Circular Writing Script PDF

Title Circular Writing Script
Author Kameron Cross
Course  Writing for Film
Institution Westchester Community College
Pages 9
File Size 53.8 KB
File Type PDF
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A group project involving a short film script....



written by

Kameron Cross Brandy O’Keeffe Ayanna Preudhomme Joshua Odrisco Mark Byrne

INT. HOUSE. LIVING ROOM - DAY The living room is quiet and boring with the lights off. The front door opens. GREG, 21 year old college student, enters the house with his keys. AMANDA, Greg’s 22 year old friend, enters behind him with BAGS in her hand. Greg closes the door and takes the bags to put them away. AMANDA It wouldn’t have been that big of a deal if Karen hadn’t gotten snippy with the cashier. It’s too hot for that. GREG Right? She wanted a discount over a stupid little scratch on the edge of a pan. It’s not that deep. Amanda walks towards the couch to sit down. Greg walks in her direction. AMANDA This makes me so glad I left Burlington Hell Factory. GREG (reaching for his pocket) It’s like that one video I keep forgetting to show you. Greg puts his hand in his pants pocket. He frantically pats the pocket. He quickly pulls his hand of the pocket, then uses both hands to tap both of his pants pockets. He panics, opens the front door, and runs out of the house. EXT. HOUSE. FRONT - DAY Greg runs out of the house to look around. He runs to the sidewalk and looks down. We see the sidewalk with nothing but breakage. Greg runs back into the house. INT. HOUSE. LIVING ROOM - DAY Greg runs back into the house, sweating and hyperventilating. Amanda, concerned, stands up and approaches Greg. AMANDA Greg, breathe. GREG Have you seen my phone?

2. AMANDA (confused) I thought it was with you. Greg slams the door and paces back and forth. Amanda tries to calm him down. AMANDA (CONT’D) You must retrace your steps. I think I know where you might have left it. GREG Where? AMANDA Walmart was the last place we’ve been to, right? GREG (calm) Yeah... AMANDA Have you been to other places before we met up at Walmart? Greg looks around as he tries to think about where he could have left his phone. GREG Let’s go. Greg turns around to open the door. Amanda walks out the door and greg leaves behind her. He closes the door. CUT TO: EXT. SIDEWALK - DAY Greg and Amanda walk down the sidewalk quickly. Greg has his head down and passes Amanda. Amanda tries to keep up with Greg while glancing at his face. AMANDA (concerned) Are you thinking about where you have been? Greg pauses, putting his hand on his forehead.

3. GREG (V.O.) I cannot tell Amanda that I was checking out that new nudist colony earlier. She was complaining about that camp last week. I have to make something up to avoid this awkward topic. Greg looks at Amanda, and across the busy street sees a CHURCH behind her. GREG My thoughts are all over the place. I think I need a minute to relax so I can think better. Let’s go into that church. Greg and Amanda run across the busy street and suddenly enter the church. INT. CHURCH - DAY A lot of people sitting in the pews turn around. Greg and Amanda realize there interrupted a wedding. They slowly sit down in the back pew. AMANDA (whispering) What do we do now? GREG (whispering) I don’t know yet. Give me a minute to think. Greg stares at the pew ahead of him while brainstorming. Amanda is slowly looking all around the church, then stares at the bride and groom. She then looks at Greg with a big suspicious smile and glassy eyes. Greg has an idea and turns to Amanda. GREG I was able to remember where I was earlier! Greg notices the look Amanda has on her face. GREG (CONT’D) (worried) Are you OK, Amanda? Amanda, still gazing at Greg with a smile, looks up at the bride and groom.

4. AMANDA Isn’t this beautiful? Look how happy they are! GREG How can you tell? He looks up at the bride and groom. GREG (CONT’D) We are looking at the back of them. AMANDA I can just feel it! Can’t you feel it too, Greg? Amanda is still gazing at the bride and groom. AMANDA (CONT’D) The love... Amanda stares at Greg with the smile. GREG (baffled) Ohhhhh k, we’d better get out of here. Amanda looks down at her feet and then Greg lowers his head too. DISSOLVE TO: EXT. CHURCH - DAY Greg and Amanda are both picking up on the tension in the air. Amanda turns to Greg. AMANDA So, you said that you remember where you were earlier. Greg, barely even noticing that Amanda started talking to him, quickly snaps out of his thoughts. GREG Oh yeah, I remember I went to the art supply store to get some supplies for this painting I’m working on. Greg stumbles a bit on his words trying to come up with the best excuse to make Amanda not suspicious.

5. GREG (CONT’D) Right outside of the store there was this homeless guy asking for change. When I was about to take out my wallet, I heard sirens coming my way. Instantly startled, I dropped all my cash on the floor and the homeless man snatched the money and started running away. Amanda looks concerned and intrigued. AMANDA What did you do next? GREG Well, I went running after him, dropped my phone on the ground, and I quickly picked it up and saw that I cracked my screen a little bit. Greg starts to get upset, hating that he’s lying to his best friend about how he actually cracked his phone by dropping it at the nudist colony while checking in. GREG (CONT’D) I completely lost the guy and was pissed off about my phone and the money that I just went back into my car and went to Walmart to meet up with you. Amanda is looking at Greg, wishing that she could be more help to him because she sees how upset this is making him feel. She steps closer to him and hugs him, rubbing his back. AMANDA (comfortingly) It’s going to be okay. We will find your phone eventually. CUT TO: INT. HOUSE. LIVING ROOM - NIGHT Greg lets out an exasperated sigh, slumping on the couch, Amanda pacing before him, arms crossed. GREG We went everywhere but I still can’t figure out where I could have dropped it...

6. AMANDA I might have an idea, then. Amanda reaches into her pocket and pulls out Greg’s PHONE, the lattice of cracks shimmering under the light. Greg audibly GULPS, bug eyed at the revelation. GREG (distraught) You had it this whole time? Why, Amanda? You could have saved us all day! Amanda frowns, looking greg over, tears welling at the edges. AMANDA (hurt) You lied, Greg. I thought you... At least trusted me, but no. Why? I wouldn’t have thought any less of you. Greg, confused by her words, begins to speak but stops, understanding what she meant but unsure as to how she might have known. GREG (suspicious) What do you mean? I haven’t been hiding anything from you! AMANDA (angry) The Colony, Greg! I know! You write everything down because you’ve got the memory of a... I have no idea what has as bad a memory as you! Greg seems offended and is about to interrupt as Amanda continues. AMANDA (CONT’D) I don’t care, Greg! I didn’t approve of it because-- Well-- you can be you, do whatever it is your heart desires-- But what happens when you forget, at the mercy of a bunch of wackjobs? Assuming they won’t take advantage of you? Amanda stifles a sob and shakes her head, tossing the phone to Greg before storming off, wiping away tears.

7. GREG Amanda! Wait up! Greg is hit with his phone, fumbling it before dropping it to rush after her. CUT TO: EXT. HOUSE - NIGHT Amanda wipes away tears as she walks away from the house. Greg sprints to catch up with her. He’s out of breath as he grabs her shoulders and spins her around to face him. GREG Listen! I couldn’t tell you the truth. AMANDA Keep it to yourself. I’m done with you, Greg. Goodbye. Amanda tries to turn away but Greg holds firmly onto her shoulders. GREG Wait! I couldn’t tell you because... Greg drops down on one knee. Amanda brings her hands up to her mouth. Her anger fades in an instant. The tears streaming down her cheeks are no longer of sadness, but of joy. AMANDA Oh, Greg... Memories flash through Amanda’s mind: the first time she saw Greg in biology class, the first time they spoke, the day they spent at the county fair over the summer. All these months filled with the anguish of loving him so deeply, but having to keep it secret for fear that he didn’t share her affections. GREG I know you disapprove. I wouldn’t have gone... But those nudists sure know how to make a ring. Amanda is shaking with anticipation as Greg reaches into his pocket and presents a small JEWELRY BOX. GREG Amanda... Will you-

8. Time slows down as Greg opens the box. We hear a pounding HEARTBEAT and a romantic MUSICAL SWELL. The lid of the box CLICKS into place as it opens. The box is empty. Greg has lost the ring. GREG Shit... CUT TO BLACK...

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