Chapter 8 - Summary Jeppesen Instrument Commercial PDF

Title Chapter 8 - Summary Jeppesen Instrument Commercial
Course Instrument/Commercial Theory I
Institution Indiana State University
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AVT-243 Chapter 8 – Self Notes Section: A – VOR and NDB Approaches 

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Two types of approaches o Off-airport facility o On-airport facility VOR approaches o Provide for final descents as low as 250 above the runway o Typically range from 500-1,000 above the TDZE VOR/DME Procedures o Step-down fixes – using DME for changing altitude pg. 8-12 NDB Approaches o Similar to VOR approach w/o DME o Accuracy on an NDB approach depends on skill using ADF nav. o Bearing pointer always points to the station

Section: B – ILS Approaches 

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Instrument Landing System (ILS) – precision approach navigational aid which provides highly accurate course, glide slope, and distance guidance to a given runway. o Best approach alternative in poor weather conditions. o Allows for lower approach minimums ILS Categories and Minimums o Three general classifications of ILS approaches  Category 1 – basic ILS approach, requires that you be instrument rated and current and that your aircraft be equipped appropriately  Category 2 & 3 – have lower minimums and require special certification for operators, pilots, aircraft, and air/ground equipment.  Category 2 – provide for a DH of not less than 100 feet above touchdown and an RVR of no less than 1,200 feet  Category 3 – descents to touchdown ILS Components Localizer o Localizer – transmitter to provide information regarding your alignment with the runway centerline. Emits navigational array from the far end of the runway – opposite of the approach end. o 40 different ILS channels o Max reception altitude throughout the approach course is 4,500 feet above elevation of the antenna o 35 degree of service volume within 10 nm o Represents only 1 magnetic course o OBS does not affect course tracking o Feather arrows  Filled in = back course  Striped = front course o CDI on localizer course is more sensitive

AVT-243 Chapter 8 – Self Notes

o When using CDI on localizer, deflection is 5 degrees Glide Slope o Glide slope transmitter is offset and somewhat elevated from the runway centerline and normally only directs signals to the front course approach. o Glide slope transmitters operate on 1 of 40 ILS channels o Usually placed 750 to 1,250 feet down from the approach end and is offset 250 to 650 feet from the runway centerline o Normally usable up to 10 nm o Provides vertical navigation information for a descent to the lowest authorized decision height for the associated approach procedure o If you receive glide slope below decision height, consider it unreliable o To avoid navigation errors, you should only rely on the glide slope indications from the time you approach the glide slope intercept altitude shown on the approach chart until you reach decision height o Full-scale deviation of the glide slope needle is 0.7 Degrees o Position only slightly off the glide slope centerline will produce large needle deflections on the navigation indicator Marker Beacons o ILS marker beacons – provide range information with respect to the runway during the approach. All ILS beacons project an elliptical array upward from the antenna site o 1,000 ft. above the antenna, the array is 2,300 ft. thick and 4,200 wide. o 1,000 ft. AGL, with a groundspeed of 120 knots, you will receive the signal for about 12 seconds o Outer and Middle Marker  Outer marker  Varies from 4 to 7 miles from the runway  Placed inside the point where an aircraft flying the ILS intercepts the glide slope  Middle Marker  Usually located 3,500 ft. from the landing threshold, with its signal array intercepting 3 degree glide slope at approximately 200 ft. above the touchdown zone. o Inner Marker  Category 2 & 3 ILS  Indicates the decision height on the CAT 2 glide slope and indicates progress on the CAT 3 approach  Marker beacons may be used on the localizer back course to indicate the final approach fix. o Marker Beacon Receiver  Incorporated into the audio control console for the avionics  Marker beacon receivers have 3 separate lights to correspond to the types of marker beacons  Audio identification of each marker beacon can be heard over the speaker during station passage

AVT-243 Chapter 8 – Self Notes 

 Usually a control is provided for high or low receiver frequency Compass Locators o Compass locator – any ILS systems use low power, low/medium freq. radio beacon  Collocated with the outer or middle marker o When installed in conjunction with the outer marker, it is called an outer compass locator (LOM) o When its associated with the middle marker, it is called a middle compass locator (LMM) o Have a power output of less than 25 watts  Reception range of at least 15 mile  High powered NDBs up to 400 watts o 190-535 kHz o Two letter Morse code identifier taken from the last three letters of the localizer identifier DME o Placed near the localizer or glide slope transmitter to provide runway distance info o You may use DME in lieu of the outer marker or to identify other published fixes on the localizer front or back course Visual Information o If the published visibility for an ILS runway equipped with MALSR is no lower than ¾ statute miles, there may be a penetration of the obstacle identification surfaces (OIS), ad care must be taken in the visual segment to avoid obstacles. o Precision Approach Lighting and Minimums – pg. 8-29  No lights = 200 ft. above TD, ¾ mile vis., 4,000 ft. RVR Inoperative Components o The lowest landing minimums on an approach are authorized when all components and visual aids are operating o If some components are in-op, higher lading minimums may be required. If 1 or more components are in-op, you apply only the greatest increase in altitude or visibility required by the failure of a single component o FAR 91.175 – certain substitutions for equipment outages are authorized. A compass locator or precision radar may be substituted for the outer marker or middle marker. DME, VOR, or NDB may be substituted on a standard instrument approach procedure or surveillance radar may be substituted for the outer marker. o When the glide slope is out, localizer-only minimums must be used o When localizer is out, ILS approach cannot be made o When any basic ILS ground component (except middle marker or localizer), minimums are raised Flying the ILS o Vertical guidance by radio navigation o CDI senses horizontal movement o Constant airspeed is essential for descents to decision height o While inbound on the localizer establish required drift corrections before you reach the outer mark

AVT-243 Chapter 8 – Self Notes When reaching outer maker, drift corrections should be no more than 2 degrees in calm wind conditions o If you maintain the glide slope, you should reach decision height approximately at the middle marker o MAP for an ILS is the point where the glide slope intercepts the decision height o During IFR conditions, you should still do an instrument cross-check prior to DA or MDA with brief glances outside o Avoid descents below glide slope before you reach DA, even with visual contact with the runway o FAR 91.175 – conditions under which you can descend below DA or MDA on an approach o If required conditions are not met at the MAP, you must execute a missed approach  Missed approach also is required if you cannot maintain these requirements all the way to touchdown Straight-In (NoPT) ILS Approach ISL/DME Approach o ILS/DME approaches are essentially the same as an ILS approach except for the requirement to identify approach and /or missed approach fixes using DME Radar Vectors to ILS Final o Can be provided for course guidance and for expediting traffic to the final approach course o When ATC is providing radar vectors for ILS approach course, you’ll be advised by ATIS ILS Approaches to Parallel Runways o Divided into 3 classes of approaches depending on runway centerline separation as well with ATC procedures and capabilities Parallel (Dependent) ILS Approach o Parallel (dependent) ILS approach operations may be conducted to parallel runway with centerlines at least 2,500 ft. apart. Aircraft are separated by a minimum of 2.5 miles diagonally o If the runway centerlines are more than 4,300 ft. but no more than 9,000 ft., ATC must maintain diagonal separation between aircraft of at least 2 miles Simultaneous (Independent) Parallel ILS Approach o Simultaneous (independent) parallel ILS approach differs from a dependent approach in that the runway centerlines are separated by 4,300 to 9,000 ft. and the approaches, which do not require staggered separation, are monitored by final controllers o The final monitor controllers track aircraft position and issue instructions to the pilots of the aircraft observed deviation from the localizer course o The final monitor controller has the ability to override the tower controller if needed to issue instructions to aircraft deviating from the localizer course o If an aircraft does not respond correctly or enters the no transgression zone (NTZ) between runways, the final monitor controller may issue breakout or missed approach instructions o You fly a simultaneous parallel approach as you would any other approach o

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AVT-243 Chapter 8 – Self Notes Radar monitoring will be terminated when runway is in sight, 1 mile or less from the threshold, is when visual separation is applied Simultaneous Close Parallel ILS Approach o Precision runway monitor (PRM) uses a radar offering one second updates on targets, a high-resolution color ATC display, audio and visual alert systems for controllers, and software for projecting aircraft track vectors.  does not require extra equipment on an aircraft o Simultaneous close parallel ILS approaches are monitored by a radar controller to ensure that neither aircraft enters, or blunders, into the NTZ which lies between the runways o If the 10 second projected track indicates that an aircraft is going to enter the NTZ, the system alerts the controller. If the aircraft’s displayed position enters the NTX, the controller immediately issues breakout instructions to the pilots.  Breakout instructions involve discontinuing the approach, turning outward, climbing to minimum safe altitude and executing a missed approach o PRM increases air traffic around busy airports with closely spaced parallel runways o Cost effective Simultaneous Converging Instrument Approach o Approved airport if runways at an angle of 15-100 degrees to each other for SCIA o The development criteria for SCIAs requires that the approaches have MAPs at least 3 miles apart and MAPs that do not overlap o All approaches terminate with a straight-in landing Localizer Approach o First circumstance  If authorized, you can fly the localizer portion of an ILS approach, or choose not to use glide slope guidance o Second circumstance  Approaches designed specifically as nonprecision procedures using a localizer transmitter. o Since the characteristics of the localizer are the same as those associated with an ILS approach, you fly a localizer approach using the same procedures to maintain course as you would fly the ILS o Main difference between ILS and Localizer approach is that ILS uses glide slope indications  Also a localizer is a nonprecision approach so you descend to a minimum descent altitude instead of a decision altitude Localizer Back Course Approach o Localizer back course approach does not have an associated glide slope; you may find that you receive false glide slope signals from the front course of the ILS o Reverse sensing will occur on a back course localizer inbound when using a basic VOR LDA, SDF, and MLS Approaches o Non-Precision  Use equipment to track localizer  LDA – localizer-type directional aid o LDA Approach o

AVT-243 Chapter 8 – Self Notes


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 Localizer approach system that is not aligned with the runway centerline  SDF – simplified directional facility  Does not incorporate an electronic glide slope and may offer less accuracy than the LDA  SDF localizer course is fixed at either 6 or 12 degrees wide  The lateral limits are 35 degrees on either side of the centerline  Disregard any SDF navigation info you receive beyond 35 degrees  SDF 3-letter identifier is not preceded by an I  May experience reduced CDI sensitivity during the approach Precision  MLS – microwave landing system MLS Approach  Provides azimuth, elevation, and distance information  A back azimuth may be included for guidance during the missed approach and departure  Procedures can be designed with multiple final approach paths, including curved paths, and multiple glide slope angles

Section: C – RNAV Approaches 

RNAV approaches o Increases SA o Similar procedures for non-precision approaches o Uses GPS Approach Design o Terminal arrival area (TAA) provides a seamless transition from the enroute structure to the terminal environment for arriving aircraft equipped with FMS or GPS navigation equipment  Support transition from the enroute environment to the terminal environment and join the basic “T” design  Provides very efficient method for routing traffic into the terminal environment with little air traffic control interface required o Waypoint sequencing – database coding directs the navigation system including waypoint (WP) sequencing for the approach and missed approach. Database coding and/or hardware logic will indicate whether waypoint are fly-over or fly-by, and will provide appropriate guidance for each o Fly-by waypoint – requires the use of turn anticipation to avoid overshooting the next flight segment o Fly-over points are MAPs and MAP holding waypoints o Fly-over (FO) waypoint – precludes any turn until the waypoint is overflown, and is followed by either an intercept maneuver of the next flight segment or direct flight to the next waypoint o Flying manually, anticipate the turn at a fly-by waypoint to ensure a smooth transition and avoid overshooting the next flight segment

AVT-243 Chapter 8 – Self Notes Fly-over waypoint, no turn is accomplished until the aircraft passes the waypoint The waypoint to which navigation is appropriate and expected within each specific TAA area is named and depicted on the associated TAA icon o Each waypoint named is the IAF for arrivals o Straight-in are is a semicircle with a 30 nm radius centered on and extending outward from the IAF o Elimination of the TAA sign may accommodate operational requirements Required Navigation Performance o Required navigation performance (RNP) – create greater flexibility in designing routes, procedures and airspace o The application of a single performance standard to both airspace and navigation equipment also increases accuracy of navigation, thereby improving flight safety o In conjunction to RNAV, RNP is able to provide more direct routing for aircraft, making airspace more efficient while reducing flight costs o In the US standard RNP levels of 0.3,1.0, and 2.0 are currently outlined in the AIM o Each RNP specifies a distance in nm from the centerline of the specific route that must be maintained o Distance must be maintained for at least 95% of the flying time  If the RNP standard of 1.0 is required, it means the available navigation facility infrastructure as well as an aircraft’s navigation equipment must maintain the aircraft within 1 nm either side of the centerline of the route, 95% of the time during the flight o Performance of the navigation equipment in RNP refers not only to the level of accuracy of a particular sensor or aircraft system, but also to the degree of precision with which the aircraft will be flown o RNP principles can be applied to every phase of the flight o Different RNP performance levels are used for departure, enroute, and approach phases of flight o RNAV instrument approaches utilize 2 different RNP standards as an underlying premise for approach construction and procedural understanding o Terminal operations prior to the final approach waypoint (FAWP), RNAV approaches utilize the 1.0 RNP standard and, for approach ops, utilize the RNP 0.3 standard for operations from the FAWP to approach completion  First – approach is predicated upon the understanding that there are lateral limitations to the approach route  Second – that the equipment being used to fly the approach is capable of maintaining navigation within those limitations o Equipment capabilities can be found in the Aircraft Flight Manual (AFM) o If unable to meet the RNP requirements of an instrument procedure in flight, you must contact and advise ATC o ICAO – RNP  RNP RNAV is an expanded definition of RNP developed by the US Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics o o

AVT-243 Chapter 8 – Self Notes It provides lateral containment limitations and minimum system capabilities to aid in equipment design and certification RNAV Approaches o Nonprecision Approach  Encompasses all RNAV approaches that provide only lateral navigation  Nonprecision RNAV approaches offer only lateral navigation (LNAV) and circling minimums to altitudes similar to conventional nonprecision approaches  LNAV minima are for lateral navigation only and the approach minimum altitude is published as a minimum descent altitude (MDA) because vertical guidance is not provided  LNAV provides same level of service as the present GPS stand alone approaches o GPS Overlay Approach  GPS approach overlay program is an authorization for pilots to use properly installed and certified GPS equipment to fly many nonprecision approaches based on conventional navaids, with the exception of those using localizers, localizer-type directional aids (LDA), and simplified directional facilities (SDF).  GPS overlay approaches are identified by the name of the procedure  Overlay approaches are predicated upon the design criteria of the ground-based navaid used as the basis of the approach  They don’t adhere to the RNAV design criteria for stand alone GPS approaches, and are not considered part of the RNAV (GPS) approach classification o GPS Stand Alone/RNAV (GPS) Approaches  Usually labeled with a procedure identifier with “RNAV”  The parenthetical GPS in the procedure identifier means that the approach also is coded as a GPS procedure in the database  When cleared for an RNAV approach, the controller doesn’t include the term GPS  You are not required to monitor or have conventional navigation equipment for stand alone GPS approaches. However, you still must have conventional navigation equipment aboard your aircraft as a backup for enroute navigation, and to fly an alternate airport if it becomes necessary  Must have capability of conducting the approach using conventional equipment in the event GPS becomes unreliable  RNAV approaches require addition naming conventions in cases where two RNAV procedures are issue for the same runway  There are multiple nav systems that fall under the RNAV label that don’t use GPS for the system foundation  Flight Management Systems (FMS), Inertial Navigation Systems (INS), and DME systems are some of the other area nav systems that utilizes RNAV approaches  If the nav system cannot provide vertical navigation (VNAV) for an approach, it can only be used for nonprecision approaches with LNAV and circling minimums VNAV Descent Profile o Use on nonprecision approaches began as an industry and FAA initiative to provide a stabilized descent path to the MDA 

AVT-243 Chapter 8 – Self Notes Ensures stable constant rate of descents that clears all intervening altitude restrictions VNAV descent angle appears in brackets along with the descent path The conversion table provides a recommended rate of descent relative to the VNAV angle and groundspeed o Inclusion of VNAV descent angle does not change existing nonprecision approach instrument o FAR – do not descend below the MDA until attaining the required visual reference o Also do not initiate the prescribed missed approach procedure prio...

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