Dayton Dietetic Association Meeting Reflection PDF

Title Dayton Dietetic Association Meeting Reflection
Author Caroline Sullivan
Course Intro-Dietcs/Nutrn
Institution University of Dayton
Pages 2
File Size 73.5 KB
File Type PDF
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Caroline Sullivan


In attending the Dayton Dietetics Association meeting on Tuesday September 10th and what I found the most interesting at the event was when the RDN Melanie talked. She spoke on body dysmorphia and dieting and the results of dieting that aren't what dietitians, doctors, or the general public were taught. She also discussed the idea that body mass index is not a perfect way of measuring a person's general well-being. BMI only tells us so much as it is only looking at a person's weight and height. She used the example of LeBron James being in the obese category which we all know is an extremely active individual as is a professional athlete. She spoke about the idea of HAES or health at every size. I loved hearing this. Diets do not work is what I got from her which was interest to me because I am an 18-year-old who has tried dieting more times that I would like to admit and so have all my friends. I have friends who are size two who diet and size fourteen and diet and never fully see the results they want or can maintain their results if they see any. Personally, I do not think I could do Melanie's job as an eating disorder specialist RDN, but I could see myself helping individuals move away from diets with the goal of improving overall health and happiness instead of weight. One aspect of becoming an RD that I find the most compelling is the ability to at any point become an entrepreneur and open my own practice. I was raised with my dad owning his own small business which was started by my mom’s parents which my mom now works for as well and understand quite well the positive and negative aspects of working from home and owning a small family business and for me it’s something that I think is beautiful. I have always had an entrepreneurial spirit since my friends and I moved on from lemonade stands to making pencils with diy duct tape flowers on the top and selling them at school with a calculated profit at the age of eight. Now while this seems slightly off topic from the DDA meeting I do have a point; if I ever decide to open my own business as a RD, I would really want body image to be a

Caroline Sullivan


focus on the topics I’d discuss with my clients and what I would share on social media. It is important to understand the mindset of the person you are advising to help them in the most effective way possible to achieve their long-term health goals. If I were to be helping an athlete who is focused on improving performance weight gain or loss might be a part of their plan but not necessarily the focus. The focus would be body appreciation and eating in a way that will support both every day and long-term health. Everyday health would be looking at their activity versus long-term at things such as micronutrient deficiencies. I would have a goal of helping individuals move past the mindset of needing to look a certain way because let’s be honest, that will never be achieved as then there’s more weight you want to lose and more after that and a spiral of something that can never be achieved. I am so glad I went to this DDA meeting as it is something, I have had conversations with most of my friends about and felt as though my ideas were validated as far as the unhealthy attitude and culture of dieting. I am excited for my future in dietetics and being able to apply this new knowledge of stopping diet culture in my professional career....

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