Communication in everydaylife A1 - KHAC HUY BIEN PDF

Title Communication in everydaylife A1 - KHAC HUY BIEN
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Deakin University

Communication In Everyday Life (ACC100) Assessment one: Comparative Analysis of 2 digital objects Seminar: Thursday


The tutor name: Gary Smith Student name: Khac Huy, Bien ID: 216064879


Assessment one: Comparative Analysis of 2 digital objects According to Chalkley et al. (2015, p. 109), advertising is crucial in the development of the free market economy. However, I think that advertising also plays an important role in the life of individuals. Simple activities such as the letter to apply for universities, creating an account on Facebook or writing the resume are advertisements. In today society, people often need to advertise themselves, but many people do not know how to do that. Therefore, exploring the meaning of prominent promotions of famous companies can bring people many benefits in publicity themselves. With me, advertisings, as well as other types of them, also provide me new ideas and I often spend two hours a week to discover them. In a huge number of advertisements, I especially love two objects because they are very interesting and they promote about coffee, my favorite drink. Therefore, I select them to analysis in this essay.

Picture1: example about one page of “Costa Coffee Experience” website. The first object is a great advertising product of Costa Coffee brand, the interactive website named “Costa Coffee Experience”. On the one hand, this website use narrative to produce the content as well as to promote Costa brand to customers. Fog (2010) believes that storytelling is one of the best useful ways to advertise and branding because everyone love to listen to the stories. In the site, the first page of this site introduces about Costa Coffee brand, the United Kingdom nation’s favorite drink, and the next fourteen pages tell the journey of changing coffee bean into the cups in their stores. Through the history, community activities, growing coffee origins, roasting process, the blended coffee, processing travel coffee to stores and baristas, this website gives the audience a whole picture of processing produce a coffee cup of Costa. They do not advertise their products and they just tell a story. However, inside that is the meta-message, and customers generally know that Costa coffee is a high-quality coffee with a great production process, and drinking this coffee can help world's coffee-growing communities. As a result, in fact, this site uses narrative and metaphor to build up their brand. On the other hand, this website uses effectivity digital design to connect to the audience. The easy to understand and creating curiosity are still core concepts of storytelling; although increasing of technology changes significantly the narrative forms (Page & Thomas 2011). On each page of KHAC HUY, BIEN 216064879


Assessment one: Comparative Analysis of 2 digital objects Costa Coffee Experience, beautifully simple animated movements and flat illustrations combine small paragraphs of text present the contents of the story. As a result, the site communicates easily to people because the cute images and animations of website bring viewers great interesting and visualize the narrative faster than only reading the text (Fog, 2010). In addition, there are direct interactions between audience and the site. “Next/Back” style and buttons on the website lead viewers into the journey of the story. Viewers can change scenes by use and some buttons will provide more information, show images and videos when viewers click on them. That means audience discover the object in their ways and they can control what they want to look on screen as well as spend more time on anything if they are attracted by it. Therefore, audience maybe does not listen to a story instead they are in the exciting tour and curious about what will happen next. To conclude, this object applies narrative and metaphor concepts combine digital visual to interact and promote their coffee to the audience.

Picture2: one of the billboard advertisements of Pele coffee. The second object, which I want to introduce is the interactive Subway advertising of Pele coffee brand in Brazil. This is a clever digital billboard, that started a short video of a man yawning and shows off a cup of steaming Cafe Pele coffee and asks: "Did you yawn too? Time for coffee" when someone come close to the display. Firstly, this object uses a simple non-verbal communication, which exactly is yawning to effect to viewers. Chalkley et al. (2015) noted that non-verbal as body movements is a useful method to influence others, but the understanding of receiver often depends on their experience and knowledge. However, the yawning seems to be not complex and that is easy to viewers can identify the tired and lack of sleeping on the KHAC HUY, BIEN 216064879


Assessment one: Comparative Analysis of 2 digital objects billboard. In addition, a man yawning of the object can make the audience to have the similar action. According to Arnott et. al (2009), yawning is really contagious and over a haft respondents yawn when they see another person yawning. As a result, yawning man of the project influence strongly audience in both their thinking and behave to produce the tired and lack of sleeping images into them. Next, the yawning man is the signifier to present the product of Pele coffee. The product can be given value by value of other objects (Williamson, 2002). In this case, the cup of steaming Cafe Pele coffee showed off the video bring the meaning about the solution for the problem of the yawning man. That means Pele coffee can help people to awake immediately. Moreover, one great element created the meaning of the object is its clever interaction to the audience. The billboard only starts when somebody come close it, that create an interest and curiosity to attract passengers at the platform. And in the end, it interacts to viewers by the question "Did you yawn too? Time for coffee" at the end. This is a meta-message about taking a good such as Pele coffee to get rid of yawning inside the question. In summary, this object uses a yawing image to connect and make watchers yawn, and through that to advertise Pele’s coffee products. After analysis processing, there are some similarities and differences between two advertisings. Firstly. all these use the digital equipment technology to interact with the audience. Two objects are active advertisings instead passive others such as posters or normal clips. The audience does not only read the text or watch videos but also join in the advertising to explore it. However, while in the first object, the audience generally connects to the site by clicking and scrolling, they can yawn while physically looking at the billboard in the second object. Maybe, making the audience have behaved like the actors in the object connect to them more strongly than using a mouse. Secondly, both two objects have a meta-message, that use to advertising their goods. That is the nature method to promote instead of telling the good features of the products. Finally, the approaching to transform the content is the significant different between them. “Costa Coffee Experience” use a lot of visual design; in contrast, non-verbal is the method in the advertisement of Pele coffee. Although the images in the first object are beautifully simple and they can explain clearly the contents to viewers, they seem to be more complex than yawing action. In addition, the audience should spend too much time on this site. Thus, I think that a simple one such as the second object is more wonderful in creating an attempt to interact and influence the customers in the busy life today. In conclusion, they are active digital advertisements and apply psychology, meta-message into advertising; however, the method to transform the subject is significantly different. That is impossible to say the one is better than another because it depends on the aim of each advertising. 1/Link to website of the first object: 2/ Link to images and video about the second object:

KHAC HUY, BIEN 216064879


Assessment one: Comparative Analysis of 2 digital objects

Refferences Arnott, S, Singhal, A, & Goodale, M 2009, 'An investigation of auditory contagious yawning', Cognitive, Affective & Behavioral Neuroscience, vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 335-342, retrieved 27 March 2017, MEDLINE Complete, EBSCOhost. Chalkley, T, Hobbs, M, Brown, A, Cinque, T, Warren, B & Finn, M 2015, “Communication, new media and everyday life”, 2nd, Oxford University Press, South Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. Fog, K 2010, Storytelling: Brand in Practice, 2nd, np, Berlin, Germany. Page, R & Thomas, B 2011, New narratives: stories and storytelling in the digital age, University of Nebraska Press, Lincoin, USA. Williamson, J 2002, Decoding Advertisements: Ideology and Meaning in Advertising, Marion Boyars, New York, USA.

KHAC HUY, BIEN 216064879


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