CS100 Essay Assignment PDF

Title CS100 Essay Assignment
Author Harsh Yadav
Course Introduction to Computers
Institution University of Regina
Pages 4
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This will be very useful for the future students and will help them to score well in their finals....


CS100 - Winter 2020 Assignment 1 - Publishing on the World Wide Web (WWW) Due Date: In the week of Feb. 10 - 14, 2020 before your lab session. Assignment Topic: Your assignment is to create a web site in your account on Hyperion, specifically in your public_html directory, which you will make viewable by the world. Note that you may not want to make pages accessible to the world until it is time for your assignment to be graded. That will reduce the chances of having your pages copied. Be careful to modify the file permissions in time for your work to be graded. Using images and text, your website will tell the reader about five topics which you select from the assignment 1 discussion questions. Properly citing your sources and quoting where appropriate, you will explain and discuss the questions in your own words. The deliverables in this assignment will work in conjunction with your next assignment. In other words, what you complete for this assignment will start you down the right path for completing Assignment 2. A major component of this assignment will be to complete prototypes of your envisioned website design. As well, another component of this assignment, and a major component of assignment 2, will be to provide an informational resource for five discussion questions you choose from the assignment 1 discussion question list. For this assignment you will just be required to choose which five topics you wish to highlight. In assignment 2 you will provide more detailed information of each question. There are no topic substitutions. Deliverables: After all requirements for assignment 1 are complete, files that you will have in your Hyperion public_html directory will include: • 9 html pages: ◦ 4 html pages: index.html, practice.html, design.html, cs100.html ◦ 5 html pages named: page1.html, page2.html, ... , page4.html, page5.html Each page should include a title of the discussion question to be discussed. Other content will be added in assignment 2 (although you can begin adding content if you like, it will not be graded in this assignment) • 4 image files: ◦ 1 digital image file of yourself (disguised or otherwise) ◦ 3 digital image files consisting of your design prototypes of index.html, cs100.html, and your informational resource content pages - pageX.html (X= 1 to 5) All content pages should have consistent designs thus you only need to have 1 design prototype for all 5 content pages. Detailed Requirements:

1. One unformatted index.html page.  This is the homepage of your website. It is the first page a user will see after typing in your UR website address, i.e. (http://uregina.ca/~yourUserID)  As part of the assignment requirements, your index.html must include an image of yourself (disguised or otherwise, e.g. you can have a picture of you or a picture of your pet or car, etc., digital/scanned) and a brief paragraph that introduces yourself, what interests you may have, sport teams you like (if any), etc (3-4 sentences). Please note that your webpage will be accessible to the world so do not put your phone number, student number, or any other sensitive personal information you don't want shared with others.  This page must also include a series of links in an unordered list which is to include: ▪ “CS 100 checkpoint exercises” - linked to practice.html ▪ “CS 100 design prototypes” - linked to design.html ▪ “CS 100 computer history project” - linked to cs100.html  Formatting of all pages will be completed in assignment 2 (styles, colours, layout, etc.) 2. One unformatted design.html page complete with scanned images of your design prototypes  To help guide the design and construction of your website you are to complete 3 prototypes (sketches) of your envisioned completed website. These prototypes will provide an indication of what your completed website will look like after assignment 2. Please know you will be marked in assignment 2 on how well your prototypes match your final website appearance. Thus, be creative but try to design around what you think you will be able to achieve.  Use of colour (pencil crayon, marker) to denote background colours, text colours, sections, is strongly encouraged  Include a paragraph outlining the prototyping activity, what materials you used to create your prototypes, how difficult you think it will be to create your html pages based on your envisioned prototype designs, etc. (3-4 sentences)  You will scan each prototype and incorporate the scanned image files in “design.html.” Set the width and height of each prototype image within a maximum width/height boundary of 640x480. Under each scanned prototype, you will have a brief paragraph describing your design rationale (2-4 sentences)  One of your prototypes will include your index.html. The other prototypes will include: ▪ cs100.html: which is like a table of contents for your 5 discussion questions. ▪ pageX.html: which will have the content of each discussion question. Each page should be of similar layout to provide consistency. You must include some sort of navigation in your page design that enables easy access to other content pages (e.g. designing a forward/back arrow structure.) 3. One unformatted cs100.html  This page will act as a table of contents and link to all of your 5 discussion questions you plan to highlight. The page should include a paragraph introducing the activity (what you are doing, what historical timeframe you are using, etc., 3-4 sentences) as well as an ordered list of each of the 5 discussion questions. The order of each question should be similar to the list provided. You can start adding content to the content pages (pageX.html, X=1 to 5) but this will not be graded until assignment 2.

Assignment 1 Discussion Questions 1. What does it mean to be digitally literate, and why is it important? 2. Explain physical and behavioral health risks associated with using computers 3. Describe the Internet. Identify reasons people use the Internet. 4. Identify issues surrounding accessing an unsecured network. 5. What are some common digital security risks? 6. What steps can you take to secure your wireless network? 7. Why is green computing important? What steps can you take to contribute to green computing? 8. Describe ways that schools use technology to enhance education. 9. Define the term, cloud storage. Describe the types of services offered by cloud storage providers. 10. How might you know if your computer or mobile device is infected with malware?

Marking Scheme CS 100 Assignment 1 grading rubric (Winter 2020) Student name:____________________________ Hyperion name: _____________________ Lab section: _________________________ ______/1: Digital image of self (disguised or otherwise) in index.html ______/1: Paragraph introduction of self in index.html (3-4 sentences) ______/3: Unordered list with working links to • ______/1: bullet with text “CS 100 checkpoint exercises,” link to practice.html • ______/1: bullet with text “CS 100 design prototypes,” link to design.html • ______/1: bullet with text “CS 100 computer history project,” link to cs100.html ______/10: Design prototypes • ______/1: Paragraph introduction of design activity in design.html; what you are doing and why, what materials were used in creating the prototypes, etc., 3-4 sentences • ______/3: One design prototype for index.html ▪ ______/1: mark for design prototype ▪ ______/1: mark for inclusion of the prototype image in design.html ▪ ______/1: Paragraph describing index.html design (2-4 sentences) • ______/3: One design prototype for cs100.html ▪ ______/1: mark for design prototype ▪ ______/1: mark for inclusion of the prototype image in design.html ▪ ______/1: Paragraph describing cs100.html design (2-4 sentences) • ______/3: One design prototype for pageX.html (where X = 1 to 5) ▪ ______/1: mark for design prototype ▪ ______/1: mark for inclusion of the prototype image in design.html ▪ ______/1: Paragraph describing pageX.html design (2-4 sentences) ______/1: Paragraph outlining the activity in cs100.html ______/5: Ordered list of the 5 discussion questions with working links as followed: • ______/1: ordered bullet with question #1 linked to page1.html • ______/1: ordered bullet with question #2 linked to page2.html • ______/1: ordered bullet with question #3 linked to page3.html • ______/1: ordered bullet with question #4 linked to page4.html • ______/1: ordered bullet with question #5 linked to page5.html ______/21(total)...

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