ngi nf or mat i oni si ncl udedi nanLSPt ohel pmanaget he fl oodi ngpr ocess .Thi si nf or mat i onc anassi star out eri ndet er mi ni ngi fi thasal r eadyr ec ei vedt heLSP f r om anot herr out erori ft heLSPhasneweri nf or mat i ont hanwhati sal r eadycont ai nedi nt hel i nk s t at e dat abas e. 15. What are two purposes of dynamic routing protocols? (Choose two.)  discover remote networks*  pr ov i denet wor ksecur i t y r educenet wor kt r affic  pr ov i deadef aul tr out et onet wor khost s  select best path to destination networks*

Thepur poseofdy nami cr out i ngpr ot ocol si nc l udet hef ol l owi ng: Di scov err emot enet wor k s Mai nt ai nupt odat er out i ngi nf or mat i on Chooset hebes tpat ht oadest i nat i onnet wor k Fi ndanewbestpat hi ft hecur r entpat hi snotavai l abl e 16. What is the first step taken by a newly configured OSPF router in the process of reaching a state of convergence? I tfl oodsLSPpack et st onei ghbor i ngr out er s. I tbui l dst het opol ogi cal dat abase.  It learns about directly connected links in an active state.* I te xc hangeshel l omes sageswi t hanei ghbor i ngr out er . Bef or eOSPFcanf or m anei ghboradj ac enc yands t ar tt heHel l opr ot ocol ,i tdet ect swhi c hi nt er f acesar ei n anupandact i ves t at e. 17. Refer to the exhibit. OSPF is used in the network. Which path will be chosen by OSPF to send data packets from Net A to Net B?

 R1,R2,R5,R7  R1,R4,R6,R7  R1, R3, R5, R7*  R1,R3,R5,R6,R7  R1,R3,R6,R7 OSPFus est hes hor t estpat hfir stal gor i t hm t os el ec tt hebestpat ht of or war dpacket s.Eachpat hi s l abel edwi t haval uef orc ostandt hi sal gor i t hm acc umul at esc ost sal ongeachpat h,f r om sour cet o des t i nat i on.Thepat hchos enf r om NetAt oNetBi sR1R3R5R7,t hati sequalt o5+7+14+2=28,t he s hor t es tcos t . 18. In the context of routing protocols, what is a definition for time to convergence?  ameas ur eofpr ot ocolconfi gur at i oncompl ex i t y t heamountoft i meanet wor kadmi ni s t r at orneedst oconfigur ear out i ngpr ot ocol i nasmal l -t o medi ums i z ednet wor k  the amount of time for the routing tables to achieve a consistent state after a topology change* t hecapabi l i t yt ot r anspor tdat a,vi deo,andvoi c eov ert hesamemedi a

Ti met oconver gencedefineshowqui ckl yt her out er si nt henet wor kt opol ogyshar er out i ngi nf or mat i on andr eachast at eofcons i s t entk nowl edge. 19. Which two requirements are necessary before a router configured with a linkstate routing protocol can build and send its link-state packets? (Choose two.)  Ther out erhascons t r uct edanSPFt r ee.  The router has determined the costs associated with its active links.*  The router has established its adjacencies.*  Ther out erhasbui l ti t sl i nk st at edat abas e.  Ther out i ngt abl ehasbeenr ef r eshed. Onc ear out erhases t abl i shedi t sadj acenci es,i tc anbui l di t sl i nk s t at epac ket s( LSPs )t hatcont ai nt he l i nk s t at ei nf or mat i on,i ncl udi ngt hel i nkcos t .Ar out ercanonl ybui l dal i nk st at eaf t eri thasr ec ei v edl i nk s t at epacket sf r om adj acentr out er s.I tt henc ons t r uct si t sSPFt r eef r om t hel eastc os tr out est or emot e net wor kswhi char eusedt opopul at ei t sr out i ngt abl e. 20. Which two routing protocols are classified as distance vector routing protocols? (Choose two.)  EIGRP*  RIP*  BGP  OSPF I SI S RI PandEI GRPar ecl as si fiedasdi s t ancevect orr out i ngpr ot oc ol s ,OSPFandI SI Sar ecl assi fiedasl i nk s t at e,andBGPi sc l ass i fiedasapat hvect orr out i ngpr ot ocol . 21. Which two events will trigger the sending of a link-state packet by a link-state routing protocol? (Choose two.) t her out erupdat et i merexpi r i ng t her equi r ementt oper i odi cal l yfloodl i nk s t at epac k et st oal lnei ghbor s  a change in the topology*  the initial startup of the routing protocol process*  al i nkt oanei ghborr out erhasbec omecongest ed AnLSP( l i nk st at epack et )i sonl ysentdur i ngi ni t i alst ar t upoft her out i ngpr ot oc olpr ocessonar out er ;and whenevert her ei sac hangei nt het opol ogy ,i nc l udi ngal i nkgoi ngdownorcomi ngup,oranei ghbor adj acencybei ngest abl i shedorbr ok en.Dat at r afficc ongest i ondoesnotdi r ect l yi nfluenc er out i ngpr ot ocol behavi or .LSPsar enotfloodedper i odi cal l y ,andupdat et i mer sar enotr el ev antt oLSPs. 22. Which feature provides secure routing updates between RIPv2 neighbors? k eepal i v emes sages  routing protocol authentication*  adj acencyt abl e  uni c astupdat es TheRI Pv2r out i ngpr ot ocolsuppor t sr out i ngpr ot oc ol aut hent i cat i ont os ecur er out i ngt abl eupdat es bet weennei ghbor s . 23. Which two protocols are link-state routing protocols? (Choose two.)  OSPF*  EI GRP  RI P  IS-IS*  BGP I GP OSPFandI SI Sar el i nk st at epr ot ocol s .EI GRPandRI Par edi st ancevect orpr ot ocol s . 24. What is a disadvantage of deploying OSPF in a large single area routing environment?

 OSPFus esat opol ogydat abaseofal t er nat er out es .  OSPF uses excessive LSP flooding.*  OSPFus esamet r i cofbandwi dt handdel ay .  OSPFus esmul t i c as tupdat es. Li nk st at epr ot oc ol shav et hef ol l owi ngdi sadv ant ages : Memor yRequi r ement s–Cr eat i ngandmai nt ai ni ngt hel i nk s t at edat abas eandSPFt r ee. Pr oces si ngRequi r ement s–TheSPFal gor i t hm r equi r esmor eCPUt i met handi s t anc evect oral gor i t hms bec ausel i nk s t at epr ot oc ol sbui l dacompl et emapoft het opol ogy . Bandwi dt hRequi r ement s–Li nk s t at epack etfloodi ngc anadver sel yaffec tt heav ai l abl ebandwi dt hona net wor k. 25. Match the features of link-state routing protocols to their advantages and disadvantages. (Not all options are used.)

Li nk st at er out i ngpr ot ocol shav et hei radv ant agesanddi sadv ant agea.Theadvant agesar et hateac h r out erbui l dsat opol ogi calmap;t her ei sf as tconv er gence;andt heLSPsar esentonl ywhent her ei sa c hangei nt opol ogy .Thedi s advant agesar et her equi r ement sofr out erandbandwi dt hr esour c esbec aus e oft hec ompl exi t yoft hel i nk st at er out i ngpr ot ocol s . 26. Which two pieces of information are used by the OSPF MD5 algorithm to generate a signature? (Choose two.)  secret key*

 OSPF message*  OSPFr out erI D r out erhos t name i nt er f aceI Paddr ess Older Version 27. A network administrator has just changed the router ID on a router that is working in an OSPFv2 environment. What should the administrator do to reset the adjacencies and use the new router ID?  Configur et henet wor kst at ement s.  Changet hei nt er f ac epr i or i t y .  Issue the clear ip ospf process privileged mode command.*  Changet heOSPFv 2pr ocessI D. 28. Refer to the exhibit. What three conclusions can be drawn from the displayed output? (Choose three.)

 The DR can be reached through the GigabitEthernet 0/0 interface.*  Thi si nt er f ac ei susi ngt hedef aul tpr i or i t y .  TheBDRhast hr eenei ghbor s.  Ther out erI Dont heDRr out eri s3. 3. 3. 3  The router ID values were not the criteria used to select the DR and the BDR.*  There have been 9 seconds since the last hello packet sent.* 29. When checking a routing table, a network technician notices the following entry: O*E2 [110/1] via, 00:20:22, Serial0/0/0 What information can be gathered from this output?  This route is a propagated default route.*  Ther out ei sl ocat edt wohopsaway .  Themet r i cf ort hi sr out ei s110.  Theedgeoft heOSPFar ea0i st hei nt er f acet hati saddr ess ed192. 168. 16. 3. 30. Which command will a network engineer issue to verify the configured hello and dead timer intervals on a point-to-point WAN link between two routers that are running OSPFv2? s howi pospfnei ghbor  show ip ospf interface serial 0/0/0* s howi pv6ospfi nt er f ac eser i al 0/ 0/ 0 s howi pospfi nt er f ac ef ast et her net0/ 1 31. A network engineer has manually configured the hello interval to 15 seconds on an interface of a router that is running OSPFv2. By default, how will the dead interval on the interface be affected?

 Thedeadi nt er valwi l lnowbe15s econds.  Thedeadi nt er valwi l lnowbe30s econds.  The dead interval will now be 60 seconds.*  Thedeadi nt er valwi l lnotchangef r om t hedef aul tv al ue. 32. A network engineer suspects that OSPFv3 routers are not forming neighbor adjacencies because there are interface timer mismatches. Which two commands can be issued on the interface of each OSFPv3 router to resolve all timer mismatches? (Choose two.)  no ipv6 ospf hello-interval *  no ipv6 ospf dead-interval* i pospfhel l oi nt er v al10 i pospfdeadi nt er v al 40  noi pv 6os pfc os t10  noi pv 6r out eros pf10 33. Refer to the exhibit. A network administrator has configured the OSPF timers to the values that are shown in the graphic. What is the result of having those manually configured timers?

 The R1 dead timer expires between hello packets from R2.*  R1aut omat i c al l yadj ust si t sownt i mer st omat cht heR2t i mer s.  Thehel l ot i meronR2expi r esever yt enseconds .  Thenei ghboradj acenc yhasf or med. 34. Why do OSPF serial interfaces usually require manual bandwidth configuration?  OSPF uses the bandwidth value to compute routes for its routing table.*  Eachs i deofanOSPFser i al l i nks houl dbec onfigur edwi t hauni quev al ue.  Al lser i ali nt er f acesdef aul tt oav al ueof1. 544Mb/ s .  Bandwi dt hval ueaffec t st heact ual speedoft hel i nk. 35. Refer to the exhibit. R1 and R2 are connected to the same LAN segment and are configured to run OSPFv3. They are not forming a neighbor adjacency. What is the cause of the problem?

 TheI Pv 6addr essesofR1andR2ar enoti nt hes amesubnet .  TheOSPFv3pr oc essI DsofR1andR2ar edi ffer ent .

 The timer intervals of R1 and R2 do not match.*  Thepr i or i t yval ueofbot hR1andR2i s1. 36. Refer to the exhibit. What kind of OSPF authentication has been configured on this interface?

s i mpl e  nul l  pl ai nt ext  MD5* 37. Why is MD5 authentication more secure than simple authentication for OSPF updates?  MD5 does not send the password to the neighbor router.*  MD5r equi r espass wor dst hatar eatl east8c har act er sl ong.  MD5usesbot hauser nameandapasswor dt oaut hent i cat et henei ghbor .  MD5empl oy sI Psect ok eept heupdat esf r om bei ngi nt er c ept ed. 38. A network engineer is troubleshooting convergence and adjacency issues in an OSPFv2 network and has noted that some expected network route entries are not displayed in the routing table. Which two commands will provide additional information about the state of router adjacencies, timer intervals, and the area ID? (Choose two.) s howi ppr ot oc ol s  show ip ospf interface* s howi pr out eos pf  show ip ospf neighbor* s howr unni ngc onfi gur at i on Explanation: Theshowi pospfi nt er f acecommandwi l ldi spl a yr out i ngt abl ei nf or mat i ont hati sal r eady k nown.Thes howr unni ngconfigur at i onands howi ppr ot ocol scommandswi l ldi spl ayas pect soft he OSPFconfigur at i onont her out erbutwi l lnotdi s pl ayadj acenc yst at edet ai l sort i meri nt er v aldet ai l s . 39. A network engineer is troubleshooting convergence and adjacency issues in an OSPFv2 network and has noted that some expected network route entries are not displayed in the routing table. Which two commands will provide additional information about the state of router adjacencies, timer intervals, and the area ID? (Choose two.)

s howi ppr ot oc ol s  show ip ospf interface* s howi pr out eos pf  show ip ospf neighbor* s howr unni ngc onfi gur at i on Explanation: Theshowi pospfi nt er f acecommandwi l ldi spl a yr out i ngt abl ei nf or mat i ont hati sal r eady k nown.Thes howr unni ngconfigur at i onands howi ppr ot ocol scommandswi l ldi spl ayas pect soft he OSPFconfigur at i onont her out erbutwi l lnotdi s pl ayadj acenc yst at edet ai l sort i meri nt er v aldet ai l s . 40. When OSPFv2 neighbors are establishing adjacencies, in which state do they elect a DR and BDR router?  Ex changes t at e I ni tst at e  Two-Way state*  Loadi ngst at e 41. A network engineer is troubleshooting an OSPFv2 network and discovers that two routers connected by a point-to-point WAN serial link are not establishing an adjacency. The OSPF routing process, network commands and area ID are all confirmed as correct, and the interfaces are not passive. Testing shows that the cabling is correct, that the link is up, and pings between the interfaces are successful. What is most likely the problem?  The subnet masks on the two connected serial interfaces do not match.*  Acl ockr at ehasnotbeens etont heDCEi nt er f aceoft heser i all i nk .  TheOSPFv2pr oc essI Dsoneachr out erdonotmat ch.  ADRel ect i onhasnott ak enpl ace. 42. A network engineer is troubleshooting OSPFv2 routing issues on two connected routers. Which two requirements to form an adjacency need to be verified? (Choose two.)  Ver i f yt hatoneoft hei nt er f ac est hatconnect st het wor out er si sact i v eandt heot herpassi v e.  Ver i f yt hatoneoft her out er si st heDRorBDRandt heot herr out eraDRot her .  Verify that the interfaces that connect the two routers are in the same subnet. *  Verify that the interfaces that connect the two routers are in the same area.*  Ver i f yt hatbot hr out er sar eusi ngt hes ameOSPFv2pr oc essI D. 43. Which command is used to verify that OSPF is enabled and also provides a list of the networks that are being advertised by the network?  show ip protocols* s howi pospfi nt er f ac e s howi pi nt er f ac ebr i ef s howi pr out eos pf Explanation: Thecommands howi pos pfi nt er f acev er i fiest heact i veOSPFi nt er f aces.Thecommand s howi pi nt er f acebr i efi sus edt oc heckt hatt hei nt er f ac esar ...

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