CL216 or RN317 Exam 1 Study Guide PDF

Title CL216 or RN317 Exam 1 Study Guide
Course Greek and Roman Religion
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Terms range from Zues, Kronos, Panathenaia, sacrifice and much more....


CL216/RN317 Greek Religion Exam 1 study guide Religion is: ordinary and mundane (in this world) discourses and practices of everyday life that are characterized By an orientation to speak of matters transcendent (beyond the limited spaces of the world) and eternal (beyond the limits of time) By a desire to speak of these matters with an authority equally transcend and neutral Zeus: son of Cronus and Rhea. Supremecy over his wife and right to withhold thoughts from other gods. Ex: when Hera learns of Thetis’ visit. Variety through epithets: Zeus Xenois  of the guest Zeus Hiketesios  Of the asylum seekers Zeus Horkios  Of the boundaries Zeus Soter  savior and though marriage. Story: beggar with Cyclops, disguised and undisguised. Swallowed 1st wife Metis. Unbound cyclopses and they gave him his thunderbolts. Protector of stranger and supplicants. Achilles attributes good and evil allocations to Zeus, Zeus says mortal create their own trouble Kronos/Chronus: father of Zeus married to Rhea, tried to eat all of his children. Castrates his faather Ouranos Aphrodite in theogony. Eats his children at birth to avoid being suceeded by them, Rhea deceives Cronus with the help of her parents by substituting a stone for the infant Zeus who is safe on Crete. Forced to throw up all of his children. Promethus: son of a Titan. Tried to deceive Zeus, explains the practice of offering the bones to the gods and retaining the flesh for the mortals. Left meat and innards covered with stomach for humans leaves bones covered with shiny fat, Zeus catches how unjustly the portions are divided. Explained in theogony. Zeus made choice of inferior portion and thereby sanctioned that offerings to the gods for humans of all time. Picked the portion with the bones covered with white fat. Apollo: (phoebus or Loxias) son of Zeus and Leto, god of prophecy, music, healing and medicine. Anthesteria: p118-125 Festival in honor of Dionysus. Located outside of the Acropolis in early spring February. Sequence of Events throughout three days were as followed: Wine opened at sundown on the 11th and temple of Dionysus open and kept open until sundown the following day (New Wine) Religious calenders: thorikos. Day 1: Pithoigea “Cask opening” wine flasks of the autumn are released for consumption and sale arrival of Dionysus and mixing of wine with water. Wine had to be offered to Demeter and diluted with water, Marshes? Watered down land:

why they drink the wine the way they do drinking contest, dancing. Day 2: Choes “wine jugs” Dionysus enters Athens and takes the wife of Archon Basileus in sacred marriage; drinking competition, only Dionyseus temple open. Stranger coming to the city polluted by matricide, inclusion and exclusion at the same time. Day 3: Chytroi “pots” comical like reversal: the dead visiting Zeus flood. Sacred marriage of Dionysus. City Dionysia: Festival to honor Dionysus, tragedies satrys and late on comedies were performed dithyrambs special hymns in honor of Dionysus. End of winter and beginning of sailing season. Theater of Dionysus located at the foot of the acropolis. Possibly estrablished under tyrant Pisistratus. Occasion for Athens to showcase itself t the greek world. Sat in slopes judges with stone seats sat at the bottom on level with the orchestra. 3 or more days/ # tragedies with satyrs. 5 comic poets 1 play. 10 tribes 2 dithyrambs. Chief Magistrate was in charge of the organization. Wealthy person undertook training and equipping, competing as well “liturgy”. A few days before the statue of Dionysus was taken out of the temple for the procession and placed in a shrine. Dionysus was intitally rejection which was symbolized by the men carrying giant phalluses on their heads during the procession Procession was followed by a great sacrifice and banquet. Statue placed with Chrous before procession. Spectator during competitions. Thesmophoria: A woman’s festival in honor of Demeter and daughter Kore aka Persephone Panathenaea procession Thesmophoria- Married citizen women only Organized by demes, women chose female 'rulers' three days with women camping out in tents 1. Án(h)odos, 'Going up‘ to Demeter sanctuary 2, Nēsteía, 'Fasting', sitting on mats supposedly with antaphrodisiac effects 3, Kalligéneia, 'Fair birth‘Central ritual: descent into underground 'chambers‘ to bring up the rotten remains of piglets and of spelt cakes shaped like piglets or like male genitalia in order to place them on the altars. In honor of Demeter and Kore. Panathenaia: Athenian Festival in honor of Athena, Athena Polis, greater magnificence every fourth years. Processions contests including sports, music and poetry and sacrifices for Greek speaking males. 28th Hekatombeion. Famous for large ordered procession leading up to the Acopolis. Prosession: going in an ordered manner, further up in the front, less important left behind Built temple to Athena on Acropolis; established the structure of the Great Panathenaia games every four years, introduced Homeric competition into the games The last tyrant of Athens, son of Peisistratus was killed during the Panathenaia. New panathenaia was celebration of Athenian order. Athena was born from Zeus head. How we understand Athens in religious

terms. Does not date, goddess of wisdom battle, fair skinned. Foundation: Athena vs Poseidon. This was established by Athena’s foster son: Erichthonius, a king of Athens born of the soil. For all Athenians. Built temple to Athena on Acropolis; established the structure of the Great Panathenaia games every four years, introduced Homeric competition into the games Partheon: East side – pediment with the birth of Athena. Parthenas means virgin Parthenon frieze Theseus turned it into Panathenaia. The tyrant Peisistratus relied heavily on Athena’s worship (cf. after exile return in a chariot with a tall woman dressed as Ath;ena in divine dress). Saying Athena was supporting him to be leader. Athena had a chariot. Anthropomorphism: The attribution of human characteristics or behavior to a god, animal, or object. Characteristic in Greek religion Panhellenic? In Hesoid Works and days we see stronger, more powerful, and more beautiful than humans, said to be immortal, however not eternal and not creators of the universe or humans. See them in the Iliad and the Oddyssey. sacrifice: (libation) Normative ancient sacrifice- preparation, music accompanying it, praying, meal follows sacrifice for example weddings or public rituals, depicted a lot in Homer. Offer animal food and ask if it wants to take sacrifice says yes by accepting food, if it does not accept the food there is a problem. Other forms of sacrifice that were w/o meal, horses to Poseidon/sun god Helios, purification sacrifices, Holocaust Sacrifice: whole of animal burnt, Oath sacrifice, Sacrifice before crossing a river, before battle, incense. For Human sacrificing: turn that human into an animal, people who are becoming human scape goats cut them down on the alter NOTE: all sacrifices do not take place inside a temple. Pigs were sacrificed to Demeter. Need for cleanliness to make a sacrifice. Performed to protect households and common interests. Votive offering: to god in fulfillment of a vow promising such a gift if the god granted a particular prayer or in hope of prayer being granted. Greek temples: alter as asylum located outside. makes sense of sacrifice. Promise that gods will pursue you . Sorrounded by barley corns Can’t perform a sacrifice after sex, battle, and homicide gods favore was best obtained by following nomos of the city. Eumaeus offers Odyesseus hospitality as a stranger in disguise and makes sacrifice for his safe return and gives him the best meat. Earth, Sun and Helios are all invoked as witnesses when oath and sacrifice between greeks and Trojans. Oedipus: King of thebes who killed his father Lauis and married his mother Jocasta. Seer Tiresieas. Unknowingly killed his own father, and is now king of thebes pollution (sacrifice) afflicting entire community because of unsolved murder. Oracle of Apollo

telld Oedipus why and invokes a terrible curse that makes murderer a complete social outcast. Example of cleanliness: Hector returning from battle before a libation, asks mother to make an offering and prayer to Athena. Delphic oracle: Purpose was so mortals knew will of the immortals. Most powerful oracle. Croseus of Lydia makes alliance with Spartans to attack the Persian empire, Delphic oracle tells him that if a mule would become king of Medes, a great power will be destroye Divination. Most important oracle in mainland Greece during the seventh century BCE. Seemed to be most reliable and was at the center of Greece navel of the earth. Used for safekeeping and display of valuable property, lead to temple of Apollo. The foundation legned: Apollo seeks site for his temple Choice of city crisa by fountain Slaying of the dragon, Python leaving it to rot GK pythein Priesthood of Cretan men on boat whom he encountered as a dolphin  Delphi. Homeric Hymn to Demeter: earliest surviving literary source to mention these mysteries of Demeter at Eleusis. Delphic oracle. Demeter search for her daughter kore to keep the grain from germinating. Disguised as an old woman goes to house of Celeus of Eleuis. Fatsed. Revels divintity and demands an alter be established for her at Eleuisis. Zeus brings her back but only for one part of the year. Eleusinian mysteries: In honor of Demeter in core most famous of cults, ater Homeric hymn to Demeter. Spring and autmn, Greater and Lesser. Initiation, secrecy, afterlife Euripides: author Aristophanes: comic poet of the Clouds 423 BCE could have contributed to Socrates condemnation. Clouds: A conservative father Stepsiades urges Pheidippes to go to Socrates thinker in order to learn to talk his way out of debt. Son won’t go he does. Mock initiation ceremony. Follow no gods besides thouse we recognize, If you follow Socrates you will not sacrifice. Socrates: turned Greek philosophical enquiry away from the nature of the physical world to questions concerning humans. No writings, his teaches are based off of Aristophanes Clouds and dialogues of Plato and Xenophon. Condemned to death: impiety. Public philosophical of traditional religion 12.40-12.41 new religious You cannot judge 399 only on the basis of 399 top of 69 Trying to tell Athens not to make a disturbance. Divinie mission looks very diff from yours, says Adelphi oracle is very reasonable to bring Alcibiades: General and Politician accused of complicity in the profanation of the Elusian Mysteries. Defected to Sparta and later returned to Athens. After winning several victories, fell out of favor and was killed in Asia minor. Plato: Author of Apology, student of Socrates. Analysis of Socrates

charges and points out the juries slanders date back to the previous generation. Hesiod: Lived around 700 BCE, later contemporary of Homer. Author of Theogony: story about creation of the gods. He receives divine inspiration from the muses as he tend to his sheep by mount Helicon as wrote works and days. Both put together a version of the various myths concerning the gods that became generally accepted tradition mid 5th c BCE. BOTH take place during and immediately after the siege of troy. In works and Days: warns the gods will not respond to prater of anyone who is ritually unclean BOTH athromo. Gods. Justice of human actions Moira cannot be avoided Homer: Author of Iliad. Trojan war: Greeks: Poseidon, Hera, and Athena Trojans: Apollo Aphrodite. Achilles not to kill Agamemnon. Relationship between gods and humans: gods appear in human form and talk with them ex: Achilles and Athena, must obey otherwise loose favor. Trojan war divine cause: Paris grants Aphrodite the apple of Eris over Athena and Hera. Human cause: Paris Abducts the Greek Helen, wife of Menelaus. Achilles mother (Thetis) supplicates to Zeus to help Trojans, so Greeks will regret. Gods can be touched but no real suffering for them. Can also appeal to the gods through prayer, also among gods as Thetis did to Zeus. Hector and Sarpedon and : Trojans, Patroclus and Achilles are greeks. Achilles kills hector, Achilles is killed by Paris. Composed second half of the 8th century Theseus: king of Athens who performed exploits such as: killing the Minotaur, father of Hippolytus and husband of Phaedra. Worshiped as hero. Dissuades Hercules from comminting suicide because he most submit to fate. Hercules: Son of Zeus and Alcmena, performed 12 labors worship as god and hero after death. Only hero admitted by gods to mount Olympus and granted immortality. Accomplished superhuman deeds Mystic cult: no initiation but ecstatic communion with divinity. Mysteria: used for Elusian festival of Demeter and Kore, but later used for cults: Initiation secrecy and reference to afterlife, Such as what follows: Mystery cult: initiatory (Eleusis) – most intergrated in regular social values Bacchic Mysteriosophic cult: individual reunion with divinity, Potential for world rejection Orphism. Olympic Games: No musical contests reaffirming the sacred truce: NIcea bw Athens and Sparta. Celebrated in honor of Zeus, safe travel to all. “Agonistic” Struggle. 776. Prize was a mere olive leaf during the games not money. Others were surprised to learn that greeks competed for excellence rather that material things.

Says that Gods has games at Olympia. Apollo won Olympic victories: Pantatholon. Held over a period of 5 days 13 contests, Stadion: foot race over the distance of the stade. Many rigors and risks in training. Jusrisdiction of Hellenodikai. Procession to the games, lead by the judges and 16 other women. Sacrificed pig and purification on boundary between Elis and Olympia. Swore an oath. Ex: Thucydides lied. Women were forbidden to attend some days, virgins were permitted as spectators. Asclepius: son of Apoolo and Koronis, A boetian princess, suckled by a female goat, educated by a wise centuaur who taught him sugery and healing with plants, his skills are Epidauros: not Athens 6.25 incubate in the sanctuary, stay over night sleep in Bacchae: “woman worshipping” thyrsus ( a branch or wand tipped ivy leave) Orpheus: legendary poet, attribute set of reliefs or religious practices. Said to have gone down to the underworld and brought back his wife Eurydice. Associated with Dionysus. Zeus raped Rhea produced Persephone, raped Persephone who produced Dionysus. Titans took Dionysus ripped him apart, zeus killed titans with his lightining bolts and that is how the human raced form, humans have characteristics of titans and Dionysus so must perform rituals to honor Dionysus. Herms: sacred pillar with head or hermes on top and an erect phallus in the middle located outside of houses Sarpedon: On greek side of war. Son of Zeus. Mortal. Dies in the Trojan war at the hands of Patroclus, apart of Zeus’ plan in order to help the Trojans when he promised Thetis. Zeus contemplates rescuing his son, but Hera reminds him of his mortality. Theogony:Hesoid 700 BCE relates the origin and genealogies of the gods, distancing himself to the stories by attributing his inspiration to the Muses who, he says both know truth and fiction and mingle them as they wisdom Demeter: Chronus and Rhea, Produced Kore with Zeus, goddess of grain who controlled crop and vegetation Kore: (the maid) Carried off into the underworld to be wife of Haides Maenad: women inspired to ritual frenzy by Dionysus organized into bands (thiasos), sparagmos: ripping apart of the flesh of an animal. Omophagia: eating raw flesh Orgia: doings: the gods rites, our word orgy. Maenads tear up man? Satyrs: half human, half equine followers of Dionysus Nomos/physis: N- custom/laws vs p- nature sophists belived that religion was based on nomos Mythos/logos: Protagoras of Abdera: Man is the measure of all things, created huge controversy for that time. Not able to tell how they exist of how they do not exist.

Prodicus of Keos: sophist naturalism, sun moon gods charged with atheism, contemporary of Socrates, anything that benefits life is assumed to be a god Xenophanes of Colophon: critique of Homeric gods: philosophers challenge traditional religion. Gives his side of Socrates defense. Socrates did indeed sacrifice but saying he does not recognize the gods of the states. Was the only one who admitted the exisitence of gods but rejected divination entirely Anaxagoras of Clazomenae: Pre-socratic philosopher brought philosophy to Athens min controls all things Kritias: Author of Sisyphus gives account on how origin of gods came to be laws prevented from deeds divination Sophist influence in his writings Human sacrifice: In ancient Greece, Horrendum et Fascinosum. Form of killing considered lawful, similar to war, capital punishment or a blood feud. It was limited to the performance of offering rites that- universally accepted in the respective religion or culture and are conducted in a fashion similar to other creatures. Ritual Murder: in the context of a society which condemns human sacrifices Pharmakos: Scapegoat at Thargelia (Borderline case) Magic: what a magos: sorcere does and knows. Magos: Persian prests or religious specialists responsible for a broad range of ritaual activities not linked to the polis. 13.1 Polemical concept: your enemies practices. Limited in 4th centh to damaging magic. Other term for magicians:goes music enchantement, animals come around with, certain language used can change the world. Binding magic spells: legal, erotic, agonistic and economic defixiones: curses written on thin lead tablets to ruin the affairs or well being of people. 30.11 pharmakon is used to denote any powerful substance effective for good or evil. Magna Mater/Cybele: 14.12 someone who is associated with nature. Origin of form. She likes to party, music and all of the animal stuff. Will often be depicted with animals on her side. Associated with Demeter. 4.18-14.19 she had mysteries -258 Cosmogony: Story of the Creation of the World. Chaos came first then Gaea. Gaea produced Ouranos (sky). Together the produced, 12 children (titans) including Chronus. Chronus castrated Ouranos Influence of this story: Influence Near eastern cultures Near eastern/Aegean mythical Koine shared language Hittite myth: Kingship of heaven (with castration of heaven) Hittite song about the weather god defeating a usurper Babylonian creation story about the commingling of sky and earth resulting in the birth of the gods Heroegony: Story of creation of Heroes Dionysiac Festivals of Athens: autumn to early springs

Oschophoria- October vintage celebration (vintage) Rural Dionysia-December: fertility-processions, theatrical performance Lenaia- January Anthesteria- Feb Zeus and Demeter: Persephone who married his brother Hades. Zeus and leto had Apollo Zeus and emele had Dionysus. Essay Questions: Discussion of Ancient evidence (Euripides, Aristophanes and Plato and others we discussed in detail in class) Content of Passages. The Trojan war is a form of literary evidence Defining of identifying important analytical terms in the study of greek religion. Defining of identifying particular details of Greek religious rituals and customs including its divinities and officials, elements and physical settings Phases and important persons in the history of Greek religions and related philosophical thought...

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