Clusters classification DSM V PDF

Title Clusters classification DSM V
Course Psicologia Personalitat
Institution Universitat de Barcelona
Pages 5
File Size 180.5 KB
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Clusters classification for personality disorders according to DSM V...


CLUSTER A Paranoid PD Description: suspicious patterns • Excessive or unjustified distrust, suspicion, hypervigilance (the others are a constant threat) • Defensive attitude (they do not reveal information about themselves to prevent others from using it against them) • Constantly seeking for hidden meanings and finding motivations against them • Resentment towards others, hostility. • Coherent discourse but based on false premises. Emotional traits: • Cold, insensitive to the suffering of others, unemotive • Constant tension • Great anxiety when losing control • Emotions: anger and jealousy • Easily irritable • Lack of sense of humor • Excessive emotional sensitivity

Schizoid PD Description: asocial patterns

• Rare • No family history of thought disorders • Deficits in emotional expression (cold, distant, without inner life) • Social apathy (disconnection from interpersonal relationships, no need to belong to a social group, few friends outside the family, lonely, social marginalization) • Lack of social skills (indifference to approval or problems such as mobbing or bullying).

Emotional traits: • Low emotional activation (arousal) • Inability to express emotions (repression) • Inappropriate emotional responses • Hypoactive sexual desire • low intimate relationships • They can establish affective bonds with animals

Schizotypal PD Description: eccentric patterns • Alterations in perception, language n beh without meeting the criteria of schizophrenic disorder • Emotional suffering (isolation, feelings of inferiority, vulnerability) • Distancing from reality (by distancing themselves from social interaction, they tend to construct a reality of their own, distorted, magical thinking, irrational) • Obsessive ruminations (sometimes aggressive or sexual content) Emotional traits: • Anxiety about social interaction • Restricted or inappropriate affectivity • Anhedonia (inability to feel pleasure) • Explosive emotional reactions, often out of context • Sensitive to anger • Frequent episodes of depression and anxiety

CLUSTER B • Impulsivity and emotional instability • Entail serious consequences for themselves and the people around (family, partner..) • Intense and unstable personal relationships • Difficulties in job and academic contexts • Risk behaviors and suicide attempts • Demand for health care

Antisocial PD Descriptions: braggart patterns • Chronic antisocial behavior. Contempt for society, moral norms, and the emotions of others.

• Lack of empathy (indifference to the suffering of others, others are objects that they use and abuse to achieve an end, distrust the compassion of others, tend to be arrogant, revengeful) • Inability to feel guilty • Competitiveness, need to show their superiority and take advantage of others. Need to control the environment, which they perceive as hostile. -> Cause suffering in their social environment Emotional traits: • Impulsivity • Irritability, anger, hostility, aggressiveness • Lack of kindness and intimacy • Coldness • Frustration if they lose control of something • can be charismatic

Borderline PD Description: unstable patterns • Instability in mood, self-image, and interpersonal behavior (fluctuations between idealization and devaluation) • Intense emotions in interpersonal relations (fear of abandonment, fear of being alone, incompressible reactions, neglect others, fluctuations between anger and guilt, feelings of emptiness) • Intense and chaotic interpersonal relationships (over-dependence, manipulate to seek affection and attention, conflicts, volatility in effect) • Impulsivity (self-harm, suicide attempts, additions) Emotional traits: • Affective instability • Contradictory emotions, hypersensitivity to negative emotion • Intense, inappropriate anger. • Loss of emotional control with frustration and disappointment • Impulsivity (agitation and physical arousal at loss of control) • Feelings of emptiness and abandonment • Feelings of shame, guilt, and self-hatred

Histrionic PD Descriptions: gregarious patterns (having a distorted mental image of oneself) • Emotionality and attention-seeking (seeking approval) • Theatrical behavior, reactive and expressed with great intensity • Voluptuousness and exhibitionism. • Personal relationships marked by superficiality, self-centeredness, hypocrisy, dependence, and manipulation. • They show interest in other people and willingness to please but are unable to establish intimate relationships.

• Tendency to seduction and flirting in interpersonal relationships • Excessive concern about physical attractiveness Emotional traits: • Emotional instability • Dramatic mood disturbances • Emotional dependence • Hypersensitivity to rejection • Low tolerance for frustration and delaying gratification • Inconstant and impetuous effective expression

Narcissistic PD Description: egocentric pattern • Feelings of importance and grandiosity • Fantasies of success, beauty, and power • Lack of empathy • Express interest in others but have problems in intimate relationships Emotional traits: • Faked indifference and tranquility • Extreme mood variations • Inappropriate feelings of anger and revenge • Superficial relationships with little emotional bond • Hypersensitivity to evaluation • Feelings of shame, guilt, and self-hatred

CLUSTER C Avoidant PD Description: inhibited pattern • Social inhibition (hypersensitivity to social rejection, feelings of social inadequacy, and loneliness) • Social withdrawal despite the desire for affection (continuous tension in the presence of others, distant, introverted behaviors) • Hypervigilance to signs of rejection and disapproval • Low self-esteem (minimize successes, accentuate failures) • Avoid personal risks, exaggerating the risks of participating in new activities Emotional traits: • Low tolerance to physical and psychological pain • Fear and anxiety in situations with strangers • Emotional lability • Feelings of emptiness, depersonalization, loneliness and sadness

Dependent PD: Description: submissive patterns • Over-reliance on others to take care of them • Difficulty making decisions, constant search for advice and recognition (prioritize other’s advice over their own) • Lack of self-confidence, low self-esteem • At the end of a relationship, they urgently seek a new one (as cure and support) • Exaggerated empathy, self-sacrifice for others. Emotional traits: • Fear and anxiety of functioning independently • Fear of abandonment (paternal overprotection in childhood) • Insecurity and anxiety • Feeling helpless when alone • They often feel dominated, used, nullified, and hopeless at the end of a relationship

Obsessive-compulsive PD Description: perfectionist patterns • Concern for order, perfectionism, and interpersonal control • Extreme rigidity, indecision, excessive concern for details, rules, schedules…etc • Devotion to work and performance (but trouble finishing tasks due to excessive perfectionism) • Savers and greedy (with them and with others) • Lack of empathy (they are difficult to convince) • Obstinate but sensitive to criticism Emotional traits: • Anxiety about novelty • Control of emotions (expressing emotions as a sign of immaturity and irresponsibility) • Difficulty expressing affection • Contempt for impulsive or frivolous people • Generalized tension and stress (inability to relax) • Affective expression of anger or indignation...

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