CCNA 4 Chapter 5 Exam Answers 2020 (v5.0.3 + v6.0) – Full 100% PDF

Title CCNA 4 Chapter 5 Exam Answers 2020 (v5.0.3 + v6.0) – Full 100%
Author Amuel Wilson
Course Cisco Certificate Network Associate
Institution Algonquin College
Pages 10
File Size 486 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 101
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CCNA 4 Chapter 5 Exam Answers 2020 (v5.0.3 + v6.0) - Full 100%...


1. What is the behavior of a switch as a result of a successful CAM table attack?  Thes wi t c hwi l l dr opal l r ecei v edf r ames .  Thes wi t c hi nt er f aceswi l l t r ansi t i ont ot heer r or di s abl eds t at e.  The switch will forward all received frames to all other ports.  Thes wi t c hwi l ls hutdown. Asar es ul tofaCAM t abl eat t ac k ,as wi t c hcanr unoutofmemor yr es our c est os t or eMAC addr es s es .Whent hi shappens ,nonewMACaddr es sescanbeaddedt ot heCAM t abl eandt he s wi t c hwi l l f or war dal lr ecei v edf r amest oal l ot herpor t s .Thi swoul dal l owanat t ac k ert ocapt ur e al l t r affict hati sfl oodedbyt hes wi t c h. 2. What network attack seeks to create a DoS for clients by preventing them from being able to obtain a DHCP lease?  DHCP starvation  CAM t abl eat t ac k I Paddr es ss poofing  DHCPs poofing DCHPs t ar v at i onat t ac ksar el aunc hedbyanat t ac k erwi t ht hei nt entt oc r eat eaDoSf orDHCP c l i ent s .Toaccompl i s ht hi sgoal ,t heat t ack erusesat ool t hatsendsmanyDHCPDI SCOVER mess agesi nor dert ol eas et heent i r epoolofav ai l abl eI Paddr es ses ,t husdeny i ngt hem t o l egi t i mat ehost s . 3. The exhibit shows a network consisting of a router, two switches, a DHCP client host, an attacker host, and a DHCP server. Switch S1 shows four interface connections: G0/1 to the DHCP client, G0/22 to switch S2, G0/24 to router R1, and G0/23 to the DHCP server. The attacker host is connected to switch S2.Refer to the exhibit. Which interface on switch S1 should be configured as a DHCP snooping trusted port to help mitigate

DHCP spoofing attacks?  G0/ 1  G0/ 24  G0/ 22  G0/23

WhenDHCPs noopi ngi sconfi gur ed,t hei nt er f acet hatconnec t st ot heDHCPs er v eri s c onfigur edasat r us t edpor t .Tr ust edpor t scans our ceDHCPr eques t sandac knowl edgment s . Al l por t snotspec i fi cal l yc onfigur edast r us t edar econs i der edunt r ust edbyt hes wi t chandcan onl ys our ceDHCPr eques t s . 4. When using 802.1X authentication, what device controls physical access to the network, based on the authentication status of the client?  the switch that the client is connected to t her out ert hati ss er vi ngast hedef aul tgat eway t heaut hent i c at i onser v er t hesuppl i c ant Thedev i c esi nv ol v edi nt he802. 1Xaut hent i cat i onpr oces sar easf ol l ows : Thes uppl i c ant ,whi c hi st hecl i entt hati sr eques t i ngnet wor kacc ess Theaut hent i cat or ,whi c hi st hes wi t c ht hatt hec l i enti sc onnect i ngandt hati sac t ual l ycont r ol l i ng phy si c alnet wor kacc ess Theaut hent i cat i ons er v er ,whi c hper f or mst heac t ualaut hent i cat i on 5. What device is considered a supplicant during the 802.1X authentication process? t her out ert hati ss er vi ngast hedef aul tgat eway  the client that is requesting authentication t heaut hent i c at i onser v ert hati sper f or mi ngcl i entaut hent i c at i on t hes wi t c ht hati scont r ol l i ngnet wor kacc ess Thedev i c esi nv ol v edi nt he802. 1Xaut hent i cat i onpr oces sar easf ol l ows : Thes uppl i c ant ,whi c hi st hecl i entt hati sr eques t i ngnet wor kacc ess Theaut hent i cat or ,whi c hi st hes wi t c ht hatt hec l i enti sc onnect i ngt oandt hati sact ual l y c ont r ol l i ngphy s i cal net wor kacces s Theaut hent i cat i ons er v er ,whi c hper f or mst heac t ualaut hent i cat i on 6. What is a drawback of the local database method of securing device access that can be solved by using AAA with centralized servers?  Ther ei snoabi l i t yt opr ov i deac count abi l i t y .  User accounts must be configured locally on each device, which is an unscalable authentication solution. I ti sv er ysus cept i bl et obr ut ef or c eat t ac ksbecaus et her ei snous er name.  Thepas s wor dscanonl ybes t or edi npl ai nt ex ti nt her unni ngc onfigur at i on. Thel oc aldat abasemet hodofsec ur i ngdev i c eacces sut i l i z esus er namesandpas s wor dst hat ar ec onfigur edl oc al l yont her out er .Thi sal l owsadmi ni s t r at or st ok eept r ac kofwhol oggedi nt o t hedev i ceandwhen.Thepass wor dscanal s obeencr y pt edi nt hec onfigur at i on.Howev er ,t he ac counti nf or mat i onmus tbeconfi gur edoneac hdev i c ewher et hataccounts houl dhav eac cess , maki ngt hi ss ol ut i onv er ydi ffic ul tt os cal e. 7. The exhibit shows a network topology. On the top, there are two routers, labeled R1 and R2. Under the two routers, there are two Layer 3 switches, labeled DS1 and DS2, . Under DS1 and DS2, there are three Layer 2 switches, labeled AS1, AS2, and AS3. Both R1 and R2 have two connections, one to DS1 and another to DS2. DS1 and DS2 each has three connections, one to AS1, one to AS2, and one to AS3. PC1 is connected on switch AS1 and PC2 is connected to switch AS2. There is a DHCP server connected on switch AS3.Refer to the exhibit. PC1 and PC2 should be able to obtain IP address assignments from the DHCP server. How many ports

among switches should be assigned as trusted ports as part of the DHCP snooping configuration?

1 3 5 7

TheDHCPs noopi ngconfi gur at i oni nc l udesbui l di ngt heDHCPSnoopi ngBi ndi ngDat abaseand as si gni ngneces sar yt r us t edpor t sons wi t ches .At r ust edpor tpoi nt st ot hel egi t i mat eDHCP s er v er s .I nt hi snet wor kdes i gn,becauset heDHCPs er v eri sat t achedt oAS3,s ev ens wi t c h por t ss houl dbeass i gnedast r us t edpor t s ,oneonAS3t owar dt heDHCPser v er ,oneonDS1 t owar dAS3,oneonDS2t owar dAS3,andt woc onnect i onsonbot hAS1andAS2( t owar dDS1 andDS2) ,f orat ot alofs ev en. 8. What protocol is used to encapsulate the EAP data between the authenticator and authentication server performing 802.1X authentication? T ACACS+  SSH  RADIUS  MD5 Enc apsul at i onofEAPdat abet weent heaut hent i cat orandt heaut hent i c at i ons er v eri s per f or medusi ngRADI US. 9. Which two protocols are used to provide server-based AAA authentication? (Choose two.)  SNMP  RADIUS

 SSH  802. 1x  TACACS+

Ser v er bas edAAAaut hent i c at i onusesanext er nalTACACSorRADI USaut hent i c at i onser v ert o mai nt ai naus er nameandpass wor ddat abas e.Whenac l i entes t abl i s hesaconnect i onwi t han AAAenabl eddev i c e,t hedev i ceaut hent i c at est hec l i entbyquer y i ngt heaut hent i cat i ons er v er s . 10. Which protocol defines port-based authentication to restrict unauthorized hosts from connecting to the LAN through publicly accessible switch ports?  RADI US T ACACS+  802.1x  SSH 802. 1xi sanI EEEs t andar dt hatdefinespor t bas edacc esscont r ol .Byaut hent i cat i ngeac hc l i ent t hatat t empt st oconnectt ot heLAN,802. 1xpr ov i despr ot ect i onf r om unaut hor i z edc l i ent s . 11. What are three techniques for mitigating VLAN attacks? (Choose three.)  Us epr i v at eVLANs .  Enabl eBPDUguar d.  Enable trunking manually.  Enabl eSour ceGuar d.  Disable DTP.  Set the native VLAN to an unused VLAN. Mi t i gat i ngaVLANat t ackcanbedonebydi sabl i ngDy nami cTr unk i ngPr ot ocol( DTP) ,manual l y s et t i ngpor t st ot r unk i ngmode,andbys et t i ngt henat i v eVLANoft r unkl i nk st oVLANsnoti n us e. 12. Which statement describes SNMP operation?  A set request is used by the NMS to change configuration variables in the agent device.  AnNMSper i odi c al l ypol l st heSNMPagent st hatar er esi di ngonmanageddev i c esby us i ngt r apst oquer yt hedev i c esf ordat a.  Aget r eques ti sus edbyt heSNMPagentt oquer yt hedev i c ef ordat a.  AnSNMPagent t hatr es i desonamanageddev i c ecol l ec t si nf or mat i onaboutt hedev i ce ands t or est hati nf or mat i onr emot el yi nt heMI Bt hati sl ocat edont heNMS. AnSNMPagentt hatr es i desonamanageddev i c ecol l ec t sands t or esi nf or mat i onaboutt he dev i c eandi t soper at i on.Thi si nf or mat i oni sst or edbyt heagentl oc al l yi nt heMI B.AnNMS per i odi c al l ypol l st heSNMPagent st hatar er es i di ngonmanageddev i c esbyus i ngt heget r eques tt oquer yt hedev i c esf ordat a. 13. A network administrator is analyzing the features supported by the multiple versions of SNMP. What are two features that are supported by SNMPv3 but not by SNMPv1 or SNMPv2c? (Choose two.)  message encryption c ommuni t y bas edsec ur i t y  SNMPt r apmec hani s m  message source validation  bul kr et r i ev alofMI Bi nf or mat i on

SNMPv 3pr ov i desmess agei nt egr i t yt oens ur et hatapack etwasnott amper edwi t hand aut hent i cat i ont odet er mi nei ft hemes s agei sf r om av al i dsour ce.SNMPv 3al s os uppor t s mess ageenc r ypt i on.SNMPv 1andSNMPv 2donots uppor tmes sageencr y pt i on,butdosuppor t c ommuni t ys t r i ngs .SNMPv2cs uppor t sbul kr et r i ev aloper at i on.Al l SNMPv er si onss uppor tt he SNMPt r apmec hani s m. 14. Which protocol or service can be configured to send unsolicited messages to alert the network administrator about a network event such as an extremely high CPU utilization on a router?  Net Fl ow s y sl og  NTP  SNMP SNMPc anbeus edt oc ol l ectands t or ei nf or mat i onsuc hasdev i ceCPUut i l i z at i on.Sy s l ogi s us edt oacces sands t or es y s t em mess ages .Ci s codev el opedNet Fl owf ort hepur poseof gat her i ngs t at i s t i c sonpack et st hatar efl owi ngt hr oughCi s cor out er sandmul t i l ay ers wi t c hes . NTPi sus edt oal l ownet wor kdev i cest os y nc hr oni z et i meset t i ngs . 15. What is the function of the MIB element as part of a network management system? t ocol l ec tdat af r om SNMPagent s t oc hangeconfi gur at i onsonSNMPagent s t os endandr et r i ev enet wor kmanagementi nf or mat i on  to store data about a device TheManagementI nf or mat i onBas e( MI B)r es i desonanet wor k i ngdev i c eandst or esoper at i onal dat aaboutt hedev i c e.TheSNMPmanagerc ancol l ec ti nf or mat i onf r om SNMPagent s .The SNMPagentpr ov i desac ces st ot hei nf or mat i on. 16. Which SNMP version uses weak community string-based access control and supports bulk retrieval?  SNMPv 3  SNMPv 2Cl as si c  SNMPv2c  SNMPv 1 Bot hSNMPv 1andSNMPv 2cus eacommuni t y basedf or m ofs ecur i t y ,andcommuni t ys t r i ngs ar epl ai nt ex tpas swor ds .Pl ai nt extpas s wor dsar enotc onsi der edast r ongsec ur i t ymec hani s m. Ver si on1i sal egac ysol ut i onandnotof t enencount er edi nnet wor kst oday . 17. What are SNMP trap messages?  unsolicited messages that are sent by the SNMP agent and alert the NMS to a condition on the network  mes s agest hatar eus edbyt heNMSt ochangeconfigur at i onv ar i abl esi nt heagent dev i c e  mes s agest hatar es entper i odi cal l ybyt heNMSt ot heSNMPagent st hatr esi deon manageddev i c est oquer yt hedev i c ef ordat a  mes s agest hatar eus edbyt heNMSt oquer yt hedev i c ef ordat a AGETr eques ti samess aget hati sus edbyt heNMSt oquer yt hedev i c ef ordat a.ASET r eques ti samess aget hati sus edbyt heNMSt ochangec onfigur at i onv ar i abl esi nt heagent dev i c e.AnNMSper i odi cal l ypol l st heSNMPagent sr es i di ngonmanageddev i c es ,byquer yi ng t hedev i cef ordat abyus i ngt heGETr eques t .

18. A network administrator issues two commands on a router: R1(config)# snmp-server host version 2c campus R1(config)# snmp-server enable traps What can be concluded after the commands are entered?  Not r apsar es ent ,becaus et henot i fi cat i ont y pesar gumentwasnots pec i fi edy et . T r apsar es entwi t ht hesour ceI Paddr essas10. 10. 50. 25.  If an interface comes up, a trap is sent to the server.  Thes nmps er v erenabl et r apscommandneedst obeus edr epeat edl yi fapar t i c ul ar s ubs etoft r apt y pesi sdes i r ed. Thes nmps er v erenabl et r apscommandenabl esSNMPt osendt r apmess agest ot heNMSat 10. 10. 50. 25.Thi snot i fi cat i ont y pesar gumentc anbeus edt ospec i f ywhatspec i fi ct y peoft r api s s ent .I ft hi sar gumenti snotus ed,t henal lt r apt y pesar es ent .I ft henot i fi cat i ont ypesar gument i sus ed,t henr epeat edus eoft hi scommandi sr equi r edi fanot hersubs etoft r apt ypesi sdes i r ed. 19. Refer to the exhibit. What can be concluded from the produced output?

 Thes y s t em cont actwasnotconfi gur edwi t ht hes nmps er v ercont actcommand.  Thel oc at i onoft hedevi c ewasnotconfigur edwi t ht hes nmps er v erl ocat i oncommand.  Thi si st heout putoft hes hows nmpcommandwi t houtanypar amet er s .  An ACL was configured to restrict SNMP access to an SNMP manager.

Theout puti spr oduc edi nr es pons et ot heshowsnmpc ommuni t ycommand.I tdi s pl ay st he c ommuni t ys t r i ngandanyACLst hatmaybeconfi gur ed.Theshowsnmpc ommandwi t houtany k ey wor ddoesnotdi s pl ayi nf or mat i onr el at i ngt ot heSNMPcommuni t ys t r i ngor ,i fappl i c abl e,t he as s oci at edACL.Becauset heshowsnmpcommuni t ycommanddoesnotdi s pl ayt hec ont actor l oc at i oni nf or mat i on,whet hert heyar econfi gur edornotcannotbeconc l uded. 20. Refer to the exhibit. A SNMP manager has IP address The SNMP manager is unable to change configuration variables on the R1

SNMP agent. What could be the problem?

 TheACLofACL_SNMPhasnotbeeni mpl ement edonani nt er f ac ey et .  TheSNMPagents houl dhav et r apsdi s abl ed.  TheI Paddr essoft heSNMPmanagermus tbe172. 16. 1. 1.  The SNMP agent is not configured for write access.

Bec auset heSNMPmanageri sabl et oacc esst heSNMPagent ,t hepr obl em i snotr el at edt o t heACLconfi gur at i on.TheSNMPagentconfigur at i ons houl dhav eanac cessl ev el confi gur edof r wt osuppor tt heSNMPmanagers etr equest s .TheSNMPmanagercannotc hange c onfigur at i onv ar i abl esont heSNMPagentR1wi t honl yr oacces s .TheI Paddr es soft heSNMP managerdoesnothav et obe172. 16. 1. 1t omak ec hangest ot heSNMPagent .TheSNMP agentdoesnothav et ohav et r apsdi s abl ed. 21. Refer to the exhibit. Router R1 was configured by a network administrator to use SNMP version 2. The following commands were issued:

R1(config)# snmp-server community batonaug ro SNMP_ACL R1(config)# snmp-server contact Wayne World R1(config)# snmp-server host version 2c batonaug R1(config)# ip access-list standard SNMP_ACL R1(config-std-nacl)# permit Why is the administrator not able to get any information from R1?  Thes nmps er v erenabl et r apscommandi smi s si ng.  There is a problem with the ACL configuration.  Thes nmps er v ercommuni t ycommandneedst oi nc l udet her wk eywor d.  Thes nmps er v erl oc at i onc ommandi smi s si ng.

Theper mi ts t at ementwi t ht hei nc or r ectI Paddr essi st her eas onwhyt headmi ni s t r at ori snot abl et oacc essr out erR1.Thecor r ec tst at ements houl dbeper mi t192. 168. 1. 3.Thes nmpser v er l oc at i onandsnmpser v erenabl et r apscommandsar eopt i onalc ommandsandhav enor el at i on t ot heac ces sr est r i ct i ont or out erR1.Ther wk ey wor ddoesnotneedt obei nc l udedi nt hi scas e bec auset headmi ni s t r at orj us twant st oobt ai ni nf or mat i on,notc hangeanyconfi gur at i on. 22. A network administrator has issued the snmp-server user admin1 admin v3 encrypted auth md5 abc789 priv des 256 key99 command. What are two features of this command? (Choose two.) I tr es t r i ct sSNMPac ces st odefi nedSNMPmanager s . I tal l owsanet wor kadmi ni s t r at ort oconfigur eas ec r etenc r y pt edpas s wor dont heSNMP s er v er .  It uses the MD5 authentication of the SNMP messages.  It adds a new user to the SNMP group. I tf or cest henet wor kmanagert ol ogi nt ot heagentt or et r i ev et heSNMPmes sages . Thec ommandsnmps er v eruseradmi n1admi nv 3encr y pt edaut hmd5abc789pr i vdes256 k ey 99c r eat esanewuserandconfi gur esaut hent i c at i onwi t hMD5.Thecommanddoesnotus e as ec r etenc r y pt edpas s wor dont hes er v er .Thecommands nmpser v erc ommuni t yst r i ng ac ces s l i s t number or namer es t r i c t sSNMPacces st odefi nedSNMPmanager s . 23. Which statement describes the RSPAN VLAN?  TheRSPANVLANc anbeus edt ocar r ys ec ur et r afficbet weens wi t ches .  The RSPAN VLAN must be the same on both the source and destination switch.  TheRSPANVLANmus tbet hesameast henat i v eVLAN.  TheRSPANVLANc anbeus edf orr emot emanagementofnet wor ks wi t c hes . Remot eSPAN( RSPAN)al l owss our ceanddes t i nat i onpor t st obei ndi ffer ents wi t ches .RSPAN us est wos es si ons .Ones ess i oni sus edast hesour c eandones es si oni sus edt ocopyor r ec ei v et het r afficf r om aVLAN.Thet r afficf oreac hRSPANs es si oni sc ar r i edov ert r unkl i nk si n aus er spec i fi edRSPANVLANt hati sdedi cat ed( f ort hatRSPANses s i on)i nal lpar t i c i pat i ng s wi t c hes . 24. Which statement describes the function of the SPAN tool used in a Cisco switch? I ti sasec ur ec hannelf oras wi t c ht os endl oggi ngt oas y sl ogser v er . I tsuppor t st heSNMPt r apoper at i ononas wi t c h. I tpr ov i desi nt er connect i onbet weenVLANsov ermul t i pl es wi t c hes .  It copies the traffic from one switch port and sends it to another switch port that is connected to a monitoring device. Toanal y z enet wor kt r afficpas si ngt hr oughas wi t ch,s wi t chedpor tanal y z er( SPAN)canbe us ed.SPANcans endacopyoft r afficf r om onepor tt oanot herpor tont hesames wi t c hwher ea net wor kanal y z erormoni t or i ngdev i c ei sconnect ed.SPANi snotr equi r edf ors y s l ogorSNMP. SPANi susedt omi r r ort r affic ,whi l es y sl ogandSNMPar econfi gur edt osenddat adi r ec t l yt ot he appr opr i at es er v er .

25. Refer to the exhibit. Based on the output generated by the show monitor session 1 command, how will SPAN operate on the switch?

 All traffic received on VLAN 10 or transmitted from VLAN 20 is

forwarded to FastEthernet 0/1.  Al l t r affict r ans mi t t edf r om VLAN10orr ecei v edonVLAN20i sf or war dedt oFast Et her net

0/ 1.  Nat i v eVLANt r affict r ansmi t t edf r om VLAN10orr ecei v edonVLAN20i sf or war dedt o Fast Et her net0/ 1.  Nat i v eVLANt r afficr ecei v edonVLAN10ort r ans mi t t edf r om VLAN20i sf or war dedt o Fast Et her net0/ 1.  Thes howmoni t ors es si oncommandi sus edt ov er i f yhowSPANi sconfi gur ed( what por t sar ei nv ol v edi nt het r afficmi r r or i ng) . As er v er( 10. 10. 10. 1)connect st oGi 0/ 1ons wi t c hSW_A.Apack etanal y z eri sconnect edt opor t Fa0/ 7ofSW_A.

26. Refer to the exhibit. Which command or set of commands will configure SW_A to copy all traffic for the server to the packet analyzer?

 Sw_A( confi g) #moni t ors ess i on1des t i nat i oni nt er f ac egi 0/ 1

Sw_A( confi g) #moni t ors ess i on1s our cei nt er f ac ef a0/ 1  Sw_A(config)# monitor session 5 source interface gi0/1

Sw_A(config)# monitor session 5 destination interface fa0/7  Sw_A( confi g) #moni t ors ess i on1des t i nat i oni nt er f ac ef a0/ 7

Sw_A( confi g) #moni t ors ess i on1s our cei nt er f ac ef a0/ 7  Sw_A( confi g) #moni t ors ess i on5s our cei nt er f ac egi 0/ 1 Sw_A( confi g) #moni t ors ess i on6des t i nat i oni nt er f ac ef a0/ 7 Thel oc alSPANconfigur at i onr equi r est wost at ement st oi dent i f yt hes our ceanddest i nat i on por t sf ort hemi r r or edt r affic .Thes t at ement smus tuset hesames essi onnumber .I nt hi s ex ampl e,t hesour c epor ti st hepor tconnect edt ot heser v er( Gi 0/ 1)andt hedes t i nat i onpor ti s t hepor tat t achedt ot hepac k etanal yz er( Fa0/ 7) ....

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