Cognitive Distortions Worksheet PDF

Title Cognitive Distortions Worksheet
Course 21st Century Skills: Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
Institution Grand Canyon University
Pages 3
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Week 3 assignment...


Cognitive Distortions Worksheet Name:

1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

Read Chapter 3 in the course textbook. Complete the table below using the information from the textbook. Choose a total of 5 cognitive distortions. GCU style is not required, but solid academic writing is expected. An example is provided below in red. Definition of Cognitive Distortion

Selected Cognitive Distortion

Always Being Right

1. Catastrophizing

It is impossible to be wrong.

When we immediately jump to the worst conclusions about a particular event.

Please respond to the prompts below (a,b,c,d) for each cognitive distortion you choose. Each response should be 150-200 words. a) Provide an example of a cognitive distortion from your personal life. b) How did the cognitive distortion affect your critical thinking? c) How could you manage the emotions associated with this cognitive distortion in the future? d) How will you avoid using this cognitive distortion in the persuasive essay you are writing for this class? a) My favorite baseball team is the best of all time, and no one could tell me otherwise. I did not do any research to support this claim, but I just know my favorite baseball team is the best. b) I am so caught up in being right that I am unable to comprehend the actual statistics about other baseball teams. If someone tries to argue with me and provide information that could prove me wrong, I will dismiss it because I want to be right. c) I should consider factual baseball statistics, and try to understand that my favorite team may not be the best simply because it is my favorite and I want to be right. d) I will make sure to consider multiple points of view and factual information in addition to what I think I know and/or what I want to be the outcome. I will support my claims with relevant scholarly research from the GCU library showing that I have considered the possibility of other arguments. a) My daughter’s bus is 5 minutes late. I just know something bad happened. I have not heard of any accidents happening or anything wrong at the school, but I just know something bad has happened to her. b) I have so much fear that something has happened to my daughter that I do not stop to think about other possibilities as to why the bus could be running late.

a) b)


3. Overgeneralizati on

Having a fixed set of notions about how everyone should behave.

c) d)

A general opinion is formed based on a single piece of evidence or a solitary incident. a) b)


When you take the undesirable details of a particular situation and expand upon them while excluding or ignoring any positive details.

c) d)

c) In the future I could wait a little longer and if the bus is still not there I could call a few other parents to see if they have heard anything. If not, I could call the school and find out if the bus left the school late and if they know when the bus is expected to be arriving. d) I will make sure to support my claims with facts by using scholarly research from the GCU library and not just jumping into worst case scenarios for my audience. I believe that everyone should say please and thank you and be respectful at all times, no matter their age. I have such a deep belief that people should behave this way that I do not take into account how other people were raised and I just assume that people were born with this common curtesy. I assume that people are just being rude if they do not say things like “thank you”, even if they are young. In the future I can be more aware that not everyone was raised the same or that someone might be going through something and just forgot their manors. I will make sure that I have factual, research based evidence to back up any claims that I make in my essay. a) I saw a restaurant on the news that had a fight happen inside of it despite being a nice dining establishment. I decided that wasn’t the type of place that I would ever want to go to. b) I connected this place to being somewhere that a type of crowd that I would not involve myself with would go even though I had never been there and had previously really wanted to try their food. c) I should have realized that it was not the dining establishments fault that the people that went to the restaurant acted like that and they generally do not have any problems there. That one incident did not affect the taste of their food or the service that they provide. d) In my essay I will make sure that I research all aspects of my topic and do not just form one opinion over one article that I read and stick with it. When I have a bad day I have a bad habit of telling my husband all of the negative things that happened and leaving out anything good. I get so caught up in the negative feelings that I have because of the bad things that happened that day that I completely forget about anything positive that may have happened. They don’t even come to mind. In the future I can try to focus more on the positive things that happen when I am having a bad day and maybe things will not seem so bad. While writing my essay I will make sure to not filter information and show both sides to each point I am trying to make.


When an individual holds others accountable for his or her pain, or when an individual blames himself or herself for every problem that occurs.

a) When me or someone in my family gets sick I blame other people that were at the same locations we were at and we could have possibly come into contact with (like schools, grocery stores, airports, etc.). If I personally know someone who has been sick, I may blame them as well. b) I can get so consumed in blaming others that I forget that it could be someone in my family that brought the sickness home and that could be spreading it, not just to us but to others as well. c) In the future I can remember that getting sick happened to everyone and no one is spreading it on purpose. Focusing on getting healthy is the important part. d) In my essay I will make sure not to blame certain things and make sure that I use facts that are backed up with scholarly references that I find in the GCU library....

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