Computerised communication PDF

Title Computerised communication
Author Naz akhtar
Course Society, Health and Healthcare
Institution Birmingham City University
Pages 6
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Computerised communication...


Unit 2 AO1 The way in which computerised communication can be used to promote equality and diversity is to ensure that everyone is accessible to the same things. Technology is part of computerised communication and technology is a big part of people’s lives as many people use it every day such as mobile phones. Technology has it’s advantages and disadvantages. The negative side to technology is that it’s not always reliable. However, it has its positive side which promotes equality and diversity within a care setting such as a hospital because for instance someone who is hard of hearing may find it difficult to understand someone and therefore may have low self-esteem as they are not able to do everything other people can do. To prevent that and make sure equality and diversity is included technology has invented a Tloop. This is very beneficial to an individual who has hard hearing because it is designed to cut out all background noise. So, then the person would able to hear exactly what is being said without keep making the person repeat themselves. If this piece of technology wasn’t designed then the person may feel as though they are not good enough as they may miss some instructions given. For example the patient had been told they have to have a to have a camera put down their throat and their appointment was in a week’s times but the patient couldn’t hear properly then this would be a problem as the patient wouldn’t be aware of what is happening and may miss the appointment which was very important to them. For instance the hospital (dental care section) didn’t have a t-loop then the carer would have to use oral communication and speak louder and use clear Standard English for the person to understand. They have to make sure they use standard english because you dont know the limit to a indiividuals understanding and if technical words are used it may confuse the person. Also, slang terminology shouldnt be used as this isnt appropriate because it isn’t formal and yet again


Unit 2 AO1 the service user may not understand and if they dont understand they wouldnt able to follow the instructions given. The way in which special methods of communication can promote equality and diversity is by ensuring that everyone is treated equal within all care settings for example a hospital. The way in which special methods can be promoted through equality is for instance an individual comes into a hospital and cannot hear. They should then be provided with someone who knows British sign language so that they can communicate with them. This promotes equality because its making sure that people who cannot hear have the opportunity to give their opinion and ask questions, it may not be as fast as oral communication but it implies equality because at least they can ask any queries if needed. Also, the way in which it promotes diversity is by accepting that everyone is different and therefore everyone cannot do the same things such as speaking. So, by providing someone who cannot hear with someone who can do British sign language is accepting and promoting diversity because they are providing them with help and letting people know what they have to say. For instance sign language wasn’t available then it would make the individual feel as though they are worthless and good for nothing. Therefore, this improves the care setting because it makes everyone feel equal and that nobody is discriminated or excluded from anything.

Maintaining confidentiality is a key aspect within the health and social care role. The reason to this is because if an individual doesn’t apply the rule then it wouldn’t build trust or a bond with the service user. Confidentiality means that any information a carer/worker has been given by a service user should be kept private. However, to a certain extent confidentiality can only be 2

Unit 2 AO1 breached if a client is thinking or planning to harm themselves, planning to harm others or commiting an illegal act. The way in which maintaining confidentiality can improve oral communication in a hospital is by ensuring that when a carer is going to speak with a service user he/she should speak in a private place. The conversation should take place in a spare room which isn’t being used because this will ensure that no one is listening and that the information cannot be passed around by other members of staff or people in general. As well as that when the patient is speaking with the carer he/she should ensure that it is at an appropriate volume of when they talk because even though they may be in a quiet place you can’t always be too sure because someone might be listening. So, for instance the patient may be talking about something highly confidential such as family problems. So, they wouldn’t want to be sat in a staff room or a room full of people as people may listen and pass the information on and this would lead to a lot of problems as the person would feel very upset and frustrated because the information they may have shared, they wouldn’t have wanted other people to know.

The way in which maintaining confidentiality can be used to improve written communication in a hospital is by ensuring that if anything is private it should be labelled that it is private. So, for example the hospital was to send a patient a letter through the post telling them whether they are positive for Hepatitis C it should say ‘private and confidential’ at the front of the letter. The


Unit 2 AO1 reason to this is because it would ensure to people that the letter contains private information regarding the person and that it shouldn’t be read by anyone else without the persons consent. By having private and confidential written at the front of the letter also gives the person value. The reason to this is because it conveys that the hospital actually cares about the health and wellbeing of the individual and that they take in to consideration that everyone is entitled to privacy. As well as that a patient’s medical records should be kept private as well, the way in which it can be done is by either having them in a locked cabinet in which no one can access unless they are authorized to. This maintains confidentiality because it ensures that no one can easily access people’s information unless they are authorized too and that would mean a great deal to the person because it shows that the carers value their privacy and that they respect their rights. The way in which maintaining confidentiality can be used to improve computerised communication in a hospital is by ensuring that any clients information shouldn’t be allowed to be easy accessible. So, for instance a nurse wanted to access a client’s medical history on the computer whilst she is doing that she should ensure that she is alone and that no one is watching her. As well as that she should make sure that a password is inserted before she is able to access the information, so this ensures that no one else can access the patients’ medical history unless they are authorized to. Also, she should ensure that she logs off once she has seen the patients’ medical history because if she doesn’t someone else may look at it when they shouldn’t be.


Unit 2 AO1 More to the point, if the authorised person didn’t do any of the aspects then this would lead to a lot of problems because someone may leak out the information or someone could alter the medical reports and this would be a problem because for instance if someone changed the medical report of the client then this could lead to the patient getting the wrong medication which could affect their health severely. Therefore, to improve maintaining confidentiality those rules must be applied. The way in which maintaining confidentiality can be used to improve special methods of communication in a hospital is by ensuring that firstly the service user has the access to be able to understand what is going on around them. They should have the access to Braille, Makaton or British sign language (BSL). So, for instance the patient went to a hospital to discuss his/her’s treatment they were going to have regarding their heart. Then the best place to discuss this matter is a quiet room with no one in it. As well as that they should make sure that there is no CCTV in sight because the person may be using BSL to communicate with the nurse/doctor, so if there is a CCTV camera then they would able to see the whole conversation. For someone to be watching would be going against the rules of confidentiality as it would no longer be private as many people can see. Therefore, by ensuring that the person is in a room which isn’t being monitered or used also shows equality because it’s treating everyone the same and respecting their rights.


Unit 2 AO1 Referencing: Google definition to what communication is: Google definition to what oral communication is: What is computerised communication: Care value definition reference: (Pearson Education page 32) BTEC FIRST EDEXCEL BY PEARSON

Special methods of communication:


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