COM 212- EXAM 1 Study Guide and Vocabulary PDF

Title COM 212- EXAM 1 Study Guide and Vocabulary
Author Mike Murray
Course Approaches To The Study Of Interpersonal Communication
Institution Purdue University
Pages 2
File Size 49.9 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 6
Total Views 152


study guide from exam 1 with vocabulary and all theories...


1. The ability to process and use linguistic devices to convey content in effective ways. a. Communicative Competence 2. Verbal Competence is: a. Semanticword meaning- urban dictionary i. Connotative- private meaning ii. Denotative- dictionary meaning b. Syntacticgrammatical meaning- sentence c. Pragmaticsocial meaning- used in interaction i. CMM- Coordinated Management of Meaning- how to interpret/produce speech 3. Sapir- Whorfa. Language Determinism- language determines how we interpret world b. Linguistic Relativity - language influences perception (eskimos) 4. Three Channels of Nonverbal Communication a. Visual b. Auditory c. Invisible 5. Visual Communication a. Proxemics- use of space b. Kinesics- body movement/ gestures c. Artifacts- physical appearance/ clothes 6. Auditory Communication a. Vocalics 7. Invisible Communication a. Chronemics- use of time b. Olfaction- smell c. Haptics- touch/ taste 8. Kinesics a. Emblemshared agreement to meaning- yes/ no, middle finger b. Illustratordepend and emphasize verbal message- shaking finger c. Affect Display- express emotion d. Regulatorcontrol interaction- leaning in, signing to hurry up e. Self-Adaptor- manage anxiety- biting nails f. Object Adaptor- object manages anxiety- tapping pencil, cigs 9. Kinesics- gestures/ facial a. Leakage cues- unintended signs of feeling release b. Facial blends- not pure emotional state- traces of blends of emotion c. Cultural display- exhibit and modify our natural expression- someone falls, dont laugh 10. Six emotions a. happy b. sad c. disgust

d. anger e. fear f. surprise 11. Functions of Nonverbal a. Express meaning i. liking- smile=happy ii. responsiveness- awareness of other iii. status- how we view ourselves compared to them b. Modify verbal message (modifiers) c. Regulate flow of interaction 12. Modifiers a. Complementary b. Accenting c. Repeating d. Substituting e. Contradicting...

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