CCNA 4 Chapter 3 Exam Answers 2020 (v5.0.3 + v6.0) – Full 100% PDF

Title CCNA 4 Chapter 3 Exam Answers 2020 (v5.0.3 + v6.0) – Full 100%
Course Cisco Certificate Network Associate
Institution Algonquin College
Pages 16
File Size 1 MB
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CCNA 4 Chapter 3 Exam Answers 2020 (v5.0.3 + v6.0) - Full 100%...


1. Which broadband wireless technology is based on the 802.11 standard?  Wi MAX  UMTS  municipal Wi-Fi*  CDMA TheI EEE802. 11s t andar di sal s ok nownasWi Fi .Muni ci pal Wi Fi i sav ar i antoft he802. 11 s t andar d. 2. What is the approximate distance limitation for providing a satisfactory ADSL service from the central office to a customer?  3.39 miles or 5.46 kilometers* 2 . 11mi l esor3. 39k i l omet er s 1 1. 18mi l esor18k i l omet er s 6 . 21mi l esor10k i l omet er s Forc us t omer st or ec ei v es at i s f ac t or yADSLser v i c e,t hel oc al l oop,ordi s t anc ef r om t hec ent r al offic e,mus tbel es st han5. 46k i l omet er s . 3. What is a component of an ADSL connection that is located at the customer site?  CO  DSLAM  CPE*  SOHO Cus t omerpr emi s esequi pment( CPE)i st heequi pment ,s uc hasar out erormodem,t hati s l ocat edatt hec us t omers i t eandc onnec t st hei nt er nal net wor kt ot hecar r i ernet wor k . 4. What is the function of the DSLAM in a broadband DSL network? s epar at esPOTSt r afficf r om ADSLt r affic s epar at esv oi cef r om dat as i gnal s  multiplexes individual customer DSL connections into a single upstream link* c ommuni c at esdi r ec t l ywi t hc us t omerc abl emodemst opr ov i deI nt er nets er v i c est o c us t omer s OnaDSLnet wor kt heDSLAM i sus edt omul t i pl exc onnec t i onsf r om DSLs ubs c r i ber si nt oa s i ngl ehi ghc apac i t yl i nk .TheDSLAM i sl oc at edatt hec ent r al offic eoft hepr ov i der . 5. Which broadband technology would be best for a small office that requires fast upstream connections?  fiber-to-the-home*  Wi Max  DSL c abl e Fi ber t ot hehomepr ov i desf as tdowns t r eam andups t r eam connec t i ons .DSL,c abl e,andWi Max pr ov i der el at i v el ys l owups t r eam connec t i ons . 6. What are two WAN connection enhancements that are achieved by implementing PPPoE? (Choose two.)  AnEt her netl i nks uppor t sanumberofdat al i nkpr ot oc ol s .  DSLCHAPf eat ur esar ei nc l udedi nPPPoE.  Enc aps ul at i ngEt her netf r ameswi t hi nPPPf r amesi saneffic i entus eofbandwi dt h.  CHAP enables customer authentication and accounting.*

 PPP enables the ISP to assign an IP address to the customer WAN

interface.* Enc aps ul at i ngaPPPf r amewi t hi nanEt her netf r amesenabl esI Paddr es sas s i gnmentbyI SPs t hatar eus i ngDSLt ec hnol ogy ,aswel l ast heabi l i t yt ous eCHAPf oraut hent i c at i onand acc ount i ng.Tr adi t i onal DSLdoesnots uppor tCHAPaut hent i cat i on.At r adi t i onal Et her netl i nk s uppor t sonl yEt her net bas eddat al i nkpr ot oc ol s . 7. When PPPoE is configured on a customer router, which two commands must have the same value for the configuration to work? (Choose two.)  dialer pool 2* i nt er f acedi al er2 p ppc happas s wor d2 i nt er f acegi gabi t et her net0/ 2  pppoe-client dial-pool-number 2* p ppc haphos t name2 Thedi al erpool numberconfi gur edonbot ht hedi al erandEt her neti nt er f acesmus tmat c h.The i nt er f acenumber sandt heus er nameandt hepass wor ddonothav et omat c h 8. Why is the MTU for a PPPoE DSL configuration reduced from 1500 bytes to 1492? t oes t abl i s hasec ur et unnel wi t hl es sov er head t oenabl eCHAPaut hent i c at i on  to accommodate the PPPoE headers* t or educ ec onges t i onont heDSLl i nk Thedef aul tmax i mum dat afi el dofanEt her netf r amei s1500by t es .Howev er ,i nPPPoEt he Et her netf r amepay l oadi nc l udesaPPPf r amewhi c hhasal sohasaheader .Thi sr educest he av ai l abl edat aMTUt o1492by t es . 9. What are two characteristics of a PPPoE configuration on a Cisco customer router? (Choose two.)  Thec us t omerr out erCHAPus er nameandpas s wor dar ei ndependentofwhati s c onfi gur edont heI SPr out er .  AnMTUs i z eof1492by t esi sc onfigur edont heEt her neti nt er f ac e.  The Ethernet interface does not have an IP address.*  The PPP configuration is on the dialer interface.*  Thedi al erpool c ommandi sappl i edt ot heEt her neti nt er f ac et ol i nki tt ot hedi al er i nt er f ace . PPP,CHAP,anI Paddr es s ,t hedi al erpool number ,andt heMTUs i z ear eal l c onfi gur edont he di al eri nt er f ac e.Thec us t omerr out erCHAPus er nameandpas s wor dmus tmat c hwhati s c onfi gur edt heI SPr out er .Thepppoec l i entc ommand,nott hedi al erpool command,i sappl i ed t ot heEt her neti nt er f ac et ol i nki tt ot hedi al eri nt er f ace. 10. Where is PPPoE configured on a Cisco router? o nanyphy s i c al i nt er f ace  on the dialer interface* o nanEt her neti nt er f ace o nas er i ali nt er f ace ThePPPoEconfi gur at i oni sappl i edt ot hedi al eri nt er f ac e,nott ot heEt her neti nt er f ac e.The di al eri nt er f ac ei sl i nk edt ot heEt her neti nt er f ac ewi t ht hedi al er pool andpppoec l i ent c ommands .

11. How can the use of VPNs in the workplace contribute to lower operating costs?  Hi ghs peedbr oadbandt ec hnol ogyc anber epl ac edwi t hl eas edl i nes .  VPNs can be used across broadband connections rather than dedicated WAN links.*  VPNsp r ev ent sconnec t i v i t yt oSOHOus er s .  VPNsr equi r eas ubs c r i pt i onf r om as pec i fi cI nt er nets er v i cepr ov i dert hats pec i al i z esi n s ec ur ec onnec t i ons . VPNt ec hnol ogyc anbeus edwi t hbr oadbandc onnec t i v i t yormor eex pens i v el eas edl i nes . VPNspr ov i deconnec t i v i t ybet weenoffic es ,us er s ,andSOHO env i r onment s .VPNsdonot r equi r eas pec i fi cI SPt obeus ed. 12. How is “tunneling” accomplished in a VPN?  Al l pac k et sbet weent wohos t sar eas s i gnedt oas i ngl ephy s i cal medi um t oens ur et hat t hepac k et sar ek eptpr i v at e.  Ade di c at edc i r c ui ti sest abl i s hedbet weent hes our ceanddes t i nat i ondev i c esf ort he dur at i onoft hec onnec t i on.  Pac k et sar edi s gui s edt ol ookl i k eot hert y pesoft r affics ot hatt heywi l l bei gnor edby pot ent i al at t ac k er s .  New headers from one or more VPN protocols encapsulate the original packets.* Pac k et si naVPNar eencaps ul at edwi t ht heheader sf r om oneormor eVPNpr ot oc ol sbef or e bei ngs entac r os st het hi r dpar t ynet wor k .Thi si sr ef er r edt oas“ t unnel i ng” .Thes eout erheader s c anbeus edt or out et hepack et s ,aut hent i c at et hes our ce ,andpr ev entunaut hor i z edus er sf r om r eadi ngt hecont ent soft hepac k et s . 13. Which two statements describe a remote access VPN? (Choose two.)  It may require VPN client software on hosts.* I tr equi r eshos t st os endTCP/ I Pt r affict hr oughaVPNgat eway . I tconnec t sent i r enet wor k st oeac hot her .  It is used to connect individual hosts securely to a company network over the Internet.* I tr equi r ess t at i cc onfi gur at i onoft heVPNt unnel . Remot eac ces sVPNscanbeus edt os uppor tt heneedsoft el ec ommut er sandmobi l eus er sby al l owi ngt hem t oc onnec ts ec ur el yt ocompanynet wor k sov ert heI nt er net .T oc onnec thos t st o t heVPNs er v eront hecor por at enet wor k ,t her emot eac c es sVPNt unnel i sdy nami c al l ybui l tby c l i ents of t war et hatr unsont hehost s . 14. Which is a requirement of a site-to-site VPN? I tr equi r eshos t st ous eVPNc l i ents of t war et oenc aps ul at et r affic . I tr equi r est hepl acementofaVPNs er v eratt heedgeoft hec ompanynet wor k . I tr equi r esac l i ent / s er v erar c hi t ec t ur e.  It requires a VPN gateway at each end of the tunnel to encrypt and decrypt traffic.* Si t et os i t eVPNsar es t at i candar eus edt oconnec tent i r enet wor k s .Hos t shav enok nowl edge oft heVPNands endTCP/ I Pt r affict oVPNgat ewa y s .TheVPNgat ewayi sr es pons i bl ef or enc aps ul at i ngt het r afficandf or war di ngi tt hr ought heVPNt unnel t oapeergat ewayatt heot her endwhi c hdecaps ul at est het r affic . 15. What functionality does mGRE provide to the DMVPN technology?

 It allows the creation of dynamically allocated tunnels through a

permanent tunnel source at the hub and dynamically allocated tunnel destinations at the spokes.* I tpr ov i dess ec ur et r ans por tofpr i v at ei nf or mat i onov erpubl i cnet wor k s ,s uc hast he I nt er net . I ti saCi s c os of t war es ol ut i onf orbui l di ngmul t i pl eVPNsi naneas y ,dy nami c ,and s c al abl emanner . I tc r eat esadi s t r i but edmappi ngdat abas eofpubl i cI Paddr es s esf oral l VPNt unnel s pok es . DMVPNi sbui l tont hr eepr ot ocol s ,NHRP,I Ps ec ,andmGRE.NHRPi st hedi s t r i but edaddr es s mappi ngpr ot oc ol f orVPNt unnel s .I Ps ecenc r y pt scommuni c at i onsonVPNt unnel s .ThemGRE pr ot ocol al l owst hedy nami cc r eat i onofmul t i pl es pok et unnel sf r om oneper manentVPNhub. 16. Which two scenarios are examples of remote access VPNs? (Choose two.)  At oymanuf act ur erhasaper manentVPNconnec t i ont ooneofi t spar t ss uppl i er s .  Al l us er satal ar gebr anc hoffic ec anac ces sc ompanyr es our c est hr oughas i ngl eVPN c onnec t i on.  As mal l br anc hofficewi t ht hr eeempl oy eeshasaCi s c oASAt hati sus edt oc r eat ea VPNc onnec t i ont ot heHQ.  An employee who is working from home uses VPN client software on a laptop in order to connect to the company network.*  A mobile sales agent is connecting to the company network via the Internet connection at a hotel.* Remot eac ces sVPNsconnec ti ndi vi dualus er st oanot hernet wor kv i aaVPNc l i entt hati s i ns t al l edont heus erdev i c e.Si t et os i t eVPNsar e“ al way son”c onnec t i onst hatuseVPN gat ewa y st oc onnec tt wos i t est oget her .Us er sateac hs i t ec anac c es st henet wor kont heot her s i t ewi t houthav i ngt ous eanys pec i al c l i ent sorconfi gur at i onsont hei ri ndi v i dual dev i c es . 17. Refer to the exhibit. What solution can provide a VPN between site A and site B to support encapsulation of any Layer 3 protocol between the internal networks at each site?

 ar emot eac ces st unnel  a GRE tunnel* a nI Ps ect unnel  Ci s c oSSLVPN

AGener i cRout i ngEnc aps ul at i on( GRE)t unnel i sanons ec ur e,s i t et os i t eVPNt unnel i ng s ol ut i ont hati sc apabl eofencaps ul at i nganyLay er3pr ot oc ol bet weenmul t i pl es i t esac r os sov er anI Pi nt er net wor k . 18. Which three statements are characteristics of generic routing encapsulation (GRE)? (Choose three.)  GRE does not have strong security mechanisms.*  TheGREhe aderal oneaddsatl eas t24by t esofov er head.  GRE is stateless.*  GRE encapsulation supports any OSI Layer 3 protocol.*  GREi st hemos ts ec ur et unnel i ngpr ot oc ol .  GREpr ov i desflowcont r ol bydef aul t . GREus esapr ot ocol t y pefi el di nt heGREheadert os uppor tt heencaps ul at i onofanyOSI Lay er3pr ot oc ol .GREi t s el fi ss t at el es s ;i tdoesnoti nc l udeanyfl owc ont r ol mec hani s msby def aul t .GREdoesnothav es t r ongs ec ur i t ymec hani s ms . 19. Refer to the exhibit. Which IP address is configured on the physical interface of the CORP router?

1 0. 1. 1. 1 * 2 09. 165. 202. 134 1 0. 1. 1. 2

Thet unnel s our c eandt unnel des t i nat i onaddr es s esr ef er enc et heI Paddr es s esoft hephy s i cal i nt er f acesont hel oc al andr emot er out er sr es pec t i v el y .

20. Refer to the exhibit. Which IP address would be configured on the tunnel interface of the destination router?

2 09. 165. 200. 226 2 09. 165. 200. 225 1 72. 16. 1. 1 *

TheI Paddr es st hati sass i gnedt ot het unnel i nt er f ac eont hel oc al r out eri s172. 16. 1. 1wi t ha pr efi xmas kof/ 30.Theonl yot heraddr es s ,172. 16. 1. 2,woul dbet hedest i nat i ont unnel i nt er f ac e I Paddr es s .Al t hough209. 165. 200. 226i sl i s t edasades t i nat i onaddr es si nt heout put ,t hi si st he addr es soft hephy si c al i nt er f ac eatt hedes t i nat i on,nott het unnel i nt er f ace . 21. Refer to the exhibit. A tunnel was implemented between routers R1 and R2. Which two conclusions can be drawn from the R1 command output? (Choose two.)

 The data that is sent across this tunnel is not secure.*  Thi st unnelmodei snott hedef aul tt unnel i nt er f acemodef orCi s coI OSs of t war e.  Thi st unnelmodepr ovi desenc r y pt i on.  A GRE tunnel is being used.*  Thi st unnelmodedoesnots uppor tI Pmul t i c as tt unnel i ng.

Ac cor di ngt ot heR1out put ,aGREt unnel modewass pec i fi edast het unnel i nt er f acemode. GREi st hedef aul tt unnel i nt er f ac emodef orCi s c oI OSsof t war e.GREdoesnotpr ov i de enc r y pt i onoranyot hers ec ur i t ymec hani s ms .Ther ef or e,dat at hati ss entac r os saGREt unnel i snotsec ur e.GREs uppor t sI Pmul t i c as tt unnel i ng. 22. What is used by BGP to determine the best path to a destination? c os t a dmi ni s t r at i v edi s t anc e h opcount  attributes* BGPus esat t r i but es ,s uc hasASpat h,t odet er mi net hebes tpat ht oades t i nat i on. 23. What command specifies a BGP neighbor that has an IP address of and that is in AS 500?  (config-router)# neighbor remote-as 500* ( c onfi gr out er ) #net wor k5. 0. 0. 00. 0. 0. 255 ( c onfi gr out er ) #r out erbgp500 ( c onfi gr out er ) #nei ghbor500r emot eas5. 5. 5. 5 Thenei ghborc ommandi sus edt os peci f yanEBGPnei ghborr out erandpeerwi t hi t .The c ommandr equi r est hatt heASnumberoft henei ghborbei ncl udedaspar toft hecommand. 24. True or False? Multiple BGP processes can run on a router. t r ue  false* Bec aus eaBGPr out erc anonl ybel ongt oas i ngl eaut onomouss y s t em,i tcanonl yr unas i ngl e BGPpr oc es s . 25. Refer to the exhibit. Which two configurations will allow router R1 to establish a neighbor relationship with router R2? (Choose two.)

 R1 ( c onfi g) #r out erbgp65001

R1( c onfi gr out er ) #net wor k192. 168. 20. 0R2( confi g) #r out erbgp65002 R2( c onfi gr out er ) #net wor k192. 168. 10. 0 R2( c onfi gr out er ) #nei ghbor209. 165. 200. 226r emot eas65002  R2(config)# router bgp 65002 R2(config-router)# network R2(config-router)# neighbor remote-as 65001*  R1 ( c onfi g) #r out erbgp65002 R1( c onfi gr out er ) #net wor k192. 168. 20. 0 R1( c onfi gr out er ) #nei ghbor209. 165. 200. 225r emot eas65001

 R1(config)# router bgp 65001

R1(config-router)# network R1(config-router)# neighbor remote-as 65002*  R2 ( c onfi g) #r out erbgp65002 R2( c onfi gr out er ) #net wor k192. 168. 10. 0 T oc onfi gur eEBGP,t her out erbgpcommandi sf ol l owedbyt heASnumberi nwhi c ht her out er r es i des .Conv er s el y ,t henei ghborc ommandc ont ai nst heASnumbert owhi c ht her emot er out er bel ongs . 26. Open the PT Activity. Perform the tasks in the activity instructions and then answer the question. What is the code displayed on the web page?  We l l done !  BGPi sc onfi gur ed!  BGP is running!*  Co nfi gur at i oni sc or r ec t ! Thebas i cEBGPconfi gur at i oni nc l udest hef ol l owi ngt as k s : St ep1:Enabl eBGPr out i ng. St ep2:Confi gur et heBGPnei ghbor sornei ghbor . St ep3:Adv er t i s et henet wor kornet wor k sor i gi nat i ngf r om t heAS. Older Version 27. At which layer of the OSI model does multiplexing take place?  Layer 1 * L ay er2 L ay er3 L ay er4 28. Which command can be used to view the cable type that is attached to a serial interface?  Ro ut er ( c onfi g) #s howi nt er f ac es  Router(config)# show controllers*  Ro ut er ( c onfi g) #s howi pi nt er f ac e  Ro ut er ( c onfi g) #s howi pi nt er f ac ebr i ef 29. Which field marks the beginning and end of an HDLC frame?  Da t a  FCS  Co nt r ol  Flag* 30. Which serial 0/0/0 interface state will be shown if no serial cable is attached to the router, but everything else has been correctly configured and turned on?  Ser i al 0/ 0/ 0i sup,l i nepr ot oc ol i sup  Ser i al 0/ 0/ 0i sup,l i nepr ot oc ol i sdown  Serial 0/0/0 is down, line protocol is down*  Ser i al 0/ 0/ 0i sup( l ooped)  Ser i al 0/ 0/ 0i sup( di s abl ed)  Ser i al 0/ 0/ 0i sadmi ni s t r at i v el ydown,l i nepr ot oc oli sdown 31. Which is an advantage of using PPP on a serial link instead of HDLC?  option for authentication* h i ghers peedt r ans mi s si on

 fi x eds i z ef r ames o pt i onf ors es s i ones t abl i s hment

32. What are three components of PPP? (Choose three.) a ut hent i cat i on  LCP*  mul t i l i nk  NCP* c ompr es s i on  HDLC-like framing* 33. How does PPP interface with different network layer protocols?  by using separate NCPs* b ynegot i at i ngwi t ht henet wor kl ay erhandl er b yenc odi ngt hei nf or mat i onfi el di nt hePPPf r ame b ys pec i f y i ngt hepr ot oc ol dur i ngl i nkes t abl i s hmentt hr oughLCP 34. Which address is used in the Address field of a PPP frame?  as i ngl eby t eofbi nar y00000000  as i ngl eby t eofbi nar y10101010  a single byte of binary 11111111* t heI Paddr es soft hes er i al i nt er f ac e 35. Which three physical layer interfaces support PPP? (Choose three.)  Fas t Et her net  Gi gabi t Et her net  POTS  asynchronous serial *  synchronous serial *  HSSI* 36. Which three are types of LCP frames used with PPP? (Choose three.) l i nk negot i at i onf r ames l i nk ac k nowl edgmentf r ames  link-maintenance frames*  link-termination frames* l i nk c ont r ol f r ames  link-establishment frames* 37. Which protocol will terminate the PPP link after the exchange of data is complete?  NCP  LCP* I PCP I PXCP 38. During a PPP session establishment phase, which two messages are sent by the requested party if the options are not acceptable? (Choose two.)  Configure-Nak*  Co deRej ec t  Pr ot ocol Rej ec t  Configure-Reject*  Di s c ar dReques t 39. Which three statements are true about PPP? (Choose three.)  PPP can use synchronous and asynchronous circuits.*

 PPPc anonl ybeus edbet weent woCi s codev i c es .  PPPc ar r i espac k et sf r om s ev er alnet wor kl ay erpr ot oc ol si nLCPs .  PPP uses LCPs to establish, configure, and test the data link

connection.*  PPP uses LCPs to agree on format options such as authentication,

compression, and error detection.* 40. Which PPP option can detect links that are in a looped-back condition?  Magic Number*  MRU  Ca l l bac k  ACCM 41. When configuring Multilink PPP, where is the IP address for the multilink bundle configured? o naphy s i c al s er i al i nt er f ace o nas ubi nt er f ac e  on a multilink interface* o naphy s i c al Et her neti nt er f ac e 42. Refer to the exhibit. Which statement describes the status of the PPP

connection?  Onl yt hel i nk es t abl i s hmentphas ec ompl et edsuc c es s f ul l y .  Onl yt henet wor k l ay erphas ecompl et eds ucc es s f ul l y .  Nei t hert hel i nk es t abl i s hmentphas enort henet wor k l ay erphas ec ompl et ed s ucc es s f ul l y .  Both the link-establishment and network-layer phase completed successfully.* 43. Refer to the exhibit. A network administrator is configuring the PPP link between the two routers. However, the PPP link cannot be established. Based on the partial output of the show running-config

command, what is the cause of the problem?

 Theus er namesdonotmat c h.  The passwords do not match.*  Thepas s wor dss houl dbel ongert han8c har ac t er s .  Thei nt er f ac eI Paddr ess esar ei ndi ffer entsubnet s .

44. In which situation would the use of PAP be preferable to the use of CHAP?  whe nr out err es our c esar el i mi t ed  whe nmul t i l i nkPPPi sus ed  when plain text passwords are needed to simulate login at the remote host*  whe nanet wor kadmi ni s t r at orpr ef er si tbecaus eofeas eofc onfi gur at i on 45. A network administrator is evaluating authentication protocols for a PPP link. Which three factors might lead to the selection of CHAP over PAP as the authentication protocol? (Choose three.) e s t abl i s hesi dent i t i eswi t hat wowayhands hak e  uses a three-way authentication periodically during the session to reconfirm identities* c ont r ol byt her emot ehos toft hef r equenc yandt i mi ngofl ogi nev ent s  transmits login information in encrypted format *  uses an unpredictable...

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