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Title Chapter 16 Main Bank Multiple Choice Questions final-TIF copy
Author Anh Tuấn
Course Introductory Psychology
Institution University of Manitoba
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Krause, Corts, Dolderman, Smith, Psychological Science, Canadian Edition, Chapter 16: Therapies

1) According to your textbook, two of the major barriers to mental health treatment are a. time and money. b. a lack of therapists and racism. c. rigid diagnostic criteria for mental illness and insurance companies. d. pharmaceutical companies and medical lobbyists. Correct: Two of the main barriers to mental health treatment are time and expense. Psychotherapy can be expensive, often costing more than $100 per hour, making it difficult or impossible to afford for people without health insurance. Because therapy may require weekly sessions spanning several months, even middle-class families would have to sacrifice to cover the typical cost of therapy. 672 Answer: a Diff: 2 Type: MC Page Reference: 672 Skill: Factual Objective: Understand the major barriers to seeking help for psychological disorders. 2) Which of the following is true about the stigma associated with psychological disorders? a. While a mental illness stigma exists, it is not a major barrier to seeking treatment. b. The stigma around psychological disorders is justified, given the danger and unpredictable nature of the mentally ill. c. There is no real stigma associated with psychological disorders. d. While the stigma around mental illness is not justified, seeking treatment for mental illness can lead to discrimination. Correct: The stigma associated with mental illness is irrational. However, stigma against people with mental disorders can result in job and housing discrimination, as well as avoidance by family, peers, and co-workers. 672 Answer: d Diff: 1 Type: MC Page Reference: 672 Skill: Factual Objective: Understand the major barriers to seeking help for psychological disorders.

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Krause, Corts, Dolderman, Smith, Psychological Science, Canadian Edition, Chapter 16: Therapies

3) Perceived gender roles often result in a. men seeking help for mental illness less frequently than women. b. women seeking help for mental illness less frequently than men. c. men experiencing more severe symptoms of mental illness than women. d. women experiencing more severe symptoms of mental illness than men. Correct: Masculine gender roles emphasize emotional strength—which is in conflict with acknowledging and talking through emotions and interpersonal problems. These gender roles also emphasize independence, so even if a problem is acknowledged, males would be more likely to believe they should just "get over it." 672 Answer: a Diff: 1 Type: MC Page Reference: 672 Skill: Factual Objective: Understand the major barriers to seeking help for psychological disorders. 4) Which of the following is most likely to result in a person being required to receive court-ordered treatment? a. driving under the influence of alcohol b. 6 months of major depression c. believing you were abducted by aliens d. a desire to undergo sex reassignment surgery Correct: The majority of involuntary treatment stems from erratic or disturbing behaviour resulting in legal trouble. Other reasons for involuntary treatment include driving while intoxicated and domestic violence. Behaviours that may seem odd, but do not pose a danger or involve criminal behaviour, are unlikely to lead to court-ordered treatment. 673 Answer: a Diff: 2 Type: MC Page Reference: 673 Skill: Conceptual Objective: Know the key terminology associated with mental health treatment.

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Krause, Corts, Dolderman, Smith, Psychological Science, Canadian Edition, Chapter 16: Therapies

5) Which of the following is true regarding court-ordered treatments? a. Middleclass Americans are most likely to receive involuntary treatment. b. Individuals who are lower in socioeconomic status are more likely to receive involuntary treatment. c. Individuals who are higher in socioeconomic status are more likely to receive involuntary treatment. d. The rates of involuntary treatment are unrelated to economic, racial, and ethnic factors. Correct: A survey of records indicated that individuals who are lower in socioeconomic status and from African American or Latino backgrounds are significantly more likely to receive court-ordered treatment. 673 Answer: b Diff: 2 Type: MC Page Reference: 673 Skill: Factual Objective: Know the key terminology associated with mental health treatment. 6) Which of the following mental health professionals is most likely to have either a PhD or a PsyD and diagnose and treat mental health problems ranging from the everyday to the chronic and severe? a. clinical psychologist b. research psychologist c. psychiatrist d. counseling psychologist Correct: Clinical psychologists are mental health professionals with doctoral degrees (PhD or PsyD), who diagnose and treat mental health problems ranging from the everyday to the chronic and severe. In contrast, psychiatrists have medical degrees (MD), and counseling psychologists typically work with people needing help with common problems such as stress, coping, and mild forms of anxiety and depression, rather than severe mental disorders. 674 Answer: a Diff: 2 Type: MC Page Reference: 674 Skill: Conceptual Objective: Know the key terminology associated with mental health treatment.

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Krause, Corts, Dolderman, Smith, Psychological Science, Canadian Edition, Chapter 16: Therapies

7) Dr. Snider has a PsyD degree and works in a hospital, where she diagnoses and treats patients with severe psychological disorders, such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Dr. Snider is a a. psychiatrist. b. research psychologist. c. clinical psychologist. d. counseling psychologist. Correct: Clinical psychologists are mental health professionals with doctoral degrees (PhD or PsyD), who diagnose and treat mental health problems ranging from the everyday to the chronic and severe. In contrast, psychiatrists have medical degrees (MD), and counseling psychologists typically work with people needing help with common problems such as stress, coping, and mild forms of anxiety and depression, rather than severe mental disorders. 674 Answer: c Diff: 2 Type: MC Page Reference: 674 Skill: Applied Objective: Know the key terminology associated with mental health treatment. 8) Which of the following is a key difference between clinical psychologists and counseling psychologists? a. Clinical psychologists have a PhD and counseling psychologists have a PsyD. b. Clinical psychologists have a PsyD and counseling psychologists have a PhD. c. Clinical psychologists treat a range of psychological problems from minor to severe, whereas counseling psychologists do not typically treat people with severe disorders. d. There is no difference between the two types of psychologists. Correct: Clinical psychologists are mental health professionals with doctoral degrees (PhD or PsyD), who diagnose and treat mental health problems ranging from the everyday to the chronic and severe. In contrast, counseling psychologists typically work with people needing help with common problems such as stress, coping, and mild forms of anxiety and depression, rather than severe mental disorders. 674 Answer: c Diff: 2 Type: MC Page Reference: 674

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Krause, Corts, Dolderman, Smith, Psychological Science, Canadian Edition, Chapter 16: Therapies

Skill: Conceptual Objective: Know the key terminology associated with mental health treatment. 9) If you or a family member were suffering from a severe mental illness, you would be most likely to be treated by a(n) _____________ psychologist. a. research b. counseling c. academic d. clinical Correct: Clinical psychologists are mental health professionals with doctoral degrees (PhD or PsyD), who diagnose and treat mental health problems ranging from the everyday to the chronic and severe. In contrast, counseling psychologists typically work with people needing help with common problems such as stress, coping, and mild forms of anxiety and depression, rather than severe mental disorders. 674 Answer: d Diff: 2 Type: MC Page Reference: 674 Skill: Applied Objective: Know the key terminology associated with mental health treatment. 10) In some provinces, __________________ can be certified to practice if they hold a master's degree. a. psychiatrists b. counseling psychologists c. medical doctors d. clinical psychologists Correct: Some provinces will certify counselors who hold a master's degree. Clinical psychologists and psychiatrists are required to hold doctoral degrees. 674 Answer: b Diff: 1 Type: MC Page Reference: 674 Skill: Factual Objective: Know the key terminology associated with mental health treatment.

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Krause, Corts, Dolderman, Smith, Psychological Science, Canadian Edition, Chapter 16: Therapies

11) Physicians who specialize in mental health and diagnose and treat mental disorders primarily through prescribing medications that influence brain chemistry are called a. psychiatrists. b. clinical psychologists. c. medical psychologists. d. biopsychologists. Correct: Psychiatrists are physicians who specialize in mental health, and who diagnose and treat mental disorders primarily through prescribing medications that influence brain chemistry. 674 Answer: a Diff: 1 Type: MC Page Reference: 674 Skill: Factual Objective: Know the key terminology associated with mental health treatment. 12) Rihanna goes to a mental health professional for help with her depression. While waiting for the therapist, she notices the medical degree hanging on the wall in the office. At the end of the session, the therapist writes Rihanna a prescription for an antidepressant drug. Rihanna's therapist is a a. clinical social worker. b. psychiatrist. c. clinical psychologist. d. counseling psychologist. Correct: Psychiatrists are physicians (medical doctors) who specialize in mental health, and who diagnose and treat mental disorders primarily through prescribing medications that influence brain chemistry. 674 Answer: b Diff: 1 Type: MC Page Reference: 674 Skill: Factual Objective: Know the key terminology associated with mental health treatment.

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Krause, Corts, Dolderman, Smith, Psychological Science, Canadian Edition, Chapter 16: Therapies

13) Which of the following professionals is trained as a physician and may be found working in either private practice or in a hospital setting? a. clinical psychologist b. clinical social worker c. mental health counselor d. psychiatrist Correct: Psychiatrists are physicians who specialize in mental health, and who diagnose and treat mental disorders primarily through prescribing medications that influence brain chemistry. They are the only type of mental health professional listed that is trained as a physician (i.e., a medical doctor). 674 Answer: d Diff: 2 Type: MC Page Reference: 674 Skill: Factual Objective: Know the key terminology associated with mental health treatment. 14) Thanks to the _________________ movement, the vast majority of mental institutions in the Canada have been closed. a. deinstitutionalization b. in-patient c. empirically supported treatment d. therapeutic alliance Correct: By the 1950s, a grass-roots campaign called deinstitutionalization had formed in response to the problems associated with the treatment in mental institutions. This movement successfully pushed for returning people from mental institutions to their communities and families and enabled them to receive treatment on an outpatient basis. 674-675 Answer: a Diff: 2 Type: MC Page Reference: 674-675 Skill: Factual Objective: Know the key terminology associated with mental health treatment.

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Krause, Corts, Dolderman, Smith, Psychological Science, Canadian Edition, Chapter 16: Therapies

15) The movement which returned people from mental institutions to their communities and families and enabled them to receive treatment on an outpatient basis is referred to as a. deinstitutionalization. b. in-patient. c. empirically supported treatment. d. therapeutic alliance. Correct: This is the definition used in the textbook. 674 Answer: a Diff: 1 Type: MC Page Reference: 674 Skill: Factual Objective: Know the key terminology associated with mental health treatment. 16) Today, people in need of serious, long-term care often live in _________________ centers, which are a humane alternative to the asylums of the past. a. deinstitutionalization b. residential treatment c. insight d. therapeutic alliance Correct: Rather than spend their lives in an asylum, many individuals in need of longterm care live in residential treatment centers, which tend to resemble a dormitory or motel more than an asylum. 675 Answer: b Diff: 2 Type: MC Page Reference: 675 Skill: Conceptual Objective: Know the key terminology associated with mental health treatment. 17) A major goal of modern inpatient psychiatric treatment is a. keeping people with mental illness out of the community for as long as possible. b. permanently curing mental illness. c. quickly returning patients to society.

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Krause, Corts, Dolderman, Smith, Psychological Science, Canadian Edition, Chapter 16: Therapies

d. punishing the criminally insane. Correct: Inpatient treatment for mental illness is now geared more toward protecting the individual patient from harm, and providing as quick a return to society as possible. 675 Answer: c Diff: 1 Type: MC Page Reference: 675 Skill: Factual Objective: Know the key terminology associated with mental health treatment. 18) Which of the following has been a side effect of moving the treatment of mental illness from inpatient to outpatient care? a. Psychiatric hospitals have become more inhumane. b. Crime rates have increased greatly. c. Homelessness has become a major problem for the mentally ill. d. There have not been any negative side effects from moving to outpatient treatment. Correct: One unintended consequence of deinstitutionalization has been that homelessness and substance abuse has become a major problem for the severely mentally ill. 675 Answer: c Diff: 3 Type: MC Page Reference: 675 Skill: Factual Objective: Know the key terminology associated with mental health treatment. 19) Which area of psychology focuses on identifying how an individual's mental health is influenced by factors such as the neighborhood, economics, and social groups? a. local psychology b. holistic psychology c. clinical psychology d. community psychology Correct: This is the textbook's definition for community psychology. 675 Answer: d

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Krause, Corts, Dolderman, Smith, Psychological Science, Canadian Edition, Chapter 16: Therapies

Diff: 3 Type: MC Page Reference: 675 Skill: Factual Objective: Know the key terminology associated with mental health treatment. 20) Which of the following is true about the regulation of psychological therapy? a. Psychotherapies must be proven safe before they can be used. b. Psychotherapies must be proven effective before they can be used. c. Psychotherapies must be empirically supported before they can be used. d. There is relatively little oversight over which non-biological therapies can be used. Correct: There is relatively little regulation over which techniques can be used by therapists. This has led many psychologists to push for the use of empirically supported treatments. 677 Answer: d Diff: 2 Type: MC Page Reference: 677 Skill: Factual Objective: Know the key terminology associated with mental health treatment. 21) Empirically supported treatments refer to a. treatments for which only anecdotal evidence of effectiveness are available. b. treatments that are effective for all psychological disorders and this effectiveness has been established through rigorous scientific testing. c. treatments that are effective for specific disorders and this effectiveness has been established through the use of sound research designs. d. treatments which have been shown to be effective for 100% of people receiving therapy. Correct: Empirically supported treatments (also called evidence-based therapies) are treatments that have been tested and evaluated using sound research designs and have been found to be effective for the treatment of one or more mental health issues. 676 Answer: c Diff: 3 Type: MC

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Page Reference: 676 Skill: Conceptual Objective: Know the key terminology associated with mental health treatment 22) Treatments that have been tested using sound research designs and have been found to be both safe and effective are called a. bibliotherapies. b. empirically supported treatments. c. psychotherapies. d. insight therapies. Correct: Empirically supported treatments (also called evidence-based therapies) are treatments that have been tested and evaluated using sound research designs, and have been found to be effective for the treatment of one or more mental health issues. 676 Answer: b Diff: 1 Type: MC Page Reference: 676 Skill: Factual Objective: Know the key terminology associated with mental health treatment 23) Therapeutic alliance refers to a. the combined effectiveness of psychotherapy and pharmaceuticals. b. a professional organization of clinical psychologists, counseling psychologists, and social workers. c. the relationship that emerges between patient and therapist during therapy. d. an organization founded to empirically test the efficacy and safety of various psychotherapies. Correct: Part of the effectiveness of therapy comes from the therapeutic alliance—the relationship that emerges in therapy. 677 Answer: c Diff: 3 Type: MC Page Reference: 677 Skill: Factual Objective: Know the key terminology associated with mental health treatment.

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Krause, Corts, Dolderman, Smith, Psychological Science, Canadian Edition, Chapter 16: Therapies

24) Critiques of the empirically supported treatment approach are most likely to state that a. all psychotherapies are equally effective. b. the effectiveness of different psychotherapies cannot be tested in the same way drugs are. c. therapeutic effectiveness can be tested using randomized, double-blind experiments. d. the therapeutic process is generally simple and straightforward. Correct: Some psychologists believe that evaluating psychotherapy in the same way we test drugs—ideally with randomized, double-blind experiments—ignores some of the nuances and complexity that exist in the process of therapy. 677 Answer: b Diff: 3 Type: MC Page Reference: 677 Skill: Conceptual Objective: Know the key terminology associated with mental health treatment 25) Lindsay has been experiencing a great deal of stress during her first year of college. She checks out a book from the library which promises to help people find strategies for reducing stress. Lindsay plans to engage in a. bibliotherapy. b. aversive conditioning. c. person-centered therapy. d. psychoanalysis. Correct: Bibliotherapy is the use of self-help books and other reading materials as a form of therapy. 677 Answer: a Diff: 2 Type: MC Page Reference: 677 Skill: Applied Objective: Analyze whether self-help options, such as popular books, are a useful therapy option. 26) A _____________ is a statistical method that helps researchers to combine the findings from several research studies. Copyright © 2015 Pearson Canada Inc.

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Krause, Corts, Dolderman, Smith, Psychological Science, Canadian Edition, Chapter 16: Therapies

a. meta-analysis b. beta-...

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