Covergirl content marketing PDF

Title Covergirl content marketing
Author Angela Przybysz
Course Marketing Management
Institution College of Staten Island CUNY
Pages 6
File Size 102.2 KB
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Covergirl content marketing...


Engage in discussion. Contribute at least three times with approximate 200 words minimum each time. Instructions on how to respond to the question posted in the "Public Discussion" is included below. A favorite topic of marketers today is content marketing ( It has been the topic of conversation as digital marketing ( has become the norm. What is the importance of target marketing when designing content marketing? Can you provide any specific examples? What is the importance of target marketing when designing content marketing? Can you provide any specific examples? Target marketing helps identify the audience and for that audience, content is prepared. Not knowing who the target market is could cost a lot of money and time for an organization (Kenton, 2019) when, a target audience is identified, and then it’s the digital marketing channel that is accessed by the audience identified. Suitable content that can be an info-graphics or blogs or social media post or any multi-media clips, will be posted. It makes maximum reach, by the audience towards the content posted and effectiveness of the content market increases. It makes target marketing to be important. Identifying those wants and needs and developing a specific marketing program then can not only achieve earlier and sustained success but conserve resources (Mullins & Walker, 2013)

For example cosmetic companies know that their target audience are women and a small portion of males. The cosmetic industry is always pumping out new products to keep up with

trends. My favorite target marketing and content marketing is from CoverGirl which is “Easy, breezy, beautiful”. CoverGirls’ slogan is effortless just as they want you to think of applying makeup and embracing beauty.

Cosmetic companies know their catchy slogans will stick in people’s heads and when out shopping you will see the brand at and maybe enticed to look something and buy it. Cosmetic companies know their target audience want to enhance their looks to look and feel more beautiful. Identifying those wants and needs and developing a specific marketing program then can not only achieve earlier and sustained success but conserve resources (Mullins & Walker, 2013). CoverGirl is known to be cruelty free which can attract people who care about animal rights. This company is also known to be inclusive of all ages and gender. James Charles is best known for being the first male representing the cosmetic line and having Maye Musk being one of the oldest to represent the brand. Not many cosmetic lines have opened up to the idea of having males and older women be ambassadors of the brand, but times are changing and it is all about having an inclusive company. Having an all-inclusive brand will make consumers identify with the brand and purchase those products because of the way they feel.

Target marketing speaks volumes it can have the deciding factor on the consumer. Standing out against competition leaves an impression for the consumer and builds a bond and a desire to purchase from the company.


Kenton, W. (2019). What is a Target Market? Retrieved from:

Mullins, J.W. & Walker, O. C. (2013) Marketing Management: A Strategic Decision Making Approach. McGraw-Hill Companies; New York, N.Y. I like how you specified that it is important to find the best digital marketing channel for each target market. The digital environment is changing so fast and is much different for different target markets. While most people use social media, if you are trying to reach older generations, only 34% of those 65 or older use it and even then- what platform reaches whom? Facebook and Twitter have the largest and most diversified audience, but for reaching Gen Z you'd be better off with Instagram or Snapchat (Moores, 2017). It would be unfortunate if an organization spent a lot of money sponsoring, say, a Youtuber and then missed their target audience because their audience just isn't into Youtube. I know that my daughter, who is 10 really likes Youtube and unfortunately, a lot of marketing reaches her through it, but I could care less and would definitely not be a good Youtube target! Facebook and Twitter have the largest and most diversified audience and I see a lot of ads being targeted off your search engine. Classic TV ads are still a way the older generation gets targeted. Online it seems like no matter where you turn there is an ad for something. Ads that are in response to your search history seem to be getting more prevalent. Tracking technologies like web cookies are collecting information about our browsing activities from site to site. Marketers and ad tech companies compile the data to target us across our devices. And trackers are now so sophisticated that they can see when you are thinking about buying

something but don’t follow through – so they tell the ads to chase you around so you make the purchase (Chen, 2018).

My husband recently went on a trip to New Orleans and was staying in an Air BnB. I never searched for a place for him or used my phone to assist with his trip planning at all, but the day before he left, I started getting ads for houses for rent in New Orleans. Similarly, I recently ordered a rack to dry homemade pasta on and those ads started showing up on his phone. Two very specific purchases that neither person searched for. Is it because we share an account? Regardless, they feel creepy and intrusive. These ads are known as stalker ads. A 2012 survey by Pew Research Center found that 68 percent of internet users did not like targeted advertising because they do not like having their online behavior tracked and analyzed (Chen, 2018). There are ways to minimize the ads that follow us, but it does take some effort to slow them down.


Chen, B. (August 31, 2018). Are targeted ads stalking you? Here’s how to make them stop. Retrieved from

can you please provide specific examples of the ads? and who you think they are targeting? What segments of the market? Are there others that target other segments? Examples? Yes. The CoverGirl commercial with Maye Musk saying "They say at a certain age, women just stop caring. We wonder what age that is." is referring to the older generation. In the middle of the

commercial they have written "Simply Ageless" This ad is targeting the older community saying makeup is for everyone even for people older in age.


Another CoverGirl ad target is having James Charles. He is the first boy to represent the company and the first male to represent anything cosmetic in the industry. His campaign ad is targeting the LGBTQ+ community and making makeup more main stream for males to self express themselves.


According to an article from Forbes, “Content marketing is a Marketing technique of creating and distributing valuable, relevant and consistent content to attract and acquire a clearly defined audience – with the objective of driving profitable customer action.”

“Five Content Marketing Examples: 1.

Infographics – these are generally long, vertical graphics that include statistics, charts, graphs, and other information. You can promote infographics to bloggers and the media or up a board on Pinterest.


Webpages – Consider The Beginner’s Guide to SEO from Moz, a provider of SEO related tools and resources. This resource, offered for free, has been viewed millions of times, bringing in countless customers who otherwise might never have stumbled across Moz and the services they offer.


Podcasts – a podcast gives you visibility in a completely different world – primarily iTunes.


Videos – Gary Vaynerchuk is a master of content marketing using online video, just take a look at his YouTube channel. He got his start creating videos to promote his family’s wine store and through those videos and other online marketing he eventually grew it to a $45M empire.


Books – like movies, people often think of books as selling themselves, but savvy marketers don’t sell books just ot sell books, they sell books as marketing tools. Michael Port’s sales manual Book Yourself Solid is a great read for entrepreneurs, salespeople, and marketers, and while I’m sure Port enjoys selling his book, the book is a tool for driving customers to his coaching and speaking services.

Reference: Steimle, Josh. (2014). What Is Content Marketing? Retrieved from:

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