CCNA 3 Pretest Exam Answers 2020 (v5.0.3 + v6.0) – Full 100% PDF

Title CCNA 3 Pretest Exam Answers 2020 (v5.0.3 + v6.0) – Full 100%
Author Amuel Wilson
Course Cisco Certified Network Associate
Institution Algonquin College
Pages 25
File Size 1.6 MB
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CCNA 3 Pretest Exam Answers 2020 (v5.0.3 + v6.0)...


1. What route would have the lowest administrative distance?  a directly connected network  ar out er ecei v edt hr ought heEI GRPr out i ngpr ot oc ol  as t at i cr out e  ar out er ecei v edt hr ought heOSPFr out i ngpr ot ocol 2. Refer to the exhibit. What command would be used to configure a static route on R1 so that traffic from both LANs can reach the 2001:db8:1:4::/64 remote

network?  ipv6 route 2001:db8:1:4::/64 2001:db8:1:3::2 i pv 6r out e2001: db8: 1: : / 652001: db8: 1: 3: : 1 i pv 6r out e2001: db8: 1: 4: : / 642001: db8: 1: 3: : 1 i pv 6r out e: : / 0ser i al 0/ 0/ 0 3. What is a characteristic of the distribution layer in the three layer hierarchical model?  di s t r i but esac cesst oendus er s  ac t sast heback bonef ort henet wor k,aggr egat i nganddi s t r i but i ngnet wor kt r affict hr oughoutt he c ampus r epr esent st henet wor kedge  provides access to the rest of the network through switching, routing, and network access policies Oneoft hef unct i onsoft hedi st r i but i onl ayeri saggr egat i ngl ar gescal ewi r i ngcl os etnet wor ks.Pr ovi di ng ac cesst oendus er si saf unct i onoft heac cessl ayer ,whi c hi st henet wor kedge.Act i ngasaback bonei s af unc t i onoft hecor el ayer . 4. Which three statements are generally considered to be best practices in the placement of ACLs? (Choose three.)  Pl aceext endedACLscl oset ot hedes t i nat i onI Paddr essoft het r affic.  Place extended ACLs close to the source IP address of the traffic.  Place standard ACLs close to the destination IP address of the traffic.  Forever yi nboundACLpl acedonani nt er f ace,t her eshoul dbeamat c hi ngout boundACL.  Filter unwanted traffic before it travels onto a low-bandwidth link.  Pl acest andar dACLsc l oset ot hes our ceI Paddr es soft het r affic . Ext endedACLsshoul dbepl acedascl oseasposs i bl et ot hes our ceI Paddr es s,sot hatt r affict hatneeds t obefil t er eddoesnotcr os st henet wor kandusenet wor kr es our ces.Becausest andar dACLsdonot s pec i f yades t i nat i onaddr ess ,t heys houl dbepl acedascl os et ot hedes t i nat i onaspos si bl e.Pl aci nga s t andar dACLc l oset ot hesour c emayhavet heeffec toffil t er i ngal l t r affic ,andl i mi t i ngser vi cest oot her host s.Fi l t er i ngunwant edt r afficbef or ei tent er sl owbandwi dt hl i nk spr eser vesbandwi dt handsuppor t s net wor kf unct i onal i t y .Deci si onsonpl ac i ngACLsi nboundorout boundar edependentont her equi r ement s t obemet .

5. Refer to the exhibit. How is a frame sent from PCA forwarded to PCC if the MAC address table on switch SW1 is empty?

 SW1floodst hef r ameonal l por t sont hes wi t ch,exc l udi ngt hei nt er connect edpor tt oswi t c hSW2 andt hepor tt hr oughwhi cht hef r ameent er edt heswi t c h.  SW1f or war dst hef r amedi r ect l yt oSW2.  SW2floodst hef r amet oal l por t sconnect edt oSW2,ex cl udi ngt hepor tt hr oughwhi c ht hef r ame ent er edt heswi t ch.  SW1dr opst hef r amebecausei tdoesnotknowt hedest i nat i onMACaddr ess .  SW1 floods the frame on all ports on SW1, excluding the port through which the frame entered the switch. Whenaswi t c hpower son,t heMACaddr es st abl ei sempt y .Theswi t chbui l dst heMACaddr esst abl eby exami ni ngt hesour c eMACaddr essofi ncomi ngf r ames.Thes wi t chf or war dsbas edont hedes t i nat i on MACaddr es sf oundi nt hef r ameheader .I fas wi t chhasnoent r i esi nt heMACaddr es st abl eori ft he dest i nat i onMACaddr essi snoti nt heswi t cht abl e,t heswi t c hwi l l f or war dt hef r ameoutal l por t sexc ept t hepor tt hatbr oughtt hef r amei nt ot hes wi t ch. 6. Which address prefix range is reserved for IPv4 multicast?  169. 254. 0. 0–169. 254. 255. 255  127. 0. 0. 0–127. 255. 255. 255  240. 0. 0. 0–254. 255. 255. 255  – Mul t i cas tI Pv4addr ess esuset her eser vedcl assDaddr es sr angeof224. 0. 0. 0t o239. 255. 255. 255. 7. Which statement describes a difference between the operation of inbound and outbound ACLs?  Inbound ACLs are processed before the packets are routed while outbound ACLs are processed after the routing is completed.  Onanet wor ki nt er f ace,mor et hanonei nboundACLc anbeconfigur edbutonl yoneout bound ACLcanbeconfigur ed. I nboundACLscanbeusedi nbot hr out er sandswi t c hesbutout boundACLscanbeusedonl yon r out er s. I ncont r astt oout boundALCs,i nboundACLscanbeusedt ofil t erpack et swi t hmul t i pl ec r i t er i a. 8. What are three primary benefits of using VLANs? (Choose three.)  nor equi r edconfigur at i on  security  ar educt i oni nt henumberoft r unkl i nks  cost reduction  improved IT staff efficiency  endus ersat i sf act i on Secur i t y ,costr educt i on,andi mpr ovedI Tst affeffici encyar eal l benefit sofusi ngVLANs ,al ongwi t hhi gher per f or mance,br oadcas ts t or m mi t i gat i on,andsi mpl erpr oj ec tandappl i c at i onmanagement .Enduser sar e

notus ual l yawar eofVLANs,andVLANsdor equi r ec onfigur at i on.Becaus eVLANsar eass i gnedt o ac cesspor t s,t heydonotr educet henumberoft r unkl i nks . 9. What routing table entry has a next hop address associated with a destination network?  di r ect l yconnect edr out es l oc al r out es  CandLs our cer out es  remote routes Rout i ngt abl eent r i esf orr emot er out eswi l l hav eanexthopI Paddr ess .ThenexthopI Paddr es si st he addr essoft her out eri nt er f aceoft henextdev i cet obeus edt or eacht hedest i nat i onnet wor k .Di r ect l yc onnect edandl ocal r out eshav enonexthop,becauset heydonotr equi r egoi ngt hr oughanot herr out ert o ber eached. 10. Which type of inter-VLAN communication design requires the configuration of multiple subinterfaces? l egacyi nt er VLANr out i ng r out i ngvi aamul t i l ayers wi t ch r out i ngf ort hemanagementVLAN  router on a stick Ther out er onas t i c kdes i gnal waysi nc l udess ubi nt er f ac esonar out er .Whenamul t i l ayers wi t chi sused, mul t i pl eSVI sar ecr eat ed.Whent henumberofVLANsequal st henumberofpor t sonar out er ,orwhen t hemanagementVLANneedst ober out ed,anyoft hei nt er VLANdes i gnmet hodscanbeused. 11. Which two devices allow hosts on different VLANs to communicate with each other? (Choose two.) r epeat er hub  Layer 3 switch  Lay er2s wi t c h  router Member sofdi ffer entVLANsar eonsepar at enet wor ks .Fordevi cesonsepar at enet wor kst obeabl et o c ommuni cat e,aLayer3devi ce,s uchasar out erorLayer3s wi t ch,i snec essar y . 12. Which two statements correctly describe a router memory type and its contents? (Choose two.)  ROM i snonvol at i l eandst or est her unni ngI OS.  FLASHi snonvol at i l eandcont ai nsal i mi t edpor t i onoft heI OS.  RAM is volatile and stores the IP routing table.  NVRAM i snonvol at i l eands t or esaf ul l ver s i onoft heI OS.  ROM is nonvolatile and contains basic diagnostic software. ROM i sanonvol at i l ememor yands t or esboot upi ns t r uct i ons,bas i cdi agnost i cs of t war e,andal i mi t ed I OS.Fl ashi sanonvol at i l ememor yus edasper manentst or agef ort heI OSandot hersy s t emr el at edfil es . RAM i sv ol at i l ememor yandst or est heI Pr out i ngt abl e,I Pv4t oMACaddr essmappi ngsi nt heARP c ache,pack et st hatar ebuffer edort empor ar i l yst or ed,t her unni ngconfigur at i on,andt hecur r ent l yr unni ng I OS.NVRAM i sanonvol at i l ememor yt hatst or est hest ar t upc onfi gur at i onfil e.

13. Refer to the exhibit. In what switch mode should port G0/1 be assigned if Cisco best practices are being used?

 aut o  trunk  nat i ve  ac cess Ther out eri sus edt or out ebet weent het woVLANs ,t husswi t chpor tG0/ 1needst obeconfigur edi nt r unk mode. 14. Why does a Layer 3 device perform the ANDing process on a destination IP address and subnet mask?  to identify the network address of the destination network t oi dent i f yt hebr oadcastaddr es soft hedes t i nat i onnet wor k t oi dent i f yt hehos taddr essoft hedest i nat i onhost t oi dent i f yf aul t yf r ames 15. Which range of link-local addresses can be assigned to an IPv6-enabled interface?  FE80::/10  FEC0: : / 10  FF00: : / 8  FDEE: : / 7 16. What are three parts of an IPv6 global unicast address? (Choose three.)  a subnet ID that is used to identify networks inside of the local enterprise site  an interface ID that is used to identify the local host on the network  a global routing prefix that is used to identify the network portion of the address that has been provided by an ISP  ani nt er f aceI Dt hati susedt oi dent i f yt hel ocal net wor kf orapar t i c ul arhos t  agl obal r out i ngpr efi xt hati susedt oi dent i f yt hepor t i onoft henet wor kaddr esspr ov i dedbya l oc al admi ni st r at or 17. An IPv6 enabled device sends a data packet with the destination address of FF02::2. What is the target of this packet?  al l I Pv 6enabl eddev i cesont hel ocal l i nk  al l I Pv 6DHCPser v er s  all IPv6 configured routers on the local link  al l I Pv 6enabl eddev i cesacr osst henet wor k FF02: : 2i dent i fiesal l I Pv 6r out er st hatex i stont hel i nkornet wor k .FF02: : 1i st het ar getf oral l I Pv 6 enabl eddevi cesont hel i nkornet wor k.

18. A router is configured to participate in multiple routing protocol: RIP, EIGRP, and OSPF. The router must send a packet to network Which route will be used to forward the traffic?  a route that is learned via RIP  a192. 168. 14. 0/ 25r out et hati sl ear nedv i aRI P  a192. 168. 14. 0/ 25r out et hati sl ear nedv i aOSPF  a192. 168. 14. 0/ 24r out et hati sl ear nedv i aEI GRP 19. Which subnet would include the address as a usable host address?  192. 168. 1. 64/ 29  192. 168. 1. 32/ 28  192. 168. 1. 32/ 27  Fort hesubnetof192. 168. 1. 64/ 26,t her ear e6bi t sf orhostaddr es ses,yi el di ng64pos si bl eaddr es ses . Howev er ,t hefir standl as tsubnet sar et henet wor kandbr oadcastaddr essesf ort hi ss ubnet .Ther ef or e, t her angeofhos taddr ess esf ort hi ssubneti s192. 168. 1. 65t o192. 168. 1. 126.Theot hers ubnet sdonot c ont ai nt headdr ess192. 168. 1. 96asav al i dhos taddr ess . 20. What does the IP address represent?  mul t i cas taddr ess  broadcast address  uni c as taddr es s s ubnet wor kaddr ess Abr oadcastaddr es si st hel as taddr es sofanygi v ennet wor k.Thi saddr es scannotbeassi gnedt oahost , andi ti sus edt oc ommuni cat ewi t hal l hos t sont hatnet wor k. 21. Refer to the exhibit. A network administrator is implementing the stateless DHCPv6 operation for the company. Clients are configuring IPv6 addresses as expected. However, the clients are not getting the DNS server address and the domain name information configured in the DHCP pool. What could be the cause of the problem?

 TheGi gabi t Et her neti nt er f acei snotact i vat ed.  TheDNSser veraddr essi snotont hesamenet wor kast hecl i ent sar eon.  The router is configured for SLAAC operation.

 Thecl i ent scannotcommuni c at ewi t ht heDHCPv 6ser v er ,evi dencedbyt henumberofac t i v e c l i ent sbei ng0. Ther out eri sconfigur edf orSLAACoper at i onbecauset her ei snoc onfi gur at i oncommandt oc hanget he RAM andO flagv al ue.Bydef aul t ,bot hM andO flagsar es ett o0.I nor dert oper mi nts t at el essDHCPv6 oper at i on,t hei nt er f acecommandi pv6ndot her configflags houl dbei s sued.TheGi gabi t Et her net i nt er f ac ei si nwor ki ngcondi t i onbec ausecl i ent scangetRAmess agesandc onfi gur et hei rI Pv6 addr ess esasex pect ed.Al s o,t hef actt hatR1i st heDHCPv 6s er verandc l i ent sar eget t i ngRAmes sages i ndi cat est hatc l i ent sc anc ommuni cat ewi t ht heDHCPser v er .Thenumberofact i vecl i ent si s0bec aus e t heDHCPv6ser v erdoesnotmai nt ai nt hest at eofcl i ent sI Pv6addr esses( i ti snotconfigur edf orst at ef ul DHCPv 6oper at i on) .TheDNSser veraddr es si ss uei snotr el evantt ot hepr obl em. 22. An organization is assigned an IPv6 address block of 2001:db8:0:ca00::/56. How many subnets can be created without using bits in the interface ID space?  4096  256  512  1024 Subnet t i nga/ 56pr efixt oa/ 64pr efi xi nv ol v esi nc r easi ngt henet wor kpr efixby8bi t s .8bi t swi l lcr eat e256 s ubnet s.Thel as t64bi t soft headdr es si sr es er v edf ort hei nt er f ac eI D. 23. What is the term that is used for the area of a network that is affected when a device or network service experiences problems?  failure domain  us erdomai n  br oadcas tdomai n c ol l i si ondomai n 24. As the network administrator you have been asked to implement EtherChannel on the corporate network. What does this configuration consist of?  gr oupi ngt wodevi cest os har eavi r t ual I Paddr es s  pr ov i di ngr edundantl i nkst hatdynami c al l ybl ockorf or war dt r affic  pr ov i di ngr edundantdev i cest oal l owt r affict ofl owi nt heev entofdevi cef ai l ur e  grouping multiple physical ports to increase bandwidth between two switches Et her Channel i sut i l i z edonanet wor kt oi ncr eas es peedcapabi l i t i esbygr oupi ngmul t i pl ephys i cal por t s i nt ooneormor el ogi cal Et her Channel l i nksbet weent wos wi t ches.STPi susedt opr ov i der edundantl i nks t hatdy nami c al l ybl oc korf or war dt r afficbet weens wi t ches.FHRPsar eusedt ogr oupphys i cal devi cest o pr ov i det r afficflowi nt heeventoff ai l ur e. 25. Which characteristic would most influence a network design engineer to select a multilayer switch over a Layer 2 switch?  abi l i t yt oaggr egat emul t i pl epor t sf ormaxi mum dat at hr oughput  abi l i t yt ohavemul t i pl ef or war di ngpat hst hr ought heswi t chednet wor kbas edonVLANnumber ( s)  ability to build a routing table  abi l i t yt opr ov i depowert odi r ect l yat t acheddev i cesandt heswi t chi t sel f Mul t i l ay erswi t c hes ,al s oknownasLay er3s wi t ches,canr out eandbui l dar out i ngt abl e.Thi sc apabi l i t yi s r equi r edi namul t i VLANnet wor kandwoul di nfluencet henet wor kdesi gnert os el ectamul t i l ay erswi t ch. Theot heropt i onsar ef eat ur esal s oav ai l abl eonLay er2s wi t ches,sot heywoul dnoti nfluencet he deci s i ont osel ec tamul t i l ay erswi t ch. 26. A network administrator is planning to add a new switch to the network. What should the network administrator do to ensure the new switch exchanges VTP information with the other switches in the VTP domain?  Configur eal l por t sont henews wi t cht oacc essmode.  Configur et heVLANsont henews wi t ch.  Ass oci at eal l por t soft henewswi t c ht oaVLANt hati snotVLAN1.

 Configure the correct VTP domain name and password on the new switch. I nor dert oex changeVTPi nf or mat i on,t henewswi t c hmus tbeconfigur edwi t ht hesameVTPdomai n nameandpasswor dast heot herswi t c hesi nt henet wor k. 27. Refer to the exhibit. Switch SW-A is to be used as a temporary replacement for another switch in the VTP Student domain. What two pieces of information are indicated from the exhibited output? (Choose two.)

 There is a risk that the switch may cause incorrect VLAN information to be sent through the domain.  VLANconfigur at i onc hangesmadeont hi sswi t c hwi l l besentt oot herdevi c esi nt heVTPdomai n.  Theot herswi t c hesi nt hedomai ncanber unni ngei t herVTPver s i on1or2.  This switch will update its VLAN configuration when VLAN changes are made on a VTP server in the same domain.  VTPwi l l bl oc kf r amef or war di ngonatl eastoner edundantt r unkpor tt hati sc onfi gur edont hi s s wi t c h. I fas wi t chont hesameVTPdomai ni saddedt ot henet wor kandt heswi t chhasahi gherc onfi gur at i on r ev i si onnumber ,val i dVLANscanbedel et edandVLANsf r om t henews wi t chcanbesentt oot her s wi t chesi nt heVTPdomai n.Thi scanr esul ti nl ossofc onnec t i vi t yf orsomenet wor kdevi ces.Al waysput af al s edomai nnameonanewswi t chandt henc hanget heVTPdomai nnamet ot hecor r ectones ot he c onfigur at i onr evi si onnumberwi l lbeat0ont hes wi t cht obeadded. 28. Refer to the exhibit. The network administrator configures both switches as displayed. However, host C is unable to ping host D and host E is unable to ping

host F. What action should the administrator take to enable this communication?

 Ass oci at ehost sAandBwi t hVLAN10i nst eadofVLAN1.  Configure either trunk port in the dynamic desirable mode. I nc l udear out eri nt het opol ogy .  Addt heswi t chpor tnonegot i at ec ommandt ot heconfigur at i onofSW2.  Removet henat i veVLANf r om t het r unk. I fonet r unkpor ti si naut oDTPnegot i at i onmode,at r unkwi l lbef or medi ft headj acentswi t c hpor ti s pl acedi nt r unkordynami cdesi r abl emode. 29. What eliminates switching loops?  Ti met oLi ve  VTP  hol ddownt i mer s  poi s onr ev er s e  Spanning Tree Protocol Spanni ngt r eec r eat esasi ngl epat ht hr oughaswi t c hnet wor k.Thi si si mpor t antatLayer2becauset her e i snof eat ur esuchast heLay er3TTLt os t opdat af r om t r avel i ngi nfini t el yt hr ought henet wor k.Thi shel ps k eepswi t chMACaddr es st abl ess t abl ei nbr oadc astst or ms ,andwhenmul t i pl ef r amesar esent .

30. Refer to the exhibit. Which switch will be elected the root bridge and which switch will place a port in blocking mode? (Choose two.)

 SW2wi l l getapor tbl ocked.  SW4 will get a port blocked.  SW1wi l l becomet her ootbr i dge.  SW4wi l l becomet her ootbr i dge.  SW2wi l l becomet her ootbr i dge.  SW3 will become the root bridge. Thes panni ngt r eer ootbr i dgeel ect i onpr ocessdet er mi neswhi chswi t chbecomesr ootbr i dgebas edfir st ont hel owestpr i or i t ynumberandt henbyl owestMACaddr es s.Bec aus eal l oft hes wi t cheshavet he s amepr i or i t yval ue,SW3becomest her ootbr i dgebasedonl owestMACaddr ess .Todet er mi newhi ch por t sar ebl ocki ngorf or war di ng,fir s tdet er mi newhi c hpor t sbecomet her ootpor toneac hs wi t ch.Then det er mi newhi chpor tbec omest hedesi gnat edpor tf oreachl i nk. 31. Refer to the exhibit. A network administrator has configured OFPF in the topology as shown. What is the preferred path to get from the LAN network that is connected to R1 to the LAN network that is connected to R7?

 R1R2R6R7  R1-R3-R4-R5-R6-R7

 R1R4R5R6R7  R1R3R2R6R7 OSPFus esbandwi dt ht ocal c ul at et hebes tpat hf r om sour cet odes t i nat i on.Thepat hwi t ht hel owestcost f r om sour cet odest i nat i oni sel ect edast hebes tpat h. 32. Which statement describes the autonomous system number used in EIGRP configuration on a Cisco router? I tcar r i est hegeogr aphi cal i nf or mat i onoft heor gani z at i on. I ti sagl obal l yuni queaut onomoussy st em numbert hati sass i gnedbyI ANA.  It functions as a process ID in the operation of the router. I ti dent i fiest heI SPt hatpr ov i dest heconnect i ont onet wor koft heor gani z at i on. Theaut onomouss ys t em numberusedi nt heEI GRPconfigur at i oni snotas soci at edwi t ht heI nt er net Ass i gnedNumber sAut hor i t y( I ANA)gl obal l yas si gnedaut onomoussy st em number st hatar eusedby ext er nal r out i ngpr ot ocol s.I tj ustf unct i onsasapr oc essI D,whi chi snec essar ybecaus ear out ermayr un mul t i pl ei ns t ancesofEI GRP.Eachi ns t anc eofEI GRPcanbec onfigur edt osuppor tandexchanger out i ng updat esf ordi ffer entnet wor ks .Anor gani z at i onhast hef r eedom t oc hoos ei t sownASnumberi nt he EI GRPconfigur at i on. 33. An EIGRP router loses the route to a network. Its topology table contains two feasible successors to the same network. What action will the router take?  TheDUALal gor i t hm i sr ecomput edt ofindanal t er nat er out e.  The best alternative backup route is immediately inserted into the routing table.  Ther out erwi l l quer ynei ghbor sf oranal t er nat er out e.  Ther out erus est hedef aul tr out e. BecauseEI GRPus est heDUALal gor i t hm,t her out eri sabl et omai nt ai ni nf or mat i ononal l pot ent i al l oopf r eebackupr out es.I nt heeventoft hef ai l ur eofar out i ngt abl eent r y ,t her out eri mmedi at el yi nser t st he bestbackupr out ei nt ot her out i ngt abl e. 34. What is a function of OSPF hello packets? t osendspec i fical l yr eques t edl i nk st at er ecor ds t oensur edat ...

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