Chapter 12-Multiple Choice Questions-students PDF

Title Chapter 12-Multiple Choice Questions-students
Author Tatiana Conte
Course Cases in Finance
Institution Concordia University
Pages 10
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Chapter 12 - Human Resource Management: Finding and Keeping the Best Employees

Multiple Choice Questions 148. The ultimate resource of a firm is its: A. business plan. B. marketing mix. C. capital budget. D. employees. 150. _____________ is the process of evaluating human resource needs, finding the people to fill those needs, and getting the best work out of each employee by providing the best incentives and job environment, all with the goal of meeting the organization's objectives. A. Staffing B. Performance evaluation and response C. Human resource management D. Job analysis 152. Which of the following statements best describes the current view of the role of human resource management within a firm? A. Human resource management is largely a clerical function that involves keeping records, processing payroll, and making sure that federal regulations are met. B. Human resource management has become so complex that only highly trained human resource specialists should make human resource decisions. C. Human resource management functions have become so important that in many firms all managers now perform them. D. Changes in technology have largely done away with the need for a separate human resource department. 154. In coming years, high tech growth areas such as computers, biotechnology, and green technologies are likely to experience a: A. surplus of labour. B. significant decline in market demand, leading to a stagnant labour market. C. shortage of skilled labour. D. equilibrium in the labour market. 156. Which of the following statements about human resource management opportunities and challenges is most accurate? A. Shifts in the economy have led to a huge pool of skilled and unskilled workers from declining industries that are either unemployed or are underemployed. B. Workers now would rather have more income rather than more leisure. Therefore, many employees now want to work more than 40 hours per week. C. So many people have sought training in high tech areas such as biotechnology and computers that there is likely to be a huge surplus of labour in high tech industries. D. Workers now desire more stability and predictability in their careers, so they now give their employers more loyalty and expect more loyalty from their employers in return.


Chapter 12 - Human Resource Management: Finding and Keeping the Best Employees

158. After preparing a human resources inventory, what is next step in the human resource planning process? A. Prepare a human resource replacement chart B. Assess future human resource demand C. Prepare a job analysis D. Establish a strategic plan 160. Workopolis and Monster are: A. web browsers. B. career interest surveys. C. Internet services firms can use to recruit employees. D. magazines that list job opportunities by skill requirements and geographic location. 162. Help wanted ads, public and private employment agencies, and college placement bureaus are all ________ sources that human resource managers can use in their recruiting efforts. A. secondary B. passive C. back-up D. external 164. Which of the following would be used by a manager who wanted to fill a position using an internal source? A. promotion of a current employee B. public employment agencies C. help wanted ads D. private employment agencies 166. Which of the following is the most important advantage of using internal sources to hire from within? A. It eliminates the need to meet affirmative action regulations. B. It ensures that the best qualified person gets the job. C. It helps maintain employee morale. D. It allows the firm to effectively use the "employment at will" strategy. 168. Which of the following statements about recruiting is most accurate? A. It is important for a firm to recruit and hire people who are not only skilled but who also fit in with the firm's culture and leadership style. B. Recruiting internally will almost always result in better qualified applicants than recruiting externally. C. Small firms generally have a strong advantage when it comes to recruiting. D. One advantage to using external sources when recruiting is that this approach tends to result in higher morale among the firm's existing employees.


Chapter 12 - Human Resource Management: Finding and Keeping the Best Employees

170. The first step in the selection process is usually: A. obtaining complete application forms. B. placing a help wanted ad. C. the initial interview. D. aptitude testing. 172. Employment testing: A. was declared illegal by the EEOC in 1989, because it was often used to discriminate against women and minorities. B. is legal but has been shown to be a very poor predictor of worker performance. C. should be directly related to the job. D. should focus on the most basic and general skills rather than on skills directly related to the job. 174. Betty is a human resource manager with ABC Industries. Her current assignment is to revise and update ABC's employment testing procedures. Betty should: A. design tests that are directly related to an applicant's ability to perform the job. B. write tests that are so difficult that only a small fraction of qualified workers can pass them. C. design tests that measure general aptitudes rather than ability to do the job. D. inform her superiors that such tests are now illegal. 176. Which of the following statements about contingent workers is most accurate? A. More than 75 percent of contingent workers are employed in office-clerical work. B. The number of contingent workers in Canada has steadily declined over the past decade. C. Canadian labour laws require firms to offer contingent employees the same wages and benefits as other employees performing similar work. D. The most common reason firms give for hiring contingent workers is a varying need for employees. 178. Which of the following workers would be the best example of a contingent worker? A. An assembly line worker who belongs to a union and has 17 years of seniority. B. A worker hired to help work at a manufacturing plant for a few weeks during the firm's peak production season. C. An elementary school teacher who just received tenure. D. An electrical engineer who frequently travels out of the country to the various manufacturing facilities owned and operated by his firm. 180. Internet-based training courses are sometimes also called: A. contingency training. B. synchronized training. C. distance learning. D. vestibule training.


Chapter 12 - Human Resource Management: Finding and Keeping the Best Employees

182. ____________ introduces new employees to the organization, their fellow workers, their supervisors, and to the policies, practices, and objectives of the firm. A. Vestibule training B. Employee initiation C. Employee orientation D. Job specification 184. GlobeSmart is: A. an online classroom management system B. a remote server reserved for post-secondary educators around the world to share educational resources C. an online training tool to teach employees how to operate in different cultures D. an online human resource management system 186. ______________ is the easiest type of training to implement. A. Vestibule training B. Job simulation C. On-the-job training D. An employee boot camp 188. ___________ is done in schools where employees are taught on equipment similar to that used on the job. A. Vestibule training B. Orienteering C. Apprenticeship training D. Mentoring 190. ___________ is the process of training and educating employees to become good managers and then developing their managerial skills over time. A. Management development B. Vestibule training C. Pre-mentoring D. Self-actualization training 194. Julie recently began working in an entry-level management position. She has already shown great promise, so the company has decided to groom her for an upper level position. Marilyn, one of the more senior women managers in the company, has agreed to help Julie by introducing her to the right people, and by providing her with the guidance and advice she needs to be successful within the firm. Marilyn is acting as Julie's: A. mentor. B. assimilation assistant. C. transfer agent. D. network captain.


Chapter 12 - Human Resource Management: Finding and Keeping the Best Employees

196. __________ is the process of establishing and maintaining contacts with key managers in one's own organization and in other organizations and using those contacts to establish strong relationships that serve as informal development systems. A. Training and development B. Social integration C. Orienteering D. Networking 198. The first step in the performance appraisal process is to: A. perform a human resource inventory. B. establish performance standards. C. analyze the jobs to see what tasks must be performed. D. meet with employees and discuss the overall objectives of the firm. 200. The information contained in performance appraisals helps managers: A. write job descriptions. B. compute the firm's overall performance in terms of a rate of return on investment. C. evaluate job applicants. D. make decisions about promotions, compensation, training, and firing. 202. Which of the following statements about performance appraisal is the most accurate? A. The most difficult step of a performance appraisal almost always is the actual evaluation of the employee's performance. B. Performance standards do not have to be measurable in order to be effective. C. The discussion of the results of a performance evaluation with an employee should allow the employee an opportunity to make suggestions about how to improve on current procedures. D. Most employees have a good understanding of the standards they are expected to meet, even if their managers do not explicitly communicate these standards. 204. For many types of service organizations such as hospitals, banks and airlines, the primary cost of operations is: A. establishing and maintaining a presence on the Internet. B. insurance and legal expenses. C. coping with obsolescence that results from the rapid pace of technological change. D. labour costs. 206. A problem with the Hay system of compensating workers is that: A. because it is relatively new, most workers and managers are unfamiliar with it. B. the EEOC has declared it illegal because it discriminates against older workers. C. it is difficult and expensive to administer because of the extensive paperwork needed to compute wages and salaries each pay period. D. it can lead to resentment because more productive employees may earn less than employees who do not perform as well but have worked for the company longer.


Chapter 12 - Human Resource Management: Finding and Keeping the Best Employees

208. Roy just accepted a job as a supervisor at a small manufacturing plant. His pay starts at $635 per week. Roy is paid on a(n): A. salary system. B. commission plan. C. Rollingrate system. D. income -averaging plan. 210. A major advantage of a piecework pay system is that it: A. creates a powerful incentive to work efficiently. B. requires a minimum of paperwork and record keeping. C. encourages cooperation and teamwork among employees. D. is a system that is strongly supported by both unions and management. 212. The two most common compensation methods for teams are: A. cash bonuses and cashless bonuses. B. skills-based pay and gain-sharing. C. piecework pay and commissions. D. salaries and capital gains. 214. When workers are a part of a team their compensation should be: A. based strictly on their individual performance to encourage each worker to exert his or her maximum effort. B. based strictly on the achievements of their team to encourage teamwork and cooperation. C. a stated wage or salary that is not based on either team or individual performance, because it is very difficult to measure individual performance in a team environment. D. based on team performance, with additional rewards for those workers who make outstanding individual contributions. 216. Sick-leave pay, vacation pay, pension plans, and health plans that provide additional compensation to employees are called: A. fringe benefits. B. off-schedule salary. C. bonus sharing. D. nonmonetary salaries. 218. A benefit plan that allows employees to choose the package of benefits they want up to a certain dollar amount is called a __________ plan. A. cafeteria-style B. variable lifestyle C. 401K D. flexible spending


Chapter 12 - Human Resource Management: Finding and Keeping the Best Employees

220. Which of the following has led today's employees to look for scheduling flexibility from their employer? A. Workplace trends and increasing costs of transportation B. Teamwork conflicts and personal scheduling complaints C. Management training demands and apprenticeship programs D. Piece work compensation plans and higher benefit demand 222. Which of the following is a concern associated with the recent trend towards on-call scheduling? A. It is challenging for employees to accurately forecast their labour needs. B. It is challenging for workers to arrange their lives or supplement their incomes with second jobs. C. It is more costly for the organization to use this method of scheduling. D. It is a more costly method for employers, and a more efficient method for employees. 224. The time when all employees must be present in a flex-time plan is referred to as: A. compressed time. B. shared time. C. core time.

226. At Friendly Financial Consulting, Wayne is allowed to choose what time he starts his workday, and can come to work any time from 7:00 a.m. until 10:00 a.m. He must be on the job from 10:00 a.m. to noon and from 1:00 p.m. until 3:00 p.m. He also must work a total of 8 hours a day, so the earlier he arrives, the earlier he can leave. Wayne works under a system of: A. job sharing. B. job enlargement. C. flex-time. D. compressed work weeks. 228. A major characteristic of a compressed work week is that: A. workers receive the same pay for fewer hours of work. B. the pace of work is increased so that workers perform the same amount of work in fewer hours. C. employees work fewer days each week but work more hours each workday. D. two or more part-time workers are hired to fill each full-time position.


Chapter 12 - Human Resource Management: Finding and Keeping the Best Employees

230. Steely Percussion Inc. briefly tried to implement a flex-time system only to abandon it after a few months. Which of the following is the most likely reason Steely would drop its flex-time plan? A. It caused an increase in traffic congestion. B. It often made communication among employees more difficult. C. The employees resented being required to come to work early or stay late. D. Workers tend to be less productive when they have to work longer hours in a single day. 232. Major companies have been able to use _________ to cut costs by reducing the number of offices and desks for employees. A. job sharing B. telecommuting C. flex-time plans D. compressed work schedules 234. A firm that wants to reduce its office costs, broaden its base of available talent and improve job satisfaction could achieve all of these goals by: A. recruiting only from internal sources. B. make greater use of scientific management techniques. C. implement the Hay system of compensation. D. allow more workers to telecommute. 236. Melanie's company has cut back on the number of offices they are willing to lease for their business. As a result, she is assigned a desk on-line. This is called: A. hotelling B. hot-desking C. job sharing D. mobile working 238. Which of the following firms would have the strongest incentive to adopt a job-sharing plan? A. The ABC Company wants to simplify its hiring and training procedures. B. The CDE Corporation wants to offer employees more flexibility in the types of fringe benefits they receive. C. EFG Clothiers wants to reduce the span of control of its supervisors. D. GHI Health Services wants to reduce absenteeism and tardiness. 240. One implication of today's flatter corporate structures is that: A. employees are more likely to be transferred than promoted. B. firms are becoming less interested in hiring contingent workers. C. a greater number of workers are now classified as middle managers. D. workers are expecting more of their pay in the form of stock options.


Chapter 12 - Human Resource Management: Finding and Keeping the Best Employees

242. One of the reasons many firms have chosen to use temporary employees rather than rehire full-time employees is that: A. the government provides strong tax incentives to hire temporary workers. B. such workers usually are more loyal to the firm. C. most labour laws only apply to full-time workers, so there are fewer legal hassles associated with hiring temporary workers. D. it enables them to avoid the prohibitively high costs associated with terminating employees. 244. A(n) __________ is a financial incentive a firm offers to encourage employees to accept an early retirement offer. A. ESOP B. green fair-way C. golden handshake D. silver lining 246. Jeanie is talking to a group of family and friends at a party. She has just mentioned that she recently received an offer for a substantial golden handshake from her employer. Which of the following statements is she most likely to make next? A. That will teach those guys to discriminate against me. B. It's great to work for a company that encourages employees to further their education. C. I've already looked into using some of the money to go on a trip to Europe when I retire. D. Of course, I would have really preferred to receive money, but just knowing that top executives will take the time to recognize my accomplishments makes me feel better about my work. 248. A firm would be most likely to conduct __________ if it wanted to find out why valuable employees were leaving the company. A. performance appraisals B. job inventories C. job simulations D. exit interviews 250. Equal pay for work of equal value is known as what? A. Anti-discrimination B. Pay equity C. Golden handshakes D. The Canada Labour Code 252. The Equal Employment Act tries to "right past wrongs" by increasing opportunities for: A. young workers. B. minorities and women. C. white men. D. immigrants.


Chapter 12 - Human Resource Management: Finding and Keeping the Best Employees

254. Evan is angry and upset because he was passed over for a promotion even though he believes he was the most qualified candidate. He heard through the company grapevine the promotion went to a female because the firm was afraid of possible action by the law if they did not select a female. What Evan is experiencing is known as: A. reverse discrimination. B. double indemnity. C. de facto discrimination. D. compensatory discrimination. 256. In order to treat all employees fairly, employers may be required to: A. put up barriers to employment limiting able-bodied workers B. show favoritism towards certain employees C. treat some employees differently D. terminate some employees to make openings for others


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