CHEM 2P20 Course Outline - Spring 2019 PDF

Title CHEM 2P20 Course Outline - Spring 2019
Course Organic Chemistry II
Institution Brock University
Pages 5
File Size 217.7 KB
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Download CHEM 2P20 Course Outline - Spring 2019 PDF


Spring 2019 Organic Chemistry 2P20 Course Outline Instructor Paul M. Zelisko, PhD Office: CRN 520 Tel: ext. 4389 E-mail: [email protected] Web: Office Hours: Monday-Friday (1-2pm) or by appointment

Laboratory Coordinator Fran Holland Office: MC E223 Tel: ext. 4977 E-mail: [email protected]

General Overview: Organic chemistry is, in general, the study of molecules based on carbon and reactions involving these molecules. This course will examine a wide variety of chemical reactions and principles and will undertake a mechanistic approach to studying chemical reactions. CHEM 2P20 will serve to provide students with a solid grounding in the guiding principles of organic chemistry which can subsequently be applied to other chemistry courses or courses in the physical or life sciences. Students will note that the approach for this, and other organic chemistry courses, will likely be different from other courses that they are taking or have taken in the past; simply memorizing the material will not be sufficient for success. The material presented in the lectures, weekly labs, and weekly tutorials will emphasize an understanding of basic


concepts and the application of these concepts to a variety of problems. Students are expected to keep up with the course material and to work through the problems in the text. Since the material in organic chemistry builds upon the preceding topics students are encouraged to seek assistance as soon as possible to clear up any areas of confusion if they encounter difficulties. It should be noted that students are expected to be active participants in their own education with respect to CHEM 2P20 – they are to be active participants in the lectures, they are to read the text and work through the problems contained therein, and to seek assistance when they need it. The lecture material will focus on topics/concepts from the textbook that historically benefit from greater explanation; topics not covered in lecture but contained within the Detailed Chapter Coverage (below) are the responsibility of the students. In the interest of time, straightforward molecules will often be used to exemplify concepts in order to save the time that would be required to draw more complex structures. Students should ensure that they are comfortable translating the concepts illustrated by these simple molecules to more complex structures.

Topics to be Covered: Topic

Chapter(s) in Text

Carbon and its Compounds


Anatomy of an Organic Molecule Molecules in Motion Stereochemistry Organic Reaction Mechanisms Acids and Bases p Bonds as Nucleophiles Conjugation and Aromaticity Synthesis Using Aromatic Molecules Displacement Reactions Elimination Reactions Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Mass Spectrometry and Infrared Spectroscopy

2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Approximate Lecture Date(s) Assumed Knowledge May 6, 2019 May 6, 2019 May 8, 2019 May 8-13, 2019 May 13, 2019 May 15, 2019 May 22-24, 2019 May 24, 2019 May 27, 2019 May 29 May 29-June 3, 2019 June 5, 2019

[Chapter references correspond to Ogilvie, Organic Chemistry – Mechanistic Patterns] Test 1: May 22, 2019 (9-10:30am) Test 2: May 29, 2019 (9-11am) 2

Final Exam: June 7 or 8, 2019 (Scheduled by the Registrar’s Office) Assignment 1: May 6, 2019 (Posted), May 13, 2019 (Due) Assignment 2: May 22, 2019 (Posted), May 29, 2019 (Due) Assignment 3: May 29, 2019 (Posted), June 5, 2019 (Due)

Laboratory Scheduling: Each student registered in Chemistry 2P20 must attend two laboratory periods (3 hours each) every week and one tutorial every week. Conflicts will be resolved during the first week of labs if possible. Labs will begin the week of May 6, 2019. Students MUST attend their first lab slot to ensure their spot and to check-in. Following this first lab students who are missing glassware or incur breakages will have the replacement cost deducted from their lab deposits. Lab deposits will be refunded by Financial Services at the end of the school year. Failure to check out of the lab at the end of term will result in forfeiture of the lab deposit. Laboratory material may appear on tests and the final exam. As a result of the Victoria Day holiday, labs that would normally be held on Monday, May 20, 2019 will be held from 2-5pm on Wednesday, May 22, 2019. For any students that this creates a conflict with their scheduled tutorial, these students are welcome to attend any tutorial section for that week only. The lecture that would normally have been held on Monday, May 20, 2019 will be held on from 9am-12pm on Friday, May 24, 2019. The Friday morning lab (9am-12pm) scheduled for Friday, May 24, 2019 will be held on Thursday, May 23, 2019 from 9am-12pm to accommodate this revised schedule. Students should note that arbitrary switching between laboratory and tutorial sections is not permitted.

Evaluation: The final grade for the course will be determined on the basis of the following weighting: Course Component Assignments (x3) Tutorials Test #1 Test #2 Class Participation Laboratories

Mark Value 5% 5% 10% 15% 5% 20%


Final Exam


A MINIMUM of 8 out of the 9 experiments must be completed and the corresponding report submitted for marking in order to meet the course requirements; students who do not complete the required labs will not pass the course. A medical note from a physician is required for a missed lab. The material from the labs will appear on the tests and on the exam. Late assignments WILL NOT be accepted and will receive a mark of zero. If an assignment or term test is missed the student must submit the “Student Medical Certificate” (located on the Sakai homepage) to the course instructor, and the value of the final exam will be increased accordingly to compensate. Any piece of work submitted for remarking will be remarked in its entirety to correct any and all marking errors and the grade will be adjusted accordingly. A minimum mark of 30% MUST be achieved on the final exam in order to pass the course, irrespective of the student’s other grades (if a grade of at least 30% is achieved on the final exam the student’s other marks in the course and the exam mark must add up to a passing grade before credit in CHEM 2P20 will be given. Any academic work (assignments, tutorials, lab notebooks, tests), save for final exams, not picked up by July 1, 2019 will be considered abandoned and will be destroyed. NOTE: You are responsible for material covered in class, including any announcements, changes to the syllabus, changes to due dates, etc., whether you are there or not.

Detailed Chapter Coverage: The following list outlines the sections of each chapter that will be responsible for. Please note that the instructor may supplement the course with material/topics that are not covered in the text. Chapter and Topic Carbon and its Compounds Anatomy of an Organic Molecule Molecules in Motion Stereochemistry Organic Reaction Mechanisms Acids and Bases p Bonds as Nucleophiles Conjugation and Aromaticity Synthesis Using Aromatic Molecules Displacement Reactions Elimination Reactions Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Mass Spectrometry and Infrared Spectroscopy

Sections 1.1 – 1.10 2.1-2.5 3.1-3.7 4.1-4.11 5.1-5.10 5.1-6.9 8.1-8.8 9.1-9.5 10.1-10.10 11.1-11.9 12.1-12.8 13.1-13.6 14.1-14.7


Learning Objectives: At the completion of CHEM 2P20 students will have an appreciation for the diverse nature of organic chemistry and its applications. Students will understand how to draw chemical reactions and how to properly illustrate molecules. They will understand the principles of chemical bonding and how polarity affects chemical reactions and the stability of molecules. Students will be able to extrapolate/apply concepts from rather simple molecules to more complex organic structures. It should be noted that it is the responsibility of the course instructor to present the information in each topic and that it is the responsibility of the students to ensure that they are meeting these learning objectives and to seek assistance when necessary.

Academic Integrity: Students are expected to conduct themselves in accordance with the Brock University Academic Integrity Policy (Code of Student Academic Conduct) with respect to all aspects of the course.


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